Democrats attack journalists for covering Deep State’s censorship of Twitter

Ordinary Guy

Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2021
If there was any doubt that the Twitter Files have struck a nerve and deep fear in the Powers That Be, Thursday’s disgraceful behavior by Democrats in a hearing featuring journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger eviscerated it.

Taibbi and Shellenberger had not even uttered a word yet when the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary subcommittee Del. Stacey Plaskett, D-U.S. Virgin Islands, referred to the witnesses as "so-called journalists" in her opening statement. The pair glanced at each other, clearly surprised and confused by the utterly unprovoked attack.

From there it only got worse. Rep. Sylvia Garcia, D-Texas, asked the pair of scribes if they were being paid to testify, again to an absolutely shocked response from them. She went on to try to force Taibbi to reveal information about his sources, a journalistic Rubicon he rightfully refused to cross.

The chilling message, and one meant for all journalists, was crystal clear: if you report uncomfortable facts that Democrats don’t like, they will attack you and try to discredit you and your work.

The true nature of Democrats is being revealed for all to see, they are masters of deception that have no real interest in the citizens that elect them.
Taibbi and Shellenberger had not even uttered a word yet when the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary subcommittee Del. Stacey Plaskett, D-U.S. Virgin Islands, referred to the witnesses as "so-called journalists" in her opening statement. The pair glanced at each other, clearly surprised and confused by the utterly unprovoked attack.

OH MY GOD. What a vicious attack. :rolleyes:
Progbots will turn on each other at the drop of a dime.
The left is full of shitty people who are constantly looking to cast blame & find a scapegoat.
Another lefty leaving the reservation is always attacked by the zealots.

Even after all Zuckerturd did to help them in the elections & DEMPANIC!!! they still tried to throw him under the bus about "misinformation".
Nothing you do will placate these deranged minions because it will never be enough to satisfy their lust for more control
Progbots will turn on each other at the drop of a dime.
The left is full of shitty people who are constantly looking to cast blame & find a scapegoat.
Another lefty leaving the reservation is always attacked by the zealots.

yeah, and the right never does that....

If there was any doubt that the Twitter Files have struck a nerve and deep fear in the Powers That Be, Thursday’s disgraceful behavior by Democrats in a hearing featuring journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger eviscerated it.

Taibbi and Shellenberger had not even uttered a word yet when the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary subcommittee Del. Stacey Plaskett, D-U.S. Virgin Islands, referred to the witnesses as "so-called journalists" in her opening statement. The pair glanced at each other, clearly surprised and confused by the utterly unprovoked attack.

From there it only got worse. Rep. Sylvia Garcia, D-Texas, asked the pair of scribes if they were being paid to testify, again to an absolutely shocked response from them. She went on to try to force Taibbi to reveal information about his sources, a journalistic Rubicon he rightfully refused to cross.

The chilling message, and one meant for all journalists, was crystal clear: if you report uncomfortable facts that Democrats don’t like, they will attack you and try to discredit you and your work.

The true nature of Democrats is being revealed for all to see, they are masters of deception that have no real interest in the citizens that elect them.
Wow...could you imagine if they called the press the "enemy of the people"? What would your reaction would have been then?
If there was any doubt that the Twitter Files have struck a nerve and deep fear in the Powers That Be, Thursday’s disgraceful behavior by Democrats in a hearing featuring journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger eviscerated it.

Taibbi and Shellenberger had not even uttered a word yet when the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary subcommittee Del. Stacey Plaskett, D-U.S. Virgin Islands, referred to the witnesses as "so-called journalists" in her opening statement. The pair glanced at each other, clearly surprised and confused by the utterly unprovoked attack.

From there it only got worse. Rep. Sylvia Garcia, D-Texas, asked the pair of scribes if they were being paid to testify, again to an absolutely shocked response from them. She went on to try to force Taibbi to reveal information about his sources, a journalistic Rubicon he rightfully refused to cross.

The chilling message, and one meant for all journalists, was crystal clear: if you report uncomfortable facts that Democrats don’t like, they will attack you and try to discredit you and your work.

The true nature of Democrats is being revealed for all to see, they are masters of deception that have no real interest in the citizens that elect them.

The children are running the day care.

Trump cult liars, if you stop lying, we'll stop pointing it out. Deal?

No? You'll never give up lying for the glory of fascism and TheParty?

Well, then, we're going to keep humiliating you.
"No? You'll never give up lying for the glory of fascism and TheParty?"

Why should they, when you won't?
Saw fascism on full display yesterday during the hearing, of course, by the left.
That's right, Trump cult traitors, criticisizing someone for being a lying partisian hack is just like fascism.

So, let's discuss what you're running from. Why didn't Taibbi investigate the many, many times that the wildly conservative Twitter shilled for Republicans? Why did he just fake one story about liberal bias?

And why are all of you lying and claiming that Twitter, Trump's bestest buddy and favorite lie-spreader for many years, hasn't been wildly conservative in its bias?

Remember, you can't gaslight anyone who isn't in your cult.

Saw fascism on full display earlier this week when Schumer demanded Tucker Carlson be taken off the air.
"Demanded?" Is that what your masters told you?

You act like Schumer was threatening legal action, instead of just stating what any honest fascist-hating person would state. Wildly dishonest of you.

Come on. Take after Tucker, and tell better lies.
That's right, Trump cult traitors, criticisizing someone for being a lying partisian hack is just like fascism.

So, let's discuss what you're running from. Why didn't Taibbi investigate the many, many times that the wildly conservative Twitter shilled for Republicans? Why did he just fake one story about liberal bias?

And why are all of you lying and claiming that Twitter, Trump's bestest buddy and favorite lie-spreader for many years, hasn't been wildly conservative in its bias?

Remember, you can't gaslight anyone who isn't in your cult.

"Demanded?" Is that what your masters told you?

You act like Schumer was threatening legal action, instead of just stating what any honest fascist-hating person would state. Wildly dishonest of you.

Come on. Take after Tucker, and tell better lies.
"Demanded?" Is that what your masters told you?
That's what I saw on CSPAN

What did Rachel claim?

go to 2:20
If there was any doubt that the Twitter Files have struck a nerve and deep fear in the Powers That Be, Thursday’s disgraceful behavior by Democrats in a hearing featuring journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger eviscerated it.

Taibbi and Shellenberger had not even uttered a word yet when the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary subcommittee Del. Stacey Plaskett, D-U.S. Virgin Islands, referred to the witnesses as "so-called journalists" in her opening statement. The pair glanced at each other, clearly surprised and confused by the utterly unprovoked attack.

From there it only got worse. Rep. Sylvia Garcia, D-Texas, asked the pair of scribes if they were being paid to testify, again to an absolutely shocked response from them. She went on to try to force Taibbi to reveal information about his sources, a journalistic Rubicon he rightfully refused to cross.

The chilling message, and one meant for all journalists, was crystal clear: if you report uncomfortable facts that Democrats don’t like, they will attack you and try to discredit you and your work.

The true nature of Democrats is being revealed for all to see, they are masters of deception that have no real interest in the citizens that elect them.

It was the Traitor who wanted his DOJ to tell Saturday Night Live to stop Teasing him.

It was the Traitor Who Pressured Disney To Censor.....Jimmy Kimmel.

Nice the OP chooses to ignore the Traitor attempts at outright censorship of the media, but bitches about fucking Twitter. Which Musk is destroying bit by little bit.
It was the Traitor who wanted his DOJ to tell Saturday Night Live to stop Teasing him.

It was the Traitor Who Pressured Disney To Censor.....Jimmy Kimmel.

Nice the OP chooses to ignore the Traitor attempts at outright censorship of the media, but bitches about fucking Twitter. Which Musk is destroying bit by little bit.

Straight from the Daily Beast and the Rolling Stone!



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