Democrats attempt to defend Hunter Biden

Still waiting for that Smoking Gun

You still have no influence peddling and nothing to connect to the President

I can see why Republicans demanded a closed hearing.
They don’t want to admit they still have nothing
Well, I follow the money trail and pretend it is Trump and his family moving those millions around through fake LLC's instead of the Bidens, and yep, I can just hear the Democrats screaming, "There it is! There's the smoking gun, there's your proof. Look at all these bank red flags! There is a mountain of evidence! Trump is guilty I tell you, GUILTY!"
Then I take that same evidence and apply it to the shady Biden Crime Family and, "There it is, there's the smoking gun, there is your proof. Look at all the bank red flags! There's a mountain of evidence! Biden is guilty.
The evidence only points to one of them, and it isn't Trump. Biden is guilty.
Well, I follow the money trail and pretend it is Trump and his family moving those millions around through fake LLC's instead of the Bidens, and yep, I can just hear the Democrats screaming, "There it is! There's the smoking gun, there's your proof. Look at all these bank red flags! There is a mountain of evidence! Trump is guilty I tell you, GUILTY!"
Then I take that evidence and apply it to the shady Biden Crime Family and yep, "There it is, there's the smoking gun, there is your proof. Look at all the bank red flags! There's a mountain of evidence! Biden is guilty, I tell you, GUILTY!"
The evidence only points to one of them, and it isn't Trump. Biden is guilty.
Guilty of what? Moving money around?
Pay to play is obvious. What I want to know is what all the foreign nations got for their Biden pay to play schemes.
How many times has your bank red flagged your deposits?
Since Biden didn’t even hold office for most of this, it’s hard to come up with some kind of crime.

If it were truly obvious, you wouldn’t be asking what they got.

Representative Dan Goldman (D., N.Y.) is leading his party in its vigorous defense of Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings as he testifies before congress.
“There is a very understandable, coherent business explanation for every single thing that they asked for,” Goldman asserted.

These dishonest Democrat Politicians who are attempting to defend Hunter Biden's influence peddling crimes are only cementing their reputation as pathological liars.
Dems lie about everything.
People who trust Dem politicians are fools.
Hunter would be nobody if he was not the son of Joe Biden.
They were influence peddling and they took $millions$ from foreign countries.
Tell me, what did these counties get in return for their millions?

Be specific.
Got Chinese spy balloons? Got classified documents in Penn/China State U.?
Got any actual connection between Hunter Biden’s deals with a Chinese energy company and a spy ballon like 6 years later?

Or is this just making shit up?
Got any actual connection between Hunter Biden’s deals with a Chinese energy company and a spy ballon like 6 years later?

Or is this just making shit up?
Biden's illegal classifieds >Penn State>Chinese money to Penn Sate> Penn State money to Biden...
Dad's here, where's the money?
Classified document from Biden's Senate days. Illegal to have. Illegal to sell.
How much did Burisma give to your family?
Still waiting for that Smoking Gun

You still have no influence peddling and nothing to connect to the President

I can see why Republicans demanded a closed hearing.
They don’t want to admit they still have nothing

Ocasio-Cortez Calls Out 'Fairytale' Republican Case Into Hunter Biden

Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called the Republican case into Hunter Biden a "deep sea fishing expedition." Ocasio-Cortez echoed her colleagues and said that the Republican case has fallen apart.

This is the stuff that makes the Democrat Party a Crazy Cult.
They are denying reality.
Joe Biden is a crook.

Representative Dan Goldman (D., N.Y.) is leading his party in its vigorous defense of Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings as he testifies before congress.
“There is a very understandable, coherent business explanation for every single thing that they asked for,” Goldman asserted.

These dishonest Democrat Politicians who are attempting to defend Hunter Biden's influence peddling crimes are only cementing their reputation as pathological liars.
Dems lie about everything.
People who trust Dem politicians are fools.
Hunter would be nobody if he was not the son of Joe Biden.
They were influence peddling and they took $millions$ from foreign countries.

Dan Goldman might actually be one of the worst people in the world.

Ocasio-Cortez Calls Out 'Fairytale' Republican Case Into Hunter Biden

Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called the Republican case into Hunter Biden a "deep sea fishing expedition." Ocasio-Cortez echoed her colleagues and said that the Republican case has fallen apart.

This is the stuff that makes the Democrat Party a Crazy Cult.
They are denying reality.
Joe Biden is a crook.

When all is said and done…….AOC is once again correct

The Republican case against Biden is falling apart and they are just trying to keep it alive in an election year

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