Democrats backing off idea of expanding the Supreme Court.

Democrats will always do anything for power. They will absolutely do it.

Whenever they start to back down, that is a good sign they are losing hard, as should be.
A few centrist Dems are cautioning against stacking, and they will be ignored.

The Republicans will never again be permitted to threaten America's greatness and liberties.
how true. thats the demoncrats job---duh

Finally some sanity appears to be prevailing. I'll be honest that was one of my biggest worries about this upcoming election and the aftermath.

It would take a congressional act to increase the number, so the Democrats probably realize that they're not going to control both Houses of Congress.

They are also realizing that if the GOP wins the house they could preempt the stupid threat by doing the very same thing..... That's how they ended up in this predicament in the first place.

A few centrist Dems are cautioning against stacking, and they will be ignored.

The Republicans will never again be permitted to threaten America's greatness and liberties.

WTF are you talking about? The GOP might decide to do the stacking you nit wit. You talk as if only the Dems have a political future. This turn of events with Ginsberg's deaths had made you delusional. The so called centrist Dems probably realize that if one party can do it so can the other party.

A few centrist Dems are cautioning against stacking, and they will be ignored.

The Republicans will never again be permitted to threaten America's greatness and liberties.

I laugh

Democrats have seen the polling that the overwhelming majority do not agree with them on destroying the system.
Not unlike the polling that showed that they didn't agree with the Democrats supporting the destruction of their cities.

In each case - they were getting their ass kicked.

America's greatness is secured and protected by Republicans.
No worries, all is well.
The GOP should change they're made to THE AMERICA PARTY.. the Dems can't touch it because they have already committed to anti-americanism and most of their constituency has been developed in that cue.

A few centrist Dems are cautioning against stacking, and they will be ignored.

The Republicans will never again be permitted to threaten America's greatness and liberties.

WTF are you talking about? The GOP might decide to do the stacking you nit wit. You talk as if only the Dems have a political future. This turn of events with Ginsberg's deaths had made you delusional. The so called centrist Dems probably realize that if one party can do it so can the other party.

My friend Jake was institutionalized after Hillary's historic schlonging. He must have recently escaped, but will likely be readmitted after this next election.

Enjoy it while you can
Court stacking is a dumb idea brought up by dumb people. Once one party does it, there's no preventing the other party from packing more in there when they retake the majority. Before long there would be so many justices they would have to hold court in Redskin Stadium. And as far as abolishing the electoral college goes, that's another stupid idea being brought up by stupid people. That would take a constitutional amendment that would have to be ratified by 3/4 of our states. Good luck getting the majority of states that the electoral college protects to vote for its abolition. Democrats are full of stupid ideas. Viva Trump.
What one says and what one does might be different. Sounds as if they are trying to appease voters, as Bloomberg works with a wad of cash to influence the election. They don't want his money to be burned when people are frightened of a packed court of AOC approved judges and vote accordingly.


All I see here is that these Radical Moves aren't polling well, so these Frauds start pretending they won't make them---they pretend for now.

If they win (steal) the White House and the Senate with mass mail-out ballots---these lies will have served their purpose, and it will be on with the original plan.

And then they won't be very far farm sending people like me, who see them for the Liars, Frauds, Criminals, Neo-Bolsheviks they are---off to Re-Education Camps. That's how dangerous some of them are--Adam (Little Robespierre) Schiff being the most obvious, but not alone.
What one says and what one does might be different. Sounds as if they are trying to appease voters, as Bloomberg works with a wad of cash to influence the election. They don't want his money to be burned when people are frightened of a packed court of AOC approved judges and vote accordingly.


All I see here is that these Radical Moves aren't polling well, so these Frauds start pretending they won't make them---they pretend for now.

If they win (steal) the White House and the Senate with mass mail-out ballots---these lies will have served their purpose, and it will be on with the original plan.

And then they won't be very far farm sending people like me, who see them for the Liars, Frauds, Criminals, Neo-Bolsheviks they are---off to Re-Education Camps. That's how dangerous some of them are--Adam (Little Robespierre) Schiff being the most obvious, but not alone.

Honestly -
Little Adam, while obviously evil, doesn't really seem to have the level of intelligence to be anywhere near the most dangerous.
Annoying? Yes, for sure.
A few centrist Dems are cautioning against stacking, and they will be ignored.

The Republicans will never again be permitted to threaten America's greatness and liberties.

I laugh

Democrats have seen the polling that the overwhelming majority do not agree with them on destroying the system.
Not unlike the polling that showed that they didn't agree with the Democrats supporting the destruction of their cities.

In each case - they were getting their ass kicked.

America's greatness is secured and protected by Republicans.
No worries, all is well.
The GOP should change they're made to THE AMERICA PARTY.. the Dems can't touch it because they have already committed to anti-americanism and most of their constituency has been developed in that cue.

The GOP should change their name to THE AMERICA PARTY.. the Dems can't touch it because they have already committed to anti-americanism and most of their constituency has been developed in that cue.

damn spell checker.....
Court stacking is a dumb idea brought up by dumb people. Once one party does it, there's no preventing the other party from packing more in there when they retake the majority. Before long there would be so many justices they would have to hold court in Redskin Stadium. And as far as abolishing the electoral college goes, that's another stupid idea being brought up by stupid people. That would take a constitutional amendment that would have to be ratified by 3/4 of our states. Good luck getting the majority of states that the electoral college protects to vote for its abolition. Democrats are full of stupid ideas. Viva Trump.

Yep.....lots of butt hurt talking going on right now....

Look, do the American people want a group like these off the rails unhinged Dem politicians running the country???

Finally some sanity appears to be prevailing. I'll be honest that was one of my biggest worries about this upcoming election and the aftermath.
I don't think they arw backing off at all. They are quieting down their tone only because they are afraid that there is a possibility that trump may win and if the right keeps the senate, trump will beat them to the punch on that idea.

If biden wins and the dems take the senate, i have a feeling you'd see the start talking about it again.

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