Democrats' Big 2020 Problem


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Lots of Democrats in USMB, in the media, and lots of other places have been saying just wait till 2020. Kind of like in major league baseball, the old saying used to be "wait till next year", after a team lost the world series.

Well, the Democrats can huff and puff all they want about Trump's approval rate, or any of his various scandals in whatever levels of truth or transparency. But the bottom line for Democrats in the next presidential election, is a big problem for them. That is that >> THEY DON'T HAVE A CANDIDATE.

In a new (Nov. 5-6) Hill.TV American Barometer poll, which surveyed 680 registered voters who identified themselves as Democrats or Independents, found that "none of the above" was the most popular choice among potential 2020 challengers to President Trump.

30% of the sample said they would prefer that "none of the above" become the Democratic nominee when asked to choose among former Vice President Joe Biden, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D), Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I), New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker (D), California Sen. Kamala Harris (D), former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

25% of respondents said Biden would be their preferred nominee. Sanders, who ran in the Democratic presidential primary in 2016, came in second with 18%. Other candidates attracted even less support, with Cory Booker coming in last at 3%.

And all this is in contrast to an approximately 90% approval rate from Republicans for President Trump, setting up a Spring 2020 without any Republican primary, with Republicans sitting on the sidelines watching the Democrats beating each other to pulps in primary debates, while taking notes. That is, if the Democrats come up with anybody to actually run in those primaries. :biggrin:

‘None of the above’ tops list of potential 2020 Dems, poll shows
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"That Donald Trump will never get 270 electoral votes, Hillary will easily beat him..."

"That Mueller investigation will get rid of Trump, yea you just wait and see..."

"There's going to be a massive blue wave in 2018, you just wait and see..."

"You just wait until 2020, we'll show you, yes sir, you betcha..."

"We're gonna get us a Democrat in the White House in 2028, you just wait and see, ya you betcha..."

Should be interesting to see who Democrats come up with as suggestions >>




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There will be some heavy Democrats running in 2020 - some of the same ones who will be investigating Trump for next two years. I've heard rumors that Mueller may run.
I will be very happy with Joe Biden as Pres and either Booker, Harris or Beto as VP
There will be some heavy Democrats running in 2020 - some of the same ones who will be investigating Trump for next two years. I've heard rumors that Mueller may run.

Mueller had better run. And hide too.

His days in the Justice Department are numbered, once we get the real AG in there.
I will be very happy with Joe Biden as Pres and either Booker, Harris or Beto as VP

Not much to choose from: A child molester, some guy who thinks he's the Black Spartacus, an angry black woman, and an Irish guy who thinks he's a Mexican.

There will be some heavy Democrats running in 2020 - some of the same ones who will be investigating Trump for next two years. I've heard rumors that Mueller may run.
HA HA HA. He'd last one day, before all his Muslim Brotherhood baggage would sink him for good.
I will be very happy with Joe Biden as Pres and either Booker, Harris or Beto as VP

Not much to choose from: A child molester, some guy who thinks he's the Black Spartacus, an angry black woman, and an Irish guy who thinks he's a Mexican.


Biden is a respected family man and good husband and father

It is your party that elected a three time loser who openly cheated on his wives

If your plan against Biden is to post pictures of him whispering in a young girls ear....we can post pictures of Trump molesting Ivanka and naked pictures of his current wife
There will be some heavy Democrats running in 2020 - some of the same ones who will be investigating Trump for next two years. I've heard rumors that Mueller may run.
They'll be investigating him until THEIR skeletons come popping out of their closets. :biggrin:
I think Biden is very comfortable with dealing with Trump

He handles him with solemn evaluation, chastisement and wit

Trumps scowling one liners and petty insults do not phase him

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