Democrats block bill to increase vetting of Syrian refugees before letting them into the U.S.


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
As usual, Democrats have obstructed a bill passed by the House, to increase vetting of refugees from Syria. The fact that terrorists have been identified among these refugees - including at least one who helped kill 130 people in the terrorist attacks on Paris - does not bother the Democrats. It is far more important for them to get votes from people supporting the Mideast fugitives, than to protect the United States from foreign attack.


Senate Democrats block bill to restrict Syrian refugees from entering U.S.

Senate Democrats block bill to restrict Syrian refugees from entering U.S.

Erin Kelly, USA TODAY 3:35 p.m. EST January 20, 2016

WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats blocked a vote Wednesday on a bill that would have halted the admission of Syrian and Iraqi refugees into the U.S. until they underwent the strictest vetting process ever required for people fleeing their war-torn homelands.

Senators voted 55-43 to advance the bill, falling five votes short of the 60 needed. President Obama had vowed to veto the legislation if it passed.

The bill that Democrats blocked Wednesday would have required the nation’s three top security officials — the Homeland Security secretary, FBI director and national intelligence director — to certify to Congress that each Syrian or Iraqi refugee was not a security threat before the refugee could be admitted into the U.S.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said it is difficult for the U.S. government to get accurate records about citizens from war-torn nations to ensure that terrorists are not masquerading as refugees.

"Senior law enforcement and intelligence officials have expressed concerns, and (Homeland Security) Secretary Jeh Johnson has said that 'organizations such as (the Islamic State) might like to try to exploit this program,' " McConnell said. "Is it any wonder that the citizens we represent are concerned?"
Well, let's hope that it's democrat women who get raped and fondled.....Cause one of these assholes touches MY Wife - she will blow their head off. :)

And that woman can shoot ;)
Well, let's hope that it's democrat women who get raped and fondled.....Cause one of these assholes touches MY Wife - she will blow their head off. :)
And that woman can shoot ;)
Why do Democrats consistently side with the things that are bad for America???

It's getting old.
"Democrats block bill to increase vetting of Syrian refugees before letting them into the U.S."

And appropriately so, as republicans were engaged in pure political theater:

“Syrians must pass many layers of security checks before being admitted to the United States, a process that can take two years or longer. In most cases, the refugees do not enter the United States until the very end. They are also subject to an additional layer of checks beyond those for refugees of other nationalities.”

Republicans aren't interested in making America 'safer,' just attacking the president for partisan reasons.
"Democrats block bill to increase vetting of Syrian refugees before letting them into the U.S."

And appropriately so, as republicans were engaged in pure political theater:

“Syrians must pass many layers of security checks before being admitted to the United States, a process that can take two years or longer. In most cases, the refugees do not enter the United States until the very end. They are also subject to an additional layer of checks beyond those for refugees of other nationalities.”

Republicans aren't interested in making America 'safer,' just attacking the president for partisan reasons.

Fuck off, hypocrite.
Well, let's hope that it's democrat women who get raped and fondled.....Cause one of these assholes touches MY Wife - she will blow their head off. :)
And that woman can shoot ;)
Why do Democrats consistently side with the things that are bad for America???

It's getting old.

Honestly? Because the left wants this country to fall. They despise America and everything she stands for. The left makes me ashamed to be American.
I thought that the Democrats might show some responsibility and vote for this measure. It galls me to think they would vote against a good bill just because it originated with the Republicans. This happens on both sides. It has to stop
I thought that the Democrats might show some responsibility and vote for this measure. It galls me to think they would vote against a good bill just because it originated with the Republicans. This happens on both sides. It has to stop

One Name: Harry Reid. I will be so joyous when that asshole dies of a heart attack - I can't tell you.
I thought that the Democrats might show some responsibility and vote for this measure. It galls me to think they would vote against a good bill just because it originated with the Republicans. This happens on both sides. It has to stop

One Name: Harry Reid. I will be so joyous when that asshole dies of a heart attack - I can't tell you.
I can't say I wish anyone to die, but for goodness sake's leave the Senate so we can get something done.
I thought that the Democrats might show some responsibility and vote for this measure. It galls me to think they would vote against a good bill just because it originated with the Republicans. This happens on both sides. It has to stop

One Name: Harry Reid. I will be so joyous when that asshole dies of a heart attack - I can't tell you.
I can't say I wish anyone to die, but for goodness sake's leave the Senate so we can get something done.

Harry Reid is the only asshole in Congress that I would say that about. The most despicable human being to ever hold public office.
Why do Democrats consistently side with the things that are bad for America???
It's getting old.
Honestly? Because the left wants this country to fall. They despise America and everything she stands for. The left makes me ashamed to be American.
I think it's more that they are dedicated to squeezing every political advantage and every vote out of any issue.... and they have decided that altering just a few votes probably won't result in a disaster, so they go ahead and do it.
"Democrats block bill to increase vetting of Syrian refugees before letting them into the U.S."

And appropriately so, as republicans were engaged in pure political theater:

“Syrians must pass many layers of security checks before being admitted to the United States, a process that can take two years or longer. In most cases, the refugees do not enter the United States until the very end. They are also subject to an additional layer of checks beyond those for refugees of other nationalities.”

Republicans aren't interested in making America 'safer,' just attacking the president for partisan reasons.

Stopping the influx of terrorists is attacking Obama? Okay, then.
"Democrats block bill to increase vetting of Syrian refugees before letting them into the U.S."

And appropriately so, as republicans were engaged in pure political theater:

“Syrians must pass many layers of security checks before being admitted to the United States, a process that can take two years or longer. In most cases, the refugees do not enter the United States until the very end. They are also subject to an additional layer of checks beyond those for refugees of other nationalities.”

Republicans aren't interested in making America 'safer,' just attacking the president for partisan reasons.

No Vetting of Syrian “Refugees” in Obama’s “Resettlement” Invasion

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley warned that the Obama administration’s Syrian refugee plan poses serious security dangers to the United States, after Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the United States would accept 10,000 additional Syrian refugees on top of the 75,000 worldwide refugees the president planned to admit into the country.
Top intelligence community officials have publicly and privately acknowledged that they have no way to properly vet Syrian refugees to weed out those who may be ISIS terrorists, or may have ties to other terrorist and extremist groups. In testimony before the Transportation Security Subcommittee of the House Homeland Security Committee on February 11, 2015, Michael Steinbach, assistant director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, confirmed that federal authorities are unable to offer any assurances that the many thousands of Syrians President Obama proposes to bring to America will be subjected to any reasonable security checks.

No Vetting of Syrian “Refugees” in Obama’s “Resettlement” Invasion
Bratton: FBI stretched too thin to vet all Syrian refugees

“And the concern that I have and that the FBI testified to is that we don’t really have the proper databases on these individuals to vet them passed and to assure we’re not allowing terrorists to come into this country, and until I have that assurance, I cannot support a program that could potentially bring jihadists into the United States.
Katie Pavlich: US should be cautious in handling refugee crisis
No Vetting of Syrian “Refugees” in Obama’s “Resettlement” Invasion

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley warned that the Obama administration’s Syrian refugee plan poses serious security dangers to the United States, after Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the United States would accept 10,000 additional Syrian refugees on top of the 75,000 worldwide refugees the president planned to admit into the country.
Top intelligence community officials have publicly and privately acknowledged that they have no way to properly vet Syrian refugees to weed out those who may be ISIS terrorists, or may have ties to other terrorist and extremist groups. In testimony before the Transportation Security Subcommittee of the House Homeland Security Committee on February 11, 2015, Michael Steinbach, assistant director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, confirmed that federal authorities are unable to offer any assurances that the many thousands of Syrians President Obama proposes to bring to America will be subjected to any reasonable security checks.

No Vetting of Syrian “Refugees” in Obama’s “Resettlement” Invasion
Bratton: FBI stretched too thin to vet all Syrian refugees

“And the concern that I have and that the FBI testified to is that we don’t really have the proper databases on these individuals to vet them passed and to assure we’re not allowing terrorists to come into this country, and until I have that assurance, I cannot support a program that could potentially bring jihadists into the United States.
Katie Pavlich: US should be cautious in handling refugee crisis

Even if we were able to keep all terrorists out, there is still a problem with many having some really bad behavior. Women have been assaulted and raped. Young boys have become a target. Many are uneducated and very unruly. The culture clash has hit some countries really hard. Some refugees have to be told that they cannot do whatever they want to women, steal from people or tread anywhere they want. Funny that they think informing them that their horrendous behavior is unacceptable would be enough to stop it.

There has been a lot of violence when they don't get their way or when they feel that the host country isn't doing enough for them. They riot, attack and destroy. It's ugly and far too rampant.

Some actually went back home when they realized it wasn't the opportunity they hoped for. None seem to be willing to fight for their own country or do much for themselves, yet are constantly making demands. Most are males and it makes me wonder where most of the elderly, women and children are living. Did they leave them back in their home countries or are they not allowed in public?

We've seen refugee males banned from public pools after reports of nasty behavior and, of course, the pro-refugee groups and Muslim groups are putting a stop to that. They see nothing wrong with Muslim males behaving the way they always have, which is to say being brutal to women and believing that young boys, or girls, are fair game. This has happened so much that we can no longer claim that it's just a random few. The mistreatment of women is part of their culture and always has been. We simply don't need that shit here.
The Democrats believe that letting in hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees, will get them more votes from their constituents who don't pay much attention to what they are doing (their largest and most important voting bloc).

That far exceeds in importance, any harm some of the refugees may do to the U.S. in the future.

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