Democrats block disaster relief bill.

yep. as one article I saw said. they did it to REBUKE the Republicans. I don't know if Reuters actually wished they had said that now.

Sorry GnOP, your desperation is showing.

The American people aren't behind you on this.
Senate blocks House disaster aid bill - Yahoo! News

Now who is the party of no?

Actually as pointed out the Senate has passed ZERO bills on the budget and has REFUSED to even send to committee the ones the House has passed. If the Government shuts down it is because the Democrats refuse to do their job.
Dingy Harry Reid must have quite a library of shelved Republican proposals he has refused to act upon and all merely for partisanship he can point to the Republicans as being obstructors.

Republicans need to grow a spine and point it out. Question is...will they?
Sorry GnOP, your desperation is showing.

The American people aren't behind you on this.

Oh I think they are more than you all would to pretend they're not..
First with the November elections and second, the Obama and his comrades in arms are sitting at 39% approval in LESS than three years.

You all can try and block all that out of your minds if it helps.

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