Democrats BOOED By Democrats


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Some of the democrats gathered in Arizona and were met by BOO'S from the democrat crowd. Statements such as these drew the IRE of democrats.

"Before departing, O'Malley told the convention: "Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter," prompting some heckles and boos in the crowd."

Now I am not a big O'Malley fan but he deserve that? Or do today's democrats feel only Negro lives matter?

Not to be left out Sanders was attacked as well.

"Sanders tried to address the roughly 3,000 Netroots activists as many of the protesters shouted at him and disrupted his remarks. At one point, Sanders said: "Black lives of course matter. I spent 50 years of my life fighting for civil rights and if you don't want me to be here, that's OK."

These were today's democrats folks OPENLY showing their HATE for anybody white.

Giving an excuse for the group was this nitwit.

"Yet some liberal groups panned the appearances. Anna Galland, the executive director of Civic Action, said the responses showed that all Democratic candidates have work to do to understand the black lives movement."

You democrats got a problem and a big one. You taught hate to the Negro for the white race and are running aging white people. You see the problem right?

"The demonstrators were promoting the national "Black Lives Matter" movement, which seeks changes to law enforcement policies following several high profile deaths of black men at the hands of police."

YOUR chickens have come home to roost.
Demonstrators disrupt presidential forum at Netroots event - Yahoo News
Oh my....does that mean that blacks will suddenly decide to fall in line with the right wing who wants to kill all the programs that help them and belittles blacks every chance they get? I don't think so.
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It's freaking scary. What a freak show.
They have run whites out of every city they control.
It's only natural they would run whites out of whatever party they control.

I guess your twisted view of reality might lead you to believe that, but I don't think many others are really concerned about that.
I myself would like to see the Negro take over the democrat party.
Of course then they are stuck with the...
Black Panthers
And those are the top rung members. Then you have the REAL winners in the democrat party.
Yeah hell, let them have it.
I recently saw a bumper sticker that said "Not A Republican." It is depressing that so many people in our society can only describe themselves by what they are not. I have never seen a bumper sticker that says "Not A Democrat," and can hardly imagine a Republican putting one on a car for fear of being ridiculed by other Republicans as being embarrassingly dimwitted.

The same people on this forum who are completely unable to comprehend most public issues, much less articulate a reasoned opinion regarding them, seem to be the most pertinacious about not being one of "those people (Republicans)." Is this a form of PTSD, or are they just examples of the minions being churned out by our public education system?
I recently saw a bumper sticker that said "Not A Republican." It is depressing that so many people in our society can only describe themselves by what they are not. I have never seen a bumper sticker that says "Not A Democrat," and can hardly imagine a Republican putting one on a car for fear of being ridiculed by other Republicans as being embarrassingly dimwitted.

The same people on this forum who are completely unable to comprehend most public issues, much less articulate a reasoned opinion regarding them, seem to be the most pertinacious about not being one of "those people (Republicans)." Is this a form of PTSD, or are they just examples of the minions being churned out by our public education system?

No. Actually republican has become synonymous with crazy, hateful, right winger. NOT A REPUBLICAN is certainly something to be proud of. It's much better than a republican sticker that says VOTE FOR ME...YOU LAZY BUMS.
All orchestrated by MoveOn.soros. Sharpton is part of it. Acorn is paying protesters to race bait. All to create a divide in this country. And it is working. What a shame.
I'm going to disagree with you but with respect okay? Democrats OWE the Negro, so why NOT approve and applaud them taking over the very party that harmed them?

All they are really doing in truth is taking from democrats what democrats took from them. Political standing.
Oh my....does that mean that blacks will suddenly decide to fall in line with the right wing who wants to kill all the programs that help them and belittles blacks every chance they get? I don't think so.

It's freaking scary. What a freak show.
They have run whites out of every city they control.
It's only natural they would run whites out of whatever party they control.

I guess your twisted view of reality might lead you to believe that, but I don't think many others are really concerned about that.

Don't think what you want really matters.

I recently saw a bumper sticker that said "Not A Republican." It is depressing that so many people in our society can only describe themselves by what they are not. I have never seen a bumper sticker that says "Not A Democrat," and can hardly imagine a Republican putting one on a car for fear of being ridiculed by other Republicans as being embarrassingly dimwitted.

The same people on this forum who are completely unable to comprehend most public issues, much less articulate a reasoned opinion regarding them, seem to be the most pertinacious about not being one of "those people (Republicans)." Is this a form of PTSD, or are they just examples of the minions being churned out by our public education system?

No. Actually republican has become synonymous with crazy, hateful, right winger. NOT A REPUBLICAN is certainly something to be proud of. It's much better than a republican sticker that says VOTE FOR ME...YOU LAZY BUMS.
You're a hypocritical fool.
All orchestrated by MoveOn.soros. Sharpton is part of it. Acorn is paying protesters to race bait. All to create a divide in this country. And it is working. What a shame.

Damn you are dumb. Acorn was put out of business years ago by that phony Okeef video that was later shown to be all misrepresented lies.
Oh my....does that mean that blacks will suddenly decide to fall in line with the right wing who wants to kill all the programs that help them and belittles blacks every chance they get? I don't think so.

It's freaking scary. What a freak show.
They have run whites out of every city they control.
It's only natural they would run whites out of whatever party they control.

I guess your twisted view of reality might lead you to believe that, but I don't think many others are really concerned about that.

Don't think what you want really matters.

I recently saw a bumper sticker that said "Not A Republican." It is depressing that so many people in our society can only describe themselves by what they are not. I have never seen a bumper sticker that says "Not A Democrat," and can hardly imagine a Republican putting one on a car for fear of being ridiculed by other Republicans as being embarrassingly dimwitted.

The same people on this forum who are completely unable to comprehend most public issues, much less articulate a reasoned opinion regarding them, seem to be the most pertinacious about not being one of "those people (Republicans)." Is this a form of PTSD, or are they just examples of the minions being churned out by our public education system?

No. Actually republican has become synonymous with crazy, hateful, right winger. NOT A REPUBLICAN is certainly something to be proud of. It's much better than a republican sticker that says VOTE FOR ME...YOU LAZY BUMS.
You're a hypocritical fool.

A crazy right winger disagrees with me. How can I survive after that?
I recently saw a bumper sticker that said "Not A Republican." It is depressing that so many people in our society can only describe themselves by what they are not. I have never seen a bumper sticker that says "Not A Democrat," and can hardly imagine a Republican putting one on a car for fear of being ridiculed by other Republicans as being embarrassingly dimwitted.

The same people on this forum who are completely unable to comprehend most public issues, much less articulate a reasoned opinion regarding them, seem to be the most pertinacious about not being one of "those people (Republicans)." Is this a form of PTSD, or are they just examples of the minions being churned out by our public education system?
And look at them flock to prove your point. Kinsey, Ayers and the like started this perfect storm decades ago. We now have a poorly educated, depraved, narcissistic and criminal voting faction that has been carefully nurtured and whose sole purpose is to prop up dictators.
Oh my....does that mean that blacks will suddenly decide to fall in line with the right wing who wants to kill all the programs that help them and belittles blacks every chance they get? I don't think so.

It's freaking scary. What a freak show.
They have run whites out of every city they control.
It's only natural they would run whites out of whatever party they control.

I guess your twisted view of reality might lead you to believe that, but I don't think many others are really concerned about that.

Don't think what you want really matters.

I recently saw a bumper sticker that said "Not A Republican." It is depressing that so many people in our society can only describe themselves by what they are not. I have never seen a bumper sticker that says "Not A Democrat," and can hardly imagine a Republican putting one on a car for fear of being ridiculed by other Republicans as being embarrassingly dimwitted.

The same people on this forum who are completely unable to comprehend most public issues, much less articulate a reasoned opinion regarding them, seem to be the most pertinacious about not being one of "those people (Republicans)." Is this a form of PTSD, or are they just examples of the minions being churned out by our public education system?

No. Actually republican has become synonymous with crazy, hateful, right winger. NOT A REPUBLICAN is certainly something to be proud of. It's much better than a republican sticker that says VOTE FOR ME...YOU LAZY BUMS.
You're a hypocritical fool.

A crazy right winger disagrees with me. How can I survive after that?
You survive as a leach.
The group "Black lives matter" interrupt a netroots convention

Booed off the speakers

All for what? They did not address their problems nor offer any solutions. Are they f**ing mindless?

I just realized I posted this on a thread with a couple of misanthropes.
I just love the fact that the party that screams for diversity only has white people running for the Presidency.

This is priceless

I just love the fact that the party that screams for diversity only has white people running for the Presidency.

This is priceless

Another infantile opinion.......

Yep, only an idiot would "conclude" that Carson represents blacks' interests, or Rubio and Cruz represent Latinos' interests.......Just another right winger who.....try as he or she might.....cannot see beyond the color of one's skin.

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