Democrats Bring Bill To Prohibit Armed Citizen Militias


The third reich

North Korea

Communist Cuba

Communist China

All the worst natiuons in history pull that same crap disarming the populace
There weren't lots of guns in those places for regular people to own and keep too begin with. Maybe in Germany, but at the time you needed money most people didn't have, and all you had to do was not be a jew or commie and you could get a gun there. Totally different culture though. "Disarming" people with few guns, especially people already inclined to obey can't be hard.

All of the military force on the planet could nor disarm hunters in TX. The fish in the Gulf of Mexico would end up gorging themselves to death on the protein being dumped off corpse barges. The ecological damage... well we wouldn't give a shit.

The planet will fix itself in a few decades, we'll just have to import sea food for a while.
Uh...organized militias are already illegal in all 50 states. This just looks like putting some teeth with a bill that will actually enforce what is already supposed to be illegal....and don't EVER call a National Guard reservist a member of a "militia".
They take great offense to that.
Yeah. My state does not allow independent militias. The Republicans must show unity on this bill and defeat it, nonetheless. The Republicans should submit their own bill that would allow for citizen militias, as long as such militias were formed for the purpose of defending the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, thus to keep their states "free," as cited in the Second Amendment.
California State Militia has been Legally training & preparing since 2010 ( Liasing
With 4 Counties Sheriffs on search & Rescue and at one point 2012-2015 we were the largest Militia in the Country with 1500 Members and another 500+ paid associates / Training support and Family volunteers .
The last time America had de facto one party rule, FDR gave us Social Security, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, minimum wage, and the Wagner Act.

Yeah, I'm good with that.
yea like those are the same type of people....the democrats of today aint nothing like the ones from last i said you havent learned anything...
Just not left wing militias like Antifa
ANY, I would think.


(1) is AntiFa organized as a militia?

(2) is AntiFa armed?


I wasn't aware that anyone would seriously consider AntiFa to be a "militia"...

For all I care, the Trump Administration could have called-out Regulars and shot the little bastards in the streets...

But I wasn't aware that anyone would seriously label them as one.
ANY, I would think.


(1) is AntiFa organized as a militia?

(2) is AntiFa armed?


I wasn't aware that anyone would seriously consider AntiFa to be a "militia"...

For all I care, the Trump Administration could have called-out Regulars and shot the little bastards in the streets...

But I wasn't aware that anyone would seriously label them as one.
What is it about right wingers and not getting the term ANTI-fascist? :)
Wow. Remember when Dems used to argue the Second Amendment was only for militias?

Now they want to get rid of militias.

They hate the Constitution and they hate our right to bear arms.
Many Democrats today favor turning the USA into a Marist Socialist Workers’ Paradise. One of the basic requirements of that form of government is the disarming of its citizens.

The Constitution literally says that a militia is necessary for the security of a free state.

The preamble of "well regulated" in the vernacular of the 18th Century pertains to the militia being well provisioned.
And Trained & Prepared
ANY, I would think.


(1) is AntiFa organized as a militia?

(2) is AntiFa armed?


I wasn't aware that anyone would seriously consider AntiFa to be a "militia"...

For all I care, the Trump Administration could have called-out Regulars and shot the little bastards in the streets...

But I wasn't aware that anyone would seriously label them as one.
yes and yes they are both

You were aware but you ignore them and willfully deny facts becausegthey are on youe side
What is it about right wingers and not getting the term ANTI-fascist? :)
Perhaps it's because they sense - perhaps rightfully so - that they are looking at Fascist tactics originating with a nominally anti-Fascist conglomerate?
Introduced by Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) on Thursday, the bill dubbed the “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act” would prohibit privately organized groups from “publicly patrolling, drilling, or engaging in harmful or deadly paramilitary techniques,” “interfering with or interrupting government proceedings,” or “interfering with the exercise of someone else’s constitutional rights,” according to Mr. Markey.

Their bills defines a “private paramilitary organization” as “any group of 3 or more persons associating under a command structure for the purpose of functioning in public or training to function in public as a combat, combat support, law enforcement, or security services unit.” The bill states acting with or on behalf of such a private paramilitary organization while armed with a firearm, explosive, incendiary device, or other dangerous weapon, and engaging in patrolling, training, interfering with government or constitutional rights, or assuming the functions of law enforcement without official authority.

The bill makes exceptions for members of the National Guard and other military reserve components, state guard forces, and members of other federal or state-organized groups to train in and apply paramilitary, law enforcement, and security service activity. The bill also allows for the organization of groups formed solely to conduct military reenactments, “bona-fide veterans organization with no intent to engage” in the aforementioned prohibited activities, and students in government or state-authorized educational institutions that teach military science.

Remember that old cliche. Anytime they want to take your guns away, it's because they want to do something you would shoot them for......Only in this case, it's getting organized and trained.

Raskin again.....I don't typically root for cancer, but in his case I'll make a exception. 😐armed civilian

The demafasict aren’t even trying to hide their tyrannical goals anymore
yes and yes they are both
Please serve-up links from credible sources to support both "Yes" responses... (1) A-ND (2)... thank you.
You were aware but you ignore them and willfully deny facts becausegthey are on youe side
I deny no facts. I am not a LibProg. The Trump Administration should have Federalized the Guard and had them open fire.
Dimwingers claim they aren’t racist too. Nobody buys that either.

Their ilk CREATED THE CONCEPT as well as a superiority complex. Regressive pieces of shit like Margret Sanger, hitler, hitlary, Et Al use race to divide and contain minorities and the poor in general. Most democrooks hate Americans in general, but there is only one human race, and if the greater majority would be more vocal and shout down racist bed wetting pieces of shit, the issue would be solved.

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