Democrats - can we finally come together now?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Now that all of you on the left are freaking out and completely losing your shit because of a Donald Trump presidency, will you finally admit that the unconstitutional, unlimited power that you built and celebrated for the Oval Office isn't so great after all? The Donald Trump administration could be the watershed moment we need to repair relations and restore order to the U.S.

Can we please agree that the U.S. Constitution isn't "irrelevant" like all of you proclaimed? That limiting the power of the federal government is crucial? We have a serious opportunity here to come together as one nation and demand that our leaders:
  • Act with the highest integrity
  • Create a completely transparent federal government
  • Respect the separation of powers
  • Respect the limitations of powers
  • Respect the 2nd Amendment
Power is a dangerous thing. You wrongfully believed that power was "harmless" in the hands of Democrats and Barack Obama. Now you can see why it's so dangerous. I'm willing to do everything in my power to restore constitutional government and limit Donald Trump's power. I'm willing to hold my representatives feet to the fire to ensure that. Are you? And will you do it when the next Democrat is in office? Serious question for you Seawytch, mamooth, rdean, candycorn.
After bashing the 2nd Amendment and relentlessly mocking conservatives for thinking that the 2nd Amendment could prevent government oppression, it would seem that progressives suddenly share all of the same concerns, views, beliefs, and solutions as conservatives.

Can we finally come together on constitutional government, limitations of power, etc.?


Liberals Stockpiling Guns, Ammo in Preparation For “Trump Apocalypse”
Now that all of you on the left are freaking out and completely losing your shit because of a Donald Trump presidency, will you finally admit that the unconstitutional, unlimited power that you built and celebrated for the Oval Office isn't so great after all? The Donald Trump administration could be the watershed moment we need to repair relations and restore order to the U.S.

Can we please agree that the U.S. Constitution isn't "irrelevant" like all of you proclaimed? That limiting the power of the federal government is crucial? We have a serious opportunity here to come together as one nation and demand that our leaders:
  • Act with the highest integrity
  • Create a completely transparent federal government
  • Respect the separation of powers
  • Respect the limitations of powers
  • Respect the 2nd Amendment
Power is a dangerous thing. You wrongfully believed that power was "harmless" in the hands of Democrats and Barack Obama. Now you can see why it's so dangerous. I'm willing to do everything in my power to restore constitutional government and limit Donald Trump's power. I'm willing to hold my representatives feet to the fire to ensure that. Are you? And will you do it when the next Democrat is in office? Serious question for you Seawytch, mamooth, rdean, candycorn.
Very scary, dupe. Unfortunately, all we've learned the last 8 years is how easy it is for "the no compromise, un-American TP GOP" -TIME to obstruct everything...
Now that all of you on the left are freaking out and completely losing your shit because of a Donald Trump presidency, will you finally admit that the unconstitutional, unlimited power that you built and celebrated for the Oval Office isn't so great after all? The Donald Trump administration could be the watershed moment we need to repair relations and restore order to the U.S.

Can we please agree that the U.S. Constitution isn't "irrelevant" like all of you proclaimed? That limiting the power of the federal government is crucial? We have a serious opportunity here to come together as one nation and demand that our leaders:
  • Act with the highest integrity
  • Create a completely transparent federal government
  • Respect the separation of powers
  • Respect the limitations of powers
  • Respect the 2nd Amendment
Power is a dangerous thing. You wrongfully believed that power was "harmless" in the hands of Democrats and Barack Obama. Now you can see why it's so dangerous. I'm willing to do everything in my power to restore constitutional government and limit Donald Trump's power. I'm willing to hold my representatives feet to the fire to ensure that. Are you? And will you do it when the next Democrat is in office? Serious question for you Seawytch, mamooth, rdean, candycorn.
SORRY I'd like your republicans to get the same shit you dealt out for 8 years ,back in your face
Now that all of you on the left are freaking out and completely losing your shit because of a Donald Trump presidency, will you finally admit that the unconstitutional, unlimited power that you built and celebrated for the Oval Office isn't so great after all? The Donald Trump administration could be the watershed moment we need to repair relations and restore order to the U.S.

Can we please agree that the U.S. Constitution isn't "irrelevant" like all of you proclaimed? That limiting the power of the federal government is crucial? We have a serious opportunity here to come together as one nation and demand that our leaders:
  • Act with the highest integrity
  • Create a completely transparent federal government
  • Respect the separation of powers
  • Respect the limitations of powers
  • Respect the 2nd Amendment
Power is a dangerous thing. You wrongfully believed that power was "harmless" in the hands of Democrats and Barack Obama. Now you can see why it's so dangerous. I'm willing to do everything in my power to restore constitutional government and limit Donald Trump's power. I'm willing to hold my representatives feet to the fire to ensure that. Are you? And will you do it when the next Democrat is in office? Serious question for you Seawytch, mamooth, rdean, candycorn.
SORRY I'd like your republicans to get the same shit you dealt out for 8 years ,back in your face

Works for me. Just don't wear your skirt to the battlefield as the Geneva Conventions won't allow shooting us rolling on the ground laughing our asses off.
Now that all of you on the left are freaking out and completely losing your shit because of a Donald Trump presidency, will you finally admit that the unconstitutional, unlimited power that you built and celebrated for the Oval Office isn't so great after all? The Donald Trump administration could be the watershed moment we need to repair relations and restore order to the U.S.

Can we please agree that the U.S. Constitution isn't "irrelevant" like all of you proclaimed? That limiting the power of the federal government is crucial? We have a serious opportunity here to come together as one nation and demand that our leaders:
  • Act with the highest integrity
  • Create a completely transparent federal government
  • Respect the separation of powers
  • Respect the limitations of powers
  • Respect the 2nd Amendment
Power is a dangerous thing. You wrongfully believed that power was "harmless" in the hands of Democrats and Barack Obama. Now you can see why it's so dangerous. I'm willing to do everything in my power to restore constitutional government and limit Donald Trump's power. I'm willing to hold my representatives feet to the fire to ensure that. Are you? And will you do it when the next Democrat is in office? Serious question for you Seawytch, mamooth, rdean, candycorn.
SORRY I'd like your republicans to get the same shit you dealt out for 8 years ,back in your face
I don't get what you're saying here. That you want to bash Donald Trump? That's fine. Do it! Hell, I'm sure I'll be doing quite a bit myself. That's not the point here. The point is that can we all agree that power consolidated into one branch, and then into the hands of one man in that branch, is a dangerous thing?
Now that all of you on the left are freaking out and completely losing your shit because of a Donald Trump presidency, will you finally admit that the unconstitutional, unlimited power that you built and celebrated for the Oval Office isn't so great after all? The Donald Trump administration could be the watershed moment we need to repair relations and restore order to the U.S.

Can we please agree that the U.S. Constitution isn't "irrelevant" like all of you proclaimed? That limiting the power of the federal government is crucial? We have a serious opportunity here to come together as one nation and demand that our leaders:
  • Act with the highest integrity
  • Create a completely transparent federal government
  • Respect the separation of powers
  • Respect the limitations of powers
  • Respect the 2nd Amendment
Power is a dangerous thing. You wrongfully believed that power was "harmless" in the hands of Democrats and Barack Obama. Now you can see why it's so dangerous. I'm willing to do everything in my power to restore constitutional government and limit Donald Trump's power. I'm willing to hold my representatives feet to the fire to ensure that. Are you? And will you do it when the next Democrat is in office? Serious question for you Seawytch, mamooth, rdean, candycorn.
Very scary, dupe. Unfortunately, all we've learned the last 8 years is how easy it is for "the no compromise, un-American TP GOP" -TIME to obstruct everything...

You already did that with Harry Reid. He tabled so much legislation and refused to accept any amendments to the crap he pushed through. The last 8 years have been one lie after another. I think everyone knows that but you.
SORRY I'd like your republicans to get the same shit you dealt out for 8 years ,back in your face

You mean after you dealt it out to Bush for eight years?
What didn't bush get?? His war ?? His taxcuts for billionaires?? How many fillabusters did your pub friends rain down on Obama??
What didn't Obama get? His wars? His trillions of tax payer dollars thrown around to his pals (like Solyndra)? His unconstitutional actions? :dunno:
Now that all of you on the left are freaking out and completely losing your shit because of a Donald Trump presidency, will you finally admit that the unconstitutional, unlimited power that you built and celebrated for the Oval Office isn't so great after all? The Donald Trump administration could be the watershed moment we need to repair relations and restore order to the U.S.

Can we please agree that the U.S. Constitution isn't "irrelevant" like all of you proclaimed? That limiting the power of the federal government is crucial? We have a serious opportunity here to come together as one nation and demand that our leaders:
  • Act with the highest integrity
  • Create a completely transparent federal government
  • Respect the separation of powers
  • Respect the limitations of powers
  • Respect the 2nd Amendment
Power is a dangerous thing. You wrongfully believed that power was "harmless" in the hands of Democrats and Barack Obama. Now you can see why it's so dangerous. I'm willing to do everything in my power to restore constitutional government and limit Donald Trump's power. I'm willing to hold my representatives feet to the fire to ensure that. Are you? And will you do it when the next Democrat is in office? Serious question for you Seawytch, mamooth, rdean, candycorn.
Okay you're dumb if you think Trump gives a shit about anything but himself. You can say whatever you want about democrats, but you're deluding yourself if you think Trump will put the people's interests above his own.

lol I mean Christ - "the highest integrity"? Are you joking?
Nothing like that...We'll cooperate on the good stuff, unlike you GOPers...and Fox, Rush, Heritage etc etc total hate/bs...
Like the U.S. Constitution? Like not celebrating when the federal government (and especially the executive branch) bypasses the entire constitution and creates law from the Oval Office with the stroke of a pen?
Now that all of you on the left are freaking out and completely losing your shit because of a Donald Trump presidency, will you finally admit that the unconstitutional, unlimited power that you built and celebrated for the Oval Office isn't so great after all? The Donald Trump administration could be the watershed moment we need to repair relations and restore order to the U.S.

Can we please agree that the U.S. Constitution isn't "irrelevant" like all of you proclaimed? That limiting the power of the federal government is crucial? We have a serious opportunity here to come together as one nation and demand that our leaders:
  • Act with the highest integrity
  • Create a completely transparent federal government
  • Respect the separation of powers
  • Respect the limitations of powers
  • Respect the 2nd Amendment
Power is a dangerous thing. You wrongfully believed that power was "harmless" in the hands of Democrats and Barack Obama. Now you can see why it's so dangerous. I'm willing to do everything in my power to restore constitutional government and limit Donald Trump's power. I'm willing to hold my representatives feet to the fire to ensure that. Are you? And will you do it when the next Democrat is in office? Serious question for you Seawytch, mamooth, rdean, candycorn.
Okay you're dumb if you think Trump gives a shit about anything but himself. You can say whatever you want about democrats, but you're deluding yourself if you think Trump will put the people's interests above his own.

lol I mean Christ - "the highest integrity"? Are you joking?
Actually, you are dumb if you just read my post and got that I think Trump "cares" about anything out of it. Just how bad is your reading comprehension?!?
Now that all of you on the left are freaking out and completely losing your shit because of a Donald Trump presidency, will you finally admit that the unconstitutional, unlimited power that you built and celebrated for the Oval Office isn't so great after all? The Donald Trump administration could be the watershed moment we need to repair relations and restore order to the U.S.

Can we please agree that the U.S. Constitution isn't "irrelevant" like all of you proclaimed? That limiting the power of the federal government is crucial? We have a serious opportunity here to come together as one nation and demand that our leaders:
  • Act with the highest integrity
  • Create a completely transparent federal government
  • Respect the separation of powers
  • Respect the limitations of powers
  • Respect the 2nd Amendment
Power is a dangerous thing. You wrongfully believed that power was "harmless" in the hands of Democrats and Barack Obama. Now you can see why it's so dangerous. I'm willing to do everything in my power to restore constitutional government and limit Donald Trump's power. I'm willing to hold my representatives feet to the fire to ensure that. Are you? And will you do it when the next Democrat is in office? Serious question for you Seawytch, mamooth, rdean, candycorn.

Yeah... Well according to the Constitution, the Air Force, NASA, FEMA, all don't exist. Neither do the national parks.

I'd take 2016 America and all of it's warts instead of some lesser nation that is hemmed in by the strict wording of 240 year old document. Thanks.
We will never come together as one nation again.
I tend to agree with you - but considering how progressives are losing their minds out of fear and even arming themselves with firearms, it's at least in the realm of possibility that they are starting to realize the dangers of power.
Now that all of you on the left are freaking out and completely losing your shit because of a Donald Trump presidency, will you finally admit that the unconstitutional, unlimited power that you built and celebrated for the Oval Office isn't so great after all? The Donald Trump administration could be the watershed moment we need to repair relations and restore order to the U.S.

Can we please agree that the U.S. Constitution isn't "irrelevant" like all of you proclaimed? That limiting the power of the federal government is crucial? We have a serious opportunity here to come together as one nation and demand that our leaders:
  • Act with the highest integrity
  • Create a completely transparent federal government
  • Respect the separation of powers
  • Respect the limitations of powers
  • Respect the 2nd Amendment
Power is a dangerous thing. You wrongfully believed that power was "harmless" in the hands of Democrats and Barack Obama. Now you can see why it's so dangerous. I'm willing to do everything in my power to restore constitutional government and limit Donald Trump's power. I'm willing to hold my representatives feet to the fire to ensure that. Are you? And will you do it when the next Democrat is in office? Serious question for you Seawytch, mamooth, rdean, candycorn.
SORRY I'd like your republicans to get the same shit you dealt out for 8 years ,back in your face
I don't get what you're saying here. That you want to bash Donald Trump? That's fine. Do it! Hell, I'm sure I'll be doing quite a bit myself. That's not the point here. The point is that can we all agree that power consolidated into one branch, and then into the hands of one man in that branch, is a dangerous thing?
Yes definitely agree,,,,,,very dangerous

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