Democrats - can we finally come together now?

Bush gave Obama a Stock Market that had just crashed 7000 points Obama is giving Trump a market that has gone up 13,000 points
To quote you (and use your fall down hilarious logic) "who gives a fuck"? Everyone knows that wealth is made when the DOW is low because more people can purchase stocks. When it's high, only the wealthy can afford to get in. So by your own logic - Obama hurt the lower and middle class and made the wealthy, wealthier. Oops...
Still attacking Obama for a booming stock market, huh?


You've been crediting Trump with the current all-time high ... how come you never attacked him for hurting the lower and middle class?
Bush gave Obama a Stock Market that had just crashed 7000 points Obama is giving Trump a market that has gone up 13,000 points

And Republicans complain
Bush gave Obama a $10 trillion national debt after 235 years. Obama turned it into $20 trillion after only 8 years.

What rational person wouldn't complain? :dunno:

Who gives a fuck?
Deficits don't matter....ask Cheney

Reagan tripled the debt and is a Republican hero
Reagan had to triple it. Jimmy Carter gutted defense (like all Democrats do) and made us weaker. He had to rebuild the U.S. military.

Obama gutted defense and still added 10x's the amount of national debt that Reagan did in the same amount of time (8 years). When Reagan added $1 trillion, we had a strong national defense and the defeat of the Soviet Union to show for it. When Obama added $10 trillion to the national debt, we have nothing to show for it. Not even the precious "infrastructure" that you buzzword progressives cry for (but don't know what it means :lol: ).
Totally duped.
Size of national debt when Reagan took office: $1 trillion. Size after six years: $2.3 trillion (130 percent increase). Size at the end of his presidency: $2.9 trillion (190 percent increase). If you care about the debt, then it is laughable that you laud Reagan.
The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan | Mises Institute
Bush gave Obama a Stock Market that had just crashed 7000 points Obama is giving Trump a market that has gone up 13,000 points

And Republicans complain
Bush gave Obama a $10 trillion national debt after 235 years. Obama turned it into $20 trillion after only 8 years.

What rational person wouldn't complain? :dunno:

Who gives a fuck?
Deficits don't matter....ask Cheney

Reagan tripled the debt and is a Republican hero
Reagan had to triple it. Jimmy Carter gutted defense (like all Democrats do) and made us weaker. He had to rebuild the U.S. military.

Obama gutted defense and still added 10x's the amount of national debt that Reagan did in the same amount of time (8 years). When Reagan added $1 trillion, we had a strong national defense and the defeat of the Soviet Union to show for it. When Obama added $10 trillion to the national debt, we have nothing to show for it. Not even the precious "infrastructure" that you buzzword progressives cry for (but don't know what it means :lol: ).
What do you call your planet, dingbat?
Size of national debt when Reagan took office: $1 trillion. Size after six years: $2.3 trillion (130 percent increase). Size at the end of his presidency: $2.9 trillion (190 percent increase). If you care about the debt, then it is laughable that you laud Reagan.
The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan | Mises Institute
Bush gave Obama a Stock Market that had just crashed 7000 points Obama is giving Trump a market that has gone up 13,000 points

And Republicans complain
Bush gave Obama a $10 trillion national debt after 235 years. Obama turned it into $20 trillion after only 8 years.

What rational person wouldn't complain? :dunno:

Who gives a fuck?
Deficits don't matter....ask Cheney

Reagan tripled the debt and is a Republican hero
Reagan had to triple it. Jimmy Carter gutted defense (like all Democrats do) and made us weaker. He had to rebuild the U.S. military.

Obama gutted defense and still added 10x's the amount of national debt that Reagan did in the same amount of time (8 years). When Reagan added $1 trillion, we had a strong national defense and the defeat of the Soviet Union to show for it. When Obama added $10 trillion to the national debt, we have nothing to show for it. Not even the precious "infrastructure" that you buzzword progressives cry for (but don't know what it means :lol: ).
Jimmy Carter balanced the budget and was crucified for a sluggish economy
Reagan tripled the debt and then took credit for an economic recovery

Our defense is stronger than the next ten nations can that be "gutted"
Bush gave Obama a Stock Market that had just crashed 7000 points Obama is giving Trump a market that has gone up 13,000 points
To quote you (and use your fall down hilarious logic) "who gives a fuck"? Everyone knows that wealth is made when the DOW is low because more people can purchase stocks. When it's high, only the wealthy can afford to get in. So by your own logic - Obama hurt the lower and middle class and made the wealthy, wealthier. Oops...
Republicans are bragging about crashing the stock market?
Bush gave Obama a Stock Market that had just crashed 7000 points Obama is giving Trump a market that has gone up 13,000 points
To quote you (and use your fall down hilarious logic) "who gives a fuck"? Everyone knows that wealth is made when the DOW is low because more people can purchase stocks. When it's high, only the wealthy can afford to get in. So by your own logic - Obama hurt the lower and middle class and made the wealthy, wealthier. Oops...
Republicans are bragging about crashing the stock market?
Dumbocrats are bragging about crashing the U.S. credit and running up debt that will collapse the country?
The rule that always bothers me is the Republican rule that the Constitution of the United States is unconstitutional,
Says the guy who has claimed dozens of times on USMB that the Constitution is "unconstitutional" and that the Supreme Court dictates the structure of government, the limitations of power, and civil rights. :lmao:
Yeah... Well according to the Constitution, the Air Force, NASA, FEMA, all don't exist. Neither do the national parks.

I'd take 2016 America and all of it's warts instead of some lesser nation that is hemmed in by the strict wording of 240 year old document. Thanks.
I would like to point out that here is a progressive admitting that the U.S. Constitution is being violated in a moment of honesty.

Of course, all of the USMB progressives will attempt to twist this and make excuses but it is crystal clear.

The million dollar question is if progressives don't like being "hemmed in" by the U.S. Constitution, why not just properly amend it? Answer: because they can't get the votes. Which proves that they don't respect the law, don't respect the fact that there is another side that doesn't agree with them, and will not tolerate not having their way.
Especially when you start with a robust economy
Which is achieved through conservative economic policy. Progressive economic policy has given the world the U.S.S.R. (collapsed), Cambodia (perpetual poverty), Cuba (perpetual poverty), and Detroit (filed for bankruptcy).

If the left would simply embrace reality over ideology, they would realize this and we could all prosper.
Especially when you start with a robust economy
Which is achieved through conservative economic policy. Progressive economic policy has given the world the U.S.S.R. (collapsed), Cambodia (perpetual poverty), Cuba (perpetual poverty), and Detroit (filed for bankruptcy).

If the left would simply embrace reality over ideology, they would realize this and we could all prosper.

Conservative economic policy.......slash taxes to pay for two wars

Bush 101
Especially when you start with a robust economy
Which is achieved through conservative economic policy. Progressive economic policy has given the world the U.S.S.R. (collapsed), Cambodia (perpetual poverty), Cuba (perpetual poverty), and Detroit (filed for bankruptcy).

If the left would simply embrace reality over ideology, they would realize this and we could all prosper.
Conservative policy gave us the Great Depression, the S+L Crisis, and the Great Recession. Pfffft!

Progressive is not Communism lol. Detroit was abandoned by the auto industry and whites lol. Dems give us better economies than conservatives duh.
Yeah... Well according to the Constitution, the Air Force, NASA, FEMA, all don't exist. Neither do the national parks.

I'd take 2016 America and all of it's warts instead of some lesser nation that is hemmed in by the strict wording of 240 year old document. Thanks.
I would like to point out that here is a progressive admitting that the U.S. Constitution is being violated in a moment of honesty.

Of course, all of the USMB progressives will attempt to twist this and make excuses but it is crystal clear.

The million dollar question is if progressives don't like being "hemmed in" by the U.S. Constitution, why not just properly amend it? Answer: because they can't get the votes. Which proves that they don't respect the law, don't respect the fact that there is another side that doesn't agree with them, and will not tolerate not having their way.

Well, I'll let you petition the Congress or whomever to get rid of NASA, the Air Force and FEMA. Most citizens recognize the need for all three and the hundreds of other things government does that are not spelled out in our Constitution.

The million dollar question is if Strict Constitutionalist don't like these entities existing in spite of their non-mention in the Constitution, why not do something gabout it? Answer: because it would be wildly unpopular and frankly stupid. Which proves that the Constitution is a living document.
Well, I'll let you petition the Congress or whomever to get rid of NASA, the Air Force and FEMA. Most citizens recognize the need for all three and the hundreds of other things government does that are not spelled out in our Constitution.
If that is true, then you should have no problem getting the votes to amend the U.S. Constitution and reflect that those items are now the current responsibility of the federal government. Right?
The million dollar question is if Strict Constitutionalist don't like these entities existing in spite of their non-mention in the Constitution, why not do something gabout it? Answer: because it would be wildly unpopular and frankly stupid.
Answer: because progressives (such as yourself) keep electing criminals (such as Barack Obama) who do not obey the law to the House and Senate, preventing us from having constitutional government.
The million dollar question is if Strict Constitutionalist don't like these entities existing in spite of their non-mention in the Constitution, why not do something gabout it? Answer: because it would be wildly unpopular and frankly stupid.
Answer: because progressives (such as yourself) keep electing criminals (such as Barack Obama) who do not obey the law to the House and Senate, preventing us from having constitutional government.
Yet you can't find anything unconstitutional
Which proves that the Constitution is a living document.
Neither a piece of paper or a law can be "living" by any definition of the term. You're disingenuous claim of it being "living" is your way of saying "it's irrelevant and I will ignore it".

If the U.S. Constitution can change on the whim of a marxist with a pen and a phone, then why even have it candycorn? That's not sarcasm. I'm being completely serious. Let's sell the actual originals (they should fetch a huge price) to help pay down the national debt or let's just run them through a shredder. No sense in housing them and pretending it matters if progressives such as yourself are going to show so much contempt for it and insist that it should be ignored at all costs.

But I'll tell you this much....someday there will be a president who makes you regret it. It's such a shame that your radical ideology prevents you from seeing the forest for the trees.
We weren't in power sweetie.

Of course you were. You held congress for 6 of those 8 years. For the first time in your life, man up and take responsibility for your fuckups.

It was Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats who spent 8 years tearing the nation apart through race warfare, class warfare, anti-American sentiments, and policies designed to make the U.S. "equal" with Venezuela.

Yes, we get it. You hate the strong economy, low deficits and increased freedom under Obama, because you hate the USA in general.

Oh, your Republican masters have already started saying that deficits are unimportant. Do you plan to join them in that epic flipflop now, or will you wait until they officially command you to hold that opinion? One thing's for sure. You won't have the guts to condemn trump for his record deficits. The party will tell you what to say, and you'll say it. Same with all the Trump-fans. A more gutless lot doesn't exist on the planet.
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The million dollar question is if Strict Constitutionalist don't like these entities existing in spite of their non-mention in the Constitution, why not do something gabout it? Answer: because it would be wildly unpopular and frankly stupid.
Answer: because progressives (such as yourself) keep electing criminals (such as Barack Obama) who do not obey the law to the House and Senate, preventing us from having constitutional government.
Yet you can't find anything unconstitutional
Sure I can. Tens of thousands of examples. I added several in another thread about the federal government funding "art shows" (like the smells from medieval times). You saw them too (and whined about them) so don't act like you don't know.

Then there is stuff like the Department of Education. The federal government has absolutely no authority over education so having that department and spending tens of billions on it every year is the epitome of unconstitutional. The list goes on and on.

You know it too. You just like to pretend otherwise out of your greed.
Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend? At home, he acts like a dictator. He violates the U.S. Constitution, bypasses Congress, refuses to recognize the separation of powers and the limitation of powers, and believes he is above the law.

All weepy deranged lies on your part.

If Obama violated the Constitution, why didn't the courts slap him down? Best I can remember, that happened ... once. That's a far better record than most other presidents.

And given that Bush issued far more executive orders, why weren't you squealing like a little bitch about that? We liberals, being consistent, weren't upset about either. It's only you who exhibits hypocrisy in his every waking action.

But abroad, he cowers to world dictators like Vladimir Putin, Mahmoud Amadinejad, and Fidel Castro.

Then why did Putin hate Obama and have Trump become his buttboy? Obama slapped Putin around. And that's what has you upset. Obama makes Trump, Putin and and you look like the squealing pussies that you are, and nothing will ever change that. In the eyes of history and all of planet earth, you're on TeamPussy.

Basically he's like the guy who get pushed around all day at work with no spine to do anything about it, but then comes home and beats his wife senseless. Both "giant pussy" and "dictator".

Projecting? After all, you try to play the tough guy, but everyone knows you're a giant pussy.

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