Democrats - can we finally come together now?

He drastically reduced taxes.

Horseshit. Who feeds you these alternate histories? Reagan, through SS and medicare hikes, raised taxes on the middle class more than any president in history.

And you love him for that. After all, it means money from the middle class subsidizing your rich masters. You're like a lapdog, hoping for tasty table scraps from your masters.
The million dollar question is if Strict Constitutionalist don't like these entities existing in spite of their non-mention in the Constitution, why not do something gabout it? Answer: because it would be wildly unpopular and frankly stupid.
Answer: because progressives (such as yourself) keep electing criminals (such as Barack Obama) who do not obey the law to the House and Senate, preventing us from having constitutional government.
Yet you can't find anything unconstitutional
Sure I can. Tens of thousands of examples. I added several in another thread about the federal government funding "art shows" (like the smells from medieval times). You saw them too (and whined about them) so don't act like you don't know.

Then there is stuff like the Department of Education. The federal government has absolutely no authority over education so having that department and spending tens of billions on it every year is the epitome of unconstitutional. The list goes on and on.

You know it too. You just like to pretend otherwise out of your greed.
Unfortunately for you.....nowhere in the Constitution does it say constitutionality gets to be decided by messageboard posters
One things for sure. You won't have the guts to condemn trump for his record deficits. The party will tell you what to say, and you'll say it. Same with all the Trump-fans. A more gutless lot doesn't exist on the planet.
That's hilarious coming from the ultimate partisan hack. I can provide you with dozens of posts where I bashed the Republican Party (and Donald Trump). Can you provide me with even a single post where you condemned the Dumbocrat Party? Nope.
Unfortunately for you.....nowhere in the Constitution does it say constitutionality gets to be decided by messageboard posters
Unfortunately for you, the U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and art, education, etc. isn't one of them buttercup. You love. But then, you're used to that!
Unfortunately for you.....nowhere in the Constitution does it say constitutionality gets to be decided by messageboard posters
Unfortunately for you, the U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and art, education, etc. isn't one of them buttercup. You love. But then, you're used to that!
Unfortunately for court agrees with you
Reagan had to triple it. Jimmy Carter gutted defense (like all Democrats do) and made us weaker. He had to rebuild the U.S. military.

Again, more alternate history on your part. All you do is make shit up.

Carter increased the defense budget. The gutting happened under Nixon/Ford.

Obama gutted defense and still added 10x's the amount of national debt that Reagan did in the same amount of time (8 years). When Reagan added $1 trillion, we had a strong national defense and the defeat of the Soviet Union to show for it. When Obama added $10 trillion to the national debt, we have nothing to show for it. Not even the precious "infrastructure" that you buzzword progressives cry for (but don't know what it means :lol: ).

Its funny, how the armchair warriors always say we need more guns. As long as someone else pays, and as long as they don't have to fight.

Oh, Obama killed Bush's deficit. Quit dodging responsibility. Bush made the deficit, Obama wiped it out. Your boy fucked up, ours fixed it.
Conservative economic policy.......slash taxes to pay for two wars

Bush 101
Progressive economic policy....
  • Regulate the shit out of business until they close their doors and are unable to provide any goods or services
  • Tax the bejeezus out of successful, wealthy people to punish them
  • Incentivize lazy, selfish people to reward them for not working
  • Once there are no businesses left, the wealthy have been stripped of their money, and the useless have been given some table scraps, declare a "state of emergency" to abuse power and authority permanently
  • Lather/Rinse/Repeat
Obama 101
That's hilarious coming from the ultimate partisan hack. I can provide you with dozens of posts where I bashed the Republican Party (and Donald Trump). Can you provide me with even a single post where you condemned the Dumbocrat Party? Nope.

Obviously, I could provide many. All the non-liars know I freely criticize Democrats. That comes with being a liberal, not having a party taht commands absolute obedience. Don't project your own role as a Stalinist party apparatchik on to independent people.

Now, we can go back and forth, but the future will tell. We'll be watching you. It will be especially amusing to see you defending Trump's corruption. I'm sure you'll use the "It's all liberal media lies!" excuse a lot, along with making up phony stories about "Democrats do it too!". You're kind of a two-trick pony.
Yes, we get it. You hate the strong economy, low deficits and increased freedom under Obama, because you hate the USA in general.
Bwahahahahaha! "Low deficits" under Obama?!? :lmao:

Sweetie...Barack Obama added more to the national debt in his first 4 years than all U.S. Presidents combined did in their first terms.

It took Barack Obama 8 years to add as much to the national debt as it took all president in U.S. history 235 to add.

Holy geezus.....could you possibly lie any more? :lol:
That's hilarious coming from the ultimate partisan hack. I can provide you with dozens of posts where I bashed the Republican Party (and Donald Trump). Can you provide me with even a single post where you condemned the Dumbocrat Party? Nope.

Obviously, I could provide many.

Then do it. Add a link to just one...right now. I'll wait patiently.
Conservative economic policy.......slash taxes to pay for two wars

Bush 101
Progressive economic policy....
  • Regulate the shit out of business until they close their doors and are unable to provide any goods or services
  • Tax the bejeezus out of successful, wealthy people to punish them
  • Incentivize lazy, selfish people to reward them for not working
  • Once there are no businesses left, the wealthy have been stripped of their money, and the useless have been given some table scraps, declare a "state of emergency" to abuse power and authority permanently
  • Lather/Rinse/Repeat
Obama 101
Tax people who make profits?

How unAmerican
Barack Obama had veto power sweetie. You should really take a basic high school level government class. Just say'n....

And that means he can write legislation?

You flunked civics, didn't you? Explains your love of dictators.
Be honest with us just once - would you? You seriously are on welfare, aren't you? One of the hallmarks of a low IQ individual (besides blindly pledging obedience to the Dumbocrat Party) is to repeat what is said to them back to the other person.

You do that in every post. I point out your lack of knowledge about how our system of government works - and in your embarassment of over looking veto power, you turn around and proclaim that I "flunked civics" after I just mentioned how you need a high school civics class. A sure sign of a very low IQ individual.
Conservative economic policy.......slash taxes to pay for two wars

Bush 101
Progressive economic policy....
  • Regulate the shit out of business until they close their doors and are unable to provide any goods or services
  • Tax the bejeezus out of successful, wealthy people to punish them
  • Incentivize lazy, selfish people to reward them for not working
  • Once there are no businesses left, the wealthy have been stripped of their money, and the useless have been given some table scraps, declare a "state of emergency" to abuse power and authority permanently
  • Lather/Rinse/Repeat
Obama 101
Tax people who make profits?

How unAmerican
Ask an adult to read the post to you! If you can't find an adult at this hour, just sit patient until tomorrow. But refrain from commenting further as it is really embarassing for you.
Conservative economic policy.......slash taxes to pay for two wars

Bush 101
Progressive economic policy....
  • Regulate the shit out of business until they close their doors and are unable to provide any goods or services
  • Tax the bejeezus out of successful, wealthy people to punish them
  • Incentivize lazy, selfish people to reward them for not working
  • Once there are no businesses left, the wealthy have been stripped of their money, and the useless have been given some table scraps, declare a "state of emergency" to abuse power and authority permanently
  • Lather/Rinse/Repeat
Obama 101
Tax people who make profits?

How unAmerican
Ask an adult to read the post to you! If you can't find an adult at this hour, just sit patient until tomorrow. But refrain from commenting further as it is really embarassing for you. are really gasping for air in your last two posts

Ran out of gas didn't you?
Oh, your Republican masters have already started saying that deficits are unimportant.
I know this is difficult for you to realize since the left has masters and it's all they know (yet another example of you repeating back to me what I've said to you by the way) but conservatives don't have "masters". We think for ourselves. It's why we don't vote for people to control our lives like you nitwits do.
Conservative economic policy.......slash taxes to pay for two wars

Bush 101
Progressive economic policy....
  • Regulate the shit out of business until they close their doors and are unable to provide any goods or services
  • Tax the bejeezus out of successful, wealthy people to punish them
  • Incentivize lazy, selfish people to reward them for not working
  • Once there are no businesses left, the wealthy have been stripped of their money, and the useless have been given some table scraps, declare a "state of emergency" to abuse power and authority permanently
  • Lather/Rinse/Repeat
Obama 101
Tax people who make profits?

How unAmerican
Ask an adult to read the post to you! If you can't find an adult at this hour, just sit patient until tomorrow. But refrain from commenting further as it is really embarassing for you. are really gasping for air in your last two posts

Ran out of gas didn't you?
I'm owning you sweetheart. And you know it too. Hence your frustration. You couldn't even come up with a lie to dispute the progressive economic policies that I outlined.

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