Democrats - can we finally come together now?

OUR WAY ???Tell us if you're not a cowardly pussy how many fillibusters repubs gave to Obama
The Republican's did cave to almost everything Obama demanded. They "shut down" th federal government for a few days, then caved thanks to John Boehner. They completely caved on the sequestration - allowing Obama to demand that the military be part of the automatic cuts but not any of his beloved social programs used to purchase votes, and they caved on every unconstitutional action he took.
It's easy Look it up google the fillibuster repubs gave

So which bill did Republicans filibuster that has you so upset?
OUR WAY ???Tell us if you're not a cowardly pussy how many fillibusters repubs gave to Obama
The Republican's did cave to almost everything Obama demanded. They "shut down" th federal government for a few days, then caved thanks to John Boehner. They completely caved on the sequestration - allowing Obama to demand that the military be part of the automatic cuts but not any of his beloved social programs used to purchase votes, and they caved on every unconstitutional action he took.
It's easy Look it up google the fillibuster repubs gave

So which bill did Republicans filibuster that has you so upset?
Here AVATAR Pick one
Here are a dozen bills that could’ve become law in recent years if it weren’t for the filibuster:

1. American Jobs Act. In the minority, Republicans still shut down President Obama’s 2011 jobs plan. It would have imposed a 5.6-percent tax on all income over $1 million to pay for new “stimulus” spending by the government. The Democrats’ majority couldn’t pass the measure, which failed 50-49.

2. Buffett Rule. Championed by Senate Democrats and the White House in 2012, the “Buffett Rule” sought to levy a minimum 30 percent tax on wealthier Americans. Forty-five Republicans voted not to end debate, keeping the legislation from the floor and from becoming law.

3. Cap and Trade. Democrats controlled both houses of Congress in 2010, but their “cap-and-trade” legislation stalled in the Senate. Republicans filibusteredsweeping restrictions on the use of fossil fuels aimed at cutting carbon emissions and the measure failed to reach Obama’s desk

4. DREAM Act. Cheered by President Obama and passed by the House, the DREAM Act was on its way to becoming law in 2010. The legislation would have blazed a path to citizenship for millions of children brought here by illegal immigrants. But a filibuster-wielding Republican minority delayed a final vote, killing the bill.

5. Card Check. The 2009 “card check” bill would have made it easier for labor unions to organize and stay in power by making union elections by secret ballot obsolete. Instead, employers would be forced to recognize a union once organizers collected a majority of employee signatures. After the Republican minority threatened to filibuster, Democrats scrapped the proposal.

6. Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act. Elder Americans would have collected an extra $250 in tax credits under the cost of living adjustment in Social Security, or COLA. A Republican filibuster took the fizz out of the proposal and the bill failed, 53 to 45.

7. Gun Control. The gun control legislation sponsored by Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., backfired in the Senate after Republicans filibustered the measure. The bipartisan bill would have significantly expanded background checks in gun sales but fell shy of the 60-vote threshold to end debate, receiving only 54 votes.

8. Immigration Reform. Toward the end of his term, President George W. Bush pushed for a complete overhaul of the nation’s immigration system in 2007. The measure would have bolstered border security but granted citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants. Republican senators jumped ship and a motion to end debate failed, 53 to 46.

9. Minimum Wage. Republicans launched a filibuster in 2014 to derail a Democrat proposal that would have mandated an across-the-board federal minimum wage of $10.10.

10. The “Public Option.” Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., joined Republicans threatening to filibuster Majority Leader Harry Reid’s health care bill in 2009. The proposed legislation included a “public option” akin to Medicare but was defeated before it could come to a vote.

11. Prolonging Bush Tax Cuts. In 2010, Senate Democrats tried twice to extend George W. Bush’s tax cuts only to middle-class Americans. Higher tax brackets would have returned to Clinton-era rates under their plan. Republican filibusters slammed the door on anything short of across-the-board cuts.

12. Paycheck Fairness Act. Republicans blocked the 2014 Paycheck Fairness Act four separate times. The bill would have leveled harsher penalties for discrimination and required employers to account for any pay gap between male and female employees. The bill never made it to a final vote, though,failing 52 to 40.
Notice those republican bastards even voted against bills they were for trying to stick it to dems

Such as ...

Where'd ya go, Eddie?
Got some market stuff to take care of Icahn the regulator lol letting the fn fox into the hen house And as to your" such as" I can't quote but I do remember there being instances where republicans refused to give a vote to bills they previously wanted Do you remember what McConnell said at the beginning of obamas presidency?? and the secret meetings where pubs banded together to give nothing to obama??

Yes, you were full of shit just like I said
Hey kaz where'd you go Punk out??
OUR WAY ???Tell us if you're not a cowardly pussy how many fillibusters repubs gave to Obama
The Republican's did cave to almost everything Obama demanded. They "shut down" th federal government for a few days, then caved thanks to John Boehner. They completely caved on the sequestration - allowing Obama to demand that the military be part of the automatic cuts but not any of his beloved social programs used to purchase votes, and they caved on every unconstitutional action he took.
It's easy Look it up google the fillibuster repubs gave

So which bill did Republicans filibuster that has you so upset?

Jobs bill that provided money for infrastructure jobs

The same bill Republicans will now force through under Trump for a trillion in infrastructure improvements. They blocked spending on infrastructure while Obama was President and now will brag about how many construction jobs they have created
Notice those republican bastards even voted against bills they were for trying to stick it to dems

Such as ...

Where'd ya go, Eddie?
Got some market stuff to take care of Icahn the regulator lol letting the fn fox into the hen house And as to your" such as" I can't quote but I do remember there being instances where republicans refused to give a vote to bills they previously wanted Do you remember what McConnell said at the beginning of obamas presidency?? and the secret meetings where pubs banded together to give nothing to obama??

Yes, you were full of shit just like I said
Here kaz you lazy piece of shit
Once upon a time, Republicans supported health care mandates, the Dream Act, gun control, public education, civil rights, child labor laws and 18 other perfectly reasonable policies and laws. And then, President Barack Obama got elected.

Here’s what Republicans supported back in the day.

1. Health Care Mandates) Prior to the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by Democrats, Republicans widely supported the idea of an individual health care insurance mandate, Newt Gingrich being perhaps the chief supporter. Republicans have always preached about how people need to take responsibility for themselves, and now that a law exists that makes people take responsibility, the GOP is rejecting it simply on the grounds that President Barack Obama and the Democrats passed it.

2. The Nuclear START Treaty) Republicans shamelessly filibustered the ratification of the Obama START Treaty for quite a long period of time and criticized it tremendously and continue to try and find ways to circumvent the treaty today. What Republicans conveniently forget is that Ronald Reagan, the man that Republicans worship like a God, negotiated the very first START Treaty which was signed by yet another Republican, George H. W. Bush in 1991. That treaty expired in 2009 so President Obama negotiated a new one to continue the Reagan legacy. But since President Obama negotiated this treaty, the GOP retreated from Reagan’s policy faster than the decade it took to create the START Treaty in the first place.

3. Dream Act) Immigration reform has been touted by the GOP for decades now. Reagan granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants in the 1980’s. Most recently, Republicans worked on immigration reform under the Bush Administration and failed. President Bush and Senator John McCain both supported immigration reform and were willing to cross the aisle to work with Democrats, most notably Edward Kennedy. All of that work and bipartisanship ceased after the 2008 Election. Staunchly opposed to President Obama and anything his administration supports, Republicans turned their backs on immigration reform in favor of militarizing the border and laws that violate the civil rights of Hispanics. Obama’s Dream Act would do much that Reagan would approve of, but Republicans refuse hear anything of it.

4. TARP) Republicans supported TARP when they helped pass it in response to the economic collapse in 2008. President Bush even signed the legislation into law. But since it’s been up to the guiding hands of President Obama to deal with TARP, Republicans have since revoked their support and have been highly critical even as they take credit for it when presenting stimulus checks to their local constituents. The fact is, TARP is successful because President Obama oversaw it and Republicans hate that fact.

5. Bail Out of Auto Industry) Republicans once supported this too but abandoned it once President Obama called for it. The auto industry is a vital manufacturing sector that supports millions of American jobs and Republicans WANTED the industry to fail simply because President Obama wanted us to bail them out. If it had failed, Republicans would have blamed President Obama for not supporting the American auto industry. The bail out has been a resounding success with most of the money plus interest paid back to the taxpayers. Mitt Romney has since tried to take credit for the idea because it has been so successful.

6. Israel Going Back To Pre-1967 Borders) Many Presidents have suggested this, even George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. But once President Obama repeated it, Republicans immediately denounced the President and threw their support to Israel’s President. This action by Republicans is totally unprecedented. It is reprehensible for American politicians to support a foreign leader more than the American President. Imagine if the Republican Party had overtly supported Hitler over FDR during World War Two. The only reason Republicans are rejecting President Obama’s plan is because they cannot bring themselves to endorse any idea he suggests, even if it is a Republican one.

7. Gun Control) Republicans overwhelmingly reject any and all gun control measures today. Which is very strange considering Ronald Reagan himself supported the Brady Handgun Act. But, it’s still true. Republicans did indeed support gun control measures in the past. It’s different now. Today’s intolerant, prejudiced, and extremist Republican Party is only against gun control now because they believe there needs to be a war against liberals and minority groups. It’s all about fear and war.

8. Public Education) Even the Founding Fathers believed in education for all. Every Republican President in United States history has been supportive of the public education system in this country. Ronald Reagan campaigned on axing the Department of Education but not only did he NOT eliminate it, he amped up its budget. It is only now that President Obama seeks to improve the education system that Republicans are against public education. When President Bush sought to improve public education, Republicans were on board but now that Obama is President, Republicans have decided that all public schools are evil liberal institutions that must be destroyed.

9. Infrastructure Spending) Republicans have always believed in strong infrastructure, until now. Republicans used the power of the federal government to build the railroads in the 1860’s and 1870’s, the Panama Canal in the beginning of the 20th century, and the interstate highway system in the 1950’s. Yet when President Obama called f

Your typical slants and lies:

- Healthcare mandates: The only Republicans I ever heard of were Newt and the Heritage foundation. Both had rejected the idea long before Obama became President. Name any Republicans who supported that when Obama took office. This is a total lie what you just wrote

- START treaty. Obama put in terms restricting our ability to continue with missile defense. Republicans have always supported missile defense. Do you know what SDI is? No change in position, you're now 0 for 2. Better luck ahead for you?

- Dream act. Again, saying this is because of Obama is retarded. Republicans said after another crappy amnesty under W that they want to not have amnesty without a solution at the border well before Obama took office. 0 for 3. Let's see if you start to do better

- 4 & 5. TARP & Auto Bailout. Republicans voted for it ... There was criticism from fiscal conservatives, but they did that in the first TARP bill under W too. Oops, now you're 0 for 5

- Israel pre-1967 borders. You're full of shit, Republicans never supported this

- Gun control. Again, Republicans are and always were divided on this

- Infrastructure. You have to be more specific. What did Republicans vote down under Obama?

Democrats love the talking lie that they voted down things Republicans supported because of Obama, but in the end is you have a bunch of ridiculous shit.

There is one thing you could have accurately pointed to. General spending. Republicans suddenly become conservatives on spending ... when Democrats are in the White House. W had a spending orgy. Under that I'll give you the infrastructure even though you didn't list anything they voted down. So you're 1-8
Notice those republican bastards even voted against bills they were for trying to stick it to dems

Such as ...

Where'd ya go, Eddie?
Got some market stuff to take care of Icahn the regulator lol letting the fn fox into the hen house And as to your" such as" I can't quote but I do remember there being instances where republicans refused to give a vote to bills they previously wanted Do you remember what McConnell said at the beginning of obamas presidency?? and the secret meetings where pubs banded together to give nothing to obama??

Yes, you were full of shit just like I said
Hey kaz where'd you go Punk out??

I gave you time to answer the post and verified you were still posting when I asked that.

You posted a reply which you didn't give me time to reply to.

Your usual shit. I was responding to your post which I started pretty much ass soon as you posted it
I think they hate all successful Democrat presidents. It burns them endlessly to see the left succeed.
We're still waiting for the first time for that to actually happen... :lmao:
Well there's your deranged opinion, and them there's scientific polling which represents the opinions of hundreds of millions within a margin of error, who rank two Democrats among the top 5 presidents.

Americans Say Reagan Is the Greatest U.S. President
Interesting wording there. Combining "scientific" and "opinion". I'd prefer to look at cold, hard facts, rather than opinion. But that's just me.

You have no facts. You have no numbers. You have no statistics.

All you have are hallucinations.
I will be perfectly honest in assessing Trump's Presidency

Lets look at where we are today:

Stock Market increased 245% at 20,000
Well already you're being dishonest. The stock market skyrocketed to record levels on the news of Donald Trump's election. And already you're trying to attribute that to Barack Obama.

Obama began with a market at 8150 and it is now at 20,000
That is what happened in his Presidency.

Trump will be responsible for what happens in his Presidency

I expect Trump to increase the Stock Market by over 245% or he loses
Like I said....RW is at least being honest about his intent to be dishonest. We would expect nothing less from you!
So which bill did Republicans filibuster that has you so upset?
Here AVATAR Pick one
Here are a dozen bills that could’ve become law in recent years if it weren’t for the filibuster:

1. American Jobs Act. In the minority, Republicans still shut down President Obama’s 2011 jobs plan. It would have imposed a 5.6-percent tax on all income over $1 million to pay for new “stimulus” spending by the government. The Democrats’ majority couldn’t pass the measure, which failed 50-49.
Obama had already had three rounds of "stimulus" packages. Why would the Republicans support a fourth when the first three cost trillions and didn't help at all? :eusa_doh:
I will be perfectly honest in assessing Trump's Presidency

Lets look at where we are today:

Stock Market increased 245% at 20,000
Well already you're being dishonest. The stock market skyrocketed to record levels on the news of Donald Trump's election. And already you're trying to attribute that to Barack Obama.
Skyrocketed since the election?? What the fuck are you smoking?

The Dow is up 9% since the election. It's up 207% under Obama since it bottomed out during Bush's Great Recession and broke all-time highs hundreds of times along the way.

The funniest part of your idiocy is that you would be blaming Obama if the market fell, just like you will when if falls after January.
So which bill did Republicans filibuster that has you so upset?
Here AVATAR Pick one
Here are a dozen bills that could’ve become law in recent years if it weren’t for the filibuster:

2. Buffett Rule. Championed by Senate Democrats and the White House in 2012, the “Buffett Rule” sought to levy a minimum 30 percent tax on wealthier Americans. Forty-five Republicans voted not to end debate, keeping the legislation from the floor and from becoming law.
Again....why would the Republicans support a bill designed to destroy the economy? Even John F. Kennedy himself was adamant that slicing taxes was the only way out of recession.

You position seems to be "if Republicans don't blindly support what is detrimental to the country than they are obstructionists". :eusa_doh:
I will be perfectly honest in assessing Trump's Presidency

Lets look at where we are today:

Stock Market increased 245% at 20,000
Well already you're being dishonest. The stock market skyrocketed to record levels on the news of Donald Trump's election. And already you're trying to attribute that to Barack Obama.
The NASDAQ is up 5% since the election. It's up 330% under Obama since it bottomed out during Bush's Great Recession.

If a 5% increase is sky rocketing, what do you call a 330% increase?
I will be perfectly honest in assessing Trump's Presidency

Lets look at where we are today:

Stock Market increased 245% at 20,000
Well already you're being dishonest. The stock market skyrocketed to record levels on the news of Donald Trump's election. And already you're trying to attribute that to Barack Obama.

Obama began with a market at 8150 and it is now at 20,000
That is what happened in his Presidency.

Trump will be responsible for what happens in his Presidency

I expect Trump to increase the Stock Market by over 245% or he loses
Like I said....RW is at least being honest about his intent to be dishonest. We would expect nothing less from you!

Show me anything I have been dishonest about
So which bill did Republicans filibuster that has you so upset?
Here AVATAR Pick one
Here are a dozen bills that could’ve become law in recent years if it weren’t for the filibuster:

3. Cap and Trade. Democrats controlled both houses of Congress in 2010, but their “cap-and-trade” legislation stalled in the Senate. Republicans filibusteredsweeping restrictions on the use of fossil fuels aimed at cutting carbon emissions and the measure failed to reach Obama’s desk
The fact that you would even mention "Cap & Trade" is a clear indication that you don't even know what it was.

"Cap & Trade" did not reduce pollution even 0.01%. It set an arbitrary emissions level and assigned it to all businesses. But it didn't restrict them to that level. A huge corporation (say GM) who would obviously exceed that level could purchase the unused emissions from a mom & pop shop (say a small business that made crafts by hand and did not generate any emissions). So GM would still have the same output and the small business would still have the same output. Environmentally speaking - what was the point? There was none. The entire thing was designed to transfer wealth from the "evil" successful companies, to the smaller, less successful companies. That's it. That's all it was. A marxist agenda masked in an "environmental" sentiment to garner support. It apparently worked with you.
So which bill did Republicans filibuster that has you so upset?
Here AVATAR Pick one
Here are a dozen bills that could’ve become law in recent years if it weren’t for the filibuster:

1. American Jobs Act. In the minority, Republicans still shut down President Obama’s 2011 jobs plan. It would have imposed a 5.6-percent tax on all income over $1 million to pay for new “stimulus” spending by the government. The Democrats’ majority couldn’t pass the measure, which failed 50-49.
Obama had already had three rounds of "stimulus" packages. Why would the Republicans support a fourth when the first three cost trillions and didn't help at all? :eusa_doh:

This is going to be fun

Every time Obama recommended spending on infrastructure, whether for Stimulus, Hurricane Relief or Jobs Bill....Republicans sang in a chorus of .......Pork, Pork, Pork

Now we get to see how Trump proposes to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure without any.....Pork, Pork, Pork
I will be perfectly honest in assessing Trump's Presidency

Lets look at where we are today:

Stock Market increased 245% at 20,000
Well already you're being dishonest. The stock market skyrocketed to record levels on the news of Donald Trump's election. And already you're trying to attribute that to Barack Obama.

Obama began with a market at 8150 and it is now at 20,000
That is what happened in his Presidency.

Trump will be responsible for what happens in his Presidency

I expect Trump to increase the Stock Market by over 245% or he loses
Like I said....RW is at least being honest about his intent to be dishonest. We would expect nothing less from you!

Show me anything I have been dishonest about
I just did nitwit. When you try attribute the sudden surge in the stock market due to Donald Trump's election to Barack Obama. Completely dishonest.
So which bill did Republicans filibuster that has you so upset?
Here AVATAR Pick one
Here are a dozen bills that could’ve become law in recent years if it weren’t for the filibuster:

1. American Jobs Act. In the minority, Republicans still shut down President Obama’s 2011 jobs plan. It would have imposed a 5.6-percent tax on all income over $1 million to pay for new “stimulus” spending by the government. The Democrats’ majority couldn’t pass the measure, which failed 50-49.
Obama had already had three rounds of "stimulus" packages. Why would the Republicans support a fourth when the first three cost trillions and didn't help at all? :eusa_doh:

This is going to be fun

Every time Obama recommended spending on infrastructure, whether for Stimulus, Hurricane Relief or Jobs Bill....Republicans sang in a chorus of .......Pork, Pork, Pork

Now we get to see how Trump proposes to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure without any.....Pork, Pork, Pork
And I'll be screaming louder than you about the unconstitutional and unsustainable spending.

You, of course, will be raving about Donald Trump since he'll be doing everything you desired and praised Obama for doing.....right?!?
So which bill did Republicans filibuster that has you so upset?
Here AVATAR Pick one
Here are a dozen bills that could’ve become law in recent years if it weren’t for the filibuster:

4. DREAM Act. Cheered by President Obama and passed by the House, the DREAM Act was on its way to becoming law in 2010. The legislation would have blazed a path to citizenship for millions of children brought here by illegal immigrants. But a filibuster-wielding Republican minority delayed a final vote, killing the bill.
Again....why would Republicans support a bill that's designed to reward people with the ultimate reward (U.S. citizenship) for committing a criminal act?!? That makes zero sense. :eusa_doh:
I will be perfectly honest in assessing Trump's Presidency

Lets look at where we are today:

Stock Market increased 245% at 20,000
Well already you're being dishonest. The stock market skyrocketed to record levels on the news of Donald Trump's election. And already you're trying to attribute that to Barack Obama.

Obama began with a market at 8150 and it is now at 20,000
That is what happened in his Presidency.

Trump will be responsible for what happens in his Presidency

I expect Trump to increase the Stock Market by over 245% or he loses
Like I said....RW is at least being honest about his intent to be dishonest. We would expect nothing less from you!

Show me anything I have been dishonest about
I just did nitwit. When you try attribute the sudden surge in the stock market due to Donald Trump's election to Barack Obama. Completely dishonest.

Sorry sweetheart but the recent surge is because investors want to make their final profits under Obama...they know they will lose their shirts under Trump

The market would have gone up higher if Hillary was elected

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