Democrats - can we finally come together now?

As you just spent 8 years trying to rip the country apart, your demand for everyone to sing Kumbaya now is seen as particularly rank hypocrisy.
We weren't in power sweetie. It was Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats who spent 8 years tearing the nation apart through race warfare, class warfare, anti-American sentiments, and policies designed to make the U.S. "equal" with Venezuela.
I am personally rooting for Trump to be successful

I want the economy to boom, I want low unemployment, I want to reduce the debt, I want terrorism to end

I intend to give Trump the same consideration that conservatives gave Obama in acknowledging all he has accomplished
I think they hate all successful Democrat presidents. It burns them endlessly to see the left succeed.
We're still waiting for the first time for that to actually happen... :lmao:
Well there's your deranged opinion, and them there's scientific polling which represents the opinions of hundreds of millions within a margin of error, who rank two Democrats among the top 5 presidents.

Americans Say Reagan Is the Greatest U.S. President
Interesting wording there. Combining "scientific" and "opinion". I'd prefer to look at cold, hard facts, rather than opinion. But that's just me.
Democrats have never been total obstructionists like the Republicans have been the last eight years. Lots of raw feelings, there will be more when republicans take it upon themselves to harshly punish America for electing a black president.

Four words. Bull shit. Harry Reid.
Now that all of you on the left are freaking out and completely losing your shit because of a Donald Trump presidency, will you finally admit that the unconstitutional, unlimited power that you built and celebrated for the Oval Office isn't so great after all? The Donald Trump administration could be the watershed moment we need to repair relations and restore order to the U.S.

Can we please agree that the U.S. Constitution isn't "irrelevant" like all of you proclaimed? That limiting the power of the federal government is crucial? We have a serious opportunity here to come together as one nation and demand that our leaders:
  • Act with the highest integrity
  • Create a completely transparent federal government
  • Respect the separation of powers
  • Respect the limitations of powers
  • Respect the 2nd Amendment
Power is a dangerous thing. You wrongfully believed that power was "harmless" in the hands of Democrats and Barack Obama. Now you can see why it's so dangerous. I'm willing to do everything in my power to restore constitutional government and limit Donald Trump's power. I'm willing to hold my representatives feet to the fire to ensure that. Are you? And will you do it when the next Democrat is in office? Serious question for you Seawytch, mamooth, rdean, candycorn.

I don't want to work with the scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH party any more than I would want to work with the defeated Nazis of Germany in 1946.

I want to destroy them. Without remorse. With no mercy.

I want to hunt them down and crush them. I want to search them out and annihilate them.

I want to push back, turn away, curtail and stop everything they've done while in Office.


dimocraps are scum.

You try to work with them and they'll stab you in the back the first chance they get

THAT is a promise
SORRY I'd like your republicans to get the same shit you dealt out for 8 years ,back in your face

You mean after you dealt it out to Bush for eight years?
After the right dealt it out to Clinton for 8 years before that.
AND the FIRST time trump tries to grab some pussy we impeach him

Ywah, don't think melania is going to let you know when that happens between them
Now that all of you on the left are freaking out and completely losing your shit because of a Donald Trump presidency, will you finally admit that the unconstitutional, unlimited power that you built and celebrated for the Oval Office isn't so great after all? The Donald Trump administration could be the watershed moment we need to repair relations and restore order to the U.S.

Can we please agree that the U.S. Constitution isn't "irrelevant" like all of you proclaimed? That limiting the power of the federal government is crucial? We have a serious opportunity here to come together as one nation and demand that our leaders:
  • Act with the highest integrity
  • Create a completely transparent federal government
  • Respect the separation of powers
  • Respect the limitations of powers
  • Respect the 2nd Amendment
Power is a dangerous thing. You wrongfully believed that power was "harmless" in the hands of Democrats and Barack Obama. Now you can see why it's so dangerous. I'm willing to do everything in my power to restore constitutional government and limit Donald Trump's power. I'm willing to hold my representatives feet to the fire to ensure that. Are you? And will you do it when the next Democrat is in office? Serious question for you Seawytch, mamooth, rdean, candycorn.
SORRY I'd like your republicans to get the same shit you dealt out for 8 years ,back in your face

So you want us to rule with complete disregard to your feelings? Done.

It astounds me that you progressives got almost everything you wanted with the Republicans bending over and letting you have your way for the last 8 years and you guys are still bitching and complaining.

Haven't you screwed the American people enough?
OUR WAY ???Tell us if you're not a cowardly pussy how many fillibusters repubs gave to Obama
SORRY I'd like your republicans to get the same shit you dealt out for 8 years ,back in your face

You mean after you dealt it out to Bush for eight years?
After the right dealt it out to Clinton for 8 years before that.
AND the FIRST time trump tries to grab some pussy we impeach him

Ywah, don't think melania is going to let you know when that happens between them
But Kelly Ann might
Like with Obama? RW idiocy. Half the time he's a dictator, half a giant pussy.
Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend? At home, he acts like a dictator. He violates the U.S. Constitution, bypasses Congress, refuses to recognize the separation of powers and the limitation of powers, and believes he is above the law.

But abroad, he cowers to world dictators like Vladimir Putin, Mahmoud Amadinejad, and Fidel Castro.

Basically he's like the guy who get pushed around all day at work with no spine to do anything about it, but then comes home and beats his wife senseless. Both "giant pussy" and "dictator".
SORRY I'd like your republicans to get the same shit you dealt out for 8 years ,back in your face

You mean after you dealt it out to Bush for eight years?
What didn't bush get?? His war ?? His taxcuts for billionaires?? How many fillabusters did your pub friends rain down on Obama??

You mean the wars democrats voted for and Obama expanded and the tax cuts Obama extended?
No I mean the war where republicans voted en masse and some dems did, to give the last repub ah THE RIGHT to go to war ,,,,,,,with his hand picked info btw
Dem's first need to purge the snowflake liberals from their party, then we can work together. I say chug a bottle of Pepto and get it over with in one big movement.
I never understood the seething hatred Republicans had for Clinton. In many ways he was as close to a Republican as he was a Democrat.
People hate pathologicl liars DTMB. People also hate anyone who sexually assualts women.

Also...remember that we were 4 short years removed from the glory era of Ronald Reagan. Even a moderate liberal will look pretty awful next to true conservatism.

How was Reagan a true conservative? He increased the scope of the federal government. He raised the payroll tax. He stepped on the Tenth Amendment. He granted amnesty to illegal aliens. He tripled the national debt.

John Kasich is more conservative than Reagan was and you guys slammed him in the primaries calling him a RINO.
OUR WAY ???Tell us if you're not a cowardly pussy how many fillibusters repubs gave to Obama
The Republican's did cave to almost everything Obama demanded. They "shut down" th federal government for a few days, then caved thanks to John Boehner. They completely caved on the sequestration - allowing Obama to demand that the military be part of the automatic cuts but not any of his beloved social programs used to purchase votes, and they caved on every unconstitutional action he took.
SORRY I'd like your republicans to get the same shit you dealt out for 8 years ,back in your face

You mean after you dealt it out to Bush for eight years?
After the right dealt it out to Clinton for 8 years before that.

I never understood the seething hatred Republicans had for Clinton. In many ways he was as close to a Republican as he was a Democrat.

Not sure how you can tell the difference between most people in both parties.

As for me, morality was an issue though. The crimes he committed to cover up his being the original receiver of a Monica

SORRY I'd like your republicans to get the same shit you dealt out for 8 years ,back in your face

You mean after you dealt it out to Bush for eight years?
What didn't bush get?? His war ?? His taxcuts for billionaires?? How many fillabusters did your pub friends rain down on Obama??

You mean the wars democrats voted for and Obama expanded and the tax cuts Obama extended?
No I mean the war where republicans voted en masse and some dems did, to give the last repub ah THE RIGHT to go to war ,,,,,,,with his hand picked info btw

Democrats enabled the wars, they are equally responsible.

And you ignored that Obama extended them and the Bush tax cuts.

OK, let's sit here in these chairs. Take a deep breath, this isn't going to be easy for you.

You are a hypocrite ...
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Now that all of you on the left are freaking out and completely losing your shit because of a Donald Trump presidency, will you finally admit that the unconstitutional, unlimited power that you built and celebrated for the Oval Office isn't so great after all? The Donald Trump administration could be the watershed moment we need to repair relations and restore order to the U.S.

Can we please agree that the U.S. Constitution isn't "irrelevant" like all of you proclaimed? That limiting the power of the federal government is crucial? We have a serious opportunity here to come together as one nation and demand that our leaders:
  • Act with the highest integrity
  • Create a completely transparent federal government
  • Respect the separation of powers
  • Respect the limitations of powers
  • Respect the 2nd Amendment
Power is a dangerous thing. You wrongfully believed that power was "harmless" in the hands of Democrats and Barack Obama. Now you can see why it's so dangerous. I'm willing to do everything in my power to restore constitutional government and limit Donald Trump's power. I'm willing to hold my representatives feet to the fire to ensure that. Are you? And will you do it when the next Democrat is in office? Serious question for you Seawytch, mamooth, rdean, candycorn.
As you've seen from the leftist fanatics' responses to your questions in this thread, the answer is an unqualified NO.

NO, they will never agree that the power they want is limited. In fact, they want unlimited power.... limited only by what they feel like doing today.

NO, they will never agree that the Constitution is relevant. Their agenda depends on having no obstructions to any power they want to have. And that's all the Constitution is to them - an obstruction to be gotten around.

NO, they will never agree that limiting the power of a central government is a good idea.

In short, NO, they never come to any agreements with conservatives. The basis of conservatism is that govt power is limited, but the basis of liberalism is that it is not limited. One result of this is that one of their most important objectives is to destroy conservatives. Not just refute them (which they can't do), but to destroy them so that their arguments for conservatism can never be presented in the first place, in any debate.

Finding agreement between liberal fanatics and conservatives, is like finding "common ground" between Israelis and so-called "Palestinians" in the middle East, and make peace between them. The problem is that, while Israelis want to be left alone, so-called "Palestinians" want to completely destroy Israel. The two desires are incompatible, and you will NEVER get "agreement" between them, no matter what suggestions you make.

Same goes for conservatives and liberal fanatics. They can never come to an agreement - at least one of them would have to stop being what he was.
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I intend to give Trump the same consideration that conservatives gave Obama in acknowledging all he has accomplished
At least RW is honest about how he intends to be dishonest.

I will be perfectly honest in assessing Trump's Presidency

Lets look at where we are today:

Stock Market increased 245% at 20,000
Economy added $55 trillion to our national wealth, National wealth $127 trillion
Debt is at $20 trillion
97 million are out of the workforce
Unemployment at 4.6%
No major combat
11 million illegal aliens
Gas at $2.25 a gallon
Inflation below 1 percent

If Trump does better, I will say he does better
If he does worse.....I will say he is worse


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