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Democrats cannot be patriots

LOL, what do you expect from a right wing rag in Marietta, Georgia?

RED NECK bullshit from a red state that relies on blue states to survive.

Read it and weep, twit:

Georgia depends heavily on federal money

This article is a bit disingenuous as it leaves out defense spending. This is one of the largest source of federal Government largess.

Georgia is in the top ten in this area, which this piece completely decided to leave out of the discussion. Blue states benefit just as much as red from Uncle Sam's imperialist policies, so don't going acting high and mighty. It's a smoke screen.

The latest figures available from the bloated bureaucracy are 2017. By my accounting, 13.2 BILLION dollars in spending.

http://www.oea.gov/sites/default/files/DSBS/FY2017 Defense Spending by State Report.pdf

The whole stinky proposal about "Federal Payback" percentages to the states only works on folks that have no idea how the govt or economics works...

People in Cali, NY, Mass, et al PAY MORE taxes because their incomes are INFLATED by cost of living. This one factor alone can vary as much as 2 to 1 between states... Look at the folks on Cash Cab in NYCity that pay $40 for a cab ride to go buy a dozen bagels or have a late night drink with a friend.. You can LIVE in Geogia BETTER on about 40% less income...

And it's not just military.. Georgia has the CDControl which is in top 50 employers. And STATEWIDE the total Federal payroll is about 250,000 including military and civilians...

Federal Employees By State
LOL, what do you expect from a right wing rag in Marietta, Georgia?

RED NECK bullshit from a red state that relies on blue states to survive.

Read it and weep, twit:

Georgia depends heavily on federal money

This article is a bit disingenuous as it leaves out defense spending. This is one of the largest source of federal Government largess.

Georgia is in the top ten in this area, which this piece completely decided to leave out of the discussion. Blue states benefit just as much as red from Uncle Sam's imperialist policies, so don't going acting high and mighty. It's a smoke screen.

The latest figures available from the bloated bureaucracy are 2017. By my accounting, 13.2 BILLION dollars in spending.

http://www.oea.gov/sites/default/files/DSBS/FY2017 Defense Spending by State Report.pdf

The whole stinky proposal about "Federal Payback" percentages to the states only works on folks that have no idea how the govt or economics works...

People in Cali, NY, Mass, et al PAY MORE taxes because their incomes are INFLATED by cost of living. This one factor alone can vary as much as 2 to 1 between states... Look at the folks on Cash Cab in NYCity that pay $40 for a cab ride to go buy a dozen bagels or have a late night drink with a friend.. You can LIVE in Geogia BETTER on about 40% less income...

And it's not just military.. Georgia has the CDControl which is in top 50 employers. And STATEWIDE the total Federal payroll is about 250,000 including military and civilians...

Federal Employees By State
Agreed, but it goes beyond that. This is key, but, it has to do with demographics and how city versus rural, and types of economics, and how they differ, and what they do for the nation.

It is well known, that a healthy society depends on a strong, productive middle class. Yet the limousine liberals, and the wealthy Neo-conservatives agree on one thing, destroying the small businesses and the small farms that are the power house and the engines productivity in this nation, has become just fine with them. It's all about the Financialization of resources and robbing the middle classes of their wealth.

The very thing that got Trump elected, is the life blood that give cities like New York, L.A., S.F., Chicago, Boston, etc. their rich life styles.

This split is not old. It is the same as the North/South split, and it was what caused the original Federalist/Republican-Democrat split that caused discord between Jefferson and Hamilton. Hamilton being the lawyer, and Jefferson, of course, being the farmer.

Hamilton's vision was challenged by Virginia agrarians Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, who formed a rival party, the Jeffersonian Republican party. They favored strong state governments based in rural America and protected by state militias as opposed to a strong national government supported by a national army and navy. They denounced Hamilton as insufficiently devoted to republicanism, too friendly toward corrupt Britain and toward monarchy in general, and too oriented toward cities, business and banking.[140]
Alexander Hamilton - Wikipedia

Folks brag about how great it is out in these liberal elite metropolitan enclaves, but it wouldn't be shit without the farms, the mines, and the factories, the fisheries and truckers hauling the products to markets throughout the nation. Then the libbies and progs whine about income inequality, like really?

How long will folks put up with these elites robbing them do you suppose? :dunno:

As you can see in the map below, many people in the bright blue urban centers, like Los Angeles and Washington, DC, make over $100,000.

Striking maps reveal the huge wealth gap between American cities and the rest of the country

Wealth, Income, and Power
by G. William Domhoff
Power in America
Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power

I see threads on this forum all the time about a "civil war," but I am not sure folks really quite understand where the battlefields would be if such a thing came to pass. If there is one, folks whining about Trump are sitting on the conflict zones.

Cleveland State University
Engaged Scholarship@CSULaw Faculty
Articles and Essays Faculty Scholarship
Abolish the Inflation Tax on the Poor and Middle Class


".. .For many low-income taxpayers, even demand deposits are out of the question. Banks often charge their smallest customers the largest fees.Minimum balance fees, ATM fees, overdraft charges, and a panoply of other penalties can make checking and savings accounts an expensive proposition for someone trying to save a few hundred dollars.In addition, some low-income taxpayers anticipate that their consumption will equal or exceed their income over the course of a year,and thus, choose to keep their savings in cash for the sake of convenience.30 Still more distrust the banking system-particularly in periods of financial turmoil-and choose to keep their savings in cash to avoid losing their nest egg if the bank goes broke. Cash, in particular,is vulnerable to inflation-induced erosion because it yields no return, but all of these common mediums of savings and investment are characterized by low returns that often lag behind the inflation rate."


" . . . In contrast, President Ronald Reagan implied that the"oppressive hand of government" was responsible for causing inflation during the signing ceremony for the Tax Reform Act of 1986. Congressman Ron Paul, chairman and longtime member of the House Subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve Board and domestic monetary policy, goes further. In his second New York Times bestseller, he squarely places the blame for inflation on the government's monetary policy and likens inflation to "counterfeiting" and "taxation."
Agreed, but it goes beyond that. This is key, but, it has to do with demographics and how city versus rural, and types of economics, and how they differ, and what they do for the nation.

It is well known, that a healthy society depends on a strong, productive middle class. Yet the limousine liberals, and the wealthy Neo-conservatives agree on one thing, destroying the small businesses and the small farms that are the power house and the engines productivity in this nation, has become just fine with them. It's all about the Financialization of resources and robbing the middle classes of their wealth.

The very thing that got Trump elected, is the life blood that give cities like New York, L.A., S.F., Chicago, Boston, etc. their rich life styles.

Exactly... "Wealth" as leftists see it is more complex in the area with less dense population. The "wealth gap" is largely in the lefty control major urban complexes. That's why their political leaders are so fixated on it.. You see it NOW that leftists have taken complete control of cities like San Fran and Los Angeles where tent cities and $200K a year "poop control engineers" are now a blight. No one can AFFORD to live in these places without BEING in the top couple percent -- but they still need huge numbers of low skilled workers to survive..

They are WORRIED about survival under those inflated wage conditions... You see their hissy fit reaction to the rest of the country not wanting TO SUBSIDIZE THEM on their Federal SALTaxes. Which is ironically -- a benefit for the VERY RICH that THEY want to tax into oblivion...

They have no clue how to fix any of that... Just remind their "useful idiots" when these phony "Red states are tax suckers" claims come up that their SALT deduction is NOT COUNTED in these stupid analyses....

This split is not old. It is the same as the North/South split, and it was what caused the original Federalist/Republican-Democrat split that caused discord between Jefferson and Hamilton. Hamilton being the lawyer, and Jefferson, of course, being the farmer.

Winner !!

In fact, most of pre-civil war discord in Congress was from Southern (heavy agriculture at the time) having to pay into big INFRASTRUCTURE bills that the North was insisting on.. And TARIFFS that hurt the southern states MORE than the "financial infrastructure" of the North..

Your post is excellent and explains how the polarization in this country is largely because of different scales of wealth and concentration of wealth.. Just a note -- Even $100K a year is not enough to afford decent living in the centers of blue cities... But it's a FORTUNE for a large majority of the rest of the country...
Agreed, but it goes beyond that. This is key, but, it has to do with demographics and how city versus rural, and types of economics, and how they differ, and what they do for the nation.

It is well known, that a healthy society depends on a strong, productive middle class. Yet the limousine liberals, and the wealthy Neo-conservatives agree on one thing, destroying the small businesses and the small farms that are the power house and the engines productivity in this nation, has become just fine with them. It's all about the Financialization of resources and robbing the middle classes of their wealth.

The very thing that got Trump elected, is the life blood that give cities like New York, L.A., S.F., Chicago, Boston, etc. their rich life styles.

Exactly... "Wealth" as leftists see it is more complex in the area with less dense population. The "wealth gap" is largely in the lefty control major urban complexes. That's why their political leaders are so fixated on it.. You see it NOW that leftists have taken complete control of cities like San Fran and Los Angeles where tent cities and $200K a year "poop control engineers" are now a blight. No one can AFFORD to live in these places without BEING in the top couple percent -- but they still need huge numbers of low skilled workers to survive..

They are WORRIED about survival under those inflated wage conditions... You see their reaction to the rest of the country not wanting TO SUBSIDIZE THEM on their Federal SALTaxes. Which is ironically -- a benefit for the VERY RICH that THEY want to tax into oblivion...

They have no clue how to fix any of that... Just remind their "useful idiots" when these phony "Red states are tax suckers" claims come up that their SALT deduction is NOT COUNTED in these stupid analyses....

This split is not old. It is the same as the North/South split, and it was what caused the original Federalist/Republican-Democrat split that caused discord between Jefferson and Hamilton. Hamilton being the lawyer, and Jefferson, of course, being the farmer.

Winner !!

In fact, most of pre-civil war discord in Congress was from Southern (heavy agriculture at the time) having to pay into big INFRASTRUCTURE bills that the North was insisting on.. And TARIFFS that hurt the southern states MORE than the "financial infrastructure" of the North..

Your post is excellent and explains how the polarization in this country is largely because of different scales of wealth and concentration of wealth.. Just a note -- Even $100K a year is not enough to afford decent living in the centers of blue cities... But it's a FORTUNE for a large majority of the rest of the country...
Nice post, thank you!
Agreed, but it goes beyond that. This is key, but, it has to do with demographics and how city versus rural, and types of economics, and how they differ, and what they do for the nation.

It is well known, that a healthy society depends on a strong, productive middle class. Yet the limousine liberals, and the wealthy Neo-conservatives agree on one thing, destroying the small businesses and the small farms that are the power house and the engines productivity in this nation, has become just fine with them. It's all about the Financialization of resources and robbing the middle classes of their wealth.

The very thing that got Trump elected, is the life blood that give cities like New York, L.A., S.F., Chicago, Boston, etc. their rich life styles.

Exactly... "Wealth" as leftists see it is more complex in the area with less dense population. The "wealth gap" is largely in the lefty control major urban complexes. That's why their political leaders are so fixated on it.. You see it NOW that leftists have taken complete control of cities like San Fran and Los Angeles where tent cities and $200K a year "poop control engineers" are now a blight. No one can AFFORD to live in these places without BEING in the top couple percent -- but they still need huge numbers of low skilled workers to survive..

They are WORRIED about survival under those inflated wage conditions... You see their reaction to the rest of the country not wanting TO SUBSIDIZE THEM on their Federal SALTaxes. Which is ironically -- a benefit for the VERY RICH that THEY want to tax into oblivion...

They have no clue how to fix any of that... Just remind their "useful idiots" when these phony "Red states are tax suckers" claims come up that their SALT deduction is NOT COUNTED in these stupid analyses....

This split is not old. It is the same as the North/South split, and it was what caused the original Federalist/Republican-Democrat split that caused discord between Jefferson and Hamilton. Hamilton being the lawyer, and Jefferson, of course, being the farmer.

Winner !!

In fact, most of pre-civil war discord in Congress was from Southern (heavy agriculture at the time) having to pay into big INFRASTRUCTURE bills that the North was insisting on.. And TARIFFS that hurt the southern states MORE than the "financial infrastructure" of the North..

Your post is excellent and explains how the polarization in this country is largely because of different scales of wealth and concentration of wealth.. Just a note -- Even $100K a year is not enough to afford decent living in the centers of blue cities... But it's a FORTUNE for a large majority of the rest of the country...
Nice post, thank you!

Mr Beale set all that up for me.. It's nice to have folks actually DISCUSS details of how things work and take a break from the pissing on the other clan...
Agreed, but it goes beyond that. This is key, but, it has to do with demographics and how city versus rural, and types of economics, and how they differ, and what they do for the nation.

It is well known, that a healthy society depends on a strong, productive middle class. Yet the limousine liberals, and the wealthy Neo-conservatives agree on one thing, destroying the small businesses and the small farms that are the power house and the engines productivity in this nation, has become just fine with them. It's all about the Financialization of resources and robbing the middle classes of their wealth.

The very thing that got Trump elected, is the life blood that give cities like New York, L.A., S.F., Chicago, Boston, etc. their rich life styles.

Exactly... "Wealth" as leftists see it is more complex in the area with less dense population. The "wealth gap" is largely in the lefty control major urban complexes. That's why their political leaders are so fixated on it.. You see it NOW that leftists have taken complete control of cities like San Fran and Los Angeles where tent cities and $200K a year "poop control engineers" are now a blight. No one can AFFORD to live in these places without BEING in the top couple percent -- but they still need huge numbers of low skilled workers to survive..

They are WORRIED about survival under those inflated wage conditions... You see their reaction to the rest of the country not wanting TO SUBSIDIZE THEM on their Federal SALTaxes. Which is ironically -- a benefit for the VERY RICH that THEY want to tax into oblivion...

They have no clue how to fix any of that... Just remind their "useful idiots" when these phony "Red states are tax suckers" claims come up that their SALT deduction is NOT COUNTED in these stupid analyses....

This split is not old. It is the same as the North/South split, and it was what caused the original Federalist/Republican-Democrat split that caused discord between Jefferson and Hamilton. Hamilton being the lawyer, and Jefferson, of course, being the farmer.

Winner !!

In fact, most of pre-civil war discord in Congress was from Southern (heavy agriculture at the time) having to pay into big INFRASTRUCTURE bills that the North was insisting on.. And TARIFFS that hurt the southern states MORE than the "financial infrastructure" of the North..

Your post is excellent and explains how the polarization in this country is largely because of different scales of wealth and concentration of wealth.. Just a note -- Even $100K a year is not enough to afford decent living in the centers of blue cities... But it's a FORTUNE for a large majority of the rest of the country...
Nice post, thank you!

Mr Beale set all that up for me.. It's nice to have folks actually DISCUSS details of how things work and take a break from the pissing on the other clan...
(You'll notice that wealth disparity map (city v. rural) is pretty much spot on with how folks voted for Clinton vs. Trump as well. . . ) :71:

Economically and politically, this shit hasn't changed since the founding of the nation.
And back to the topic:
The OP stands as un-refuted fact:

Democrats cannot be patriots

Democrats cannot be patriots


I asked a friend of mine awhile back if you could be a Democrat and a Patriot. He said “I don’t see how.” I’ve been thinking about that and I agree. There is no way a Democrat can be a Patriot. Let’s take a look at typical Democrats.

Democrats believe in open borders — to increase their voters.

Democrats despise capitalists and individual rights.

Democrats are power and control freaks and believe in big government (supported by high taxes) in order to control all aspects of the economy and the masses.

Democrats look upon the Constitution as a stumbling block to their utopian dream of socialism (never mind that socialism has never worked).

Many Democrats support violence against conservatives (Antifa and Black Lives Matter as just two examples).

Democrats control academia and we can see the results - most college grads are completely ignorant of current events and world history (except for their understanding of the dialectics of Karl Marx).

Due to their “higher education” far left indoctrination, Democrats have a negative view of America.

As we are seeing on a daily basis, a high percentage of Democrats are perverts.

Many Democrats are Alinsky radicals and as such lie like rugs (see Kevin Foley’s latest column on the Trump tax cut — a real whopper).

Hate is hard and harsh word — but Democrats hate President Donald Trump because he is a populist conservative and an American Patriot who can get things done. Just take a look at the economy since he was elected.

Democrats are totally ignorant when it comes to the economy. They have never been able to figure out how tax revenue increases when you lower taxes.

Many Democrats do not like Christians. They really hate that the Declaration of Independence states our Natural Rights come from our Creator (and not the government).

Ninety-seven percent of felons (and professors) identify as Democrats.

Democrats are not very fond of the United States military.

Many Democrats support “sanctuary cities,” which give criminal illegal aliens more rights than American citizens.

And that ladies and gentlemen are just a few reasons Democrats cannot be Patriots. They (Democrats) are a sad lot and bear considerable watching

ME: A wonderful letter to the editor written by someone who sees the Left for who and what they really are. I wish I had written that
I have yet to see anybody refute the actual points in the letter:
Democrats cannot be patriots


I asked a friend of mine awhile back if you could be a Democrat and a Patriot. He said “I don’t see how.” I’ve been thinking about that and I agree. There is no way a Democrat can be a Patriot. Let’s take a look at typical Democrats.

Democrats believe in open borders — to increase their voters.

Democrats despise capitalists and individual rights.

Democrats are power and control freaks and believe in big government (supported by high taxes) in order to control all aspects of the economy and the masses.

Democrats look upon the Constitution as a stumbling block to their utopian dream of socialism (never mind that socialism has never worked).

Many Democrats support violence against conservatives (Antifa and Black Lives Matter as just two examples).

Democrats control academia and we can see the results - most college grads are completely ignorant of current events and world history (except for their understanding of the dialectics of Karl Marx).

Due to their “higher education” far left indoctrination, Democrats have a negative view of America.

As we are seeing on a daily basis, a high percentage of Democrats are perverts.

Many Democrats are Alinsky radicals and as such lie like rugs (see Kevin Foley’s latest column on the Trump tax cut — a real whopper).

Hate is hard and harsh word — but Democrats hate President Donald Trump because he is a populist conservative and an American Patriot who can get things done. Just take a look at the economy since he was elected.

Democrats are totally ignorant when it comes to the economy. They have never been able to figure out how tax revenue increases when you lower taxes.

Many Democrats do not like Christians. They really hate that the Declaration of Independence states our Natural Rights come from our Creator (and not the government).

Ninety-seven percent of felons (and professors) identify as Democrats.

Democrats are not very fond of the United States military.

Many Democrats support “sanctuary cities,” which give criminal illegal aliens more rights than American citizens.

And that ladies and gentlemen are just a few reasons Democrats cannot be Patriots. They (Democrats) are a sad lot and bear considerable watching

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