Democrats claim republicans are Nazis but never back it up

Republicans are right. Have you ever read a history book, Lush? Your party is LITERALLY the party of slavery. You're the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, cross burning, lynching and segregation. And today, any black who tries to leave the Democrat Party learns you still very much believe in slavery as you call them an "Uncle Tom" and a "white supremist" as they walk out the door. You're in the party, the Democrat party, the party that defines racism and is the greatest stain on American history
Pretty much.

And mind you, I used to vote for Democrats! :eek:

But NEVER again.
They sending subpoenas to people who conspired with Trump. Their personal opinions of these conspirators has nothing to do with their reasons to want evidence from these aides and advisors.

Yes we can. That lie has been thoroughly debunked by the hundreds of Trump Supporters who have been charged and plead guilty.
They are sending subpoenas to everyone they don't like.
My thinking is quite clear and logical thank you
It actually isn't, or rather, appears not to be.

Alternatively, you MIGHT be trolling, but you seem genuine, so I doubt this.

Like many/most, your thinking is awash - drowning - in fallacy and propaganda.

And it's an inside job to correct this, to pull yourself to the shore of reason.
I am not playing your silly games
You appear to be playing your own silly games, or perhaps it might be better said that you're playing the silly games of those who have filled your head with nonsense.
Post someyjing of substance or get the hell out of here
Are you the boss of the thread?

Regardless, see above - you'll rarely see anything more substantial or useful to you on this forum.

Best of luck! :)
I am not playing your silly games Post someyjing of substance or get the hell out of here

What authority do you delusionally imagine yourself to have, to demand that anyone participating in this or any other thread on this forum must do so according to your demands or else leave the discussion.

Last I checked, you're not a moderator here.

I invite you to depart and to apply repeated impacts to fine mineral particles.

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