Democrats claim republicans are Nazis but never back it up

Ancient history, you're a fucking moron. Your history of racism goes up to and continues today. Again, any black who tries to leave your grasp is hit by a blast furnace of racism. Larry Elder was a "white supremist" you fucking dick

Actually they are all DEAD now you fucking lying racist twat. You think racists voters of the 50s are still voting? They'd like a hundred now. You're such an idiot

You made it up, that's on you, hysterical lying girl
Dude… again… I know it makes you feel good… but no one is buying your bullshit
Dude… again… I know it makes you feel good… but no one is buying your bullshit

They don't have to, you're making up the bull shit. The part you're right on is no one is buying all the shit you keep making up. And you're a racist, Lush
You made that up, lying is what racists do, Grand Lizard. So what KKK chapter do you belong to? Have you ever read a history book? It's not just the KKK that is Democrat, you are LITERALLY the party of slavery. Then you also own Jim Crow, lynching, cross burning and segregation. And today any black who tries to leave your party learns you very much still believe in slavery as you call him all sorts of racist shit and call him a "White Supremacist." A black man. You're a fucking idiot as well as a racist

The KKK moved to the Republican Party especially during the Trump years. David Duke has been a Republican and is indicative of the Republican Party today. I have no party/ I am a Reagan Republican. Blacks know it is Republicans who are the racist and that includes you.
The KKK moved to the Republican Party especially during the Trump years. David Duke has been a Republican and is indicative of the Republican Party today. I have no party/ I am a Reagan Republican. Blacks know it is Republicans who are the racist and that includes you.

You made that up. The KKK of the 1950s are DEAD you dumb as a doorknob bimbo. They aren't in any party. God you're stupid. The rest is more shit you make up. This is my favorite "I have no party/ I am a Reagan Republican." You're a lying racist leftist Democrat and obviously full of shit and a racist
The left and democrats claim republicans are like Nazis they claim Trump is a Nazi. Of course there are no concentration camps no dead bodies no wars of conquest or racism to back up their claims. And to boot they, the democrats, all advocate murder of Supreme Court Judges and conservative politicians in post after post.
The left and democrats claim republicans are like Nazis they claim Trump is a Nazi. Of course there are no concentration camps no dead bodies no wars of conquest or racism to back up their claims. And to boot they, the democrats, all advocate murder of Supreme Court Judges and conservative politicians in post after post.

NAZI's are people who believe in white nationalist governments, with hyper nationalism, and an authoritarian leader. The Republican Party ticks off every box.

While Hitler committed genocide using death camps and gas chambers, and tried to take over the world none of the genocide or the wars has anything to do with being a NAZI.

You're projecting. Show me these posts by leftists calling for any Republican's murder. I see posts every day calling for death to Democrats, but I have yet to see the leftists respond in kind.

You only call for murder and violence when you can't win at the ballot box. Democrats keep winning at the ballot box and Republicans are calling for violence against them. They even attacked the government on January 6th.
Rush Limpballs is the one credited for Nazi-fying the rhetoric of the Rabid Right when discussing Democrats and liberals in general. Femi-Nazi. Enviro-Nazi. Demo-Nazi. used to be the tell tale sign of a Dittohead. Now it's gone mainstream with the ascension of Trumpybear to the High Throne of the Wannabe Fascists, aka, the Neo-

The father of Fascism also used MOBs to attack and intimidate the Italian government too, before he became the first Fascist Dictator. He also pretended to be a man of the people. Karma got him in the end.
Don't you like how morons like busybee01 call blacks who try to leave the Democrats party racist names like "uncle Tim" and "aunt Jemima?" But we need to feel bad because a bunch of dead Democrats in the south are "Republicans" now. Mrs. Busy is just dumb as all get out. And dead people clearly vote for Democrats, that's long known

You are the moron and you and your family are the ones who are dumb as shit. I call blacks who sacrifice doing the right thing for power collaborators. Tim Scott is the Republican beard. He was chosen to negotiate a police reform bill which Republicans never planned to have honest negotiations with. Then Scott can criticize Democrats and hope that gullible blacks believe him. Republicans have done everything they can to reduce the political power of blacks. They have passed Jim Crow election laws. Florida Republicans went out of their way to get rid of a black majority House seat. In Texas, a increase in the minority population was the reason for Texas getting more House seats but there are now fewer minority seats.
You made that up. The KKK of the 1950s are DEAD you dumb as a doorknob bimbo. They aren't in any party. God you're stupid. The rest is more shit you make up. This is my favorite "I have no party/ I am a Reagan Republican." You're a lying racist leftist Democrat and obviously full of shit and a racist

You are the one who is stupid. You are the one who has to make things up. The shooter in Buffalo sounded exactly like Republicans. The shooter in San Antonio sounded like a Republican. They targeted those areas because of the minority population. You are aq lying right wing Nazi pig. Ronald Reagan would tell you and Trump where to go if he were alive.
You are the moron and you and your family are the ones who are dumb as shit. I call blacks who sacrifice doing the right thing for power collaborators. Tim Scott is the Republican beard. He was chosen to negotiate a police reform bill which Republicans never planned to have honest negotiations with. Then Scott can criticize Democrats and hope that gullible blacks believe him. Republicans have done everything they can to reduce the political power of blacks. They have passed Jim Crow election laws. Florida Republicans went out of their way to get rid of a black majority House seat. In Texas, a increase in the minority population was the reason for Texas getting more House seats but there are now fewer minority seats.

LOL, let's summarize. You're a mind reader who can make up your own history. It's not that hard, Democrat = racist. Always did, always will. No one else would joint that party. Why? They're RACIST like you are, dumb fuck
You are the one who is stupid. You are the one who has to make things up. The shooter in Buffalo sounded exactly like Republicans. The shooter in San Antonio sounded like a Republican. They targeted those areas because of the minority population. You are aq lying right wing Nazi pig. Ronald Reagan would tell you and Trump where to go if he were alive.

Now you're making up people's political party. Very clever how you decided anyone good "sounds" like a Dem and anyone who sounds bad is a Republican. You're just an angry child having a temper tantrum, and a racist
I don't know how you could have even said that with a straight face. They are subpoenaing everyone they don't like.

They sending subpoenas to people who conspired with Trump. Their personal opinions of these conspirators has nothing to do with their reasons to want evidence from these aides and advisors.

Can you deny there weren’t infiltration of other groups in that? You’re nuts if you say no. I Ray Epps you

Yes we can. That lie has been thoroughly debunked by the hundreds of Trump Supporters who have been charged and plead guilty.
They sending subpoenas to people who conspired with Trump. Their personal opinions of these conspirators has nothing to do with their reasons to want evidence from these aides and advisors.

Yes we can. That lie has been thoroughly debunked by the hundreds of Trump Supporters who have been charged and plead guilty.
Name them.

Edit: Dragonlady, I asked you to name those Trump supporters who have been charged and pleaded guilty.
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They sending subpoenas to people who conspired with Trump. Their personal opinions of these conspirators has nothing to do with their reasons to want evidence from these aides and advisors
Those subpoenas are useless unless from a court

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