Democrats claim republicans are Nazis but never back it up

Beer Hall Putsch, November 8, 1923...


Beer Hall Putsch, January 6, 2021...

Can you deny there weren’t infiltration of other groups in that? You’re nuts if you say no. I Ray Epps you

Don't you remember when Trump spoke to the boy scouts of America at their jamboree. He's very violent.

Democrats claim republicans are Nazis but never back it up​

That is not a wholly true statement, Sarge---

Democrats never back ANYTHING up. 99% of their entire MO is making unfounded claims then running when you try to dig deeper!​

Bomb-throwing: what Democrats do on both the grassroots to the federal level, making totally outrageous claims that by the time the real truth is known, a third of the people no longer care and another third have already been biased enough from the media exposure despite the truth coming out to satisfy the European progressive socialists and their chinese masters.
The greater good is not a fallacy. It is those who choose not to be part of civilized society who are imprisioned
What's really charming is that you probably actually think that you formulated that meme on your own, rather than realizing that you are just licking Killery's ass.
The greater good is not a fallacy. It is those who choose not to be part of civilized society who are imprisioned

We've seen what you consider “the greater good”.

We've seen what you consider to be “civilized society”.

Some of us even remember this bizarre fantasy that you posted some years back, describing how you wished aliens would come to Earth and enforce your idea of a Utopia.

Scenario: We are contacted by an alien life form-far more wise and advanced than we- and offered the chance to achieve universal peace and prosperity, if we agree to a few conditions. This is not in the form of a threat. If we decline, they will go on their way and we will be left as we are and they will not give us another chance for 10,000 years. At the same time, if we accept, we will be bound by their conditions for 10,000 years, enough time for us to evolve into a peaceful species. If asked to, they would leave sooner but there would be consequences- much of which will be of our own making-such as when the US left Iraq.

The conditions:
1.All religious expression and thought of religion-yes thought- will be abolished. They have developed a drug to cleanse the mind of all such primitive thought patterns which, they know, causes so much strife in our world. Houses of worship will become centers for performing arts, or museums funded by the government. Some will be converted to housing.

2.All weapons of all kind must be destroyed. Militaries will be for use in natural emergencies only.

3.Hording of wealth is strictly prohibited. Everyone need not be equal in this respect and there will still be private property, but disparity will be very limited

4.Capitalism will be allowed, but business will be strictly regulated to ensure that people are put before profit, and that the environment is protected.

5.All forms of discrimination against any group will be strictly prohibited. They don’t have a pill for that, we’ll just have to get over it.

6.Necessities of life-food, shelter, medicine and clothing-will be recognized as universal human rights and will not be rationed based on a person’s ability to pay.

7.Nations will retain their autonomy, culture and language but be must be organized into a federation of cooperative states who share all natural resources. National leaders will be selected by direct elections in all countries but the Supreme Council of Extra Planetary rulers will have the power to impeach and remove from office, anyone who violates or undermines any of these conditions. Strict term limits will be established and two members of the same family cannot hold high office within 20 years of one another.

8.All creatures of the earth and the earth herself will be treated with respect and care. The systematic destruction of the planet and it’s life forms in the name of profit, power or sport will end.

9.Capital punishment and most prison terms will be abolished worldwide. Minor offenses will be treated as behavioral health and educational issues with the emphasis on rehabilitation. Serious crimes such as violent offenses and white collar theft will be dealt with as described in # 10 below.

10.While these aliens will be inconspicuous in our daily lives-they may even live among us in human form- they will be vigilant, and take action when needed. Anyone not complying with these conditions-or who commits a serious crime- will be banished to a distant war like planet where many live under Spartan conditions and subject to a small wealthy ruling class( which they will not be part of) and the rule is survival of the fittest-in other words, much like earth is now, but much, much worse

We have no difficulty imagining who you would like to see imprisoned, for what reasons, for not wanting to be part of your “civilized society”. Or, better yet, “banished to a distant war like planet where many live under Spartan conditions”.
We've seen what you consider “the greater good”.

We've seen what you consider to be “civilized society”.

Some of us even remember this bizarre fantasy that you posted some years back, describing how you wished aliens would come to Earth and enforce your idea of a Utopia.

We have no difficulty imagining who you would like to see imprisoned, for what reasons, for not wanting to be part of your “civilized society”. Or, better yet, “banished to a distant war like planet where many live under Spartan conditions”.
Thank you for resurrecting that cherished piece of literature Bobby Boy

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