Democrats claim republicans are Nazis but never back it up

Well the fact that during the capital terrorist attack you had people wearing 6MJWNE shirts then we have no proof.

That mean 6 million jews were not enough

By the way.
Can you deny there weren’t infiltration of other groups in that? You’re nuts if you say no. I Ray Epps you
Actually what I have said is that the Republicans are like the Taliban or the Iranian Mullahs driven by extreamist religious furvor, especially now with a supreme court hell bend on pushing am extreme evangelical agenda. Evidence? The war on women and reproductive rights, Attacks on LGBT people, Promotion of school prayer and the weakening of the separation of church and state and the tacid support of What is Christian dominionism? |

Republicans are calling Democrats Nazis while at the same time stupidly calling us Communists and Socialists as those it is all the same thing. You all just throw a lot of shit at the wall hoping that somthing will stick. Throw in "pedophile," "Anti American" "Haters of the Constitution" and "Satan Worshipers" and you fuckers have clearly cornered the market on juvenile moronic name calling
Those fuckers are the worst when it comes to juvenile/moronic name calling!

They make me so mad with their poopyhead name calling!!!!
The left and democrats claim republicans are like Nazis they claim Trump is a Nazi. Of course there are no concentration camps no dead bodies no wars of conquest or racism to back up their claims. And to boot they, the democrats, all advocate murder of Supreme Court Judges and conservative politicians in post after post.
Neo-fascists, actually – authoritarian, illiberal, anti-democratic.

And the evidence is abundant and overwhelming:

Attacks on voting rights and efforts to undermine the right to vote:

Attacks on the right to privacy and reproductive autonomy:

The right’s alliance with white supremacists and other neo-fascist hate groups:

Attacks on freedom of the press and freedom of association:

Attacks on transgender Americans:

Attacks on freedom of speech and free expression:

Attacks on democracy and our democratic institutions:

Neo-fascists, actually – authoritarian, illiberal, anti-democratic.

And the evidence is abundant and overwhelming:

Attacks on voting rights and efforts to undermine the right to vote:

Attacks on the right to privacy and reproductive autonomy:

The right’s alliance with white supremacists and other neo-fascist hate groups:

Attacks on freedom of the press and freedom of association:

Attacks on transgender Americans:

Attacks on freedom of speech and free expression:

Attacks on democracy and our democratic institutions:

And your sources aren't biased or anything! :)
Actually what I have said is that the Republicans are like the Taliban or the Iranian Mullahs driven by extreamist religious furvor, especially now with a supreme court hell bend on pushing am extreme evangelical agenda. Evidence? The war on women and reproductive rights, Attacks on LGBT people, Promotion of school prayer and the weakening of the separation of church and state and the tacid support of What is Christian dominionism? |

Republicans are calling Democrats Nazis while at the same time stupidly calling us Communists and Socialists as those it is all the same thing. You all just throw a lot of shit at the wall hoping that somthing will stick. Throw in "pedophile," "Anti American" "Haters of the Constitution" and "Satan Worshipers" and you fuckers have clearly cornered the market on juvenile moronic name calling

If you thought that was funny, have a look at this

Let's see, folks - who did the Nazis try to exterminate?

....and who supports the so-called "Palestinians" who consider the extermination of these same people as their highest purpose in life?




Did you just claim the 4chan troll joke "Kekistan" flag is Nazi?






Jesus, you're a goddamn gullible idiot motherfucker.

Kill yourself for being so fucking stupid and gullible.

If you thought that was funny, have a look at this

Rawstory! :eek:

Trump's a goner now fer sure!

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