Democrats claim republicans are Nazis but never back it up

The left and democrats claim republicans are like Nazis they claim Trump is a Nazi. Of course there are no concentration camps no dead bodies no wars of conquest or racism to back up their claims. And to boot they, the democrats, all advocate murder of Supreme Court Judges and conservative politicians in post after post.
It is Democrats who are rounding up all of their political enemies and putting them in front of a kangaroo court, with their guilt already pre-determined.
Democrats' #1 tactic is accusing others of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY have done, are doing, and will continue to do.

ok, could call it NAT-C instead of NAZI.
It is the Republicans who are the party of racism. Those racist Democrats have moved to the Republican Party during the Trump years. clarence Thomas is a right wing Nazi while Tim Scott is a collaborator.

You made that up, lying is what racists do, Grand Lizard. So what KKK chapter do you belong to? Have you ever read a history book? It's not just the KKK that is Democrat, you are LITERALLY the party of slavery. Then you also own Jim Crow, lynching, cross burning and segregation. And today any black who tries to leave your party learns you very much still believe in slavery as you call him all sorts of racist shit and call him a "White Supremacist." A black man. You're a fucking idiot as well as a racist
It is the Republicans who are the party of racism. Those racist Democrats have moved to the Republican Party during the Trump years. clarence Thomas is a right wing Nazi while Tim Scott is a collaborator.
they are? since when? When did the kkk relinquish their title from a demofk exactly? Still waiting on that.
Well the fact that during the capital terrorist attack you had people wearing 6MJWNE shirts then we have no proof.

That mean 6 million jews were not enough

By the way.
more pooh slinging I see. Can't back that up can you?
Youre have literal Nazis in your party people who openly embrace Nazism.. And your president admiited to loving Mein Kampf and respecting Hitler.
they are? since when? When did the kkk relinquish their title from a demofk exactly? Still waiting on that.

Don't you like how morons like busybee01 call blacks who try to leave the Democrats party racist names like "uncle Tim" and "aunt Jemima?" But we need to feel bad because a bunch of dead Democrats in the south are "Republicans" now. Mrs. Busy is just dumb as all get out. And dead people clearly vote for Democrats, that's long known
Actually what I have said is that the Republicans are like the Taliban or the Iranian Mullahs driven by extreamist religious furvor, especially now with a supreme court hell bend on pushing am extreme evangelical agenda. Evidence? The war on women and reproductive rights, Attacks on LGBT people, Promotion of school prayer and the weakening of the separation of church and state and the tacid support of What is Christian dominionism? |

Republicans are calling Democrats Nazis while at the same time stupidly calling us Communists and Socialists as those it is all the same thing. You all just throw a lot of shit at the wall hoping that somthing will stick. Throw in "pedophile," "Anti American" "Haters of the Constitution" and "Satan Worshipers" and you fuckers have clearly cornered the market on juvenile moronic name calling
Well maybe if we did bring back school prayer, all of the immoral sick crap going on would stop! Oh but I forgot, the ultimate goal of the LGTBQRSTUVWXYZ agenda IS the legitimization of paedophilia and giving kiddie diddlers their special "rights"
Well maybe if we did bring back school prayer, all of the immoral sick crap going on would stop! Oh but I forgot, the ultimate goal of the LGTBQRSTUVWXYZ agenda IS the legitimization of paedophilia and giving kiddie diddlers their special "rights"
Saw a report that over 181 teachers have been arrested for being pedophiles at the schools in this country this year. What?
Actually that occurs very infrequently

What happens far more often is Republicans claiming that Dems are "commies"...Marxists"..."socialists"..."groomers"..and of course "Naxis"

And of course back none of that up in any real way because of course it's bullshit

Republicans are right. Have you ever read a history book, Lush? Your party is LITERALLY the party of slavery. You're the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, cross burning, lynching and segregation. And today, any black who tries to leave the Democrat Party learns you still very much believe in slavery as you call them an "Uncle Tom" and a "white supremist" as they walk out the door. You're in the party, the Democrat party, the party that defines racism and is the greatest stain on American history
Republicans are right. Have you ever read a history book, Lush? Your party is LITERALLY the party of slavery. You're the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, cross burning, lynching and segregation. And today, any black who tries to leave the Democrat Party learns you still very much believe in slavery as you call them an "Uncle Tom" and a "white supremist" as they walk out the door. You're in the party, the Democrat party, the party that defines racism and is the greatest stain on American history
Dude stop. You’re talking about ancient history.

The parties have flipped

Conservatives in the 19th century FAVORED slavery… those were the Southern Democrats (now Southern Republicans… actually all Republicans now)

No one believes your bullshit no matter how good it makes you feel to say such garbage
Dude stop. You’re talking about ancient history.

The parties have flipped

Conservatives in the 19th century FAVORED slavery… those were the Southern Democrats (now Southern Republicans… actually all Republicans now)

No one believes your bullshit no matter how good it makes you feel to say such garbage
No one believes your bullshit "flipped" story.

Except maybe you.
Dude stop. You’re talking about ancient history.

Ancient history, you're a fucking moron. Your history of racism goes up to and continues today. Again, any black who tries to leave your grasp is hit by a blast furnace of racism. Larry Elder was a "white supremist" you fucking dick

The parties have flipped

Conservatives in the 19th century FAVORED slavery… those were the Southern Democrats (now Southern Republicans… actually all Republicans now)

Actually they are all DEAD now you fucking lying racist twat. You think racists voters of the 50s are still voting? They'd like a hundred now. You're such an idiot. Then you JOINED THEM. So your own story is Democrats were southern racists. Most of the north and west were Republican.

So now your story is you weren't a southern racist, you BECAME ONE. Good for you, you joined the racist party, you weren't in it. At least you admit your racism, now deal with it
No one believes your bullshit no matter how good it makes you feel to say such garbage

You made it up, that's on you, hysterical lying girl

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