Democrats continue to Delay Their Own Investigations


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz just announced that she will ALLOW investigators to access and look at what is on her PC as part of the Foreign Espionage case she is embroiled in after months of refusal to cooperate and to allow access to her already-confiscated PC.

Now it's Susan Rice's turn:

"Susan Rice Postpones Testifying to Congress on Unmasking Trump Officials
Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice was supposed to testify Tuesday in front of the House intelligence committee but has postponed.

During that surveillance, Americans’ names are masked for moral, privacy, and legal reasons, but U.S. officials can request the unmasking of their identities through a formal process.

The House intelligence committee is looking into the issue of improper unmasking of campaign officials and politicians and have subpoenaed the NSA, CIA, and FBI for records related to Rice, former CIA Director John Brennan, and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power.

Several news outlets reported in March that Rice had unmasked members of Trump’s campaign and transition team members during that surveillance.

Rice originally told PBS that she “knew nothing” about unmasking. Later she acknowledged that she engaged in unmasking Trump officials but has insisted that it was not politically motivated and only did it when it related to national security matters."

The only problem with that is that both the heads of the NSA and FBI testified that the information she used to unmask Trump's team was deemed to have no Intel value at all, which means it became 'protected personal classified information'...meaning it had nothing to do with National Security. They testified that leaking this information HAD TO BE for political purposes and constituted Felony Espionage!

That testimony is on record, is on video. Perhaps this has something to do with why Rice is trying to delay her having to appear before congress under oath.

Susan Rice Postpones Testifying to Congress on Unmasking Trump Officials

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