Democrats Continue To Run On Making America Venezuela

Make up your mind. You hate socialist Venezuela while stating that immigrants from socialist Norway are the ideal. Is it because socialist Venezuelans don't rake their forests?

You have turned socialism into a dirty word, and point to Venezuela and the old USSR as posters for that POV. But some in this world have taken the best parts of socialism and rejected the worst parts and made it work for them, just as we have made a Democratic Republic work for us even though we have co-ops and other bits and pieces of socialism in our daily lives.

You can have all the socialism you want until it intrudes upon the Constitution and individual rights. Remember that simply making a law does not make a law legal despite popular opinion.
we have no immigration clause or wall building clause in our federal Constitution. pure socialism on a national basis is all the right wing is asking for.
Apparently that is the only talking point you know because it is the only one you parrot constantly.

The Constitution and our current laws, which Dems don't want to enforce, mandate securing our borders and protecting Americans.

We have existing miles of border barriers / walls now because Democrats agreed it was necessary, which is also why Democrats like Pelosi voted for it twice.

'The wall is immoral / illegal...'he
- Then why do we have walls now?
- Then why aren't they being torn down?
- Then why did Dems vote for it twice?

Is the wall more 'immoral / illegal' than facilitating / protecting human trafficking, sex slave trafficking, violent gangs, rape, murder, cop killing by allowing porous borders that allow criminals to re-enter the US at will?

Is the wall more 'immoral / illegal' than operating federal law-violating sanctuary cities that protect / give safe haven to those criminals?

Is the wall more 'immoral / illegal' than spending hundreds of billions a year on bankrupting the US by paying for the every need of millions of illegals coming here when we have so many poor and needy of our own?

Liberals want to welcome millions of more illegals into the US and pay for it all ... WITH WHAT?

The United States is NOT just 'bankrupt' - we are TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, that hole is getting deeper, & we will never pay it off unless we end deficit spending every year & start paying that debt off!

Bankrupt Socialists wanting to give a free ride to millions of illegals who do not respect this country by using the tax dollars they TAKE from those American Citizens being victimized by BOTH the illegals and Socialist US Politicians....

Now that's both funny & sad...
there is no immigration clause in our Constitution and we have no common defense issue on our border.

lousy right wing management is our problem.


'Polly' want a cracker?! :p
right wing kettles calling less fortunate pots, black. that is all the right wing does.
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela.

I'm pretty sure of it.
it's the only outcome of shutting down private business and replacing with government agencies. Venezuela is historical evidence that shows what happens when that happens.
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela.

I'm pretty sure of it.
it's the only outcome of shutting down private business and replacing with government agencies. Venezuela is historical evidence that shows what happens when that happens.
A command economy should adjust its means of production in a market friendly manner whenever possible.
Again... Venezuela’s problems stem from massive corruption

Full stop
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela.

I'm pretty sure of it. But then the Venezuelans who supported, promoted and accepted socialism didn't think Venezuela would turn out the way it did either. Therein lies the problem. Some people can look at a set of conditions and follow it thru to a logical conclusion, especially when they have historical data to look at. This is what conservatives are doing. Liberals choose to ignore history, logic, reason and go by feelings. Who cares how we get free stuff, lets just pass legislation to make it happen.
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela.

I'm pretty sure of it.
Prove it. They are following Venezuela / Socialist blueprint.

They may not want Venezuela's results - they may be arrogant enough to believe the can avoid the same results, but they want all the glowing promises of past successful Venezuela.

Socialist Utopia is awesome...until the Socialists run out of other people's money to spend...which is the way Socialism always ends.

Every day you come here an post some ridiculous, absurd lie, and when we call you on it, you demand we prove you wrong. You have it backwards, dolt. It's up to YOU to prove what you are saying.
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela.

I'm pretty sure of it.
Really? You don’t think so? Just imagine what this country would look like if democrats could implement all of their policy dreams.

Unarmed populous
Medicare for all
90% tax rates
Speech codes
No oil or coal power

Which in turn would lead to such things as

No jobs
No food
Empty store shelves
Rampant crime
Military crowd control

So how is that any different?
Pelosi voted for a wall twice....then stood with human traffickers, drug runners, MS13, thieves, rapists, & cop killers to keep the borders open simply because she wants to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020.
You are so full of putrescent crap about Pelosi's motives...but your bias against her makes your motives very very clear. A real talking-points mouth puppet.
You are so full of putrescent crap about Pelosi's motives...but your bias against her makes your motives very very clear. A real talking-points mouth puppet.
Thanks again for the personal attack-wrapped opinion.

I am off base, huh? The Day after Trump won Schumer declared Democrats were 100% committed to opposing Trump....and they have done so for the last 2 years.

So tell me, why did Nancy Pelosi lie her ass off about how the DHS and Secret Service could not provide Security for the SotU address during her shutdown...without ever talking to them before she said it?
--- (Had she bothered to talk to them she would have found out they had already planned for her shutdown and would have no problem with providing Security. Pelosi, though, has made it a habit of avoiding briefings from and talking to experts - DHS, Intel Agencies, Border Patrol, Secret Service, etc... - who know what is going on and who provide facts and truth contrary to her the propaganda and lies she has been telling.)

So tell US, when she was busted over that so obvious and so easily debunked lie, why did she attempt to sneak out of the country, in the middle of her shutdown, instead of stay and work on re-opening the govt instead of going on some 'NON-Critical' junket on the tax payer dime AND lie about having any plan to subject herself to a 14+ hour commercial flight on which she would be sequestered with US citizens who would have been asking why she was leaving DC when she should be in the House doing her job?

So tell us, why did her own House Democrats begin calling her out publicly for refusing to negotiate, for refusing to compromise, for refusing to make deals, for walking away from the Dreamer Act Deal...TWICE...criticizing her for refusing to engage in 'how things get done in Washington', and for publicly declaring if they had a deal on the table Pelosi would allow they would have voted for it already?

So tell us, why did her fellow Democrats brank ranks with her and work with the GOP (so much for total solidarity Pelosi was claiming) and going to the President with it behind Pelosi's back to get the Temp deal now in effect?

So tell us, why did Pelosi dig in deeper than an Alabama tick on a coon dog in opposition to something she has already voted for TWICE in the past, even to the point of walking away from DACA, a promise the Democrats have made to Latino voters in the past, only to screw them on it by walking away from a deal to give it to them ... TWICE?

President Obama's own hand-picked Head of the Border Patrol came out and declared 'A border wall Absolutely works', that there is NO reason to NOT use them, that they MUST be part of a comprehensive plan to stop illegal immigration...which is why we already he border walls...and which is why OBAMA, Pelosi, and Schumer have already voted in favor of them!
--- So tell us, why now - after supporting Obama, his Chief of Border Patrol in the past, after having voted for and seeing the existing walls built, and after voting twice more for what the President is asking for, WHY did Pelosi suddenly FLIP-FLOP and turn against everything she voted for once she found out President Trump was for them if NOT due to a serious case of flaming partisan Trump-Hating Butt-hurt?

It is obvious to even the most hardcore snowflakes who now live in a constant state of denial, like you - Pelosi and Schumer have put their own and their party's success above that of the nation. All of this has been and was about denying the President of a 'victory', but not just any victory - denying him of one he made as a campaign promise. It has been about hurting his re-election chances in 2020.

It is also obvious that you can not admit the truth because you suffer from the same TDS-related serious case of flaming partisan Trump-Hating Butt-hurt.
You are so full of putrescent crap about Pelosi's motives...but your bias against her makes your motives very very clear. A real talking-points mouth puppet.

Here's another TRUTH you are sure to deny as well...

Outspoken rookie House trio disrupts Dems, pulls party to the left

Frosh Dems rock Capitol boat with brash, confrontational style


Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are stoking controversy with comments they often have to walk back, clarify or defend from fact-checkers. (Getty/AP/Getty)

These 3 have not been in office 1 month yet, but all 3 have been exposed as idiots, racists, TDS-Suffering Butt-Hurt Trump-Haters. From Left-to-Right you have the newly elected idiot who does not know the difference between Gaza and Palestine and who wants to make America Venezuela who started out joining a sit-in with her eco-justice cheerleading sorority sisters in the new Speaker's office and has attacked fellow Democrats, then the newly elected Liberal Mom who said she told her young impressionable son she was going to 'Get / Impeach that M*er F*er', to the newly elected vile racist Muslim ISIS supporter who also verbally attacked innocent Catholic School Students THE DAY AFTER the fake news story she was basing her attack on was already debunked.

The Democratic Party has been hijacked by the ultra Liberal Socialist Democrats, and Pelosi is playing to them. The Democratic party of JFK - even Bill Clinton - is no more. Obama ushered in / opened the door for the take-over when he declared he wanted to 'fundamentally change' America, not make it better, and then set about doing just that by aiding and abetting terrorists and enemies of this country and violating both Constitution and Law in doing so.

"New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar are not trying to avoid the spotlight.

Unlike other freshman lawmakers trying to learn the ropes of Congress first, the three high-profile House Democrats are attracting immense media attention for their embrace of left-wing politics and, in the case of Tlaib and Omar, for being the first female Muslims elected to Congress.

They're also stoking controversy with inflammatory comments they often have to walk back, clarify or defend from fact-checkers. And, in some cases, they are rankling party leadership."

"They’ll tell you you’re too loud - that you need to wait your turn; and ask the right people for permission. Do it anyway," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted last year."

"At times, she’s been a thorn in the side of Democratic leadership: last week, she was the only House Democrat to vote against a bill to end the partial government shutdown on the grounds that the proposal would fund Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and border security."

The ONLY House Democrat to vote against ending the shutdown because it funded ICE, which she and other Democrats have insanely called for its complete elimination.

"Like Omar, Tlaib has found herself in hot water, most famously with her profanity-infused call to impeach Trump on her first day in office.
---- “People love you and you win,” a video showed Tlaib saying. “And when your son looks at you and says, ‘Momma, look you won. Bullies don’t win.’ And I said, ‘Baby, they don’t, because we’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the motherf--ker.’”

Days later, Tlaib, a Palestinian-American, came under fire again for suggesting that Senate Republicans were more loyal to Israel than the U.S., saying, “They forgot what country they represent.”

The accusation that Jewish politicians could be vulnerable to having "dual loyalties" has been made for centuries in various contexts, and has been seen widely as a religious-based attack."

"Just last week, Omar deleted a tweet about the Covington Catholic student controversy after facing a social media backlash and accusations that she was distorting the facts of the case.

Then Omar came under fire several days later after
accusing Trump of backing a “coup” in Venezuela to “install a far-right opposition.”

And then a report emerged the same week indicating Omar
once asked a judge to show leniency toward a group of Minnesota men accused of trying to join the Islamic State terror group."

Welcome to the new SOCIALIST Democratic Party.

(Some snowflakes on this board have accused Conservatives of using the term Socialist in a 'bad connotation'. I consider the word 'Socialist' much in the same way yet not equally as the term '******'. Both are extremely negative, foul words. The word 'Socialist' brings up pictures / memories of failed oppressive governments and dictators, like Venezuela right now...or the examples being set / put on display by the 3 new freshmen mentioned above. IMO there is no 'bright, shining, positive connotation / version' of the word 'Socialist'.)

Again... Venezuela’s problems stem from massive corruption

Full stop
well that is what socialism really is, massive corruption
how do you avoid corruption?
You punish it. But you can not because there are protected groups that play their games. And that is hate!
we need more market friendly public policies.
Those jokes are what make public employees rich.
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela.

I'm pretty sure of it.

Unintended consequences. The unintended consequences of liberalism and progressivism are what would cause us to become like Venezuela.

I'm sure the left thinks they mean well but for some reason, everything they touch turns to shit.
I understand the slippery slope argument, but it's not being made very well.

People just aren't as afraid of these words as they used to be.
That's because they have been deliberately dumbed down by the fake news media and our system of government education.

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