Democrats Continue To Run On Making America Venezuela

I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela.

I'm pretty sure of it.
Prove it. They are following Venezuela / Socialist blueprint.

They may not want Venezuela's results - they may be arrogant enough to believe the can avoid the same results, but they want all the glowing promises of past successful Venezuela.

Socialist Utopia is awesome...until the Socialists run out of other people's money to spend...which is the way Socialism always ends.

Every day you come here an post some ridiculous, absurd lie, and when we call you on it, you demand we prove you wrong. You have it backwards, dolt. It's up to YOU to prove what you are saying.
True. He does it all the time. Just makes shit up acting like it is fact.
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela.

I'm pretty sure of it.

Unintended consequences. The unintended consequences of liberalism and progressivism are what would cause us to become like Venezuela.

I'm sure the left thinks they mean well but for some reason, everything they touch turns to shit.
I understand the slippery slope argument, but it's not being made very well.

People just aren't as afraid of these words as they used to be.

They're not. People used to be very afraid of the word "communism". But now many people seem to embrace it, in spite of their belief that that some communist country helped to get Trump elected.

These are strange times we live in.
Part of the reason for that is that those on the other side are doing such a poor job of providing a strong counter argument.

The argument against it has to become smarter and more nuanced. Platitudes just aren't going to be enough.
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela.

I'm pretty sure of it.
Prove it. They are following Venezuela / Socialist blueprint.

They may not want Venezuela's results - they may be arrogant enough to believe the can avoid the same results, but they want all the glowing promises of past successful Venezuela.

Socialist Utopia is awesome...until the Socialists run out of other people's money to spend...which is the way Socialism always ends.

Every day you come here an post some ridiculous, absurd lie, and when we call you on it, you demand we prove you wrong. You have it backwards, dolt. It's up to YOU to prove what you are saying.
You intolerantly consider anything that offends your delicate, Trump-hating, Socialist-embracing, TDS-suffering ideology a lie, and ALWAYS personally attack me instead of attempting to discuss / debate based on facts.

History has PROVEN Socialism to be a never-ending failed system. You want Proof? Cuba. Venezuela, the latest.

You ignore the facts, history, & truth....then personally attack.

So, comeback with something insulting again, DL. Dazzle us.
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I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela.

I'm pretty sure of it.

Unintended consequences. The unintended consequences of liberalism and progressivism are what would cause us to become like Venezuela.

I'm sure the left thinks they mean well but for some reason, everything they touch turns to shit.
I understand the slippery slope argument, but it's not being made very well.

People just aren't as afraid of these words as they used to be.

They're not. People used to be very afraid of the word "communism". But now many people seem to embrace it, in spite of their belief that that some communist country helped to get Trump elected.

These are strange times we live in.
Part of the reason for that is that those on the other side are doing such a poor job of providing a strong counter argument.

The argument against it has to become smarter and more nuanced. Platitudes just aren't going to be enough.
The arrogant ignorance from the left is startling but not surprising.

Venezuela, the latest Socialist experiment, collapses & a new generation runs to follow a stupid little socialist Pied Piper who thinks Israel is building settlements in PALESTINE, that believes Capitalism will cease to exist (if wiped out by Socialists, yes), & who wants not only to return to Obama-Esque economy-killing policies but to go further to embrace policies that have led Venezuela to where they are now.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it....
Bernie Sanders, the Socialist Princess AOC, the Fake Woo woo Elizabeth Warren: "Three blind mice, see how they run...", as the children's song goes...

Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.

While President Trump's platform 'Make America Great Again', Democrats are running on 'Make America Venezuela'.

U.S. calls on world to 'pick a side' on Venezuela; Europeans set to recognize Guaido

lol. Lousy right wing management does that to federal republics like Venezuela. Thank Goodness FDR was a left winger and came up with federal solutions instead of federal excuses.
Bernie Sanders, the Socialist Princess AOC, the Fake Woo woo Elizabeth Warren: "Three blind mice, see how they run...", as the children's song goes...

Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.

While President Trump's platform 'Make America Great Again', Democrats are running on 'Make America Venezuela'.

U.S. calls on world to 'pick a side' on Venezuela; Europeans set to recognize Guaido

lol. Lousy right wing management does that to federal republics like Venezuela. Thank Goodness FDR was a left winger and came up with federal solutions instead of federal excuses.
Right wing management of Venezuela is not responsible for what we are seeing. Are you stupid or just a liar?
Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.
Make up your mind. You hate socialist Venezuela while stating that immigrants from socialist Norway are the ideal. Is it because socialist Venezuelans don't rake their forests?

You have turned socialism into a dirty word, and point to Venezuela and the old USSR as posters for that POV. But some in this world have taken the best parts of socialism and rejected the worst parts and made it work for them, just as we have made a Democratic Republic work for us even though we have co-ops and other bits and pieces of socialism in our daily lives.

You can have all the socialism you want until it intrudes upon the Constitution and individual rights. Remember that simply making a law does not make a law legal despite popular opinion.
Bernie Sanders, the Socialist Princess AOC, the Fake Woo woo Elizabeth Warren: "Three blind mice, see how they run...", as the children's song goes...

Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.

While President Trump's platform 'Make America Great Again', Democrats are running on 'Make America Venezuela'.

U.S. calls on world to 'pick a side' on Venezuela; Europeans set to recognize Guaido

lol. Lousy right wing management does that to federal republics like Venezuela. Thank Goodness FDR was a left winger and came up with federal solutions instead of federal excuses.
Right wing management of Venezuela is not responsible for what we are seeing. Are you stupid or just a liar?
the right wing is just clueless and Causeless, like usual. Venezuela is a federal republic like the the US; thank Goodness FDR was a left winger.
Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.
Make up your mind. You hate socialist Venezuela while stating that immigrants from socialist Norway are the ideal. Is it because socialist Venezuelans don't rake their forests?

You have turned socialism into a dirty word, and point to Venezuela and the old USSR as posters for that POV. But some in this world have taken the best parts of socialism and rejected the worst parts and made it work for them, just as we have made a Democratic Republic work for us even though we have co-ops and other bits and pieces of socialism in our daily lives.

You can have all the socialism you want until it intrudes upon the Constitution and individual rights. Remember that simply making a law does not make a law legal despite popular opinion.
we have no immigration clause or wall building clause in our federal Constitution. pure socialism on a national basis is all the right wing is asking for.
Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.
Make up your mind. You hate socialist Venezuela while stating that immigrants from socialist Norway are the ideal. Is it because socialist Venezuelans don't rake their forests?

You have turned socialism into a dirty word, and point to Venezuela and the old USSR as posters for that POV. But some in this world have taken the best parts of socialism and rejected the worst parts and made it work for them, just as we have made a Democratic Republic work for us even though we have co-ops and other bits and pieces of socialism in our daily lives.

You can have all the socialism you want until it intrudes upon the Constitution and individual rights. Remember that simply making a law does not make a law legal despite popular opinion.
we have no immigration clause or wall building clause in our federal Constitution. pure socialism on a national basis is all the right wing is asking for.
Apparently that is the only talking point you know because it is the only one you parrot constantly.

The Constitution and our current laws, which Dems don't want to enforce, mandate securing our borders and protecting Americans.

We have existing miles of border barriers / walls now because Democrats agreed it was necessary, which is also why Democrats like Pelosi voted for it twice.

'The wall is immoral / illegal...'
- Then why do we have walls now?
- Then why aren't they being torn down?
- Then why did Dems vote for it twice?

Is the wall more 'immoral / illegal' than facilitating / protecting human trafficking, sex slave trafficking, violent gangs, rape, murder, cop killing by allowing porous borders that allow criminals to re-enter the US at will?

Is the wall more 'immoral / illegal' than operating federal law-violating sanctuary cities that protect / give safe haven to those criminals?

Is the wall more 'immoral / illegal' than spending hundreds of billions a year on bankrupting the US by paying for the every need of millions of illegals coming here when we have so many poor and needy of our own?

Liberals want to welcome millions of more illegals into the US and pay for it all ... WITH WHAT?

The United States is NOT just 'bankrupt' - we are TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, that hole is getting deeper, & we will never pay it off unless we end deficit spending every year & start paying that debt off!

Bankrupt Socialists wanting to give a free ride to millions of illegals who do not respect this country by using the tax dollars they TAKE from those American Citizens being victimized by BOTH the illegals and Socialist US Politicians....

Now that's both funny & sad...
You can have all the socialism you want until it intrudes upon the Constitution and individual rights.
That's what we have done.
Remember that simply making a law does not make a law legal despite popular opinion.
Don't I know it! Stuff we thought as law are being challenged every day anymore. Take 'emoluments', for example. Or Presidential interference and attempted influence in legal proceedings by tweet.
You can have all the socialism you want until it intrudes upon the Constitution and individual rights.
That's what we have done.
Remember that simply making a law does not make a law legal despite popular opinion.
Don't I know it! Stuff we thought as law are being challenged every day anymore. Take 'emoluments', for example. Or Presidential interference and attempted influence in legal proceedings by tweet.

Your Sith mind tricks are ineffectual.
The problem with Venezuela is the massive corruption...ya the Trump Administration aspires to
Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.
Make up your mind. You hate socialist Venezuela while stating that immigrants from socialist Norway are the ideal. Is it because socialist Venezuelans don't rake their forests?

You have turned socialism into a dirty word, and point to Venezuela and the old USSR as posters for that POV. But some in this world have taken the best parts of socialism and rejected the worst parts and made it work for them, just as we have made a Democratic Republic work for us even though we have co-ops and other bits and pieces of socialism in our daily lives.

Scandanavian countries are not socialist and they are very small. Bad example. USSR is a perfect example. Socialism doesn’t work. It is illogical.
Azog, Scandinavian socialism IS socialism, and so is USSR socialism, and the Scandinavian format works for them. USSR format did not work. USSR is not the perfect example because it failed.

I do not want complete socialism here, but in some cases it works when like groups get together for the common good without stifling individualism. Co-ops and unions have made us strong and prosperous.
You can have all the socialism you want until it intrudes upon the Constitution and individual rights.
That's what we have done.
Remember that simply making a law does not make a law legal despite popular opinion.
Don't I know it! Stuff we thought as law are being challenged every day anymore. Take 'emoluments', for example. Or Presidential interference and attempted influence in legal proceedings by tweet.

Your Sith mind tricks are ineffectual.
Nope! The force is with me!
Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.
Make up your mind. You hate socialist Venezuela while stating that immigrants from socialist Norway are the ideal. Is it because socialist Venezuelans don't rake their forests?

You have turned socialism into a dirty word, and point to Venezuela and the old USSR as posters for that POV. But some in this world have taken the best parts of socialism and rejected the worst parts and made it work for them, just as we have made a Democratic Republic work for us even though we have co-ops and other bits and pieces of socialism in our daily lives.

Scandanavian countries are not socialist and they are very small. Bad example. USSR is a perfect example. Socialism doesn’t work. It is illogical.
Azog, Scandinavian socialism IS socialism, and so is USSR socialism, and the Scandinavian format works for them. USSR format did not work. USSR is not the perfect example because it failed.

I do not want complete socialism here, but in some cases it works when like groups get together for the common good without stifling individualism. Co-ops and unions have made us strong and prosperous.

You can have all the socialism you want until it intrudes upon the Constitution and individual rights.
That's what we have done.
Remember that simply making a law does not make a law legal despite popular opinion.
Don't I know it! Stuff we thought as law are being challenged every day anymore. Take 'emoluments', for example. Or Presidential interference and attempted influence in legal proceedings by tweet.

Your Sith mind tricks are ineffectual.
Nope! The force is with me!

It doesn't work. Think about it logically.
You can have all the socialism you want until it intrudes upon the Constitution and individual rights.
That's what we have done.
Remember that simply making a law does not make a law legal despite popular opinion.
Don't I know it! Stuff we thought as law are being challenged every day anymore. Take 'emoluments', for example. Or Presidential interference and attempted influence in legal proceedings by tweet.

Your Sith mind tricks are ineffectual.
Nope! The force is with me!

Turn from the Dark Side.
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela.

I'm pretty sure of it.
extremists on the right think the left does, just to give them a reason to hate people they make up in their mind.
Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.
Make up your mind. You hate socialist Venezuela while stating that immigrants from socialist Norway are the ideal. Is it because socialist Venezuelans don't rake their forests?

You have turned socialism into a dirty word, and point to Venezuela and the old USSR as posters for that POV. But some in this world have taken the best parts of socialism and rejected the worst parts and made it work for them, just as we have made a Democratic Republic work for us even though we have co-ops and other bits and pieces of socialism in our daily lives.

Fair enough. Please provide some of the “some” that have rejected the worst parts and taken the best parts. Look, I would argue that US has already done that and to go further into the Socialist side of the spectrum would hurt US economically and geopolitically. Limited Socialism is fine but Capitalism pays for Socialism. As a wise woman once showed us, the problem with Socialism is that people paying for it run out of money. Capitalism profits pay for Socialism.

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