Democrats Continue To Run On Making America Venezuela

I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela. I'm pretty sure of it.
Prove it. They are following Venezuela / Socialist blueprint.
Well, they really aren't. It seems pretty clear to me that the goal is a Euro-socialist democracy, and not true, literal socialism.

Screaming VENEZUELA! and SOCIALISM! and MARXISM! simply isn't going to be enough, there's too much information out there.

As always, this all exists on a continuum, and the Right had better figure out how to communicate in nuance before it's too late for them.
So your response is, 'Nuh-uh'.

I guess Democrats will continue to say that until we ARE Venezuela. What will they say THEN?

'Oops. My bad'?
They will blame the GOP just as Franco blames the GOP for the problems of Venezuela.
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela. I'm pretty sure of it.
Prove it. They are following Venezuela / Socialist blueprint.
Well, they really aren't. It seems pretty clear to me that the goal is a Euro-socialist democracy, and not true, literal socialism.

Screaming VENEZUELA! and SOCIALISM! and MARXISM! simply isn't going to be enough, there's too much information out there.

As always, this all exists on a continuum, and the Right had better figure out how to communicate in nuance before it's too late for them.
You would be mistaken since all these leftist morons were praising Hugo Chavez, and they still make excuses for the economic disaster of Venezuela.
You are so full of putrescent crap about Pelosi's motives...but your bias against her makes your motives very very clear. A real talking-points mouth puppet.

Here's another TRUTH you are sure to deny as well...

Outspoken rookie House trio disrupts Dems, pulls party to the left

Frosh Dems rock Capitol boat with brash, confrontational style


Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are stoking controversy with comments they often have to walk back, clarify or defend from fact-checkers. (Getty/AP/Getty)

These 3 have not been in office 1 month yet, but all 3 have been exposed as idiots, racists, TDS-Suffering Butt-Hurt Trump-Haters. From Left-to-Right you have the newly elected idiot who does not know the difference between Gaza and Palestine and who wants to make America Venezuela who started out joining a sit-in with her eco-justice cheerleading sorority sisters in the new Speaker's office and has attacked fellow Democrats, then the newly elected Liberal Mom who said she told her young impressionable son she was going to 'Get / Impeach that M*er F*er', to the newly elected vile racist Muslim ISIS supporter who also verbally attacked innocent Catholic School Students THE DAY AFTER the fake news story she was basing her attack on was already debunked.

The Democratic Party has been hijacked by the ultra Liberal Socialist Democrats, and Pelosi is playing to them. The Democratic party of JFK - even Bill Clinton - is no more. Obama ushered in / opened the door for the take-over when he declared he wanted to 'fundamentally change' America, not make it better, and then set about doing just that by aiding and abetting terrorists and enemies of this country and violating both Constitution and Law in doing so.

"New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar are not trying to avoid the spotlight.

Unlike other freshman lawmakers trying to learn the ropes of Congress first, the three high-profile House Democrats are attracting immense media attention for their embrace of left-wing politics and, in the case of Tlaib and Omar, for being the first female Muslims elected to Congress.

They're also stoking controversy with inflammatory comments they often have to walk back, clarify or defend from fact-checkers. And, in some cases, they are rankling party leadership."

"They’ll tell you you’re too loud - that you need to wait your turn; and ask the right people for permission. Do it anyway," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted last year."

"At times, she’s been a thorn in the side of Democratic leadership: last week, she was the only House Democrat to vote against a bill to end the partial government shutdown on the grounds that the proposal would fund Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and border security."

The ONLY House Democrat to vote against ending the shutdown because it funded ICE, which she and other Democrats have insanely called for its complete elimination.

"Like Omar, Tlaib has found herself in hot water, most famously with her profanity-infused call to impeach Trump on her first day in office.
---- “People love you and you win,” a video showed Tlaib saying. “And when your son looks at you and says, ‘Momma, look you won. Bullies don’t win.’ And I said, ‘Baby, they don’t, because we’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the motherf--ker.’”

Days later, Tlaib, a Palestinian-American, came under fire again for suggesting that Senate Republicans were more loyal to Israel than the U.S., saying, “They forgot what country they represent.”

The accusation that Jewish politicians could be vulnerable to having "dual loyalties" has been made for centuries in various contexts, and has been seen widely as a religious-based attack."

"Just last week, Omar deleted a tweet about the Covington Catholic student controversy after facing a social media backlash and accusations that she was distorting the facts of the case.

Then Omar came under fire several days later after accusing Trump of backing a “coup” in Venezuela to “install a far-right opposition.”

And then a report emerged the same week indicating Omar once asked a judge to show leniency toward a group of Minnesota men accused of trying to join the Islamic State terror group."

Welcome to the new SOCIALIST Democratic Party.

(Some snowflakes on this board have accused Conservatives of using the term Socialist in a 'bad connotation'. I consider the word 'Socialist' much in the same way yet not equally as the term '******'. Both are extremely negative, foul words. The word 'Socialist' brings up pictures / memories of failed oppressive governments and dictators, like Venezuela right now...or the examples being set / put on display by the 3 new freshmen mentioned above. IMO there is no 'bright, shining, positive connotation / version' of the word 'Socialist'.)

The yoog problem with the Democratic Party's coalition of hate is that the different factions hate each other. Eventually they will turn on each other.
Again... Venezuela’s problems stem from massive corruption

Full stop
well that is what socialism really is, massive corruption
how do you avoid corruption?
You punish it. But you can not because there are protected groups that play their games. And that is hate!
we need more market friendly public policies.
Those jokes are what make public employees rich.
lousy capitalists lose money on public policies and whine about taxes.
capitalism is more corrupt; it is Why we have Government.
So your defense of 'Venezuelan' Socialism is a 'But...but...but Capitalism is evil' opinionated response?!

Let me know when our country collapses and Americans are eating their pets to stay alive with a Socialist Dictator refusing to step down.

capitalism is more corrupt; it is Why we have Government.
So your defense of 'Venezuelan' Socialism is a 'But...but...but Capitalism is evil' opinionated response?!

Let me know when our country collapses and Americans are eating their pets to stay alive with a Socialist Dictator refusing to step down.

capitalism costs; only right wingers expect, "true love" for free under Capitalism.
capitalism costs....

And Dictator-forced Socialism, as in Venezuela, that has destroyed the country DOESN'T?


Again, ;et me know when our country collapses and Americans are eating their pets to stay alive with a Socialist Dictator refusing to step down.
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela.

I'm pretty sure of it.
Prove it. They are following Venezuela / Socialist blueprint.

They may not want Venezuela's results - they may be arrogant enough to believe the can avoid the same results, but they want all the glowing promises of past successful Venezuela.

Socialist Utopia is awesome...until the Socialists run out of other people's money to spend...which is the way Socialism always ends.

Venezuela got screwed up because it’s run by an incompetent corrupt strongman who surrounded himself with his unqualified buddies who ran the place into the ground .

Sound familiar?
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela.

I'm pretty sure of it.
Prove it. They are following Venezuela / Socialist blueprint.

They may not want Venezuela's results - they may be arrogant enough to believe the can avoid the same results, but they want all the glowing promises of past successful Venezuela.

Socialist Utopia is awesome...until the Socialists run out of other people's money to spend...which is the way Socialism always ends.

Venezuela got screwed up because it’s run by an incompetent corrupt strongman who surrounded himself with his unqualified buddies who ran the place into the ground .

Sound familiar?
Yes, but Obama is gone now and corrective steps are being taken.
Venezuela got screwed up because it’s run by an incompetent corrupt strongman who surrounded himself with his unqualified buddies who ran the place into the ground. Sound familiar?
No. Venezuela has collapsed after embracing the same Socialist Policies and BS being pushed by AOC and the Leftists who have hijacked the Democratic party, and after being run by back-to-back oppressive Socialist Dictators.
Bernie Sanders, the Socialist Princess AOC, the Fake Woo woo Elizabeth Warren: "Three blind mice, see how they run...", as the children's song goes...

Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.

While President Trump's platform 'Make America Great Again', Democrats are running on 'Make America Venezuela'.

U.S. calls on world to 'pick a side' on Venezuela; Europeans set to recognize Guaido


My niece is a grade school teacher. She's Soooooooooooooo liberal, Seattle liberal. She just posted on Facebook how she said to one of her students "Buenas dias"........The student said "I don't speak Spanish" and my niece responded with "then how did you know it was Spanish?" The student said "because pretty much all other languages are Spanish". That was it, so what was her point?

So yeah, WTF is a grade school teacher speaking Spanish to her students, especially when it's unwarranted, and WTF was she motivated to post this on Facebook as if she accomplished something? She's not a wise person and fully indoctrinated, but it gives you some idea the worth of our school teachers. For the wise, she's saying Spanish should be our primary language.
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capitalism costs....

And Dictator-forced Socialism, as in Venezuela, that has destroyed the country DOESN'T?


Again, ;et me know when our country collapses and Americans are eating their pets to stay alive with a Socialist Dictator refusing to step down.
if capitalism is so fine and so wonderful, why do we even delegate the Power to Tax to our representatives to Government?
Bernie Sanders, the Socialist Princess AOC, the Fake Woo woo Elizabeth Warren: "Three blind mice, see how they run...", as the children's song goes...

Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.

While President Trump's platform 'Make America Great Again', Democrats are running on 'Make America Venezuela'.

U.S. calls on world to 'pick a side' on Venezuela; Europeans set to recognize Guaido


My niece is a grade school teacher. She's Soooooooooooooo liberal, Seattle liberal. She just posted on Facebook how she said to one of her students "Buenas dias"........The student said "I don't speak Spanish" and my niece responded with "then how did you know it was Spanish?" The student said "because pretty much all other languages are Spanish". That was it, so what was her point?

So yeah, WTF is a grade school teacher speaking Spanish to her students, especially when it's unwarranted, and WTF was she motivated to post this on Facebook as if she accomplished something? She's not a wise person and fully indoctrinated, but it gives you some idea the worth of our school teachers. For the wise, she's saying Spanish should be our primary language.
Spanish, that Other White European language. Old Worlders rejoice!
if capitalism is so fine and so wonderful, why do we even delegate the Power to Tax to our representatives to Government?
Government as designed and set up by the US Constitution is not a bad thing. It is when the politicians begin to convince themselves that the Constitution is a 'living breathing document that does not have to be upheld as the founders designed it, that it 'changes' to fit the desires of the politicians who become greedier, more hungry for power that becomes the problem.

Our current politicians at some point decades ago - for some, decided that the constitution and rule of law no longer applied to them, that those who wrote the law was somehow suddenly above the law. They decided to strip themselves of the 'shackles' of the mantle 'Servants of the People' to elevate themselves to the self-appointed position of 'rulers'.

Case in point: Several years back - probably a decade ago, US politicians - both parties - were caught committing the crime of 'Insider Trading', using their inside info gained form being Federal Politicians to enrich themselves. WHAT SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED was what happened to Martha Stewart - they should have gone to jail. Instead, UNBELIEVABLY, to keep that from happening they put on a theatrical display with the help of the media to fool the 'sheep' (dumb American voters). They actually publicly declared THEY DID NOT KNOW INSIDER TRADING LAWS APPLIED TO THEM.


They apologized, said they would never let this happen again, and to prove it THEY DECLARED THEY WOULD PASS A BILL THAT SAID FROM THEN ON INSIDER TRADING LAWS WOULD APPLY TO THEM.

Again, :wtf:?! No such Bill was required because we already had laws covering that, laws that DID already apply to them....laws they did NOT allow to be enforced on them, preventing them from being held accountable. There was no overwhelming outrage from the 'sheeple' - they just swallowed the BS and let the politicians get away with their crimes. They actually took the politicians at their word that they would never let this happen again.
--- GUESS WHAT? After getting away with it, they quietly passed another bill the following week that permanently denied the public from being able to see their personal finances from them on so the PEOPLE would never be able to review their actions in the future and would never be able to catch the politicians doing this again.

Here's another great example: Former CIA Chief Brennan lied his ass off before Congress, committing Felony Perjury by telling Congress that 'NO, the CIA NEVER illegally spied on the Senate for Obama'. Three days later the evidence was exposed that they had done so and that Brennan had committed Felony Perjury. At this point Brennan is read his Rights and perp-walked off to jail, right, like any of us would be under the equal law that applies to us all, right? WHOEVER is caught doing this is guilty of breaking at least 5 different laws, regulations, and rules.

Yeah...NO! The Democrats and Republicans CUT A DEAL TO PREVENT BRENNAN FOR BEING INDICTED for illegally spying on the US Senate and committing Felony Perjury. All Brennan had to do was stand before Congress and admit to them that he and the CIA had indeed illegally spied on the US Senate, that he had lied about it, that they had been caught, and it would never happen again.

CIA director John Brennan lied to you and to the Senate. Fire him | Trevor Timm

CIA admits to spying on Senate staffers

Brennan blatantly lies Senate | User Clip |

The Once Meaningful Theory of our system of Checks-And-Balances has broken down, ending when the new self-appointed 'overseers' / 'rulers', not 'Servants', of the people decided that protecting themselves and each other was more important than holding each other / the government accountable to the people.

This is when the train starts to come off the tracks....when those forcing the train off the tracks start justifying their actions...and lying and deceiving the what is happening now, a FACT supported by a plethora of evidence.

And when the people become so divided, so brainwashed / indoctrinated that they begin taking sides and begin defending their own preferred party crooks / criminals because they have been sucked into the idea that their own PARTY is more important than the entirety of the country, as is also happening now, then sh!t starts going really haywire.
-- The politicians LOVE this moment because they know they have conned the American people so badly that the American people are fighting amongst themselves over which politicians are LESS criminal than the others instead of demanding they ALL be equally held accountable.

This is the point where we find ourselves now, Party over Country, where we wake up to find that there has been a 2+ year conspiracy and attempted coup by Deep State partisans, where in their crusade to take down the President undeniable evidence of crimes committed by the Conspirators is exposed, and the conspirators who have managed to put themselves in charge of the whole thing refuse to acknowledge / investigate their own crimes they have unintentionally revealed.

Case in Point - the fact that the person who did this was Hillary Clinton is completely IRRELEVANT; however, operating an unauthorized, unencrypted, unsecured personal server containing TOP SECRET data and storing it in the BATHROOM of a small tech company that does not have the legal clearances to have it in their possession to begin with is a CRIME!

ANYONE who stores both classified data and unclassified data together on the server and treats them differently, as different classifications, is GUILTY of breaking the law. Whatever is on that server - all of it - is classified as the highest classification, which was TOP SECRET. (*YES, that's a law.) Sending and receiving TS classified material in open unclassified e-mail is a violation of numerous laws, regs and rules. Failing to turn in all work related emails/documents for archiving is a crime, destroying those documents by deleting them, especially after they have been subpoenaed....destroying classified devices with hammers - is a crime of illegally handling and illegally destroying classified in an illegal manner not allowed in numerous laws, regs, and rules....

AGAIN, it does not matter one tinker's damn WHO did this only that it was done that makes all these things criminal acts, criminal acts in violations of laws that apply to EVERYONE. Yet to this day there are some who STILL argue that the person actually caught doing all of this is somehow 'innocent', not because of that they did not do it - that has been proven, but because of who they are and what PARTY they belonged to.

So, back to your original pondering about entrusting politicians to do their jobs...

There is an old saying: 'Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.' When those in power reach a point where they - the 'checks and balances' that are supposed to be the mechanism that ensures that power entrusted into the hands of elected officials does not corrupt / is never corrupted become, themselves, corrupted and begin to believe it is more important to protect fellow politicians and / or party than to act as the 'Safeguards' against corruption - that is the beginning / was the beginning to where we find ourselves today.

The 'Checks and Balances' created by the Founding Fathers id dead. We see it every day now.

Not long ago elected politicians entrusted with power were exposed as having engaged illegally in sexual misconduct for DECADES. Instead of STOPPING IT, they created a committee whose sole purpose was to cover it up WHILE IT CONTINUED ... for DECADES ... by illegally using our tax dollars to BUY THE SILENCE OF THEIR VICTIMS....WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS..FOR DECADES. NOT ONE of them were incited for their crimes. They were all allowed to retire or simply get away with it...and we were told they would have to repay all the government tax dollars they used to silence their victims.

Again, :wtf:?! THAT was it? After THIS, who can actually say that our system of 'Checks and balances', that Justice is somehow enforced equally now?

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