Democrats Continue To Run On Making America Venezuela

I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela.

I'm pretty sure of it.
Actually they do. Why else would you flood the country with poor brown folks.
Bernie Sanders, the Socialist Princess AOC, the Fake Woo woo Elizabeth Warren: "Three blind mice, see how they run...", as the children's song goes...

Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.

While President Trump's platform 'Make America Great Again', Democrats are running on 'Make America Venezuela'.

U.S. calls on world to 'pick a side' on Venezuela; Europeans set to recognize Guaido

Yet another uninformed jackass who is unaware of enezuels's problems.

Maduro's sactions more close;y follow Trump's actions.
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela. I'm pretty sure of it.
extremists on the right think the left does, just to give them a reason to hate people they make up in their mind.
It's that binary thinking, either/or. That's the conditioning.
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela. I'm pretty sure of it.
Actually they do. Why else would you flood the country with poor brown folks.
So you really, really, really do think that the Democrats want America to look just like Venezuela, exactly like it.

Please confirm that is what you honestly think.
Bernie Sanders, the Socialist Princess AOC, the Fake Woo woo Elizabeth Warren: "Three blind mice, see how they run...", as the children's song goes...

Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.

While President Trump's platform 'Make America Great Again', Democrats are running on 'Make America Venezuela'.

U.S. calls on world to 'pick a side' on Venezuela; Europeans set to recognize Guaido

Yet another uninformed jackass who is unaware of enezuels's problems.

Maduro's sactions more close;y follow Trump's actions.
Nice opinionated rant-wrapped personal attack...
Bernie Sanders, the Socialist Princess AOC, the Fake Woo woo Elizabeth Warren: "Three blind mice, see how they run...", as the children's song goes...

Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.

While President Trump's platform 'Make America Great Again', Democrats are running on 'Make America Venezuela'.

U.S. calls on world to 'pick a side' on Venezuela; Europeans set to recognize Guaido

Yet another uninformed jackass who is unaware of enezuels's problems.

Maduro's sactions more close;y follow Trump's actions.
Nice opinionated rant-wrapped personal attack...
Personally, I think you are a fool. Your posts are stupid.

You have no idea of Venezuels's problems & how they got to where they are today.
Bernie Sanders, the Socialist Princess AOC, the Fake Woo woo Elizabeth Warren: "Three blind mice, see how they run...", as the children's song goes...

Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.

While President Trump's platform 'Make America Great Again', Democrats are running on 'Make America Venezuela'.

U.S. calls on world to 'pick a side' on Venezuela; Europeans set to recognize Guaido

Yet another uninformed jackass who is unaware of enezuels's problems.

Maduro's sactions more close;y follow Trump's actions.
Nice opinionated rant-wrapped personal attack...
Personally, I think you are a fool. Your posts are stupid.

You have no idea of Venezuels's problems & how they got to where they are today.
Again, lots of personal attack and opinion - no fact, no substance.
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela. I'm pretty sure of it.
Actually they do. Why else would you flood the country with poor brown folks.
So you really, really, really do think that the Democrats want America to look just like Venezuela, exactly like it.

Please confirm that is what you honestly think.
They've headed that way with California for decades.

It's gonna take time, but eventually America will be like Venezuela if Democrats keep electing idiots like Cuomo, Ocazio, and the two crazy Muslim women that want to execute Jews.
Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.
Make up your mind. You hate socialist Venezuela while stating that immigrants from socialist Norway are the ideal. Is it because socialist Venezuelans don't rake their forests?

You have turned socialism into a dirty word, and point to Venezuela and the old USSR as posters for that POV. But some in this world have taken the best parts of socialism and rejected the worst parts and made it work for them, just as we have made a Democratic Republic work for us even though we have co-ops and other bits and pieces of socialism in our daily lives.

Fair enough. Please provide some of the “some” that have rejected the worst parts and taken the best parts. Look, I would argue that US has already done that and to go further into the Socialist side of the spectrum would hurt US economically and geopolitically. Limited Socialism is fine but Capitalism pays for Socialism. As a wise woman once showed us, the problem with Socialism is that people paying for it run out of money. Capitalism profits pay for Socialism.
Fair enough. Please provide some of the “some” that have rejected the worst parts and taken the best parts. Look, I would argue that US has already done that and to go
I thought I did that with citing Scandinavia.
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela. I'm pretty sure of it.
Actually they do. Why else would you flood the country with poor brown folks.
So you really, really, really do think that the Democrats want America to look just like Venezuela, exactly like it.

Please confirm that is what you honestly think.
They've headed that way with California for decades.

It's gonna take time, but eventually America will be like Venezuela if Democrats keep electing idiots like Cuomo, Ocazio, and the two crazy Muslim women that want to execute Jews.
But do you think they want us to be like Venezuela?
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela. I'm pretty sure of it.
Actually they do. Why else would you flood the country with poor brown folks.
So you really, really, really do think that the Democrats want America to look just like Venezuela, exactly like it.

Please confirm that is what you honestly think.
They've headed that way with California for decades.

It's gonna take time, but eventually America will be like Venezuela if Democrats keep electing idiots like Cuomo, Ocazio, and the two crazy Muslim women that want to execute Jews.
But do you think they want us to be like Venezuela?
Pelosi said that we're just collateral damage.
They don't care what happens to us as long as they can stay comfortable living behind their guns and their walls in their mansions.
In reality very few of them know exactly what the end game is. But does it bother them that people suffer? Nope. A trip to Kuai or Maui fixes that.
Bernie Sanders, the Socialist Princess AOC, the Fake Woo woo Elizabeth Warren: "Three blind mice, see how they run...", as the children's song goes...

Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.

While President Trump's platform 'Make America Great Again', Democrats are running on 'Make America Venezuela'.

U.S. calls on world to 'pick a side' on Venezuela; Europeans set to recognize Guaido

Yet another uninformed jackass who is unaware of enezuels's problems.

Maduro's sactions more close;y follow Trump's actions.
Nice opinionated rant-wrapped personal attack...
Personally, I think you are a fool. Your posts are stupid.

You have no idea of Venezuels's problems & how they got to where they are today.

Chavez was elected in 1998 and Maduro in 2012. Both pursued aggressive socialist policies taking Venezuela from one of the richest coutries in Latin America to its present economic crisis. Simple fact. Both Maduro and Chavez made the poor their political base and remain popular with the poor because of the many advantages they provided to them.

So fking sad.

Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.
Make up your mind. You hate socialist Venezuela while stating that immigrants from socialist Norway are the ideal. Is it because socialist Venezuelans don't rake their forests?

You have turned socialism into a dirty word, and point to Venezuela and the old USSR as posters for that POV. But some in this world have taken the best parts of socialism and rejected the worst parts and made it work for them, just as we have made a Democratic Republic work for us even though we have co-ops and other bits and pieces of socialism in our daily lives.

You can have all the socialism you want until it intrudes upon the Constitution and individual rights. Remember that simply making a law does not make a law legal despite popular opinion.
we have no immigration clause or wall building clause in our federal Constitution. pure socialism on a national basis is all the right wing is asking for.
Apparently that is the only talking point you know because it is the only one you parrot constantly.

The Constitution and our current laws, which Dems don't want to enforce, mandate securing our borders and protecting Americans.

We have existing miles of border barriers / walls now because Democrats agreed it was necessary, which is also why Democrats like Pelosi voted for it twice.

'The wall is immoral / illegal...'he
- Then why do we have walls now?
- Then why aren't they being torn down?
- Then why did Dems vote for it twice?

Is the wall more 'immoral / illegal' than facilitating / protecting human trafficking, sex slave trafficking, violent gangs, rape, murder, cop killing by allowing porous borders that allow criminals to re-enter the US at will?

Is the wall more 'immoral / illegal' than operating federal law-violating sanctuary cities that protect / give safe haven to those criminals?

Is the wall more 'immoral / illegal' than spending hundreds of billions a year on bankrupting the US by paying for the every need of millions of illegals coming here when we have so many poor and needy of our own?

Liberals want to welcome millions of more illegals into the US and pay for it all ... WITH WHAT?

The United States is NOT just 'bankrupt' - we are TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, that hole is getting deeper, & we will never pay it off unless we end deficit spending every year & start paying that debt off!

Bankrupt Socialists wanting to give a free ride to millions of illegals who do not respect this country by using the tax dollars they TAKE from those American Citizens being victimized by BOTH the illegals and Socialist US Politicians....

Now that's both funny & sad...
there is no immigration clause in our Constitution and we have no common defense issue on our border.

lousy right wing management is our problem.
I really don't think that anyone outside the Talk Radio base thinks the Democrats want to turn America into Venezuela. I'm pretty sure of it.
Actually they do. Why else would you flood the country with poor brown folks.
So you really, really, really do think that the Democrats want America to look just like Venezuela, exactly like it.

Please confirm that is what you honestly think.
They've headed that way with California for decades.

It's gonna take time, but eventually America will be like Venezuela if Democrats keep electing idiots like Cuomo, Ocazio, and the two crazy Muslim women that want to execute Jews.
But do you think they want us to be like Venezuela?
Pelosi said that we're just collateral damage.
They don't care what happens to us as long as they can stay comfortable living behind their guns and their walls in their mansions.
In reality very few of them know exactly what the end game is. But does it bother them that people suffer? Nope. A trip to Kuai or Maui fixes that.

Trump throws a temper tantrum hurting millions of Americans & You claim Pelosi did not care because she took a holiday vacation. What was Pelosi supposed to do with Congress, the Senate & McConnell were all on vacation?

Republicans don't care anout everyday people. They only care about the wealthy & Corporate America.
Chavez was elected in 1998 and Maduro in 2012. Both pursued aggressive socialist policies taking Venezuela from one of the richest coutries in Latin America to its present economic crisis. Simple fact. Both Maduro and Chavez made the poor their political base and remain popular with the poor because of the many advantages they provided to them. So fking sad.

So much for 'Right Wing' policies and 'following what Trump does'...
Trump throws a temper tantrum hurting millions of Americans & You claim Pelosi did not care because she took a holiday vacation. What was Pelosi supposed to do with Congress, the Senate & McConnell were all on vacation?

Republicans don't care anout everyday people. They only care about the wealthy & Corporate America.
Pelosi voted for a wall twice....then stood with human traffickers, drug runners, MS13, thieves, rapists, & cop killers to keep the borders open simply because she wants to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020.

Don't act like you don't know that.

Pelosi lied her ass off about DHS & the SS to try to stop the President from giving the SitU speech...when the lie was exposed on the media she tried to sneak out of the country on the tax payer dime while using Mil-Air as her on private limo ... during her shutdown.

After she was denied the free airfare she got embarrassed and lashed out again by claiming she was going to fly commercial until the President exposed her to danger. What a lie - there was no way in hell Nancy Pelosi was going to subject herself to a 14-hour flight on board a plane with American citizens, many of whom she was hurting with her shut down, while they were asking her why she was leaving the country instead of staying and working to reopen the government.

Now Pelosi, the Democrats, and the liberal fake news media are all crowing about how 'Pelosi won' a bunch of immature high school students.

Pelosi and the Democrats are motivated by one thing, and that is hurting the president's chances at reelection in 2020...and you know it.
Venezuela is like a Socialist black hole, devouring itself...power taken from the people and concentrated the power into the hands of government, exactly what the Democrats are calling for today.
Make up your mind. You hate socialist Venezuela while stating that immigrants from socialist Norway are the ideal. Is it because socialist Venezuelans don't rake their forests?

You have turned socialism into a dirty word, and point to Venezuela and the old USSR as posters for that POV. But some in this world have taken the best parts of socialism and rejected the worst parts and made it work for them, just as we have made a Democratic Republic work for us even though we have co-ops and other bits and pieces of socialism in our daily lives.

You can have all the socialism you want until it intrudes upon the Constitution and individual rights. Remember that simply making a law does not make a law legal despite popular opinion.
we have no immigration clause or wall building clause in our federal Constitution. pure socialism on a national basis is all the right wing is asking for.
Apparently that is the only talking point you know because it is the only one you parrot constantly.

The Constitution and our current laws, which Dems don't want to enforce, mandate securing our borders and protecting Americans.

We have existing miles of border barriers / walls now because Democrats agreed it was necessary, which is also why Democrats like Pelosi voted for it twice.

'The wall is immoral / illegal...'he
- Then why do we have walls now?
- Then why aren't they being torn down?
- Then why did Dems vote for it twice?

Is the wall more 'immoral / illegal' than facilitating / protecting human trafficking, sex slave trafficking, violent gangs, rape, murder, cop killing by allowing porous borders that allow criminals to re-enter the US at will?

Is the wall more 'immoral / illegal' than operating federal law-violating sanctuary cities that protect / give safe haven to those criminals?

Is the wall more 'immoral / illegal' than spending hundreds of billions a year on bankrupting the US by paying for the every need of millions of illegals coming here when we have so many poor and needy of our own?

Liberals want to welcome millions of more illegals into the US and pay for it all ... WITH WHAT?

The United States is NOT just 'bankrupt' - we are TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, that hole is getting deeper, & we will never pay it off unless we end deficit spending every year & start paying that debt off!

Bankrupt Socialists wanting to give a free ride to millions of illegals who do not respect this country by using the tax dollars they TAKE from those American Citizens being victimized by BOTH the illegals and Socialist US Politicians....

Now that's both funny & sad...
there is no immigration clause in our Constitution and we have no common defense issue on our border.

lousy right wing management is our problem.


'Polly' want a cracker?! :p

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