Democrats continue to win! Another Deep South upset. Edwards wins the governor race for Louisiana

I knew it.
I fucking knew it.

I knew, as soon as this was announced, some leftist moron here would trounce on it without actually understanding who the incumbent was.

Sorry to break it to you, Billy Boy, Edwards is what you might call a "deep south Democrat". He's a former Army Ranger, he signed one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the nation, opposes firearm restrictions, and thinks the whole Trump impeachment inquiry is a bunch of bullshit. Hell, I'd vote for the guy too. Policy matters more than a letter.

But go on thinking you have a victory here... lol.
I do actually. As close as he was to the center, it runs counter to your ideology that democrats are scum no matter what.

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you know me? Do we go and have beers together on a Friday night? Have I invited you to my kids birthday parties?

No? Then who the fuck are you to claim to know why my ideology is?
So the 3rd most uneducated state went Dem.

Will that be the headline by the MSM?

No.....the GOP ruined the GOP...... and what do the democrats win?

Excessive taxes.

Excessive regulations.

Businesses fleeing the state.

human feces on sidewalks.

more and more violence is real smart to elect democrats.
Human feces on sidewalks? Liberals are more violent than conservatives? Are you listening to yourself?

Evidently you haven't been to San Francisco or Portland for quite a few years. Do you even know where they're at?
The GOP is really going to have to learn how to get dead people out to vote like the Democrats do. The GOP is going to have to learn how to commit voter fraud like the Democrats do.

Gosh darn, anyone who votes for a Democrat more than deserves to become a victim of any crime that befalls them.
So what is the democrat secret of getting dead people to vote? I mean you do get that dead people that are still registered to vote aren’t actually voting right? Please tell me you get this.

Simple. No Photo I’d required. And it’s against the law to purge dead voters from the rolls.
It’s against the law to purge dead voters from the rolls? That sounds like bullshit, but even if it was true it means jack shit because dead people don’t cast votes lol. My god.

Someone must pay you to be so stupid.
So are you suggesting that dead people on registration rolls are casting actual votes?

Well sure, Billy. That's how it works. Doofy dummycrats roam cemeteries and dig up the freshest ones to drag off to the voting stations. Like Weekend at Bernies...

No.....the GOP ruined the GOP...... and what do the democrats win?

Excessive taxes.

Excessive regulations.

Businesses fleeing the state.

human feces on sidewalks.

more and more violence is real smart to elect democrats.
Human feces on sidewalks? Liberals are more violent than conservatives? Are you listening to yourself?

I see California.......and yes...left wingers are more violent than conservatives....

Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.


As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.
Lol how about you look up the statistics of political violence comparing the right to the left and get back to me.

No no no, little Billy Boy.

Left wing violence is far more prevalent. Right wing violence is far more effective. If and when the right decides to get violent, they are way fucking better at it. Keep that in mind when you're poking the bear.
I knew it.
I fucking knew it.

I knew, as soon as this was announced, some leftist moron here would trounce on it without actually understanding who the incumbent was.

Sorry to break it to you, Billy Boy, Edwards is what you might call a "deep south Democrat". He's a former Army Ranger, he signed one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the nation, opposes firearm restrictions, and thinks the whole Trump impeachment inquiry is a bunch of bullshit. Hell, I'd vote for the guy too. Policy matters more than a letter.

But go on thinking you have a victory here... lol.
I do actually. As close as he was to the center, it runs counter to your ideology that democrats are scum no matter what.

Tell you what: I'll trade you all my RINOs and Never-Trumper Republicans for your anti-abortion, pro-gun, pro-Trump Democrats, when you find them.

Shut up fake news, here are some facts to destroy your spin.

1. Rispone the GOP candidate is a 70-year-old who had never run for office and had little name recognition.

2. The Dem looks like a conservative, Edwards is a West Point graduate and former Army Ranger, opposes gun restrictions, signed one of the nation's strictest abortion bans and dismissed the ongoing impeachment inquiry against the president as a distraction. Even with that the unknown GOP candidate came within 2% of beating him.

All your lying filthy liberal heads just exploded.
Something else. It's being reported that the NAACP contracted with Uber to give free rides to the polls for blacks. Uber is owned by a Democrat billionaire. This morning when voters woke up, newspapers around the state and local news station websites were reporting how to get the free rides. They didn't even have to use the Uber app. They had a number to call instead and an Uber would come pick them up to vote and take them back home.. That's most likely what put Edwards over the top.
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Shut up fake news, here are some facts to destroy your spin.

1. Rispone the GOP candidate is a 70-year-old who had never run for office and had little name recognition.

2. The Dem looks like a conservative, Edwards is a West Point graduate and former Army Ranger, opposes gun restrictions, signed one of the nation's strictest abortion bans and dismissed the ongoing impeachment inquiry against the president as a distraction. Even with that the unknown GOP candidate came within 2% of beating him.

All your lying filthy liberal heads just exploded.
Something else. It's being reported that the NAACP contracted with Uber to give free rides to the polls for blacks. Uber is owned by a Democrat billionaire. This morning when voters woke up, newspapers around the state and local news station websites were reporting how to get the free rides. They didn't even have to use the Uber app. They had a number to call instead. That's most likely what put Edwards over the top.


Shut up fake news, here are some facts to destroy your spin.

1. Rispone the GOP candidate is a 70-year-old who had never run for office and had little name recognition.

2. The Dem looks like a conservative, Edwards is a West Point graduate and former Army Ranger, opposes gun restrictions, signed one of the nation's strictest abortion bans and dismissed the ongoing impeachment inquiry against the president as a distraction. Even with that the unknown GOP candidate came within 2% of beating him.

All your lying filthy liberal heads just exploded.
Something else. It's being reported that the NAACP contracted with Uber to give free rides to the polls for blacks. Uber is owned by a Democrat billionaire. This morning when voters woke up, newspapers around the state and local news station websites were reporting how to get the free rides. They didn't even have to use the Uber app. They had a number to call instead. That's most likely what put Edwards over the top.

LMFAO what kind of uber drivers do they have in Louisiana?

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The GOP is really going to have to learn how to get dead people out to vote like the Democrats do. The GOP is going to have to learn how to commit voter fraud like the Democrats do.

Gosh darn, anyone who votes for a Democrat more than deserves to become a victim of any crime that befalls them.
So what is the democrat secret of getting dead people to vote? I mean you do get that dead people that are still registered to vote aren’t actually voting right? Please tell me you get this.

Simple. No Photo I’d required. And it’s against the law to purge dead voters from the rolls.
It’s against the law to purge dead voters from the rolls? That sounds like bullshit, but even if it was true it means jack shit because dead people don’t cast votes lol. My god.

Someone must pay you to be so stupid.
So are you suggesting that dead people on registration rolls are casting actual votes?
The family of the deceased must sue the local voting District to remove said deceased from the voting roles.
Most don’t and the voting rolls are available to the public.
Call those on the voting list and mark off the dead and those who have moved and show up and vote in their place.

Shut up fake news, here are some facts to destroy your spin.

1. Rispone the GOP candidate is a 70-year-old who had never run for office and had little name recognition.

2. The Dem looks like a conservative, Edwards is a West Point graduate and former Army Ranger, opposes gun restrictions, signed one of the nation's strictest abortion bans and dismissed the ongoing impeachment inquiry against the president as a distraction. Even with that the unknown GOP candidate came within 2% of beating him.

All your lying filthy liberal heads just exploded.
Something else. It's being reported that the NAACP contracted with Uber to give free rides to the polls for blacks. Uber is owned by a Democrat billionaire. This morning when voters woke up, newspapers around the state and local news station websites were reporting how to get the free rides. They didn't even have to use the Uber app. They had a number to call instead. That's most likely what put Edwards over the top.

LMFAO what kind of uber drivers do they have in Louisiana?

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Tons of black ones in the major cities. I shit you not.
Trump has even the dirty yokels in the swamps of Louisiana voting Democrat! Holy cow!

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