Democrats could misinterpret the Red Trickle

I'm seeing a lot of barely-hidden glee from the Left over the most successful mid-term performance of a party in power in decades. Given the stakes, I can certainly understand that. But at the same time, it would be stupid for them to draw any long-term conclusions from this.

The primary reason the Dems did so well was not because they have a vice-like grip on the issues, or because their positions on the cultural issues in particular are representative of Americans across the country. It's far more because they had the good fortune of running against an embarrassing clan of clowns, buffoons, frauds and ignoramuses.

There are plenty of smart people left in the GQP, and there's a pretty good chance they're going to learn from this catastrophic wasted opportunity. I'd guess they've learned not to run people like they did. And if the Dems take this as some kind of mandate or confirmation, they're asking for trouble. America is not on a wing, it's across a broad spectrum between the wings.

Don't bet on it. The Republican Party is overrun with right wing Nazis. They control the party. We will see a string of nutty Nazis. The question is whether REAL Americans will stand up and turn these crazies away.
Every GOP candidate that ran won their GOP primary.
If the GOP had better candidates they should have put them up.
As it is now the smart GOP candidates know that the MSM would crucify them with lies and the high-tech oligarchs would drown them with millions of dollars of phony political ads that they could not match.
That GOP voters didn't turn out as much as young democrat voters was the cause of the GOP mid-term underperformance, not candidate quality.

It had everything to do with candidate quality. Their mission was to pave the way for Trump to take over this country in 2024 even if he lost the votes. The GOP would have had a red wave had young people, especially women, turned out. This dynamic was missed by pollsters who whiffed mightily on the midterms.
They do not hate their Republican "elites".
It is so odd.
Contradictions like that happen because they get their talking points from people like Hannity and Tucker, who don't have to worry about making "arguments" that are easy to poke holes in. They're never challenged.

Their usage of the term "elites" came directly from talk radio, so the irony doesn't even occur to them. They just swallow it whole and spit it back out.
Don't bet on it. The Republican Party is overrun with right wing Nazis. They control the party. We will see a string of nutty Nazis. The question is whether REAL Americans will stand up and turn these crazies away.
It's definitely wishful thinking to hope that the party can wipe away the orange stain after just one cycle. I just hope that number isn't too large.

We need two serious, stable parties. The problem is, when one goes off the rails, the other responds by getting nuttier, too.
It's definitely wishful thinking to hope that the party can wipe away the orange stain after just one cycle. I just hope that number isn't too large.

We need two serious, stable parties. The problem is, when one goes off the rails, the other responds by getting nuttier, too.

Republicans will act like they did with Bush
”I never really supported him and barely knew him”

The cowering support of Trump and unwillingness to hold him accountable for his actions are well documented

Look at Chris Christie today
Pelosi accomplished quite a lot as speaker…
Obamacare, COVID relief, Infrastructure, Semiconductors, climate legislation

What have Republicans planned?
Nearly all ineffective for poor and working class Americans, but the 1% LOVES HER!
No that's not why.

They turned out the youth vote on abortion and college loan forgiveness.

Looking at the CNN numbers this morning, I am hoping against hope that the Democrats take a clean sweep. They deserve it. We deserve it. The idiots who voted on abortion and college loan forgiveness deserve it.

I can't wait to see Dems deal with an emboldened, yet demented Joe Biden.
Yes, and the Democrat sponsored mail-in ballot system is basically FUBU entirely.
This was my problem with Trump in 2016.
He picked the Republican Party because he knew Hillary was the "chosen one" in the machine. Not because he suddenly became Republican.
He knew after Obama abandoned the working class, and Hillary running as Obama 2.0 - he would run under a patriotic message and have a chance.
Today - Trump is his own party. He has trashed every popular Republican there is. He has trashed Fox News, and pretty much every other conservative news for not praising him enough this election.
He is no Republican. He is King Trump. You are either 100% unquestioningly faithful of his worshipfulness - or you are the enemy. PERIOD.
I have no room for such a self serving, destructive force.

You sound like a guy who is trying to rationalize his own bad decisions.

Instead of admitting, you made a bad decision.
1. Conservative ideas are NOT shitty ideas. Socialist ideas are shitty ideas.

Yeah, actually, they are shitty ideas. They use all this social conservative bullshit to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests. Then you sit there like a schmuck and wonder why your job went to China.

3. Know why the US moved 7,000 factories to China? Because the unions made manufacturing in the US unprofitable. Now that China is on the ascension and the US is declining because of the unfair trade practices, its probably too late to put that genie back in the bottle. The Scandinavian manufacturing plants here in the US figured out the right mix of profit sharing with US workers.

Our own fault for not holding those companies responsible by refusing to buy their stuff unless they made in the USA. But blaming unions wanting fair wages for Americans instead of corporate greed is... well, the kind of stupid Republican Shitty Idea I've come to expect.

4. My recollection of Trump's 1st debate with Biden was that Trump bullied Biden mercilessly. My wife said "No way I can vote for that AH". Biden didn't look dignified, he looked like a baby seal getting clubbed.

Really? Because my reecollection was Trump didn't follow the rules of debate, acted like a petulant child, and then refused to come to the second debate because they made him behave. By the third debate, he was scowling like a bully who had been made to sit in the corner.

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