Democrats could misinterpret the Red Trickle

Ok, but in the end they still lost....Your narrative that Republican's were supposed to do something, when Democrats owned the House, Senate, and Presidency is utter foolishness....

Now, Republicans control the House

Like a dog chasing a car, what do they do once they catch it?
Republicans control the House
What do they plan to do?
"House Republicans pledged Friday to end soaring inflation and reduce crime by serving as a check on President Biden if they reclaim power — calling the party’s midterm election platform a “Commitment to America.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced the big-tent framework inside an HVAC manufacturing plant outside Pittsburgh, Pa.

“We want to roll [the plan] out to you, to the entire country, to know exactly what we will do if you would trust us and give us the ability to take a new direction for this country,” McCarthy said.

The kickoff featured a business-casual Q&A where dozens of GOP legislators took turns fielding questions.

The Republicans vowed to rein in government spending to lower the worst inflation in 41 years — with consumer prices up 8.3% over 12 months as of August.

Speakers also promised to address crime, including record-high illegal immigration, rising violent crime in cities and fentanyl smuggling that’s accelerated overdose deaths."

I'm seeing a lot of barely-hidden glee from the Left over the most successful mid-term performance of a party in power in decades. Given the stakes, I can certainly understand that. But at the same time, it would be stupid for them to draw any long-term conclusions from this.

The primary reason the Dems did so well was not because they have a vice-like grip on the issues, or because their positions on the cultural issues in particular are representative of Americans across the country. It's far more because they had the good fortune of running against an embarrassing clan of clowns, buffoons, frauds and ignoramuses.

There are plenty of smart people left in the GQP, and there's a pretty good chance they're going to learn from this catastrophic wasted opportunity. I'd guess they've learned not to run people like they did. And if the Dems take this as some kind of mandate or confirmation, they're asking for trouble. America is not on a wing, it's across a broad spectrum between the wings.

/---/ I can't entirely agree with your assessment. It's more of the Republican voter base who didn't trun out in enough numbers. If you look at the election rsults, the votes were close, with a few exceptions.
Since I live in NY, that is the race I paid the most attention to. And it was close especially for a Blue state.
Statewide, Hochul’s margin of victory over Zeldin was 53% to 47%. Had Zeldin won another 5% of the city vote, he would have cut Hochul’s victory to 51%, far too close for comfort.

And presumably, such a GOP margin in New York City would bode poorly for the Democratic candidate in the rest of the state, too. This year, Zeldin easily won Long Island, a region Cuomo won four years ago.
Statewide, Hochul’s margin of victory over Zeldin was 53% to 47%. Had Zeldin won another 5% of the city vote, he would have cut Hochul’s victory to 51%, far too close for comfort.

And presumably, such a GOP margin in New York City would bode poorly for the Democratic candidate in the rest of the state, too. This year, Zeldin easily won Long Island, a region Cuomo won four years ago.
New York felt the pain.

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