Democrats could misinterpret the Red Trickle

Lol. Are you unaware that the D Party has abandoned the working class? Are you also unaware that many Trump supporters were Ds once? Are you ALSO unaware the working class includes many Rs? Are you also unaware dumb Don was a life long D before running?
This was my problem with Trump in 2016.
He picked the Republican Party because he knew Hillary was the "chosen one" in the machine. Not because he suddenly became Republican.
He knew after Obama abandoned the working class, and Hillary running as Obama 2.0 - he would run under a patriotic message and have a chance.
Today - Trump is his own party. He has trashed every popular Republican there is. He has trashed Fox News, and pretty much every other conservative news for not praising him enough this election.
He is no Republican. He is King Trump. You are either 100% unquestioningly faithful of his worshipfulness - or you are the enemy. PERIOD.
I have no room for such a self serving, destructive force.
I'd guess they've learned not to run people like they did.
This too strongly implies they have a choice. The GOP primary voters decide who wins. That's the most inportant issue that is being sidestepped by the GOP. Naturally, as they don't want those voters to stay home.
Actually, they are just in tune on economic issues.
Because you say so or because their voting footprint proves it?
Imagine, if you would, a 25 year old woman who just graduated from college and is doing her first job, walking around with $65,000 in Student Loan Debt. She's in a relationship with a guy she isn't entirely sure is good father material yet. Then she has a pregnancy scare!
She as an adult signed for the loan, she as an adult and not a filthy lib whore should learn to have responsible sex like all decent people do. Simple shit…no?
The Republican will lecture her sternly that she shouldn't have taken on that debt and she shouldn't be having sex outside of marriage.
You’re right….now I know filthy Libs don’t but isn’t that what responsible adults do….give good advice and teach personal accountability?
I’d tell her to fuck like a rabbit before marriage…but I’d tell her to do it responsibly like all decent people do and not like filthy Libs do.
The Democrat will actually try to help her with that debt and make sure she has easy access to family planning.
“Help her with that debt”……do you really mean Dems will forward her invoice to good people who make good decisions?
”Easy access to family planning”….do you really mean Dems will make sure she can use unborn baby killing as a contraceptive?
Your way of thinking is exactly what made the young voters and many others vote for Democrats.

They do not like being condescended upon.
Hahaha…yeah it was me who turned off the ignorant fucks….it wasn‘t the public school system, CNN, media and social media that programmed them.
This is why you and Mac1958 can’t be taken seriously.
Prior to the great Rush Limbaugh, the Democrat media was all there was. They could gently guide us into Marxism without anybody noticing. Thanks to Rush, people now realize kindly old grandpa Walter Cronkite was a leftist. Not mainstream America as was portrayed.
You love propaganda. It's why you're religious too. You never learned critical thinking. Sad. :itsok:
Correct. Both ends just feed into the other, making the other worse. That's what our political "system" incentivizes and rewards.

We have to fix the "system". That's on us. We might want to get started on that pretty damn soon.
The irony....With the OP you started calling your political opponents everything under the sink, then you post this?

Well Mr. Sociologist seems you don't even recognize that while you try to pin down the problem, the first one to solve is why you have no mirrors...
As much as I am enjoying drinking your Republican tears, Islamophobic Twat, think about what you just said.

The Youth Vote got out there and voted on abortion and student loan forgiveness. You know, ISSUES THAT ACTUALLY IMPACT THEIR LIVES!!!

Imagine, if you would, you are a new female college graduate with a boyfriend you aren't that sure about, but $100,000 in Student Debt that it will take you decades to pay back before you can even CONSIDER starting a family. And last month, you had a pregnancy scare because you missed a period.

Which party are you going to vote for... the one that is going to let the banks keep screwing you and not let you have access to family planning? That would be daft.

College dropout with 100k in debt. Lol. Why can't these kids make halfway decent decisions? Where were their parents? Why did the schools charge such high tuitions? Why wasn't anyone asking questions? Why were the administrators of these colleges making high 6 figure salaries and charging massive tuitions rates? So what do they do Joe? They go vote for the same party, dems, that brought them all of their misery.
College dropout with 100k in debt. Lol. Why can't these kids make halfway decent decisions? Where were their parents? Why did the schools charge such high tuitions? Why wasn't anyone asking questions? Why were the administrators of these colleges making high 6 figure salaries and charging massive tuitions rates? So what do they do Joe? They go vote for the same party, dems, that brought them all of their misery.
Democrats don't care if their party keeps kicking them in the gonads.

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