Democrats could misinterpret the Red Trickle

I'm seeing a lot of barely-hidden glee from the Left over the most successful mid-term performance of a party in power in decades. Given the stakes, I can certainly understand that. But at the same time, it would be stupid for them to draw any long-term conclusions from this.

The primary reason the Dems did so well was not because they have a vice-like grip on the issues, or because their positions on the cultural issues in particular are representative of Americans across the country. It's far more because they had the good fortune of running against an embarrassing clan of clowns, buffoons, frauds and ignoramuses.

There are plenty of smart people left in the GQP, and there's a pretty good chance they're going to learn from this catastrophic wasted opportunity. I'd guess they've learned not to run people like they did. And if the Dems take this as some kind of mandate or confirmation, they're asking for trouble. America is not on a wing, it's across a broad spectrum between the wings.

There was no red wave thanks to the 6 slimebags in the Supreme court They took away womens choice?? Who knows what the morons will do next
I'm seeing a lot of barely-hidden glee from the Left over the most successful mid-term performance of a party in power in decades. Given the stakes, I can certainly understand that. But at the same time, it would be stupid for them to draw any long-term conclusions from this.

The primary reason the Dems did so well was not because they have a vice-like grip on the issues, or because their positions on the cultural issues in particular are representative of Americans across the country. It's far more because they had the good fortune of running against an embarrassing clan of clowns, buffoons, frauds and ignoramuses.

There are plenty of smart people left in the GQP, and there's a pretty good chance they're going to learn from this catastrophic wasted opportunity. I'd guess they've learned not to run people like they did. And if the Dems take this as some kind of mandate or confirmation, they're asking for trouble. America is not on a wing, it's across a broad spectrum between the wings.

Last I checked uncle Festerman ran as a Democlown.
It's far more because they had the good fortune of running against an embarrassing clan of clowns, buffoons, frauds and ignoramuses.
You can say this with a straight face when the dems in Pennsylvania elected a dead man aand another who is brain dead.
Too bad it isn’t likely.

We live in a failed state controlled by a rapacious oligarchy.


I am now actively rooting for the Democrats to take back both Houses. The only thin sliver of hope we have left if for the Democrats to tank everything so badly that no one with an IQ over 70 can deny what happened.

A Republican House with just a sliver majority will only be a foil for all their bad doings.

I am now actively rooting for the Democrats to take back both Houses. The only thin sliver of hope we have left if for the Democrats to tank everything so badly that no one with an IQ over 70 can deny what happened.

A Republican House with just a sliver majority will only be a foil for all their bad doings.

And what happens if the Democrats do everything they want and the country gets better? You know, like it does nearly every other time the Democrats are in power?
I'm seeing a lot of barely-hidden glee from the Left over the most successful mid-term performance of a party in power in decades. Given the stakes, I can certainly understand that. But at the same time, it would be stupid for them to draw any long-term conclusions from this.

The primary reason the Dems did so well was not because they have a vice-like grip on the issues, or because their positions on the cultural issues in particular are representative of Americans across the country. It's far more because they had the good fortune of running against an embarrassing clan of clowns, buffoons, frauds and ignoramuses.

There are plenty of smart people left in the GQP, and there's a pretty good chance they're going to learn from this catastrophic wasted opportunity. I'd guess they've learned not to run people like they did. And if the Dems take this as some kind of mandate or confirmation, they're asking for trouble. America is not on a wing, it's across a broad spectrum between the wings.
While there was a plethora of poor candidates on the GOP tickets I think the real reason dems were able to get their not so good candidates across the finish line is because of the honesty of the party as a whole [sorry my GOP friends] and each candidate following suit...
in fact it appears that the pols on the left seem to come across as more honest than even their constituents...the GOP has some serious work to do, while Ron Desantis is legitimately presidential material, Gavin Newsome is going to be a force of nature and overwhelm both parties IMO... any case I think the lesson to be learned here by the dems is to stay the course, remain honest and be true to principle, the wins will pile up and the losses will be negligible....hope my friends on the right will go easy on me
Yeah, actually, they are shitty ideas. They use all this social conservative bullshit to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests. Then you sit there like a schmuck and wonder why your job went to China.

Our own fault for not holding those companies responsible by refusing to buy their stuff unless they made in the USA. But blaming unions wanting fair wages for Americans instead of corporate greed is... well, the kind of stupid Republican Shitty Idea I've come to expect.

Really? Because my recollection was Trump didn't follow the rules of debate, acted like a petulant child, and then refused to come to the second debate because they made him behave. By the third debate, he was scowling like a bully who had been made to sit in the corner.
1. Prove what youu say, because I'm calling BULLSHIT. Medicare and SS are going bankrupt. I'm retired, so I paid for those benefits. Why don't the democrats "fix" SS and Medicare NOW, when they have the majorities?

2. Don't understand how capitalism works, huh? Oh, that's right, you're a government worker living off other people's taxes.

3. I showed you the link, from CNBC that correctly described the first debate. It was a Biden beat down that cost Trump many women voters.
1. Prove what youu say, because I'm calling BULLSHIT. Medicare and SS are going bankrupt. I'm retired, so I paid for those benefits. Why don't the democrats "fix" SS and Medicare NOW, when they have the majorities?

2. Don't understand how capitalism works, huh? Oh, that's right, you're a government worker living off other people's taxes.

3. I showed you the link, from CNBC that correctly described the first debate. It was a Biden beat down that cost Trump many women voters.

For those not familiar with the particulars of how Social Security is financed, it is easy to see how these claims and headlines may cause worry about whether they can rely on the program for retirement income. After 2034, based on current projections, Social Security will only be able to pay about 78% of benefits. This is of course problematic, but certainly not an indication that in 2034 payments will stop flowing entirely. For the last 30-plus years, most of the money withheld from paychecks went directly to current retirees, with the surplus contributing to the trust-fund balance. Moving forward, money will still be coming in to cover most of the obligations, just not all of them. Congress should pass the act known as “Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust” which would change the earnings subject to taxation. Currently only income below $147,000 is taxed, meaning an individual making $150,000 annually pays as much Social Security tax as Russell Wilson. This bill would subject income above $400,000 to the payroll tax. Taking this action would increase taxes on a small portion of wealthy Americans and ensure a better retirement outlook for millions of American seniors.

Whether the terms bankrupt and insolvent accurately describe the future financial picture of Social Security is debatable, but what is more important is how people interpret those words, and make predictions and decisions about retirement. Policy action is needed to fix the funding shortfall, that is clear. However, policymakers and the media should take care not to exaggerate these concerns, as it erodes trust in what is arguably the most successful, enduring and popular safety-net program in the country.

(full article online )

The primary reason the Dems did so well was not because they have a vice-like grip on the issues, or because their positions on the cultural issues in particular are representative of Americans across the country. It's far more because they had the good fortune of running against an embarrassing clan of clowns, buffoons, frauds and ignoramuses.
This is exactly right.

It wasn't Dobbs which turned the course.

It was the cruelty and the stupidity and the ignorance of the New Right.

I mean, they have a Congresswoman who thinks a Jew space laser started the fires in California and who believes a missile hit the Pentagon. The tards never think to ask how a building with thousands and thousands of military experts mistook a missile for a Boeing 757.

We have a party whose only talking point against a Democrat was to make fun of his brain injury. The Democrat will get better, but the sadists will be sadists forever, and no one wants them in charge.

We have a party which believes Bill Gates created a new disease just so he can implant a microchip in every American. It never occurs to the tards that there already is a shot everyone gets every year for the flu.

Do the vicious, stupid pricks learn from their mistakes, or do they triple down?

You decide:

Do the vicious, stupid pricks learn from their mistakes, or do they triple down?
This period has been a primal scream for these people. The viciousness and the cruelty are features of their misery, not bugs. But the relief that we may have avoided a revisit of the Europe of 90 years ago is palpable.

HOWEVER, I'd like to think that this horrible showing has broken the fever, but there's just no way. I've heard it said that it will take X number of losses to bring the party back to Earth, and that's probably right. That's not a guarantee.

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