Democrats: Could You Please Find A Hero Who Isn't A Felon???

A wise wonk has pointed out in some of these threads, that we are witness, time and again, to the Left engendering the very same worship that one would give Beelzebub himself......murder, arson, destruction, criminal behaviors, attacks on civilization itself.

It is as though some bizarre braintrust has looked for any possible way to force a civil war and the destruction of America and Western Civilization.

1. "Over the past few months, shocking videos have surfaced of drivers getting surrounded by violent mobs of people, many times armed with blunt instruments and firearms. Citizens have been pulled from their vehicles and savagely beaten. A 9-1-1 call surfaced from a mother trapped in her car with a small child inside, rioters hitting her windows and climbing on top of her vehicle. In the chilling audio recording, the emergency operator tells her, “We can’t do anything” and “We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations.”

2. At least one person was shot in their car, their forward progress arrested by demonstrators. The recent riots confirm that “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” If authorities do arrive, it will be after the fact. Despite their best efforts and intentions, police respond to criminal activity and will not be there beforehand to defend you from a violent attack.

3. Politicians protected by 24/7 taxpayer-funded armed security details also ironically want to defund the police and take our guns, actions that are the height of hypocrisy. The rest of us need to stand ready as our own quick reaction force. We are dealing with the most sacred of all gifts, the gift of life. As citizens it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and the lives of our loved ones. In fact, that is our primary obligation. "

It’s not possible for democrats to revere anyone but a criminal.

Anyone doing a good job, building a career, building a family and staying out of trouble, in other words being successful, is called an UncleTom, sell out, or white supremacist.

That only leaves the dregs of society as your potential honorees.
Some people are not in need of hero worshipping like Repubs they just love their messiah Trump and lick his shoes clean so he can get them dirty again pilfering their pockets with lies and smiles.
Translation the BLM has no heros except criminals who get killed by cops.

Disgusting and really embarrassing

Most of the prominent BLM heroes do not get killed----a few criminals are elevated to BLM HERO status if they happen to die in the line of duty and there is a cop in the vicinity
A wise wonk has pointed out in some of these threads, that we are witness, time and again, to the Left engendering the very same worship that one would give Beelzebub himself......murder, arson, destruction, criminal behaviors, attacks on civilization itself.

It is as though some bizarre braintrust has looked for any possible way to force a civil war and the destruction of America and Western Civilization.

1. "Over the past few months, shocking videos have surfaced of drivers getting surrounded by violent mobs of people, many times armed with blunt instruments and firearms. Citizens have been pulled from their vehicles and savagely beaten. A 9-1-1 call surfaced from a mother trapped in her car with a small child inside, rioters hitting her windows and climbing on top of her vehicle. In the chilling audio recording, the emergency operator tells her, “We can’t do anything” and “We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations.”

2. At least one person was shot in their car, their forward progress arrested by demonstrators. The recent riots confirm that “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” If authorities do arrive, it will be after the fact. Despite their best efforts and intentions, police respond to criminal activity and will not be there beforehand to defend you from a violent attack.

3. Politicians protected by 24/7 taxpayer-funded armed security details also ironically want to defund the police and take our guns, actions that are the height of hypocrisy. The rest of us need to stand ready as our own quick reaction force. We are dealing with the most sacred of all gifts, the gift of life. As citizens it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and the lives of our loved ones. In fact, that is our primary obligation. "

It’s not possible for democrats to revere anyone but a criminal.

Anyone doing a good job, building a career, building a family and staying out of trouble, in other words being successful, is called an UncleTom, sell out, or white supremacist.

That only leaves the dregs of society as your potential honorees.

We should never mistake what appears to be militant atheism from the Democrats as anything but a demonstration of devotion to their true gods, the pagan, atavistic gods of destruction, thievery, and chaos.
And they serve them well.

They worship assiduously,…and perform numerous acts of veneration….to Laverna (Greek/Roman Goddess of thieves/cheats).

“…Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’…’
Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders

Now….to give credit to the Democrat’s acts of devotion to their pagan ideology, simply view their actions

1.Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:
Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

2. more slap in the face of the law-abiding citizens who pay taxes on actual earnings:
"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

3. “[the school superintendent] and his team spent extensive school resources mainlining individuals of school age who had been convicted of violent misdemeanors and/or felonies back into the school system.
… “Cassandra Evans, Broward County’s chief juvenile probation officer, has issued a general warning that juveniles transitioning out of secure detention have a high recidivism rate. This population is highly at risk of reoffending within the first 45 days [of release].”

The entire program has been shrouded in secrecy and statistics are not available as to how the program has worked. Parents were not made aware their children could be sitting in class next to a convicted felon just released from detention through the efforts of their tax dollars.” How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

"...statistics are not available as to how the program has worked."

Yeah, they are......17 dead American thanks to Obama's policy.

4. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

Give ‘credit’… organization could be more hard-working in the effort to advance crime!
A wise wonk has pointed out in some of these threads, that we are witness, time and again, to the Left engendering the very same worship that one would give Beelzebub himself......murder, arson, destruction, criminal behaviors, attacks on civilization itself.

It is as though some bizarre braintrust has looked for any possible way to force a civil war and the destruction of America and Western Civilization.

1. "Over the past few months, shocking videos have surfaced of drivers getting surrounded by violent mobs of people, many times armed with blunt instruments and firearms. Citizens have been pulled from their vehicles and savagely beaten. A 9-1-1 call surfaced from a mother trapped in her car with a small child inside, rioters hitting her windows and climbing on top of her vehicle. In the chilling audio recording, the emergency operator tells her, “We can’t do anything” and “We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations.”

2. At least one person was shot in their car, their forward progress arrested by demonstrators. The recent riots confirm that “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” If authorities do arrive, it will be after the fact. Despite their best efforts and intentions, police respond to criminal activity and will not be there beforehand to defend you from a violent attack.

3. Politicians protected by 24/7 taxpayer-funded armed security details also ironically want to defund the police and take our guns, actions that are the height of hypocrisy. The rest of us need to stand ready as our own quick reaction force. We are dealing with the most sacred of all gifts, the gift of life. As citizens it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and the lives of our loved ones. In fact, that is our primary obligation. "

When the President surrounds himself with criminals and felons as his lifelong friends, most of whom were arrested and tried for crimes committed to benefit the criminal President, you don't really have much room to complain about who the Democrats are promoting. Especially considering the amounts of money the President has paid out because of fraud trials, felony violation of rights, illegal campaign contributions, and had his charity foundation shut down by the State of New York, and numerous orders surroundingn Trump's abuse of his charity.

The list of Trump's criminal and shady business practices are endless. Trump throws money at his crimes to make them go away, but that's not working any more. Trump will spend the rest of his life tied up in legal messes of his own creation after he leaves office: bank fraud, insurance fraud, tax fraud, illegal campaign finance violations. I also suspect Trump will be forced to pay back all of his emoluments obtained from the federal government.

The Trumps should be financially destroyed so none of these poisonous people ever attain public office again.
Some people are not in need of hero worshipping like Repubs they just love their messiah Trump and lick his shoes clean so he can get them dirty again pilfering their pockets with lies and smiles.
Translation the BLM has no heros except criminals who get killed by cops.

Disgusting and really embarrassing
Jesus Christ himself was a criminal and yet he is a hero to many, he too was killed by the state for his crimes.
Are you seriously trying to equate these violent thugs with Jesus Christ?
A wise wonk has pointed out in some of these threads, that we are witness, time and again, to the Left engendering the very same worship that one would give Beelzebub himself......murder, arson, destruction, criminal behaviors, attacks on civilization itself.

It is as though some bizarre braintrust has looked for any possible way to force a civil war and the destruction of America and Western Civilization.

1. "Over the past few months, shocking videos have surfaced of drivers getting surrounded by violent mobs of people, many times armed with blunt instruments and firearms. Citizens have been pulled from their vehicles and savagely beaten. A 9-1-1 call surfaced from a mother trapped in her car with a small child inside, rioters hitting her windows and climbing on top of her vehicle. In the chilling audio recording, the emergency operator tells her, “We can’t do anything” and “We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations.”

2. At least one person was shot in their car, their forward progress arrested by demonstrators. The recent riots confirm that “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” If authorities do arrive, it will be after the fact. Despite their best efforts and intentions, police respond to criminal activity and will not be there beforehand to defend you from a violent attack.

3. Politicians protected by 24/7 taxpayer-funded armed security details also ironically want to defund the police and take our guns, actions that are the height of hypocrisy. The rest of us need to stand ready as our own quick reaction force. We are dealing with the most sacred of all gifts, the gift of life. As citizens it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and the lives of our loved ones. In fact, that is our primary obligation. "

When the President surrounds himself with criminals and felons as his lifelong friends, most of whom were arrested and tried for crimes committed to benefit the criminal President, you don't really have much room to complain about who the Democrats are promoting. Especially considering the amounts of money the President has paid out because of fraud trials, felony violation of rights, illegal campaign contributions, and had his charity foundation shut down by the State of New York, and numerous orders surroundingn Trump's abuse of his charity.

The list of Trump's criminal and shady business practices are endless. Trump throws money at his crimes to make them go away, but that's not working any more. Trump will spend the rest of his life tied up in legal messes of his own creation after he leaves office: bank fraud, insurance fraud, tax fraud, illegal campaign finance violations. I also suspect Trump will be forced to pay back all of his emoluments obtained from the federal government.

The Trumps should be financially destroyed so none of these poisonous people ever attain public office again.

Must..deflect. Orange man bad. Orange man bad. Must..deflect.
Let's review for all of the prospective Jacob Blakes: all one has to do is follow any or all of these recommendations:

a. Stop walking around the car when the police ordered same. Then you don't get shot.
b. Don't open that car door when the police ordered you not to. Then you don't get shot.
c. Drop the knife. Really a good idea when guns are drawn.
d. Put your hands on the hood. Getting shot is removed from the options list.
e. Follow any of these recommendations, and your getting shot is obviated. Not following same greatly increases the chances of getting shot.
f. Ignore all of the above.....and you become a hero of the revolution. You decide if the risk is worth the reward.
A wise wonk has pointed out in some of these threads, that we are witness, time and again, to the Left engendering the very same worship that one would give Beelzebub himself......murder, arson, destruction, criminal behaviors, attacks on civilization itself.

It is as though some bizarre braintrust has looked for any possible way to force a civil war and the destruction of America and Western Civilization.

1. "Over the past few months, shocking videos have surfaced of drivers getting surrounded by violent mobs of people, many times armed with blunt instruments and firearms. Citizens have been pulled from their vehicles and savagely beaten. A 9-1-1 call surfaced from a mother trapped in her car with a small child inside, rioters hitting her windows and climbing on top of her vehicle. In the chilling audio recording, the emergency operator tells her, “We can’t do anything” and “We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations.”

2. At least one person was shot in their car, their forward progress arrested by demonstrators. The recent riots confirm that “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” If authorities do arrive, it will be after the fact. Despite their best efforts and intentions, police respond to criminal activity and will not be there beforehand to defend you from a violent attack.

3. Politicians protected by 24/7 taxpayer-funded armed security details also ironically want to defund the police and take our guns, actions that are the height of hypocrisy. The rest of us need to stand ready as our own quick reaction force. We are dealing with the most sacred of all gifts, the gift of life. As citizens it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and the lives of our loved ones. In fact, that is our primary obligation. "

When the President surrounds himself with criminals and felons as his lifelong friends, most of whom were arrested and tried for crimes committed to benefit the criminal President, you don't really have much room to complain about who the Democrats are promoting. Especially considering the amounts of money the President has paid out because of fraud trials, felony violation of rights, illegal campaign contributions, and had his charity foundation shut down by the State of New York, and numerous orders surroundingn Trump's abuse of his charity.

The list of Trump's criminal and shady business practices are endless. Trump throws money at his crimes to make them go away, but that's not working any more. Trump will spend the rest of his life tied up in legal messes of his own creation after he leaves office: bank fraud, insurance fraud, tax fraud, illegal campaign finance violations. I also suspect Trump will be forced to pay back all of his emoluments obtained from the federal government.

The Trumps should be financially destroyed so none of these poisonous people ever attain public office again.

It must be so very sad to be you.

Everyone who actually knows you must work hard not to admit how truly stupid they realize you to be.
Somehow, the Democrats always leap to the defense of felons....

Michael Brown

Freddy Gray

The first guy shot and killed in Kenosha by that 17-year old is a convicted child rapist.

Breonna Taylor had a warrant....." While Taylor was named on the warrant for her apartment, two men — Jamarcus Glover and Adrian Walker — were named on all five warrants and were among the primary targets in the investigation." Louisville detective who obtained no-knock warrant for Breonna Taylor's apartment reassigned

"... Rayshard Brooks, 27, was fatally shot by police at a Wendy's drive-thru after officials said he resisted arrest and stole an officer's Taser. "
"Several recent protests and riots sparked by deaths of armed suspects, a disturbing trend

Several recent protests and riots across the United States have been sparked by the deaths of armed — rather than unarmed –suspects.

Shootings of armed suspects by police officers in Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, have sparked demonstrations — with some turning into riots — within the last month. One riot in Minneapolis was sparked by the death of an armed suspect who committed suicide.

The most recent example of this trend came in Lancaster, after a police officer fatally shot Ricardo Munoz, who was charging at the officer with a knife on Sunday, body camera footage shows.

The footage shows the officer initially retreating from Munoz, before opening fire as the suspect continued running at the officer, wielding a large blade above his head.

A wise wonk has pointed out in some of these threads, that we are witness, time and again, to the Left engendering the very same worship that one would give Beelzebub himself......murder, arson, destruction, criminal behaviors, attacks on civilization itself.

It is as though some bizarre braintrust has looked for any possible way to force a civil war and the destruction of America and Western Civilization.

1. "Over the past few months, shocking videos have surfaced of drivers getting surrounded by violent mobs of people, many times armed with blunt instruments and firearms. Citizens have been pulled from their vehicles and savagely beaten. A 9-1-1 call surfaced from a mother trapped in her car with a small child inside, rioters hitting her windows and climbing on top of her vehicle. In the chilling audio recording, the emergency operator tells her, “We can’t do anything” and “We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations.”

2. At least one person was shot in their car, their forward progress arrested by demonstrators. The recent riots confirm that “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” If authorities do arrive, it will be after the fact. Despite their best efforts and intentions, police respond to criminal activity and will not be there beforehand to defend you from a violent attack.

3. Politicians protected by 24/7 taxpayer-funded armed security details also ironically want to defund the police and take our guns, actions that are the height of hypocrisy. The rest of us need to stand ready as our own quick reaction force. We are dealing with the most sacred of all gifts, the gift of life. As citizens it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and the lives of our loved ones. In fact, that is our primary obligation. "

Quick answer to your thread title: No, they cannot, because that would require them to acknowledge the concept of objective right and wrong.
A wise wonk has pointed out in some of these threads, that we are witness, time and again, to the Left engendering the very same worship that one would give Beelzebub himself......murder, arson, destruction, criminal behaviors, attacks on civilization itself.

It is as though some bizarre braintrust has looked for any possible way to force a civil war and the destruction of America and Western Civilization.

1. "Over the past few months, shocking videos have surfaced of drivers getting surrounded by violent mobs of people, many times armed with blunt instruments and firearms. Citizens have been pulled from their vehicles and savagely beaten. A 9-1-1 call surfaced from a mother trapped in her car with a small child inside, rioters hitting her windows and climbing on top of her vehicle. In the chilling audio recording, the emergency operator tells her, “We can’t do anything” and “We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations.”

2. At least one person was shot in their car, their forward progress arrested by demonstrators. The recent riots confirm that “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” If authorities do arrive, it will be after the fact. Despite their best efforts and intentions, police respond to criminal activity and will not be there beforehand to defend you from a violent attack.

3. Politicians protected by 24/7 taxpayer-funded armed security details also ironically want to defund the police and take our guns, actions that are the height of hypocrisy. The rest of us need to stand ready as our own quick reaction force. We are dealing with the most sacred of all gifts, the gift of life. As citizens it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and the lives of our loved ones. In fact, that is our primary obligation. "

When the President surrounds himself with criminals and felons as his lifelong friends, most of whom were arrested and tried for crimes committed to benefit the criminal President, you don't really have much room to complain about who the Democrats are promoting. Especially considering the amounts of money the President has paid out because of fraud trials, felony violation of rights, illegal campaign contributions, and had his charity foundation shut down by the State of New York, and numerous orders surroundingn Trump's abuse of his charity.

The list of Trump's criminal and shady business practices are endless. Trump throws money at his crimes to make them go away, but that's not working any more. Trump will spend the rest of his life tied up in legal messes of his own creation after he leaves office: bank fraud, insurance fraud, tax fraud, illegal campaign finance violations. I also suspect Trump will be forced to pay back all of his emoluments obtained from the federal government.

The Trumps should be financially destroyed so none of these poisonous people ever attain public office again.

It must be so very sad to be you.

Everyone who actually knows you must work hard not to admit how truly stupid they realize you to be.

I'm guessing everyone she knows is as stupid as she is. Anyone more intelligent got the hell away from her at best speed.

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