Democrats: Could You Please Find A Hero Who Isn't A Felon???

A wise wonk has pointed out in some of these threads, that we are witness, time and again, to the Left engendering the very same worship that one would give Beelzebub himself......murder, arson, destruction, criminal behaviors, attacks on civilization itself.

It is as though some bizarre braintrust has looked for any possible way to force a civil war and the destruction of America and Western Civilization.

1. "Over the past few months, shocking videos have surfaced of drivers getting surrounded by violent mobs of people, many times armed with blunt instruments and firearms. Citizens have been pulled from their vehicles and savagely beaten. A 9-1-1 call surfaced from a mother trapped in her car with a small child inside, rioters hitting her windows and climbing on top of her vehicle. In the chilling audio recording, the emergency operator tells her, “We can’t do anything” and “We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations.”

2. At least one person was shot in their car, their forward progress arrested by demonstrators. The recent riots confirm that “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” If authorities do arrive, it will be after the fact. Despite their best efforts and intentions, police respond to criminal activity and will not be there beforehand to defend you from a violent attack.

3. Politicians protected by 24/7 taxpayer-funded armed security details also ironically want to defund the police and take our guns, actions that are the height of hypocrisy. The rest of us need to stand ready as our own quick reaction force. We are dealing with the most sacred of all gifts, the gift of life. As citizens it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and the lives of our loved ones. In fact, that is our primary obligation. "


says the moron who hero worships the biggest liar
the biggest loser
the biggest loudmouth
who has bilked thousands of people with his scams
cheated hundreds of people out of paying his bills
and abuses the office of the presidency on a daily basis to keep making money!

a CRIMINAL who has lots of DAs waiting for him to vacate the white house so they can prosecute him for his many crimes

a guy who makes pee tapes for putin!
Jesus Christ himself was a criminal and yet he is a hero to many, he too was killed by the state for his crimes.
View attachment 381127

I don't recall reading about him Burning Looting Murdering in any of his exploits or promoting such in any of his messages.



He was much worse, a blasphemer.


I'm sure that's how you feel.


I've not seen that do you have any pictures?
View attachment 381137



"What's Mao doing on Obama's Xmas tree?"

Read more at:
A wise wonk has pointed out in some of these threads, that we are witness, time and again, to the Left engendering the very same worship that one would give Beelzebub himself......murder, arson, destruction, criminal behaviors, attacks on civilization itself.

It is as though some bizarre braintrust has looked for any possible way to force a civil war and the destruction of America and Western Civilization.

1. "Over the past few months, shocking videos have surfaced of drivers getting surrounded by violent mobs of people, many times armed with blunt instruments and firearms. Citizens have been pulled from their vehicles and savagely beaten. A 9-1-1 call surfaced from a mother trapped in her car with a small child inside, rioters hitting her windows and climbing on top of her vehicle. In the chilling audio recording, the emergency operator tells her, “We can’t do anything” and “We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations.”

2. At least one person was shot in their car, their forward progress arrested by demonstrators. The recent riots confirm that “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” If authorities do arrive, it will be after the fact. Despite their best efforts and intentions, police respond to criminal activity and will not be there beforehand to defend you from a violent attack.

3. Politicians protected by 24/7 taxpayer-funded armed security details also ironically want to defund the police and take our guns, actions that are the height of hypocrisy. The rest of us need to stand ready as our own quick reaction force. We are dealing with the most sacred of all gifts, the gift of life. As citizens it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and the lives of our loved ones. In fact, that is our primary obligation. "


says the moron who hero worships the biggest liar
the biggest loser
the biggest loudmouth
who has bilked thousands of people with his scams
cheated hundreds of people out of paying his bills
and abuses the office of the presidency on a daily basis to keep making money!

a CRIMINAL who has lots of DAs waiting for him to vacate the white house so they can prosecute him for his many crimes

a guy who makes pee tapes for putin!

"...says the moron who hero worships the biggest liar..."

"Worship" is only applicable to Democrats, who called Hussein god, Jesus, and the messiah.

I have a rule for your post:

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Now, speaking of liars....
Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
Some people are not in need of hero worshipping like Repubs they just love their messiah Trump and lick his shoes clean so he can get them dirty again pilfering their pockets with lies and smiles.
Translation the BLM has no heros except criminals who get killed by cops.

Disgusting and really embarrassing
Jesus Christ himself was a criminal and yet he is a hero to many, he too was killed by the state for his crimes.
So...with every post, you seem to support people who maim and torture then murder people.

I am left in wonderment as to how the Democrats turned seemingly normal people into these savages.

Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.

Democrat Government School
Democrat Media
One of their listed / honored 'Community Leaders' during their convention was the woman who kidnapped, starved, beat, tortured, sodomized with a 3ft metal pole - all for 3 WEEKS, murdered, and then tried to ransom his dead body......


When a group of people tell us who they are - we should believe them.
I know that I do.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. People know themselves much better than you do. That's why it's important to stop expecting them to be something other than who they are. - Maya Angelou.
Some people are not in need of hero worshipping like Repubs they just love their messiah Trump and lick his shoes clean so he can get them dirty again pilfering their pockets with lies and smiles.
Translation the BLM has no heros except criminals who get killed by cops.

Disgusting and really embarrassing
Jesus Christ himself was a criminal and yet he is a hero to many, he too was killed by the state for his crimes.
So...with every post, you seem to support people who maim and torture then murder people.

I am left in wonderment as to how the Democrats turned seemingly normal people into these savages.

Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.

Democrat Government School
Democrat Media

Sadly, all public schools are of the government school variety.
A wise wonk has pointed out in some of these threads, that we are witness, time and again, to the Left engendering the very same worship that one would give Beelzebub himself......murder, arson, destruction, criminal behaviors, attacks on civilization itself.

It is as though some bizarre braintrust has looked for any possible way to force a civil war and the destruction of America and Western Civilization.

1. "Over the past few months, shocking videos have surfaced of drivers getting surrounded by violent mobs of people, many times armed with blunt instruments and firearms. Citizens have been pulled from their vehicles and savagely beaten. A 9-1-1 call surfaced from a mother trapped in her car with a small child inside, rioters hitting her windows and climbing on top of her vehicle. In the chilling audio recording, the emergency operator tells her, “We can’t do anything” and “We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations.”

2. At least one person was shot in their car, their forward progress arrested by demonstrators. The recent riots confirm that “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” If authorities do arrive, it will be after the fact. Despite their best efforts and intentions, police respond to criminal activity and will not be there beforehand to defend you from a violent attack.

3. Politicians protected by 24/7 taxpayer-funded armed security details also ironically want to defund the police and take our guns, actions that are the height of hypocrisy. The rest of us need to stand ready as our own quick reaction force. We are dealing with the most sacred of all gifts, the gift of life. As citizens it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and the lives of our loved ones. In fact, that is our primary obligation. "


says the moron who hero worships the biggest liar
the biggest loser
the biggest loudmouth
who has bilked thousands of people with his scams
cheated hundreds of people out of paying his bills
and abuses the office of the presidency on a daily basis to keep making money!

a CRIMINAL who has lots of DAs waiting for him to vacate the white house so they can prosecute him for his many crimes

a guy who makes pee tapes for putin!

By now you surely know that none of that is actually true.
Some people are not in need of hero worshipping like Repubs they just love their messiah Trump and lick his shoes clean so he can get them dirty again pilfering their pockets with lies and smiles.
Translation the BLM has no heros except criminals who get killed by cops.

Disgusting and really embarrassing
Jesus Christ himself was a criminal and yet he is a hero to many, he too was killed by the state for his crimes.
So...with every post, you seem to support people who maim and torture then murder people.

I am left in wonderment as to how the Democrats turned seemingly normal people into these savages.

Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.

Democrat Government School
Democrat Media

Sadly, all public schools are of the government school variety.
Yes indeed ti include military academies you hate because you hate America, you hate her institutions, her military, her civilians and you especially hate hard working people that run the schools all the way from the head of the Dept of Education right down to the custodian...You hate them and continuously berate them .....Why do you hate Republican and Democratic Party voters that work in the education department?
I know you won't answer that is what fifth columnist do.
A wise wonk has pointed out in some of these threads, that we are witness, time and again, to the Left engendering the very same worship that one would give Beelzebub himself......murder, arson, destruction, criminal behaviors, attacks on civilization itself.

It is as though some bizarre braintrust has looked for any possible way to force a civil war and the destruction of America and Western Civilization.

1. "Over the past few months, shocking videos have surfaced of drivers getting surrounded by violent mobs of people, many times armed with blunt instruments and firearms. Citizens have been pulled from their vehicles and savagely beaten. A 9-1-1 call surfaced from a mother trapped in her car with a small child inside, rioters hitting her windows and climbing on top of her vehicle. In the chilling audio recording, the emergency operator tells her, “We can’t do anything” and “We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations.”

2. At least one person was shot in their car, their forward progress arrested by demonstrators. The recent riots confirm that “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” If authorities do arrive, it will be after the fact. Despite their best efforts and intentions, police respond to criminal activity and will not be there beforehand to defend you from a violent attack.

3. Politicians protected by 24/7 taxpayer-funded armed security details also ironically want to defund the police and take our guns, actions that are the height of hypocrisy. The rest of us need to stand ready as our own quick reaction force. We are dealing with the most sacred of all gifts, the gift of life. As citizens it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and the lives of our loved ones. In fact, that is our primary obligation. "

Thank you for yet ANOTHER fantastic post, PC. I love reading EVERYTHING you post. Your posts are always intelligent, insightful, and thought-provoking. Thanks, again.
Some people are not in need of hero worshipping like Repubs they just love their messiah Trump and lick his shoes clean so he can get them dirty again pilfering their pockets with lies and smiles'\
;lm n b
Your side worships rapists and murders. You turn the absolute worst people in our country into hero's. You people are fucking crazy.
"Jacob Blake: What we know about Wisconsin police shooting
Mr White told the AP news agency that he heard police officers shout "Drop the knife!" before gunfire erupted, but said he didn't see a knife in Mr Blake's hands.

Mr Blake has since told investigators that he had a knife in his possession, and Mr Kaul said officers "recovered a knife from the driver's side floorboard" of his car."

And so, to reprise the thread title.....

....why do the heroes of the revolution always have some sort of association with criminality?????
Some people are not in need of hero worshipping like Repubs they just love their messiah Trump and lick his shoes clean so he can get them dirty again pilfering their pockets with lies and smiles.
Translation the BLM has no heros except criminals who get killed by cops.

Disgusting and really embarrassing
Jesus Christ himself was a criminal and yet he is a hero to many, he too was killed by the state for his crimes.

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