Democrats Cowards On Domestic Abuse And Race


Guess while Black women die at the hands of their spouses, Democrats more worried about votes.
African American women are three times as likely to suffer from spousal abuse as White women. Where are the liberal left politicians and spokespeople to "speak truth to power" on this issue?
Domestic Violence Statistics Commission on Domestic Violence
I thought conservatives had a "war on women?"

Why are you trolling with racist rhetoric?

First of all, I ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit for five years. I wrote and managed two Dept. of Justice VAWA grants, supervised officers and coordianted our relationship with probation, local police agencies and the Sheriff, the Courts and prosecutors office, the shelter and batter's treatment (conseling) and counseling for victims and children. Oh, and I'm a Democrat and know that you're full of shit on this issue, and everything I've read which you have posted.

Have a nice day.
African American women are three times as likely to suffer from spousal abuse as White women. Where are the liberal left politicians and spokespeople to "speak truth to power" on this issue?
Domestic Violence Statistics Commission on Domestic Violence
I thought conservatives had a "war on women?"

Why are you trolling with racist rhetoric?

First of all, I ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit for five years. I wrote and managed two Dept. of Justice VAWA grants, supervised officers and coordianted our relationship with probation, local police agencies and the Sheriff, the Courts and prosecutors office, the shelter and batter's treatment (conseling) and counseling for victims and children. Oh, and I'm a Democrat and know that you're full of shit on this issue, and everything I've read which you have posted.

Have a nice day.
Justice Department. Figures. Now, do you care to,comment on domestic abuse in Black community? Do you care to comment on the lack of Democratic Party leaders and liberal talking heads commenting on the issue? No. Instead you wanted to pimp your résumé as if it actually addresses the issue. As I recall you were one of the first on the board to play race card on Ferguson, Missouri self defense shooting.
African American women are three times as likely to suffer from spousal abuse as White women. Where are the liberal left politicians and spokespeople to "speak truth to power" on this issue?
Domestic Violence Statistics Commission on Domestic Violence
I thought conservatives had a "war on women?"

Why are you trolling with racist rhetoric?

First of all, I ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit for five years. I wrote and managed two Dept. of Justice VAWA grants, supervised officers and coordianted our relationship with probation, local police agencies and the Sheriff, the Courts and prosecutors office, the shelter and batter's treatment (conseling) and counseling for victims and children. Oh, and I'm a Democrat and know that you're full of shit on this issue, and everything I've read which you have posted.

Have a nice day.
Oh and BTW your rant confirms the double standard of race and liberals. Truth too much for you?
No one is ignoring domestic abuse but the perps...
Democrats are. Remember, GOP has a "war" on women. Ask those women being abuse by Black men and then ask who they voted for in 2008 and 2012?
Liberals on this board are afraid to approach this issue. Why? Because it does not fit nicely into their idea of victimhood. Surely it must be White, male, Republicans who are the villain here right? Nope. It's Black, male, Democrats. The left is totally flummoxed. Shows the simple mindedness of liberals. Their narcissism completely exposed now.
Hillary Clinton and Liz Warren have come out strongly against the issue of domestic violence and the Black community....oh, guess not.
No one is ignoring domestic abuse but the perps...
Democrats are. Remember, GOP has a "war" on women. Ask those women being abuse by Black men and then ask who they voted for in 2008 and 2012?
So no whites commit domestic violence??No GOP voters?
Read the numbers.
In other words yes, some white people beat their wives, just like the young woman put in the hospital wed. after her husband beat her to a bloody pulp...The one that lives down the street..
No one is ignoring domestic abuse but the perps...
Democrats are. Remember, GOP has a "war" on women. Ask those women being abuse by Black men and then ask who they voted for in 2008 and 2012?
So no whites commit domestic violence??No GOP voters?
Read the numbers.
In other words yes, some white people beat their wives, just like the young woman put in the hospital wed. after her husband beat here to a bloody pulp...The one that lives down the street..
What does this have to do with the overwhelming evidence that supports the issue that domestic violence is systemic in the Black community and no Democrats have the courage to address it for fear of losing votes. It's taboo. Look the other way. Yeah, party of woman's rights. Fucking joke.
After the last Congress allowed the Violence Against Women Act to expire because Republicans believe only straight, white women deserve protection from rape and abuse, the House is finally doing the right thing by voting on the Senate's version of the act. Of course Republicans will first play some kabuki theater by voting on the straight-white-women only amendment, but once that goes down in defeat, Republicans are expected to oh-so-graciously hold a vote on the actual, all-inclusive bill.
House finally votes on Violence Against Women Act to protect ALL women
“This administration and this president do believe strongly that the scourge of violence against women is something that needs to be aggressively combated,” said Earnest. “I don’t want to comment on the individual decisions made, in this case, by an individual football team. But you have seen the president and the vice president make very forceful public comments in talking about how important it is for men in particular to step up and step forward and make clear that violence against women is something that is not and cannot be tolerated.”

Obama shocked by Ray Rice domestic violence video MSNBC

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