Democrats defeat bill banning abortion after 20 weeks

If the Democrats were so hell bent on killing so many Black babies on demand they wouldn't have to import voters from Third World shitholes.
Hell they export baby killers to third world shitholes for the express purpose of cutting up those poor black women and sending them home to die of infection.

It's their way of combating global warming.
If the Democrats were so hell bent on killing so many Black babies on demand they wouldn't have to import voters from Third World shitholes.
Your wish for an increase in babies of color is admirable.
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If the Democrats were so hell bent on killing so many Black babies on demand they wouldn't have to import voters from Third World shitholes.
Your wish for an increase in babies of color is admirable.

All life is precious. As much as I hate Liberals I would rather for a child to live and grow up to be a filthy Welfare Queen Democrat than to see them murdered because some sorry ass bitch was inconvenienced by them living.

Abortion is the mass murder of a million American children each year. Most of them Black. It is despicable no matter what the color of the child is.
How old would a fetus need to be before Liberals might consider not killing it?

Liberals would be fine with suffocating an unwanted baby as soon as it is birthed if that is the will of the mother.......that is how they "roll".
For a group that supposedly opposes socialism, republicans/cons sure do love telling women they need to care for other people for free.

Did your mother care for you "for free" and if so, aren't you glad that she did and gave you a chance at life?
I'm indifferent about it. My life is hardly great. There's the good and there's the bad in it.

What's your point? That because someone did me a favor I should support making it a legal requirement? If someone gives me directions for free, I should support a law requiring everyone to give directions when asked?
If the Democrats were so hell bent on killing so many Black babies on demand they wouldn't have to import voters from Third World shitholes.
Your wish for an increase in babies of color is admirable.

All life is precious. As much as I hate Liberals I would rather for a child to live and grow up to be a filthy Welfare Queen Democrat than to see them murdered because some sorry ass bitch was inconvenienced by them living.

Abortion is the mass murder of a million American children each year. Most of them Black. It is despicable no matter what the color of the child is.
Why should pregnant women be forced to care for another for free?
If the Democrats were so hell bent on killing so many Black babies on demand they wouldn't have to import voters from Third World shitholes.
Your wish for an increase in babies of color is admirable.

All life is precious. As much as I hate Liberals I would rather for a child to live and grow up to be a filthy Welfare Queen Democrat than to see them murdered because some sorry ass bitch was inconvenienced by them living.

Abortion is the mass murder of a million American children each year. Most of them Black. It is despicable no matter what the color of the child is.
Why should pregnant women be forced to care for another for free?

If you don't know the answer to why a parent shouldn't be allowed to kill their children for the sake of convenience then there is nothing I can say to you.

Maybe under your set of values I should be able to whack any welfare queens that I see do to the fact that as a taxpayer I am forced to take care of them. As satisfying a thought that may be at the end of the day it wouldn't be right, would it?
Or we should be allowed to whack homeless people because we're tired of wading through them.

Some crazed lunatic off the street tried to force his way into the home of one of my kids' friends last night, while she was home alone. The police came and trundled him away..he was raving about camping and God knows what else. Entirely out of his mind. One of the *homeless* that leftist craphats turned out in the 80s, and now claim can be fixed by socialism.
Modern liberals are worse than the 19th century slaveholders and slavery apologists were. Like their ideological forefathers, abortion defenders deny the humanity of the victim and act as though the only issue is whether people should be free to own or kill the most defenseless among us.
And liberals are always yapping about science, but they could not care less about the science of embryology and what we now know about the baby's development in the womb. Numerous babies have been delivered after 16 or 17 weeks. Killing a baby at 20 weeks is murder, a crime far worse than slavery. If you read 19th-century pro-slavery writings, you'll be amazed at the parallels between the pro-abortion arguments and the pro-slavery arguments regarding the status of the victim.
How old would a fetus need to be before Liberals might consider not killing it?

Liberals would be fine with suffocating an unwanted baby as soon as it is birthed if that is the will of the mother.......that is how they "roll".
For a group that supposedly opposes socialism, republicans/cons sure do love telling women they need to care for other people for free.

Did your mother care for you "for free" and if so, aren't you glad that she did and gave you a chance at life?
I'm indifferent about it. My life is hardly great. There's the good and there's the bad in it.

What's your point? That because someone did me a favor I should support making it a legal requirement? If someone gives me directions for free, I should support a law requiring everyone to give directions when asked?[/QUO TE]

What can I do?...... or more importantly... what can we do to give you hope and faith in humanity? Because what it all boils down to at the end of the day (and the shit hits the fan) is that all we have is each other. I have this youtube video on my FB page where a homeless dog is hit by a car and his friend drags him out of the middle of the road to safety...... you matter a great deal....never forget that.
How old would a fetus need to be before Liberals might consider not killing it?

Liberals would be fine with suffocating an unwanted baby as soon as it is birthed if that is the will of the mother.......that is how they "roll".
For a group that supposedly opposes socialism, republicans/cons sure do love telling women they need to care for other people for free.

Did your mother care for you "for free" and if so, aren't you glad that she did and gave you a chance at life?
I'm indifferent about it. My life is hardly great. There's the good and there's the bad in it.

What's your point? That because someone did me a favor I should support making it a legal requirement? If someone gives me directions for free, I should support a law requiring everyone to give directions when asked?[/QUO TE]

What can I do?...... or more importantly... what can we do to give you hope and faith in humanity? Because what it all boils down to at the end of the day (and the shit hits the fan) is that all we have is each other. I have this youtube video on my FB page where a homeless dog is hit by a car and his friend drags him out of the middle of the road to safety...... you matter a great deal....never forget that.

If the Democrats were so hell bent on killing so many Black babies on demand they wouldn't have to import voters from Third World shitholes.
Your wish for an increase in babies of color is admirable.

All life is precious. As much as I hate Liberals I would rather for a child to live and grow up to be a filthy Welfare Queen Democrat than to see them murdered because some sorry ass bitch was inconvenienced by them living.

Abortion is the mass murder of a million American children each year. Most of them Black. It is despicable no matter what the color of the child is.
Why should pregnant women be forced to care for another for free?

If you don't know the answer to why a parent shouldn't be allowed to kill their children for the sake of convenience then there is nothing I can say to you.

Maybe under your set of values I should be able to whack any welfare queens that I see do to the fact that as a taxpayer I am forced to take care of them. As satisfying a thought that may be at the end of the day it wouldn't be right, would it?
Who said anything about killing? I just don't think a person should personally be responsible for feeding an intruder in their homes or bodies for 9 months. I find it unusual that cons who oppose even impersonal government welfare because it would mean some rich, worthless deadbeat will be able to afford not 3, but 2 luxury yachts would support forcing an already poor worker to personally care for an intruder for 9 months, potentially at great personal cost.
Modern liberals are worse than the 19th century slaveholders and slavery apologists were. Like their ideological forefathers, abortion defenders deny the humanity of the victim and act as though the only issue is whether people should be free to own or kill the most defenseless among us.

Abortion was widely legal in America in the 18th and early 19th century.
The rubes don’t care about the “babies “ . They just want to control women.

By the way . Ever think of why woman have late abortions? Nature can be a real bitch .

So when the fetus has its insides on the outside , let’s make her carry the kid to full term, risk a dangerous birth , so it can live for 2 minutes !
The rubes don’t care about the “babies “ . They just want to control women.

By the way . Ever think of why woman have late abortions? Nature can be a real bitch .

So when the fetus has its insides on the outside , let’s make her carry the kid to full term, risk a dangerous birth , so it can live for 2 minutes !
And then some worthless, deadbeat rich kid will whine about having less money because it was used to treat the newborn for those 2 minutes.
Couldn't wait to get over to this site to see republican phonies crying about the abortion bill like they really gave a damn about anything but money money money. Now, if a mother has a baby and can't afford to take care of it properly and she's lucky enough to get some food stamps, maybe a little help to pay the rent... watch the hate come out of them full blast.
Don't get pregnant then. Damn that was hard to figure out!

And if you get pregnant, you can't abort if you discover your fetus is fatally deformed or suffers from genetic abnormalities, or will require round the clock nursing for all of his/her life, none of which can be learned before 24 weeks of gestation

Sooooooo, when a woman learns that at 24 weeks that her baby is perfectly "ok"? Are you fine with having it's skull crushed and body parts and tissue sold to the highest bidder because the woman decides that it's "inconveeeeeeenient"?

Please lie to me and tell me that you have no spawn........the mere thought of you breeding and raising a potential blithering idiot like you is a big time "bummer".

Women don’t decide to terminate a pregnancy at 24 weeks because it’s “inconvenient”. Abortions performed at this point are medically necessary, either to save the life of the mother or because of severe genetic abnormalities.

I have 3 children, 8 grandchildren, and just became a great grandmother for the first time. I’m not the one here who’s blathering about non-existent “deep state” conspiracies and the other bullshit you go on about.
And liberals are always yapping about science, but they could not care less about the science of embryology and what we now know about the baby's development in the womb. Numerous babies have been delivered after 16 or 17 weeks. Killing a baby at 20 weeks is murder, a crime far worse than slavery. If you read 19th-century pro-slavery writings, you'll be amazed at the parallels between the pro-abortion arguments and the pro-slavery arguments regarding the status of the victim.

Bullshit. The shortest gestation period on record is slightly over 21 weeks, and only two infants born at 21 weeks have ever survived.

Assholes who think women should be forced to have children they cannot afford to raise, should be forced to raise they’re forcing to have those women to have.
Couldn't wait to get over to this site to see republican phonies crying about the abortion bill like they really gave a damn about anything but money money money. Now, if a mother has a baby and can't afford to take care of it properly and she's lucky enough to get some food stamps, maybe a little help to pay the rent... watch the hate come out of them full blast.
Don't get pregnant then. Damn that was hard to figure out!

And if you get pregnant, you can't abort if you discover your fetus is fatally deformed or suffers from genetic abnormalities, or will require round the clock nursing for all of his/her life, none of which can be learned before 24 weeks of gestation

Sooooooo, when a woman learns that at 24 weeks that her baby is perfectly "ok"? Are you fine with having it's skull crushed and body parts and tissue sold to the highest bidder because the woman decides that it's "inconveeeeeeenient"?

Please lie to me and tell me that you have no spawn........the mere thought of you breeding and raising a potential blithering idiot like you is a big time "bummer".

Women don’t decide to terminate a pregnancy at 24 weeks because it’s “inconvenient”. Abortions performed at this point are medically necessary, either to save the life of the mother or because of severe genetic abnormalities.

I have 3 children, 8 grandchildren, and just became a great grandmother for the first time. I’m not the one here who’s blathering about non-existent “deep state” conspiracies and the other bullshit you go on about.

Dragonbitch......I simply asked if you would be "ok" with an abortion after 24 weeks because it was an bailed on answering it. You have three children? Are they as clueless as you are? There is no "deep state" or shadow government? HOLY shit but are you EVER unaware.....but that's typical of a leftard. Give me a wide berth, "granny" don't have the intellect to take me on.

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