Democrats Deny These Immigration Truths

employment is at the will of either party.

Entry into the Union is a federal obligation since 1808. States have no Constitutional basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state.

All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. We should have no "illegal" problem.

A state doesn't care if someone is from another state or another country? Unless that person is trying to get a job and then they care. They should care.

And what do you think Entry into the Union is a federal obligation means? Are you trying to suggest that means we are obligated to take in anyone who comes?

To me that just means Entry into the USA is a federal thing, not state issue. And states don't have the right to say we aren't taking any Somalians or Arabs who the USA takes in.

But that's take in legally.

I think a local cop should be able to deport an illegal. Don't you?

Whoa there dude. If a local cop can enforce federal law, then they can come to your house and enforce federal gun laws. BAD IDEA.

If you want to put it into terms I will understand you should ask me how would I like a Michigan cop to arrest me for having pot when it's legal in Michigan. Would I like him arresting me for a federal crime?

But I still think if a cop catches an illegal immigrant they should be able to turn them into Ice.

But then that would make me a hypocrite probably.

I guess you are what you say IF you would actually do it. The principle would apply across the board (it's that 14th Amendment you know.) If a local or state cop can arrest you for violating a federal law, then he can arrest you for violating gun laws.

Sheriff Richard Mack took that question all the way to the United States Supreme Court as he did not want to be forced into complying with the Brady Bill. He won the case. We're talking now about the equal protection of the laws. Our Republic, thank God, has jurisdictional boundaries. They cannot violate them just because you do not like undocumented foreigners.
What about a citizens arrest?

Why aren't those obsessed with the issue making citizen arrests and trying out their theories?
employment is at the will of either party.

Entry into the Union is a federal obligation since 1808. States have no Constitutional basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state.

All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. We should have no "illegal" problem.

A state doesn't care if someone is from another state or another country? Unless that person is trying to get a job and then they care. They should care.

And what do you think Entry into the Union is a federal obligation means? Are you trying to suggest that means we are obligated to take in anyone who comes?

To me that just means Entry into the USA is a federal thing, not state issue. And states don't have the right to say we aren't taking any Somalians or Arabs who the USA takes in.

But that's take in legally.

I think a local cop should be able to deport an illegal. Don't you?

Whoa there dude. If a local cop can enforce federal law, then they can come to your house and enforce federal gun laws. BAD IDEA.

If you want to put it into terms I will understand you should ask me how would I like a Michigan cop to arrest me for having pot when it's legal in Michigan. Would I like him arresting me for a federal crime?

But I still think if a cop catches an illegal immigrant they should be able to turn them into Ice.

But then that would make me a hypocrite probably.

I guess you are what you say IF you would actually do it. The principle would apply across the board (it's that 14th Amendment you know.) If a local or state cop can arrest you for violating a federal law, then he can arrest you for violating gun laws.

Sheriff Richard Mack took that question all the way to the United States Supreme Court as he did not want to be forced into complying with the Brady Bill. He won the case. We're talking now about the equal protection of the laws. Our Republic, thank God, has jurisdictional boundaries. They cannot violate them just because you do not like undocumented foreigners.
This is why you go after companies breaking the law.

And don’t you think states have the right to arrest and turn illegals over to ice? What if Arizona has a problem Michigan does not? I’m going to tell Arizona they can’t arrest undocumented people and deport the ones who aren’t from here? So trumps breaking the law?

I guess this is where we have to disagree. An employer owns the job they create. I'm not ratting out any employer for hiring the best qualified candidate for a job.

When I was very young, I was laid off my union job to make way for blacks. The tv cameras of the day loved me - young, infuriated and outspoken. My argument back then was that government should allow the employer to hire who they thought was best qualified. No special treatment for anyone.

No employer works their ass off day and night - weekends and holidays in order to provide you a job. They start a business to be independent, self - sufficient and to make a profit. When you make it unprofitable, they go to another country. That might explain why, over the last twenty or so years, gambling has moved to China and they now have more casinos than Nevada - or the whole U.S. for that matter.
You are asking for too much and you are asking for something that isn't even necessary. We just need to end our illegal employer problem. Really go after illegal employers. Soon you will find that illegals are leaving on their own because they can't find work.

Has nothing to do with the drug trafficking that goes across our borders. In fact make that shit legal for all I care.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So tell me why did GW Bush stop going after illegal employers?

Hell, in the 1990's we didn't even care about illegals because the economy was booming. So why all of the sudden when the economy goes into recession, the Bush regime stops cracking down on illegal employers?

I don't want to make this about politics. I don't want to change the focus to if Bush is to blame or if Clinton is to blame. Lets not do that. The only point I'm trying to make is that we have an illegal employer problem. So don't shift the argument to drug cartels. Stop deflecting and arguing everything I'm telling you because it doesn't fit into your narrative.
employment is at the will of either party.

Entry into the Union is a federal obligation since 1808. States have no Constitutional basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state.

All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. We should have no "illegal" problem.

A state doesn't care if someone is from another state or another country? Unless that person is trying to get a job and then they care. They should care.

And what do you think Entry into the Union is a federal obligation means? Are you trying to suggest that means we are obligated to take in anyone who comes?

To me that just means Entry into the USA is a federal thing, not state issue. And states don't have the right to say we aren't taking any Somalians or Arabs who the USA takes in.

But that's take in legally.

I think a local cop should be able to deport an illegal. Don't you?

Whoa there dude. If a local cop can enforce federal law, then they can come to your house and enforce federal gun laws. BAD IDEA.

If you want to put it into terms I will understand you should ask me how would I like a Michigan cop to arrest me for having pot when it's legal in Michigan. Would I like him arresting me for a federal crime?

But I still think if a cop catches an illegal immigrant they should be able to turn them into Ice.

But then that would make me a hypocrite probably.

well EVERYBODY that knows anything about you knows that is an understatement that you one of the biggest hypocrite trolls to penetrate this site the fact you call out warmonger Bush for his muRderous actions in the mideast and then ignore how Obozo lied to the american people that he would pull out of the war and reverse all of Bushs policys but then EXPANDED them yet you worship THAT motherfucker for doing so,

hypocrite is the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year on you.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Sometimes I don't condemn the liberals like I do the conservatives. However, I've been a registered Republican all my voting life and I expect something from them.

If the Republicans are going to act like socialists or communists, then I want rid of them and have at least one party that isn't promoting ideologies that the founders would have found intolerable. So, along those lines, I will complain about the Republican sell - outs and try to reform the party OR I will advocate the disenfranchised take over the Libertarian Party, reform it and get rid of what is rapidly becoming a ONE PARTY SYSTEM: Democrat Commie Left or Republican / Socialist Lite.
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You live in a fantasy world. I live in the real world. Starting in my own life, my wife has two sons by a previous marriage. BOTH of them are capable of working. But, they have free rent with relatives and a debit card that collects another $600 plus dollars for food each month.

They've never worked and they are never going to work. When I got married, I thought that this was abnormal, but those two worthless pieces of scatalogical waste know people - who know people. Most of the guys I know that are 18 - 40 or so are exactly like them. They outnumber those who want to work by a margin of AT LEAST 5 to 1.

If those guys could have graduated highschool like our dads did and go work for Ford GM or Chrysler and make that kind of money, they would have went to work.

But no, those spoiled brats are not going to go work for minimum wage like you and I did. I agree.

I've given both of them the opportunity to work as laborers, get their GED, and get a job. They laugh at the idea. In September, we launched a ministry to help those disenfranchised.

It is not a handout program; it's a way to get off drugs, get an education and go work, becoming self sufficient. In 88 days of operation, the only people taking advantage of the program have been women.

I wonder why that is? When I went to EMU in the 1990's most of the people at graduation were black women. Not black men but black women.

And I'm not picking on black men. I know a lot of lazy spoiled entitled young white men. They love video games. They have no goals. The don't care about girls. They are 20 and 30 something year old children. I don't know where my generation went wrong raising these kids.

I think there wasn't the economic opportunity for them as there was for us. But then that doesn't explain why women are stepping up and taking the jobs and boys aren't. It's strange.

But also keep in mind every generation says the next generation sucks. They said it about us and we are ok. I'm in my 40's. We figured it out.

I think it's a cultural shift. When we were young, our male role models almost universally stressed hard work and self sufficiency. It was scandalous for a young man to get a girl pregnant, then run out on her. Now, it seems almost expected. "GI Joe" was what, under 20? Now, 20 is still childhood.

Not to pick on Obama, but "pajama boy" was possibly the worst conceivable face they could have put on obamadontcare. They actually stressed the idea that you wouldn't have to worry about working so much, or even at all to provide health insurance.
You’ll get no argument from me on this. I wish all the poor people on welfare didn’t have those kids they couldn’t afford. They know welfare is something they’ll get if they have kids and I believe this plays into their accidents happening in the first place.

Here is an idea I bet you can agree on. And they may actually be doing this now. If your retirement age for social security is 67 and you use up $2000 worth of foodstamps, that money has to come out of your benefits before you can retire. Every citizen who’s going to get social security is being tracked. They know what you have coming. I think welfare when you are young should be collected eventually. So instead of 67 your retirement might be 70 if you took welfare for 3 years.

U like this?

In general, I think the retirement age should be raised anyway, just because we live longer today.

I don't have a problem with requiring things like welfare to be paid for from benefits. It would make those benefits something to be used sparingly and only when actually needed. I do like it.
Then we should send out a flyer to Mexico saying help wanted in your town. Any laborer who wants to work where you live should apply to become a citizen because your town needs workers you can not find.

But they must legal citizens who pay taxes.

Here is the whole issue for me. NOBODY needs to become a citizen in order to work here. For me that is THE issue. Look, if you're going to make citizens out of everyone who comes here to work, pretty soon they will outvote you and this discussion becomes moot.

Taxes: According to the Chief Actuary of the SSA, about 75 percent of the undocumented foreigners pay the income tax. That is the ONLY tax you can argue. We had that war won BEFORE the conservatives got flipped by globalists. Had the FAIR Tax been debated a few times in Congress, a way to end the income tax and repeal the 16th Amendment would have resulted.

Instead, we falsely accused the undocumented foreigners of not paying taxes. That gave a pretext to use the SSN for your National ID AND continue imposing the income tax - which is a graduated tax much like the one found in the Communist Manifesto.

Pay taxes? Yes, if you're subject to them. Citizenship? HELL NO.
Sorry I'm not going to go round and round with you. I gave plenty of reasons why too many immigrants hurts the middle class and how illegal immigrants are even worse. You don't want to believe it that's fine but everyone with a brain knows too many workers means lower wages and not enough workers means wages go up.

Granted, what you're saying is a theory. But, the bottom line is, if employers can hire whomever they want, it probably won't be the freaks of nature they are required to hire due to the regulations whereby the government tells them who to hire.

That is how you got into this mess - too much regulation. AND, even if you could get rid of the undocumented foreigners, it does not make the people sucking off the welfare teat want to go back to work. It does nothing to erase a criminal record or rehabilitate a drug user. It does nothing to stop the government from getting millions of people addicted to drugs - and they do so by force at times.

So basically what you are saying is the people in this country who aren't working don't want to work and if we got rid of illegals we wouldn't have people to do those jobs. Might be some pain in the beginning but it'll be worth it in the long run.

Regulations are not why we got in this mess. That's just what libertarians and republicans say to every problem. Too many regulations, never not enough.

We got in this mess because we started hiring illegals. You seem to not believe illegals are a problem. I can't argue with that. If you don't buy into this theory then you can continue to defend corporations who hire illegals and keep defending the illegals. Very few people agree with you. Do you know who does agree with you? The corporatists.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

If illegal immigrants could no longer work, unions would flourish, the minimum wage would rise, and oligarchic nations to our south would have to confront and fix their corrupt ways.

Between the Reagan years - when there were only around 1 to 2 million illegal aliens in our workforce - and today, we've gone from about 25 percent of our private workforce being unionized to around seven percent. Much of this is the direct result - as César Chávez predicted - of illegal immigrants competing directly with unionized and legal labor. Although it's most obvious in the construction trades over the past 30 years, it's hit all sectors of our economy.

You live in a fantasy world. I live in the real world. Starting in my own life, my wife has two sons by a previous marriage. BOTH of them are capable of working. But, they have free rent with relatives and a debit card that collects another $600 plus dollars for food each month.

They've never worked and they are never going to work. When I got married, I thought that this was abnormal, but those two worthless pieces of scatalogical waste know people - who know people. Most of the guys I know that are 18 - 40 or so are exactly like them. They outnumber those who want to work by a margin of AT LEAST 5 to 1.

You actually allow this shit!!?
And you married a woman who allows this shit?
You're a spineless fuken weasel!!!
If those guys could have graduated highschool like our dads did and go work for Ford GM or Chrysler and make that kind of money, they would have went to work.

But no, those spoiled brats are not going to go work for minimum wage like you and I did. I agree.

I've given both of them the opportunity to work as laborers, get their GED, and get a job. They laugh at the idea. In September, we launched a ministry to help those disenfranchised.

It is not a handout program; it's a way to get off drugs, get an education and go work, becoming self sufficient. In 88 days of operation, the only people taking advantage of the program have been women.

I wonder why that is? When I went to EMU in the 1990's most of the people at graduation were black women. Not black men but black women.

And I'm not picking on black men. I know a lot of lazy spoiled entitled young white men. They love video games. They have no goals. The don't care about girls. They are 20 and 30 something year old children. I don't know where my generation went wrong raising these kids.

I think there wasn't the economic opportunity for them as there was for us. But then that doesn't explain why women are stepping up and taking the jobs and boys aren't. It's strange.

But also keep in mind every generation says the next generation sucks. They said it about us and we are ok. I'm in my 40's. We figured it out.

I think it's a cultural shift. When we were young, our male role models almost universally stressed hard work and self sufficiency. It was scandalous for a young man to get a girl pregnant, then run out on her. Now, it seems almost expected. "GI Joe" was what, under 20? Now, 20 is still childhood.

Not to pick on Obama, but "pajama boy" was possibly the worst conceivable face they could have put on obamadontcare. They actually stressed the idea that you wouldn't have to worry about working so much, or even at all to provide health insurance.
You’ll get no argument from me on this. I wish all the poor people on welfare didn’t have those kids they couldn’t afford. They know welfare is something they’ll get if they have kids and I believe this plays into their accidents happening in the first place.

Here is an idea I bet you can agree on. And they may actually be doing this now. If your retirement age for social security is 67 and you use up $2000 worth of foodstamps, that money has to come out of your benefits before you can retire. Every citizen who’s going to get social security is being tracked. They know what you have coming. I think welfare when you are young should be collected eventually. So instead of 67 your retirement might be 70 if you took welfare for 3 years.

U like this?

In general, I think the retirement age should be raised anyway, just because we live longer today.

I don't have a problem with requiring things like welfare to be paid for from benefits. It would make those benefits something to be used sparingly and only when actually needed. I do like it.

Actually we are dying at a younger age.

Life Expectancy Declines Among Americans for Second Year - The Atlantic

People's chances of dying young have increased in 21 US states — here are the places where an early death is most likely

Americans are dying younger and working longer
Here is the whole issue for me. NOBODY needs to become a citizen in order to work here. For me that is THE issue. Look, if you're going to make citizens out of everyone who comes here to work, pretty soon they will outvote you and this discussion becomes moot.

Taxes: According to the Chief Actuary of the SSA, about 75 percent of the undocumented foreigners pay the income tax. That is the ONLY tax you can argue. We had that war won BEFORE the conservatives got flipped by globalists. Had the FAIR Tax been debated a few times in Congress, a way to end the income tax and repeal the 16th Amendment would have resulted.

Instead, we falsely accused the undocumented foreigners of not paying taxes. That gave a pretext to use the SSN for your National ID AND continue imposing the income tax - which is a graduated tax much like the one found in the Communist Manifesto.

Pay taxes? Yes, if you're subject to them. Citizenship? HELL NO.
Sorry I'm not going to go round and round with you. I gave plenty of reasons why too many immigrants hurts the middle class and how illegal immigrants are even worse. You don't want to believe it that's fine but everyone with a brain knows too many workers means lower wages and not enough workers means wages go up.

Granted, what you're saying is a theory. But, the bottom line is, if employers can hire whomever they want, it probably won't be the freaks of nature they are required to hire due to the regulations whereby the government tells them who to hire.

That is how you got into this mess - too much regulation. AND, even if you could get rid of the undocumented foreigners, it does not make the people sucking off the welfare teat want to go back to work. It does nothing to erase a criminal record or rehabilitate a drug user. It does nothing to stop the government from getting millions of people addicted to drugs - and they do so by force at times.

So basically what you are saying is the people in this country who aren't working don't want to work and if we got rid of illegals we wouldn't have people to do those jobs. Might be some pain in the beginning but it'll be worth it in the long run.

Regulations are not why we got in this mess. That's just what libertarians and republicans say to every problem. Too many regulations, never not enough.

We got in this mess because we started hiring illegals. You seem to not believe illegals are a problem. I can't argue with that. If you don't buy into this theory then you can continue to defend corporations who hire illegals and keep defending the illegals. Very few people agree with you. Do you know who does agree with you? The corporatists.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

If illegal immigrants could no longer work, unions would flourish, the minimum wage would rise, and oligarchic nations to our south would have to confront and fix their corrupt ways.

Between the Reagan years - when there were only around 1 to 2 million illegal aliens in our workforce - and today, we've gone from about 25 percent of our private workforce being unionized to around seven percent. Much of this is the direct result - as César Chávez predicted - of illegal immigrants competing directly with unionized and legal labor. Although it's most obvious in the construction trades over the past 30 years, it's hit all sectors of our economy.

You live in a fantasy world. I live in the real world. Starting in my own life, my wife has two sons by a previous marriage. BOTH of them are capable of working. But, they have free rent with relatives and a debit card that collects another $600 plus dollars for food each month.

They've never worked and they are never going to work. When I got married, I thought that this was abnormal, but those two worthless pieces of scatalogical waste know people - who know people. Most of the guys I know that are 18 - 40 or so are exactly like them. They outnumber those who want to work by a margin of AT LEAST 5 to 1.

You actually allow this shit!!?
And you married a woman who allows this shit?
You're a spineless fuken weasel!!!

He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. Proverbs 18:13

Do "I" allow this shit? My wife's eldest son came to live with us, promising to get a job, etc., etc. He'd sleep until 2 am then go "looking for a job" after 1 pm decked out with short pants, wrinkled shirt, Doc Marten boots and a Big Gulp (a super sized soda for those who might not know.)

That lasted for about five weeks when I told him his ass was getting up when I get up, he'd get dressed like he was going to get a job and he would leave when I did and not come back until after 5 pm. He was gone the next day. Being a lazy, worthless, POS under my roof don't cut it. I worked 60 to 80 hour work weeks at his age. If he lives in my house, he's going to work. He did not - he's gone. The younger one does meth and knows better than come here.

I'd say an apology might be in order.
Sorry I'm not going to go round and round with you. I gave plenty of reasons why too many immigrants hurts the middle class and how illegal immigrants are even worse. You don't want to believe it that's fine but everyone with a brain knows too many workers means lower wages and not enough workers means wages go up.

Granted, what you're saying is a theory. But, the bottom line is, if employers can hire whomever they want, it probably won't be the freaks of nature they are required to hire due to the regulations whereby the government tells them who to hire.

That is how you got into this mess - too much regulation. AND, even if you could get rid of the undocumented foreigners, it does not make the people sucking off the welfare teat want to go back to work. It does nothing to erase a criminal record or rehabilitate a drug user. It does nothing to stop the government from getting millions of people addicted to drugs - and they do so by force at times.

So basically what you are saying is the people in this country who aren't working don't want to work and if we got rid of illegals we wouldn't have people to do those jobs. Might be some pain in the beginning but it'll be worth it in the long run.

Regulations are not why we got in this mess. That's just what libertarians and republicans say to every problem. Too many regulations, never not enough.

We got in this mess because we started hiring illegals. You seem to not believe illegals are a problem. I can't argue with that. If you don't buy into this theory then you can continue to defend corporations who hire illegals and keep defending the illegals. Very few people agree with you. Do you know who does agree with you? The corporatists.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

If illegal immigrants could no longer work, unions would flourish, the minimum wage would rise, and oligarchic nations to our south would have to confront and fix their corrupt ways.

Between the Reagan years - when there were only around 1 to 2 million illegal aliens in our workforce - and today, we've gone from about 25 percent of our private workforce being unionized to around seven percent. Much of this is the direct result - as César Chávez predicted - of illegal immigrants competing directly with unionized and legal labor. Although it's most obvious in the construction trades over the past 30 years, it's hit all sectors of our economy.

You live in a fantasy world. I live in the real world. Starting in my own life, my wife has two sons by a previous marriage. BOTH of them are capable of working. But, they have free rent with relatives and a debit card that collects another $600 plus dollars for food each month.

They've never worked and they are never going to work. When I got married, I thought that this was abnormal, but those two worthless pieces of scatalogical waste know people - who know people. Most of the guys I know that are 18 - 40 or so are exactly like them. They outnumber those who want to work by a margin of AT LEAST 5 to 1.

You actually allow this shit!!?
And you married a woman who allows this shit?
You're a spineless fuken weasel!!!

He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. Proverbs 18:13

Do "I" allow this shit? My wife's eldest son came to live with us, promising to get a job, etc., etc. He'd sleep until 2 am then go "looking for a job" after 1 pm decked out with short pants, wrinkled shirt, Doc Marten boots and a Big Gulp (a super sized soda for those who might not know.)

That lasted for about five weeks when I told him his ass was getting up when I get up, he'd get dressed like he was going to get a job and he would leave when I did and not come back until after 5 pm. He was gone the next day. Being a lazy, worthless, POS under my roof don't cut it. I worked 60 to 80 hour work weeks at his age. If he lives in my house, he's going to work. He did not - he's gone. The younger one does meth and knows better than come here.

Well thats heartening.
Sometimes ya have to deal out some tough love.
What I see these days is sickening. The wife and I live in an upper class gated community,in fact it's one of the five top rated communities in the US.
I know of three of our neighbors "kids" who are in their thirties who still live at home and are addicted to opiods.....scratch that,there only two now. The last was found floating face down in his parents pool while they were off to Germany.
All of these families have one thing in common....they're yankee democrats who moved here and take advantage of our conservative economy and yet they voted for open border Beto.

All I can say is fuck these people!!!! Stay home and stop bringing your cancer to the great state of Texas!!!!
6.7 million job openings, and record low unemployment. If an illegal is taking your job, then you are a piss poor excuse for an American.

You're so disconnected from reality it's hard to believe you work for a living. To sit here an say it's only about jobs is so elementary that you sound like you're analyzing a kindergarten class. The Liberal Left that you so fondly associate with can't pay the bills today, yet you want to take on more debt then any of you can pay for. If you believe we need to 'fix these country's', I have a better idea, why don't we give you a $100K and a One Way Ticket to Paradise, get back to us in 10 years and give us an update on your success or failure...
I've given both of them the opportunity to work as laborers, get their GED, and get a job. They laugh at the idea. In September, we launched a ministry to help those disenfranchised.

It is not a handout program; it's a way to get off drugs, get an education and go work, becoming self sufficient. In 88 days of operation, the only people taking advantage of the program have been women.

I wonder why that is? When I went to EMU in the 1990's most of the people at graduation were black women. Not black men but black women.

And I'm not picking on black men. I know a lot of lazy spoiled entitled young white men. They love video games. They have no goals. The don't care about girls. They are 20 and 30 something year old children. I don't know where my generation went wrong raising these kids.

I think there wasn't the economic opportunity for them as there was for us. But then that doesn't explain why women are stepping up and taking the jobs and boys aren't. It's strange.

But also keep in mind every generation says the next generation sucks. They said it about us and we are ok. I'm in my 40's. We figured it out.

I think it's a cultural shift. When we were young, our male role models almost universally stressed hard work and self sufficiency. It was scandalous for a young man to get a girl pregnant, then run out on her. Now, it seems almost expected. "GI Joe" was what, under 20? Now, 20 is still childhood.

Not to pick on Obama, but "pajama boy" was possibly the worst conceivable face they could have put on obamadontcare. They actually stressed the idea that you wouldn't have to worry about working so much, or even at all to provide health insurance.
You’ll get no argument from me on this. I wish all the poor people on welfare didn’t have those kids they couldn’t afford. They know welfare is something they’ll get if they have kids and I believe this plays into their accidents happening in the first place.

Here is an idea I bet you can agree on. And they may actually be doing this now. If your retirement age for social security is 67 and you use up $2000 worth of foodstamps, that money has to come out of your benefits before you can retire. Every citizen who’s going to get social security is being tracked. They know what you have coming. I think welfare when you are young should be collected eventually. So instead of 67 your retirement might be 70 if you took welfare for 3 years.

U like this?

In general, I think the retirement age should be raised anyway, just because we live longer today.

I don't have a problem with requiring things like welfare to be paid for from benefits. It would make those benefits something to be used sparingly and only when actually needed. I do like it.

Actually we are dying at a younger age.

Life Expectancy Declines Among Americans for Second Year - The Atlantic

People's chances of dying young have increased in 21 US states — here are the places where an early death is most likely

Americans are dying younger and working longer

Not compared to when SS was created.
If those guys could have graduated highschool like our dads did and go work for Ford GM or Chrysler and make that kind of money, they would have went to work.

But no, those spoiled brats are not going to go work for minimum wage like you and I did. I agree.

I've given both of them the opportunity to work as laborers, get their GED, and get a job. They laugh at the idea. In September, we launched a ministry to help those disenfranchised.

It is not a handout program; it's a way to get off drugs, get an education and go work, becoming self sufficient. In 88 days of operation, the only people taking advantage of the program have been women.

I wonder why that is? When I went to EMU in the 1990's most of the people at graduation were black women. Not black men but black women.

And I'm not picking on black men. I know a lot of lazy spoiled entitled young white men. They love video games. They have no goals. The don't care about girls. They are 20 and 30 something year old children. I don't know where my generation went wrong raising these kids.

I think there wasn't the economic opportunity for them as there was for us. But then that doesn't explain why women are stepping up and taking the jobs and boys aren't. It's strange.

But also keep in mind every generation says the next generation sucks. They said it about us and we are ok. I'm in my 40's. We figured it out.

I think it's a cultural shift. When we were young, our male role models almost universally stressed hard work and self sufficiency. It was scandalous for a young man to get a girl pregnant, then run out on her. Now, it seems almost expected. "GI Joe" was what, under 20? Now, 20 is still childhood.

Not to pick on Obama, but "pajama boy" was possibly the worst conceivable face they could have put on obamadontcare. They actually stressed the idea that you wouldn't have to worry about working so much, or even at all to provide health insurance.
You’ll get no argument from me on this. I wish all the poor people on welfare didn’t have those kids they couldn’t afford. They know welfare is something they’ll get if they have kids and I believe this plays into their accidents happening in the first place.

Here is an idea I bet you can agree on. And they may actually be doing this now. If your retirement age for social security is 67 and you use up $2000 worth of foodstamps, that money has to come out of your benefits before you can retire. Every citizen who’s going to get social security is being tracked. They know what you have coming. I think welfare when you are young should be collected eventually. So instead of 67 your retirement might be 70 if you took welfare for 3 years.

U like this?

In general, I think the retirement age should be raised anyway, just because we live longer today.

I don't have a problem with requiring things like welfare to be paid for from benefits. It would make those benefits something to be used sparingly and only when actually needed. I do like it.
I don’t care if we live longer. A person who’s 65 should be able to retire

How many 66 plus year olds do you work with?

People who are 50 can’t get hired because of their age.

And I don’t mind raising it on people who are 17 and younger but I object to my retirement age being raised from 65 to 67. “They” cost me two more years of work.
Granted, what you're saying is a theory. But, the bottom line is, if employers can hire whomever they want, it probably won't be the freaks of nature they are required to hire due to the regulations whereby the government tells them who to hire.

That is how you got into this mess - too much regulation. AND, even if you could get rid of the undocumented foreigners, it does not make the people sucking off the welfare teat want to go back to work. It does nothing to erase a criminal record or rehabilitate a drug user. It does nothing to stop the government from getting millions of people addicted to drugs - and they do so by force at times.

So basically what you are saying is the people in this country who aren't working don't want to work and if we got rid of illegals we wouldn't have people to do those jobs. Might be some pain in the beginning but it'll be worth it in the long run.

Regulations are not why we got in this mess. That's just what libertarians and republicans say to every problem. Too many regulations, never not enough.

We got in this mess because we started hiring illegals. You seem to not believe illegals are a problem. I can't argue with that. If you don't buy into this theory then you can continue to defend corporations who hire illegals and keep defending the illegals. Very few people agree with you. Do you know who does agree with you? The corporatists.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

If illegal immigrants could no longer work, unions would flourish, the minimum wage would rise, and oligarchic nations to our south would have to confront and fix their corrupt ways.

Between the Reagan years - when there were only around 1 to 2 million illegal aliens in our workforce - and today, we've gone from about 25 percent of our private workforce being unionized to around seven percent. Much of this is the direct result - as César Chávez predicted - of illegal immigrants competing directly with unionized and legal labor. Although it's most obvious in the construction trades over the past 30 years, it's hit all sectors of our economy.

You live in a fantasy world. I live in the real world. Starting in my own life, my wife has two sons by a previous marriage. BOTH of them are capable of working. But, they have free rent with relatives and a debit card that collects another $600 plus dollars for food each month.

They've never worked and they are never going to work. When I got married, I thought that this was abnormal, but those two worthless pieces of scatalogical waste know people - who know people. Most of the guys I know that are 18 - 40 or so are exactly like them. They outnumber those who want to work by a margin of AT LEAST 5 to 1.

You actually allow this shit!!?
And you married a woman who allows this shit?
You're a spineless fuken weasel!!!

He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. Proverbs 18:13

Do "I" allow this shit? My wife's eldest son came to live with us, promising to get a job, etc., etc. He'd sleep until 2 am then go "looking for a job" after 1 pm decked out with short pants, wrinkled shirt, Doc Marten boots and a Big Gulp (a super sized soda for those who might not know.)

That lasted for about five weeks when I told him his ass was getting up when I get up, he'd get dressed like he was going to get a job and he would leave when I did and not come back until after 5 pm. He was gone the next day. Being a lazy, worthless, POS under my roof don't cut it. I worked 60 to 80 hour work weeks at his age. If he lives in my house, he's going to work. He did not - he's gone. The younger one does meth and knows better than come here.

Well thats heartening.
Sometimes ya have to deal out some tough love.
What I see these days is sickening. The wife and I live in an upper class gated community,in fact it's one of the five top rated communities in the US.
I know of three of our neighbors "kids" who are in their thirties who still live at home and are addicted to opiods.....scratch that,there only two now. The last was found floating face down in his parents pool while they were off to Germany.
All of these families have one thing in common....they're yankee democrats who moved here and take advantage of our conservative economy and yet they voted for open border Beto.

All I can say is fuck these people!!!! Stay home and stop bringing your cancer to the great state of Texas!!!!

The people we're talking about in the younger generation are not anomalies; they are the norm. Until we get them to clean up their act, a wall would not and could not work. We're only a generation away from losing the country. Most of the reason we're losing is due to the inability of people to understand the problem.
So basically what you are saying is the people in this country who aren't working don't want to work and if we got rid of illegals we wouldn't have people to do those jobs. Might be some pain in the beginning but it'll be worth it in the long run.

Regulations are not why we got in this mess. That's just what libertarians and republicans say to every problem. Too many regulations, never not enough.

We got in this mess because we started hiring illegals. You seem to not believe illegals are a problem. I can't argue with that. If you don't buy into this theory then you can continue to defend corporations who hire illegals and keep defending the illegals. Very few people agree with you. Do you know who does agree with you? The corporatists.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

If illegal immigrants could no longer work, unions would flourish, the minimum wage would rise, and oligarchic nations to our south would have to confront and fix their corrupt ways.

Between the Reagan years - when there were only around 1 to 2 million illegal aliens in our workforce - and today, we've gone from about 25 percent of our private workforce being unionized to around seven percent. Much of this is the direct result - as César Chávez predicted - of illegal immigrants competing directly with unionized and legal labor. Although it's most obvious in the construction trades over the past 30 years, it's hit all sectors of our economy.

You live in a fantasy world. I live in the real world. Starting in my own life, my wife has two sons by a previous marriage. BOTH of them are capable of working. But, they have free rent with relatives and a debit card that collects another $600 plus dollars for food each month.

They've never worked and they are never going to work. When I got married, I thought that this was abnormal, but those two worthless pieces of scatalogical waste know people - who know people. Most of the guys I know that are 18 - 40 or so are exactly like them. They outnumber those who want to work by a margin of AT LEAST 5 to 1.

You actually allow this shit!!?
And you married a woman who allows this shit?
You're a spineless fuken weasel!!!

He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. Proverbs 18:13

Do "I" allow this shit? My wife's eldest son came to live with us, promising to get a job, etc., etc. He'd sleep until 2 am then go "looking for a job" after 1 pm decked out with short pants, wrinkled shirt, Doc Marten boots and a Big Gulp (a super sized soda for those who might not know.)

That lasted for about five weeks when I told him his ass was getting up when I get up, he'd get dressed like he was going to get a job and he would leave when I did and not come back until after 5 pm. He was gone the next day. Being a lazy, worthless, POS under my roof don't cut it. I worked 60 to 80 hour work weeks at his age. If he lives in my house, he's going to work. He did not - he's gone. The younger one does meth and knows better than come here.

Well thats heartening.
Sometimes ya have to deal out some tough love.
What I see these days is sickening. The wife and I live in an upper class gated community,in fact it's one of the five top rated communities in the US.
I know of three of our neighbors "kids" who are in their thirties who still live at home and are addicted to opiods.....scratch that,there only two now. The last was found floating face down in his parents pool while they were off to Germany.
All of these families have one thing in common....they're yankee democrats who moved here and take advantage of our conservative economy and yet they voted for open border Beto.

All I can say is fuck these people!!!! Stay home and stop bringing your cancer to the great state of Texas!!!!

The people we're talking about in the younger generation are not anomalies; they are the norm. Until we get them to clean up their act, a wall would not and could not work. We're only a generation away from losing the country. Most of the reason we're losing is due to the inability of people to understand the problem.
So lets let in a bunch of Mexicans who want to be citizens and work hard. Not illegal undocumented or guest workers. Come on in but you got to sign up.

Who cares if our skin is browner. Sounds like brown works harder than white.

And we will be fine by the way. We have all those universities filled with people who want to lead. They are smart, work hard, etc.

Don't forget slackers in my dad's generation could go get a sweet job at Ford or GM. They raised losers but they paid their own way. Today's slackers go work for Walmart and live with their parents.

Even the good kids don't want to drive, aren't interested in dating women (too expensive), they're lazy physically. Don't worry the human race will be fine and we aren't a generation away from losing anything.
I wonder why that is? When I went to EMU in the 1990's most of the people at graduation were black women. Not black men but black women.

And I'm not picking on black men. I know a lot of lazy spoiled entitled young white men. They love video games. They have no goals. The don't care about girls. They are 20 and 30 something year old children. I don't know where my generation went wrong raising these kids.

I think there wasn't the economic opportunity for them as there was for us. But then that doesn't explain why women are stepping up and taking the jobs and boys aren't. It's strange.

But also keep in mind every generation says the next generation sucks. They said it about us and we are ok. I'm in my 40's. We figured it out.

I think it's a cultural shift. When we were young, our male role models almost universally stressed hard work and self sufficiency. It was scandalous for a young man to get a girl pregnant, then run out on her. Now, it seems almost expected. "GI Joe" was what, under 20? Now, 20 is still childhood.

Not to pick on Obama, but "pajama boy" was possibly the worst conceivable face they could have put on obamadontcare. They actually stressed the idea that you wouldn't have to worry about working so much, or even at all to provide health insurance.
You’ll get no argument from me on this. I wish all the poor people on welfare didn’t have those kids they couldn’t afford. They know welfare is something they’ll get if they have kids and I believe this plays into their accidents happening in the first place.

Here is an idea I bet you can agree on. And they may actually be doing this now. If your retirement age for social security is 67 and you use up $2000 worth of foodstamps, that money has to come out of your benefits before you can retire. Every citizen who’s going to get social security is being tracked. They know what you have coming. I think welfare when you are young should be collected eventually. So instead of 67 your retirement might be 70 if you took welfare for 3 years.

U like this?

In general, I think the retirement age should be raised anyway, just because we live longer today.

I don't have a problem with requiring things like welfare to be paid for from benefits. It would make those benefits something to be used sparingly and only when actually needed. I do like it.

Actually we are dying at a younger age.

Life Expectancy Declines Among Americans for Second Year - The Atlantic

People's chances of dying young have increased in 21 US states — here are the places where an early death is most likely

Americans are dying younger and working longer

Not compared to when SS was created.

Apparently this is a recent phenomenon.
Which is kinda strange with all the advancements in medical tech.
You live in a fantasy world. I live in the real world. Starting in my own life, my wife has two sons by a previous marriage. BOTH of them are capable of working. But, they have free rent with relatives and a debit card that collects another $600 plus dollars for food each month.

They've never worked and they are never going to work. When I got married, I thought that this was abnormal, but those two worthless pieces of scatalogical waste know people - who know people. Most of the guys I know that are 18 - 40 or so are exactly like them. They outnumber those who want to work by a margin of AT LEAST 5 to 1.

You actually allow this shit!!?
And you married a woman who allows this shit?
You're a spineless fuken weasel!!!

He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. Proverbs 18:13

Do "I" allow this shit? My wife's eldest son came to live with us, promising to get a job, etc., etc. He'd sleep until 2 am then go "looking for a job" after 1 pm decked out with short pants, wrinkled shirt, Doc Marten boots and a Big Gulp (a super sized soda for those who might not know.)

That lasted for about five weeks when I told him his ass was getting up when I get up, he'd get dressed like he was going to get a job and he would leave when I did and not come back until after 5 pm. He was gone the next day. Being a lazy, worthless, POS under my roof don't cut it. I worked 60 to 80 hour work weeks at his age. If he lives in my house, he's going to work. He did not - he's gone. The younger one does meth and knows better than come here.

Well thats heartening.
Sometimes ya have to deal out some tough love.
What I see these days is sickening. The wife and I live in an upper class gated community,in fact it's one of the five top rated communities in the US.
I know of three of our neighbors "kids" who are in their thirties who still live at home and are addicted to opiods.....scratch that,there only two now. The last was found floating face down in his parents pool while they were off to Germany.
All of these families have one thing in common....they're yankee democrats who moved here and take advantage of our conservative economy and yet they voted for open border Beto.

All I can say is fuck these people!!!! Stay home and stop bringing your cancer to the great state of Texas!!!!

The people we're talking about in the younger generation are not anomalies; they are the norm. Until we get them to clean up their act, a wall would not and could not work. We're only a generation away from losing the country. Most of the reason we're losing is due to the inability of people to understand the problem.
So lets let in a bunch of Mexicans who want to be citizens and work hard. Not illegal undocumented or guest workers. Come on in but you got to sign up.

Who cares if our skin is browner. Sounds like brown works harder than white.

And we will be fine by the way. We have all those universities filled with people who want to lead. They are smart, work hard, etc.

Don't forget slackers in my dad's generation could go get a sweet job at Ford or GM. They raised losers but they paid their own way. Today's slackers go work for Walmart and live with their parents.

Even the good kids don't want to drive, aren't interested in dating women (too expensive), they're lazy physically. Don't worry the human race will be fine and we aren't a generation away from losing anything.

You and I will NEVER agree on this point. Hopefully we won't be enemies, but here is the unadulterated truth as I see it:

1) America is a finite piece of real estate that can only hold so many people.

2) People can raise their right hand and tell you how much they love America, but I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that the two Muslim women that were sworn into Congress this term will consistently vote against the Constitution

3) Within six months of the ratification of the Constitution, the founders codified the qualifications of a United States Citizen. The Naturalization Act of 1790 required:

"That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

I gave a little color to that important distinction so you will understand my other points

4) America was founded by white people who were Christians and our culture is predicated on their world view and history.

"Our modern American law system is based on centuries of English principles regarding right and wrong. This English common law system combines with U.S. case decisions and statutes to form what we know as law."

American Law: History & Origins from English Common Law - Video & Lesson Transcript |

Put into simple English, our laws are based upon Anglo English law (laws developed by white people) and our foundational principles are predicated upon the Christian religion

5) Most non-whites have been programmed, Pavlovian style, to see the whites as the enemy. They blame slavery as a pretext despite the fact that whites did not start slavery, but were the race that ended it.

Many races, cultures, creeds, and religions have a vested interest in tearing down our history and erasing the white people from the pages of history

6) The whites are plagued by a low birth rate and our values are under constant attack. Add to that the wholesale citizenship for foreigners - ESPECIALLY those the build the wall advocates have suggested we shoot and kill; set up land mines at the border to kill; suggested were low lifes for taking advantage of opportunities willingly offered and you have a disaster waiting to happen

7) The globalists realize that America is the last great bastion of Freedom and Liberty. Destroy it via Democracy and there is less chance of resistance by the people as compared to an armed take-over.

If we're going to give America away, then you should have to explain to me what difference it makes whether or not those who vote us out of power have a piece of human registration paper on them when they do it. If there is no threat by foreigners to preserving our Constitution, there is NO debate as to how we meet that threat - in other words, there is NO argument for a wall if what you say is true.

Today's jobs require more education - and in some respects those who worked for U.S. Steel, GM, Lucent, etc. had good paying jobs with less effort. But, there are jobs out there that pay good wages if the American people want them. I'm hiring for gigs all the time.
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You live in a fantasy world. I live in the real world. Starting in my own life, my wife has two sons by a previous marriage. BOTH of them are capable of working. But, they have free rent with relatives and a debit card that collects another $600 plus dollars for food each month.

They've never worked and they are never going to work. When I got married, I thought that this was abnormal, but those two worthless pieces of scatalogical waste know people - who know people. Most of the guys I know that are 18 - 40 or so are exactly like them. They outnumber those who want to work by a margin of AT LEAST 5 to 1.

If those guys could have graduated highschool like our dads did and go work for Ford GM or Chrysler and make that kind of money, they would have went to work.

But no, those spoiled brats are not going to go work for minimum wage like you and I did. I agree.

I've given both of them the opportunity to work as laborers, get their GED, and get a job. They laugh at the idea. In September, we launched a ministry to help those disenfranchised.

It is not a handout program; it's a way to get off drugs, get an education and go work, becoming self sufficient. In 88 days of operation, the only people taking advantage of the program have been women.

I wonder why that is? When I went to EMU in the 1990's most of the people at graduation were black women. Not black men but black women.

And I'm not picking on black men. I know a lot of lazy spoiled entitled young white men. They love video games. They have no goals. The don't care about girls. They are 20 and 30 something year old children. I don't know where my generation went wrong raising these kids.

I think there wasn't the economic opportunity for them as there was for us. But then that doesn't explain why women are stepping up and taking the jobs and boys aren't. It's strange.

But also keep in mind every generation says the next generation sucks. They said it about us and we are ok. I'm in my 40's. We figured it out.

I think it's a cultural shift. When we were young, our male role models almost universally stressed hard work and self sufficiency. It was scandalous for a young man to get a girl pregnant, then run out on her. Now, it seems almost expected. "GI Joe" was what, under 20? Now, 20 is still childhood.

Not to pick on Obama, but "pajama boy" was possibly the worst conceivable face they could have put on obamadontcare. They actually stressed the idea that you wouldn't have to worry about working so much, or even at all to provide health insurance.
You’ll get no argument from me on this. I wish all the poor people on welfare didn’t have those kids they couldn’t afford. They know welfare is something they’ll get if they have kids and I believe this plays into their accidents happening in the first place.

Here is an idea I bet you can agree on. And they may actually be doing this now. If your retirement age for social security is 67 and you use up $2000 worth of foodstamps, that money has to come out of your benefits before you can retire. Every citizen who’s going to get social security is being tracked. They know what you have coming. I think welfare when you are young should be collected eventually. So instead of 67 your retirement might be 70 if you took welfare for 3 years.

U like this?
means testing does that.

unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed would be more market friendly.
6.7 million job openings, and record low unemployment. If an illegal is taking your job, then you are a piss poor excuse for an American.

You're so disconnected from reality it's hard to believe you work for a living. To sit here an say it's only about jobs is so elementary that you sound like you're analyzing a kindergarten class. The Liberal Left that you so fondly associate with can't pay the bills today, yet you want to take on more debt then any of you can pay for. If you believe we need to 'fix these country's', I have a better idea, why don't we give you a $100K and a One Way Ticket to Paradise, get back to us in 10 years and give us an update on your success or failure...
the right wing is worse; and, they allege tax cut economics works.
I think it's a cultural shift. When we were young, our male role models almost universally stressed hard work and self sufficiency. It was scandalous for a young man to get a girl pregnant, then run out on her. Now, it seems almost expected. "GI Joe" was what, under 20? Now, 20 is still childhood.

Not to pick on Obama, but "pajama boy" was possibly the worst conceivable face they could have put on obamadontcare. They actually stressed the idea that you wouldn't have to worry about working so much, or even at all to provide health insurance.
You’ll get no argument from me on this. I wish all the poor people on welfare didn’t have those kids they couldn’t afford. They know welfare is something they’ll get if they have kids and I believe this plays into their accidents happening in the first place.

Here is an idea I bet you can agree on. And they may actually be doing this now. If your retirement age for social security is 67 and you use up $2000 worth of foodstamps, that money has to come out of your benefits before you can retire. Every citizen who’s going to get social security is being tracked. They know what you have coming. I think welfare when you are young should be collected eventually. So instead of 67 your retirement might be 70 if you took welfare for 3 years.

U like this?

In general, I think the retirement age should be raised anyway, just because we live longer today.

I don't have a problem with requiring things like welfare to be paid for from benefits. It would make those benefits something to be used sparingly and only when actually needed. I do like it.

Actually we are dying at a younger age.

Life Expectancy Declines Among Americans for Second Year - The Atlantic

People's chances of dying young have increased in 21 US states — here are the places where an early death is most likely

Americans are dying younger and working longer

Not compared to when SS was created.

Apparently this is a recent phenomenon.
Which is kinda strange with all the advancements in medical tech.

  • The increase in deaths for young and middle-aged people is being driven by drug and alcohol use, suicide, and kidney disease, among other related factors.

The opioid crisis, alcohol use, suicide, and factors like chronic kidney disease are increasing the likelihood that some Americans will die an early death.

Also murder. We are murdering more often it seems.

Over that time in five states — Kentucky, Oklahoma, New Mexico, West Virginia, and Wyoming — the chances people aged 20 to 55 would die increased by 10% or more.

In the US in general, there's a pretty extreme disparity of health outcomes that can be observed based on where a person in born. People born in certain states are much more likely to die an early death and to live fewer healthy years when compared to people born in healthier states.

comparing kids born in Summit County, Colorado (2014 life expectancy of 86.83), to those born in Oglala Lakota County, South Dakota (2014 life expectancy approximately 66.7).

the biggest improvements seen in New York and California.

So keep making fun of California. They're living longer.

Seems like red states are doing the worse. Good! LOL
6.7 million job openings, and record low unemployment. If an illegal is taking your job, then you are a piss poor excuse for an American.

You're so disconnected from reality it's hard to believe you work for a living. To sit here an say it's only about jobs is so elementary that you sound like you're analyzing a kindergarten class. The Liberal Left that you so fondly associate with can't pay the bills today, yet you want to take on more debt then any of you can pay for. If you believe we need to 'fix these country's', I have a better idea, why don't we give you a $100K and a One Way Ticket to Paradise, get back to us in 10 years and give us an update on your success or failure...
Trumps taking on more debt. Maybe he shouldn't have given that tax break to us.
You actually allow this shit!!?
And you married a woman who allows this shit?
You're a spineless fuken weasel!!!

He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. Proverbs 18:13

Do "I" allow this shit? My wife's eldest son came to live with us, promising to get a job, etc., etc. He'd sleep until 2 am then go "looking for a job" after 1 pm decked out with short pants, wrinkled shirt, Doc Marten boots and a Big Gulp (a super sized soda for those who might not know.)

That lasted for about five weeks when I told him his ass was getting up when I get up, he'd get dressed like he was going to get a job and he would leave when I did and not come back until after 5 pm. He was gone the next day. Being a lazy, worthless, POS under my roof don't cut it. I worked 60 to 80 hour work weeks at his age. If he lives in my house, he's going to work. He did not - he's gone. The younger one does meth and knows better than come here.

Well thats heartening.
Sometimes ya have to deal out some tough love.
What I see these days is sickening. The wife and I live in an upper class gated community,in fact it's one of the five top rated communities in the US.
I know of three of our neighbors "kids" who are in their thirties who still live at home and are addicted to opiods.....scratch that,there only two now. The last was found floating face down in his parents pool while they were off to Germany.
All of these families have one thing in common....they're yankee democrats who moved here and take advantage of our conservative economy and yet they voted for open border Beto.

All I can say is fuck these people!!!! Stay home and stop bringing your cancer to the great state of Texas!!!!

The people we're talking about in the younger generation are not anomalies; they are the norm. Until we get them to clean up their act, a wall would not and could not work. We're only a generation away from losing the country. Most of the reason we're losing is due to the inability of people to understand the problem.
So lets let in a bunch of Mexicans who want to be citizens and work hard. Not illegal undocumented or guest workers. Come on in but you got to sign up.

Who cares if our skin is browner. Sounds like brown works harder than white.

And we will be fine by the way. We have all those universities filled with people who want to lead. They are smart, work hard, etc.

Don't forget slackers in my dad's generation could go get a sweet job at Ford or GM. They raised losers but they paid their own way. Today's slackers go work for Walmart and live with their parents.

Even the good kids don't want to drive, aren't interested in dating women (too expensive), they're lazy physically. Don't worry the human race will be fine and we aren't a generation away from losing anything.

You and I will NEVER agree on this point. Hopefully we won't be enemies, but here is the unadulterated truth as I see it:

1) America is a finite piece of real estate that can only hold so many people.

2) People can raise their right hand and tell you how much they love America, but I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that the two Muslim women that were sworn into Congress this term will consistently vote against the Constitution

3) Within six months of the ratification of the Constitution, the founders codified the qualifications of a United States Citizen. The Naturalization Act of 1790 required:

"That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

I gave a little color to that important distinction so you will understand my other points

4) America was founded by white people who were Christians and our culture is predicated on their world view and history.

"Our modern American law system is based on centuries of English principles regarding right and wrong. This English common law system combines with U.S. case decisions and statutes to form what we know as law."

American Law: History & Origins from English Common Law - Video & Lesson Transcript |

Put into simple English, our laws are based upon Anglo English law (laws developed by white people) and our foundational principles are predicated upon the Christian religion

5) Most non-whites have been programmed, Pavlovian style, to see the whites as the enemy. They blame slavery as a pretext despite the fact that whites did not start slavery, but were the race that ended it.

Many races, cultures, creeds, and religions have a vested interest in tearing down our history and erasing the white people from the pages of history

6) The whites are plagued by a low birth rate and our values are under constant attack. Add to that the wholesale citizenship for foreigners - ESPECIALLY those the build the wall advocates have suggested we shoot and kill; set up land mines at the border to kill; suggested were low lifes for taking advantage of opportunities willingly offered and you have a disaster waiting to happen

7) The globalists realize that America is the last great bastion of Freedom and Liberty. Destroy it via Democracy and there is less chance of resistance by the people as compared to an armed take-over.

If we're going to give America away, then you should have to explain to me what difference it makes whether or not those who vote us out of power have a piece of human registration paper on them when they do it. If there is no threat by foreigners to preserving our Constitution, there is NO debate as to how we meet that threat - in other words, there is NO argument for a wall if what you say is true.

Today's jobs require more education - and in some respects those who worked for U.S. Steel, GM, Lucent, etc. had good paying jobs with less effort. But, there are jobs out there that pay good wages if the American people want them. I'm hiring for gigs all the time.
I don't completely disagree with you.

But as for those muslim women and voting against the constitution. Just keep in mind your idea of what's considered voting against the constitution is different than mine. In fact you and George W Bush don't even agree. And Pelosi and Trump don't completely agree. And none of these people agree with Ron Paul 100%.

So you might be one of those strict constitutionalists who interprets the constitution differently than the rest of us do. I know you think you are right but so do we. Did y ou hear that Texas judge said Obamacare was unconstitutional? Talk about judges legislating from the bench huh?

Oh, and I'm an atheist so I don't buy into that argument that we were founded by white christians so this is our country.

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