Democrats do worse than "you lie," of Joe Wilson...actually protest in middle of speech....

And now....back to the thread....

Asshats like little pogo and the others all wept and tore their clothes when Joe Wilson yelled the truth during obama's SOTU......and yet, here we have the women of the kkk party, dressed in kkk white, actually standing up and shouting during the President's SOTU speech......
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

You actually want us to believe anybody dressed in white is KKK?

Sooooooo............ the bride at every altar --- Klan? The home team at every baseball game --- Klan? Jesus Christ --- Klan?

when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Bullshit! I'm from the south were the KKK was and maybe still is active and I know for a fact, from first hand knowledge that they were all dixiecrats, ie a brach of the democratic party. They are also the party of slavery and Jim Crow as well. Even the founder of the democratic party, Andrew Jackson was the biggest racist to ever sit in the oval office.
Let's just own up to facts and history, Democrats have always been and always will be the party of racial division in this nation. They're still constantly playing the race card today to further amplify and prove the point. You can try but you can't deny or forever ignore the facts. And quit trying to get everyone else to pay for your guilty conscious, your sins and your stupidity.

I'm IN the South right now and I can tell you've never smelled a history book. The Dixiecrats were a short-lived political party contrived solely for the occasion of running for POTUS, eighty-three years after the Klan was founded. But the actual founders --- who I already NAMED and PICTURED --- had no political party, and indeed in 1865 Tennessee, no parties even existed.

As for Slavery, having gone on in North America for 335 years before the Civil War and two and a half centuries before this country existed, let alone any political parties, no political party was ever required. NOBODY ever needed a political party to own a slave, and the vast majority of them statistically would have had NO PARTY AT ALL.

Furthermore Andrew Jackson is not the founder of the 'democratic" (again, here's a klown who can't find his own shift key) party. That would be Martin van Buren, his successor. Jackson ran for POTUS (three times) without a party --- his body of supporters were simply called "Jacksonians" for lack of a formal name, while his detractors were called "anti-Jacksonians". Those two groups were formed AFTER Jackson was in office, into the Democratic Party and the Whig Party, respectively.

Go buy a history book. Try the UNC press, which published this. Wanna borrow my copy?

So no, Sprinkles, knowing one's history is neither a "sin" or "stupidity". Thinking one made a point by posting user-generated Googly images, just plain wrong shit and easily disprovable mythology however, definitely is.
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when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Odd that you could correct the acronym yet bailed on the proper name. Which "democratic party" would that be?

The one that saw the Klan run Republicans (note the capitali letter ,who knew) against it in Ohio and Indiana and Maine and California and Oregon and Washington and Kansas and New Jersey and Michigan? Or the one that nominated a POTUS candidate who denounced them so the KKK endorsed the Republican (Coolidge), or the one that nominated a Catholic (Smith) so the KKK ran a national smear campaign against him? Or perhaps the one whose Governor (Arnall) and POTUS (FDR) drove them out of existence in 1944?

The Democrat Party that created the KKK to terrorize, and keep the freed black slaves subjugated.

That Democrat Party, that you so blindly defend.

Again -- there's no such thing and there still wouldn't be even if you learned how to spell it.
Again -- I already disproved all that mythological shit and invited you or anybody else to prove it wrong. No one can.

You lose.

Oh and if I did have a party how fucking stupid would I have to be to believe that that party of 160 years ago is the same party now?

The only thing you have ever proven is that you are a mindless political whore.
There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Odd that you could correct the acronym yet bailed on the proper name. Which "democratic party" would that be?

The one that saw the Klan run Republicans (note the capitali letter ,who knew) against it in Ohio and Indiana and Maine and California and Oregon and Washington and Kansas and New Jersey and Michigan? Or the one that nominated a POTUS candidate who denounced them so the KKK endorsed the Republican (Coolidge), or the one that nominated a Catholic (Smith) so the KKK ran a national smear campaign against him? Or perhaps the one whose Governor (Arnall) and POTUS (FDR) drove them out of existence in 1944?

The Triple K's Grand Dragon, Will Quigg, endorsed HIllary Clinton in 2016

I'm afraid the KKK doesn't have a "Grand Dragon". As a single organization it doesn't even EXIST. Hasn't existed since 1944, April 23rd to be exact. That's when it went belly-up. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and the Governor of Georgia rescinded its charter. Everybody claiming to be "Klan" since then is playing dress-up and declaring themselves Grand WIzards or Dragons or Jerkoffs or whatever. That's how David Dooky did it.

Some of them do still publish a newsletter though. Here's what it said about that.


Any questions?

Dave Duke is an employee of CNN, appearing all the time on the network. That makes him a lib in my book

Your "book" is a bottomless pit of ignorance.
Look! I found a whole Klavern!


Where's they hoods?

These are medical professionals of some sort or another. They look like a Proctology Group as it seems as if they have good depth perception.

The difference is that they aren't making a political point.

And they are not acting as members of the democrat party, the party that used the color white to intimidate and terrorize Blacks .........

No such thing took place. But we're still waiting for an explanation of how these white-wearers are "kkk"


OMG! Moooooooooooslims! Ruuuuuuun!
You had me until you showed Flo! She has been on to long. When it comes to inner cities and/or poverty programs, it is time to try something different or use the money being spent in a better way. This has been going on for to long and there is an element of failure to degree.

I think Flo has been phased out. Not sure.

She prolly went to too many car accident scenes and instead of filling out a claim form, burned a cross.
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

You actually want us to believe anybody dressed in white is KKK?

Sooooooo............ the bride at every altar --- Klan? The home team at every baseball game --- Klan? Jesus Christ --- Klan?

The Triple K is an arm of the Democrat Party, that's the difference.

Remember that Obama's mentor was Grand Dragon Robert "Sheets" Byrd.

Byrd was a Klansmen 8 decades ago but what are YOU today? Have you ever been to WV.?
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

You actually want us to believe anybody dressed in white is KKK?

Sooooooo............ the bride at every altar --- Klan? The home team at every baseball game --- Klan? Jesus Christ --- Klan?

when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Bullshit! I'm from the south were the KKK was and maybe still is active and I know for a fact, from first hand knowledge that they were all dixiecrats, ie a brach of the democratic party. They are also the party of slavery and Jim Crow as well. Even the founder of the democratic party, Andrew Jackson was the biggest racist to ever sit in the oval office.
Let's just own up to facts and history, Democrats have always been and always will be the party of racial division in this nation. They're still constantly playing the race card today to further amplify and prove the point. You can try but you can't deny or forever ignore the facts. And quit trying to get everyone else to pay for your guilty conscious, your sins and your stupidity.

I'm IN the South right now and I can tell you've never smelled a history book. The Dixiecrats were a short-lived political party contrived solely for the occasion of running for POTUS, eighty-three years after the Klan was founded. But the actual founders --- who I already NAMED and PICTURED --- had no political party, and indeed in 1865 Tennessee, no parties even existed.

As for Slavery, having gone on in North America for 335 years before the Civil War and two and a half centuries before this country existed, let alone any political parties, no political party was ever required. NOBODY ever needed a political party to own a slave, and the vast majority of them statistically would have had NO PARTY AT ALL.

Furthermore Andrew Jackson is not the founder of the 'democratic" (agian, here's a klown who can't find his own shift key) party. That would be Martin van Buren, his successor. Jackson ran for POTUS (three times) without a party --- his body of supporters were simply called "Jacksonians" for lack of a formal name, while his detractors were called "anti-Jacksonians". Those two groups were formed AFTER Jackson was in office, into the Democratic Party and the Whig Party, respectively.

Go buy a history book. Try the UNC press, which published this. Wanna borrow my copy?

The democrat party started the Civil War to keep moron....

Dodge, duck, Dodge, you warm up before those gymnastics to protect the democrat party?

We actually have not one but TWO idiots on this site who posted a picture of a Klan funeral march in Wisconsin, in the rain in December, and tried to pass it off at "the Democratic Convention of 1924". They too got their asses handed to them.

That is not photo from Wisconsin. That photo was taken during 1924 Democratic Convention, where Klan marched in New Jersey to celebrate defeat of DNC platform plank designed to condemn the KKK for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Weather you like it or not, the KKK is part of Democrat's history.
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

The only time you see that many democrats dressed in white is when they go to a clam bake cross burning
There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Odd that you could correct the acronym yet bailed on the proper name. Which "democratic party" would that be?

The one that saw the Klan run Republicans (note the capitali letter ,who knew) against it in Ohio and Indiana and Maine and California and Oregon and Washington and Kansas and New Jersey and Michigan? Or the one that nominated a POTUS candidate who denounced them so the KKK endorsed the Republican (Coolidge), or the one that nominated a Catholic (Smith) so the KKK ran a national smear campaign against him? Or perhaps the one whose Governor (Arnall) and POTUS (FDR) drove them out of existence in 1944?

No....the original kkk, the kkk created by members of the democrat party, used by the democrat party to torture and kill freed Blacks......

Spin away little pogo.....

View attachment 304800

I'm afraid there is no "original kkk" (or even "original KKK" for those of us who can figure out where the shift key is) that was created by members of the "democratic" (or even Democratic) party. No such thing ever existed.

You see son, the original KKK was formed by, in alpha order, Major James R. Crowe, Calvin Jones, Captain John Booker Kennedy, Captain John Lester, Major Frank O. McCord and Richard R. Reed, and there is no evidence whatsoever that any of them had a political party affiliation. Nor would that be likely since at the time and place they did that, political parties didn't exist. We do know however that they were musicians. Wanna see their picture?


Now don't get me wrong, no one knows who that flute player is so it's not impossible he could be a Democrat. Or even a democrat. The other six are the names I posted. That's Kennedy with the violin second from right on the bottom row. He came up with the silly K-alliterations of "Ku Klux" derived from the name of a popular college fraternity called Kuklos Adelphon, and added "Klan" with another K, then came the klaverns, kleagles, etc. They were "organized" as a silly social club doing street theater. Local vigilante groups later took on the name and the mystery garb.

Not the burning crosses though. The 1915 movie made that up.

Yes...the same old who fought for the Confederacy against the United States.....the entire leadership of the Confederacy were democrats........and yet, only you can't tell that their political leanings if not party membership would be the democrat party...

Again, utter bullshit. Which is what you just did. The Confederacy had no political parties. Some historians analyze that as a flaw that contributed to its collapse as there was no particular debate over policy, the forefront issue being Secession.

On the other hand the United States of America also had no political parties when IT began and the forefront issue was (also) independence. George Washington's political party was what? Same thing.

As far as histories Confederate officials who had had political parties had been either Democrats, Whigs, or perhaps Know Nothings. Jefferson Davis, pressed into service as its President, had been a Democrat. Vice President Alexander Stephens had been a Whig. From Stephens we get the clearest articulation of the CSA's motivations, which the Cult of the Lost Cause tirelessly tries to revise the same way you're pathetically trying to revise history here. He said:

>> "The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution, African slavery as it exists amongst us – the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the “rock upon which the old Union would split.” He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted. The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old constitution, were that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally, and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with, but the general opinion of the men of that day was that, somehow or other in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away. This idea, though not incorporated in the constitution, was the prevailing idea at that time. The constitution, it is true, secured every essential guarantee to the institution while it should last, and hence no argument can be justly urged against the constitutional guarantees thus secured, because of the common sentiment of the day. Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the government built upon it fell when the “storm came and the wind blew.”1

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition." << --- Stephens "Cornerstone Speech" , 21 March 1861

The Whigs were dying out by then, because they couldn't come to an agreement on what to do about Slavery. Some wanted to keep it, some wanted to abolish, some wanted to, like the Democrats of the time, ignore it and hope it would resolve itself. Their last gasp was the offshoot Constitutional Union Party, which took Tennessee, Kentucky and Virginia in the 1860 election, coming in third in a field of four (the Democrat came in dead last taking no electoral votes at all from what would become the Confederacy). That CU party headed by John Bell, a slaveowner himself, advocated keeping slavery were it existed but not allowing it to spread.
Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Pogo desperately wants to hide the fact that White Clothes and democrat party terrorists go hand in hand.......

When the democrats label just about any act, any item, racist....and then they show up, as members of the democrat party, in white, just like the democrat party kkk of the past....and they think they should get a pass? Screw them....

I don't see any hoods on these women.

Did you fuck up?

Moron...hats and hoods aren't allowed on the floor....they left their hoods in the cloak doofus....

Okay, link?


Were you there?

We sit, and we wait.

Still spinning to protect the party of racism and hate....what human being defends a racist, hate filled democrat party? You should get help.....

sooooooooooooooooo no linkie? No disproof, no rebuttal no nuttin'? And you posted to note you have nothing?

You lose AGAIN.
The white wearing democrat women were honoring suffrage. It's just a bit silly.

It doesn't seem to occur to the OP that these are all women, who are allowed to wear whatever colors they want in this culture, as opposed to men.

The Dodge Ball player of this, duck, dodge, duck, dodge......all to protect the most vile political party in American history....a party that started a Civil war to keep blacks as slaves, then, after the Republicans freed the slaves, used their white sheeted kkk to torture, intimidate and murder Blacks and their Republican allies....

Keep dodging little pogo....

WHILE you're entertaining us with the revisionist history dance DO essplain to us all how a political party "started a Civil [sic] war". This oughta be good.
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

First of all.....yo dic sucking ass mostly likely cheered when Joe Wilson told that mean ole black man "You lie!!" -- and to make it worse, Joe Wilson wasn't even right on the facts.....

So don't pretend like you are so "offended" by Democrat congresswomen wearing white and telling the truth.....Trump lied all thru that speech.....
There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Odd that you could correct the acronym yet bailed on the proper name. Which "democratic party" would that be?

The one that saw the Klan run Republicans (note the capitali letter ,who knew) against it in Ohio and Indiana and Maine and California and Oregon and Washington and Kansas and New Jersey and Michigan? Or the one that nominated a POTUS candidate who denounced them so the KKK endorsed the Republican (Coolidge), or the one that nominated a Catholic (Smith) so the KKK ran a national smear campaign against him? Or perhaps the one whose Governor (Arnall) and POTUS (FDR) drove them out of existence in 1944?

The Democrat Party that created the KKK to terrorize, and keep the freed black slaves subjugated.

That Democrat Party, that you so blindly defend.

Again -- there's no such thing and there still wouldn't be even if you learned how to spell it.
Again -- I already disproved all that mythological shit and invited you or anybody else to prove it wrong. No one can.

You lose.

Oh and if I did have a party how fucking stupid would I have to be to believe that that party of 160 years ago is the same party now?

The only thing you have ever proven is that you are a mindless political whore.

And yet ---- you can't disprove a single fact I've posted here. Not one.

Who da ho now, beeyatch?
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

You actually want us to believe anybody dressed in white is KKK?

Sooooooo............ the bride at every altar --- Klan? The home team at every baseball game --- Klan? Jesus Christ --- Klan?

The Triple K is an arm of the Democrat Party, that's the difference.

Remember that Obama's mentor was Grand Dragon Robert "Sheets" Byrd.

How in the FUCK was Robert Byrd a "mentor" to somebody whose birth was twenty years in the future, Dumbass?

We actually have not one but TWO idiots on this site who posted a picture of a Klan funeral march in Wisconsin, in the rain in December, and tried to pass it off at "the Democratic Convention of 1924". They too got their asses handed to them.

That is not photo from Wisconsin. That photo was taken during 1924 Democratic Convention, where Klan marched in New Jersey to celebrate defeat of DNC platform plank designed to condemn the KKK for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Weather you like it or not, the KKK is part of Democrat's history.

THIS photo is (probably) not from Wisconsin. Actually we don't know where or when it's from since you gave us no link. But that photo was not taken at the Democratic national convention, which that year was at Madison Square Garden in New York city. That is definitely not Madison Square Garden or New York city.

And no, the Klan DID NOT march in New Jersey to celebrate the defeat of the anti-klan plank, nor as far as I know did it march to celebrate its defeat of the same plank in the Republican convention of the same year in Cleveland (called by one wag the Klonvokation in Kleveland). What the Klan did do was have a picnic in Long Branch New Jersey, a good ways down the coast from New York, which ran its course and konkluded while the Democratic convention was still going on.

AT that convention, which was the longest-running one in history because of all its failed votes for a nomination (over a hundred), they finally settled on a dark horse candidate, that being Ambassador John W. Davis of West Virginia --- who promptly gave his acceptance speech and denounced the Klan anyway. When the candidates Davis and Coolidge had been established the Klan gave its endorsement to Koolidge, who was the only candidate left who would not denounce them.

Any questions?

No? Any links to where that pic derives from?
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

Well come on. Remember how Republicans freaked when they insisted Obama told ONE lie?

Well, fact checkers have shown Trump told 31 lies in his very short Campaign Rally Speech.

First three years of the Trump ever...7 million jobs.

Last three years of the Obama administration....terrible....8.2 million jobs.

Oh, and don't forget new manufacturing plants. 8,000 being bakeries and soap makers and such. Many employing as low as three people.

Actually manufacturing is in a recession. Losing 12,000 jobs last month.
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The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

Well come on. Remember how Republicans freaked when they insisted Obama told ONE lie?

Well, fact checkers have shown Trump told 31 lies in his very short Campaign Rally Speech.

First three years of the Trump ever...7 million jobs.

Last three years of the Obama administration....terrible....8.2 million jobs.

Must be them there "three million illegal" jobs.

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