Democrats do worse than "you lie," of Joe Wilson...actually protest in middle of speech....

The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

Well come on. Remember how Republicans freaked when they insisted Obama told ONE lie?

Well, fact checkers have shown Trump told 31 lies in his very short Campaign Rally Speech.

First three years of the Trump ever...7 million jobs.

Last three years of the Obama administration....terrible....8.2 million jobs.

Must be them there "three million illegal" jobs.

Except they called Obama the "deporter in chief".
Look! I found a whole Klavern!


Where's they hoods?
White people in white coats dressed in white.

I'm being blinded.

You mean by the many Dems last night at the SOTU??

We actually have not one but TWO idiots on this site who posted a picture of a Klan funeral march in Wisconsin, in the rain in December, and tried to pass it off at "the Democratic Convention of 1924". They too got their asses handed to them.

That is not photo from Wisconsin. That photo was taken during 1924 Democratic Convention, where Klan marched in New Jersey to celebrate defeat of DNC platform plank designed to condemn the KKK for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Weather you like it or not, the KKK is part of Democrat's history.

THIS photo is (probably) not from Wisconsin. Actually we don't know where or when it's from since you gave us no link. But that photo was not taken at the Democratic national convention, which that year was at Madison Square Garden in New York city. That is definitely not Madison Square Garden or New York city.

And no, the Klan DID NOT march in New Jersey to celebrate the defeat of the anti-klan plank, nor as far as I know did it march to celebrate its defeat of the same plank in the Republican convention of the same year in Cleveland (called by one wag the Klonvokation in Kleveland). What the Klan did do was have a picnic in Long Branch New Jersey, a good ways down the coast from New York, which ran its course and konkluded while the Democratic convention was still going on.

AT that convention, which was the longest-running one in history because of all its failed votes for a nomination (over a hundred), they finally settled on a dark horse candidate, that being Ambassador John W. Davis of West Virginia --- who promptly gave his acceptance speech and denounced the Klan anyway. When the candidates Davis and Coolidge had been established the Klan gave its endorsement to Koolidge, who was the only candidate left who would not denounce them.

Any questions?

No? Any links to where that pic derives from?

Read my words. If you want to argue, than argue what I posted, and not what I didn't posted.

I did not say that photo was taken "at the Democratic National convention". I said the photo "was taken during 1924 Democratic Convention".

Klan did march from New York to New Jersey, where they had, as you said "picnic". Nobody goes to picnic in KKK robes, burning crosses and attacks effigies of Smith. It was a rally, called Klanbake as celebration of defeating the anti-klan plank.

We actually have not one but TWO idiots on this site who posted a picture of a Klan funeral march in Wisconsin, in the rain in December, and tried to pass it off at "the Democratic Convention of 1924". They too got their asses handed to them.

That is not photo from Wisconsin. That photo was taken during 1924 Democratic Convention, where Klan marched in New Jersey to celebrate defeat of DNC platform plank designed to condemn the KKK for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Weather you like it or not, the KKK is part of Democrat's history.

THIS photo is (probably) not from Wisconsin. Actually we don't know where or when it's from since you gave us no link. But that photo was not taken at the Democratic national convention, which that year was at Madison Square Garden in New York city. That is definitely not Madison Square Garden or New York city.

And no, the Klan DID NOT march in New Jersey to celebrate the defeat of the anti-klan plank, nor as far as I know did it march to celebrate its defeat of the same plank in the Republican convention of the same year in Cleveland (called by one wag the Klonvokation in Kleveland). What the Klan did do was have a picnic in Long Branch New Jersey, a good ways down the coast from New York, which ran its course and konkluded while the Democratic convention was still going on.

AT that convention, which was the longest-running one in history because of all its failed votes for a nomination (over a hundred), they finally settled on a dark horse candidate, that being Ambassador John W. Davis of West Virginia --- who promptly gave his acceptance speech and denounced the Klan anyway. When the candidates Davis and Coolidge had been established the Klan gave its endorsement to Koolidge, who was the only candidate left who would not denounce them.

Any questions?

No? Any links to where that pic derives from?

Read my words. If you want to argue, than argue what I posted, and not what I didn't posted.

I did not say that photo was taken "at the Democratic National convention". I said the photo "was taken during 1924 Democratic Convention".

Klan did march from New York to New Jersey, where they had, as you said "picnic". Nobody goes to picnic in KKK robes, burning crosses and attacks effigies of Smith. It was a rally, called Klanbake as celebration of defeating the anti-klan plank.

Link to EITHER of those claims? Your choice.
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

You actually want us to believe anybody dressed in white is KKK?

Sooooooo............ the bride at every altar --- Klan? The home team at every baseball game --- Klan? Jesus Christ --- Klan?

The Triple K is an arm of the Democrat Party, that's the difference.

Remember that Obama's mentor was Grand Dragon Robert "Sheets" Byrd.

Byrd was a Klansmen 8 decades ago but what are YOU today? Have you ever been to WV.?

Yes I have, I've been to the Mountaineer Casino and Race Track many times, in the beautiful city of Newell, WV.

And the people there are not racist at all, unlike the Triple K leader who ruled over them with an ferrous fist

We actually have not one but TWO idiots on this site who posted a picture of a Klan funeral march in Wisconsin, in the rain in December, and tried to pass it off at "the Democratic Convention of 1924". They too got their asses handed to them.

That is not photo from Wisconsin. That photo was taken during 1924 Democratic Convention, where Klan marched in New Jersey to celebrate defeat of DNC platform plank designed to condemn the KKK for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Weather you like it or not, the KKK is part of Democrat's history.

THIS photo is (probably) not from Wisconsin. Actually we don't know where or when it's from since you gave us no link. But that photo was not taken at the Democratic national convention, which that year was at Madison Square Garden in New York city. That is definitely not Madison Square Garden or New York city.

And no, the Klan DID NOT march in New Jersey to celebrate the defeat of the anti-klan plank, nor as far as I know did it march to celebrate its defeat of the same plank in the Republican convention of the same year in Cleveland (called by one wag the Klonvokation in Kleveland). What the Klan did do was have a picnic in Long Branch New Jersey, a good ways down the coast from New York, which ran its course and konkluded while the Democratic convention was still going on.

AT that convention, which was the longest-running one in history because of all its failed votes for a nomination (over a hundred), they finally settled on a dark horse candidate, that being Ambassador John W. Davis of West Virginia --- who promptly gave his acceptance speech and denounced the Klan anyway. When the candidates Davis and Coolidge had been established the Klan gave its endorsement to Koolidge, who was the only candidate left who would not denounce them.

Any questions?

No? Any links to where that pic derives from?

Read my words. If you want to argue, than argue what I posted, and not what I didn't posted.

I did not say that photo was taken "at the Democratic National convention". I said the photo "was taken during 1924 Democratic Convention".

Klan did march from New York to New Jersey, where they had, as you said "picnic". Nobody goes to picnic in KKK robes, burning crosses and attacks effigies of Smith. It was a rally, called Klanbake as celebration of defeating the anti-klan plank.

Link to EITHER of those claims? Your choice.

Find books/journals:

Sociological forum: Power Devaluation, the Ku Klux Klan, and the Democratic National Convention of 1924, by Rory McVeigh
The Journal of Southern History: William Gibbs McAdoo and the Democratic National Convention of 1924, by James C. Prude
Democratic Convention of 1924 and Some Reminiscences of a Participant; Comments on DeTrobriand and Officer Inebriates, by Burton K. Wheeler, M. F. Keller, Barry C. Johnson and John R. Sibbald

We actually have not one but TWO idiots on this site who posted a picture of a Klan funeral march in Wisconsin, in the rain in December, and tried to pass it off at "the Democratic Convention of 1924". They too got their asses handed to them.

That is not photo from Wisconsin. That photo was taken during 1924 Democratic Convention, where Klan marched in New Jersey to celebrate defeat of DNC platform plank designed to condemn the KKK for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Weather you like it or not, the KKK is part of Democrat's history.

THIS photo is (probably) not from Wisconsin. Actually we don't know where or when it's from since you gave us no link. But that photo was not taken at the Democratic national convention, which that year was at Madison Square Garden in New York city. That is definitely not Madison Square Garden or New York city.

And no, the Klan DID NOT march in New Jersey to celebrate the defeat of the anti-klan plank, nor as far as I know did it march to celebrate its defeat of the same plank in the Republican convention of the same year in Cleveland (called by one wag the Klonvokation in Kleveland). What the Klan did do was have a picnic in Long Branch New Jersey, a good ways down the coast from New York, which ran its course and konkluded while the Democratic convention was still going on.

AT that convention, which was the longest-running one in history because of all its failed votes for a nomination (over a hundred), they finally settled on a dark horse candidate, that being Ambassador John W. Davis of West Virginia --- who promptly gave his acceptance speech and denounced the Klan anyway. When the candidates Davis and Coolidge had been established the Klan gave its endorsement to Koolidge, who was the only candidate left who would not denounce them.

Any questions?

No? Any links to where that pic derives from?

Read my words. If you want to argue, than argue what I posted, and not what I didn't posted.

I did not say that photo was taken "at the Democratic National convention". I said the photo "was taken during 1924 Democratic Convention".

Klan did march from New York to New Jersey, where they had, as you said "picnic". Nobody goes to picnic in KKK robes, burning crosses and attacks effigies of Smith. It was a rally, called Klanbake as celebration of defeating the anti-klan plank.

Link to EITHER of those claims? Your choice.

Find books/journals:

Sociological forum: Power Devaluation, the Ku Klux Klan, and the Democratic National Convention of 1924, by Rory McVeigh
The Journal of Southern History: William Gibbs McAdoo and the Democratic National Convention of 1924, by James C. Prude
Democratic Convention of 1924 and Some Reminiscences of a Participant; Comments on DeTrobriand and Officer Inebriates, by Burton K. Wheeler, M. F. Keller, Barry C. Johnson and John R. Sibbald

I didn't say "quotre random book titles with '1924' in them". I said link me to your specious claim that the Klan "marched from New York to Long Branch" --- with or without your previous now-abandoned reasoning that they did so in celebration of a plank --- OR to your other claim that the photo "was taken during the convention" regardless where it was. How come you can't demonstrate where OR when it comes from? Hm?

For that matter you can also link me to where they called it a "Klanbake".

You know what a "link" is, right?
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

Donald Trump turned this into a re-election rally rather than a SOTU. The Democrats reacted to a partisan speech. Trump supporters are the ones who have ties to the KKK.

Are you really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post? Try reading the posts before yours to understand that the kkk was created and used by the democrat party and it's vile constituents....

You demonstrate your stupidity every day. Your premise is stupid. A bride who wears white is a member of the KKK? David Duke is a Republican. The KKK have become and are represented by Republicans today. You are one of those vile constituents.

This is closer to what you are.
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

Donald Trump turned this into a re-election rally rather than a SOTU. The Democrats reacted to a partisan speech. Trump supporters are the ones who have ties to the KKK.

Are you really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post? Try reading the posts before yours to understand that the kkk was created and used by the democrat party and it's vile constituents....

You demonstrate your stupidity every day. Your premise is stupid. A bride who wears white is a member of the KKK? David Duke is a Republican. The KKK have become and are represented by Republicans today. You are one of those vile constituents.

This is closer to what you are.

Why are you condemning all Republicans? I thought you guys loved the Romney-Walsh-Weld faction of the party?
You actually want us to believe anybody dressed in white is KKK?

Sooooooo............ the bride at every altar --- Klan? The home team at every baseball game --- Klan? Jesus Christ --- Klan?

when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Odd that you could correct the acronym yet bailed on the proper name. Which "democratic party" would that be?

The one that saw the Klan run Republicans (note the capitali letter ,who knew) against it in Ohio and Indiana and Maine and California and Oregon and Washington and Kansas and New Jersey and Michigan? Or the one that nominated a POTUS candidate who denounced them so the KKK endorsed the Republican (Coolidge), or the one that nominated a Catholic (Smith) so the KKK ran a national smear campaign against him? Or perhaps the one whose Governor (Arnall) and POTUS (FDR) drove them out of existence in 1944?

The Democrat Party that created the KKK to terrorize, and keep the freed black slaves subjugated.

That Democrat Party, that you so blindly defend.

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…”
Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

You actually want us to believe anybody dressed in white is KKK?

Sooooooo............ the bride at every altar --- Klan? The home team at every baseball game --- Klan? Jesus Christ --- Klan?

when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Bullshit! I'm from the south were the KKK was and maybe still is active and I know for a fact, from first hand knowledge that they were all dixiecrats, ie a brach of the democratic party. They are also the party of slavery and Jim Crow as well. Even the founder of the democratic party, Andrew Jackson was the biggest racist to ever sit in the oval office.
Let's just own up to facts and history, Democrats have always been and always will be the party of racial division in this nation. They're still constantly playing the race card today to further amplify and prove the point. You can try but you can't deny or forever ignore the facts. And quit trying to get everyone else to pay for your guilty conscious, your sins and your stupidity.

Republicans are the party of racial division. They are the party of white supremacists and neo-nazis. Your stupidity is on full display.
when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Odd that you could correct the acronym yet bailed on the proper name. Which "democratic party" would that be?

The one that saw the Klan run Republicans (note the capitali letter ,who knew) against it in Ohio and Indiana and Maine and California and Oregon and Washington and Kansas and New Jersey and Michigan? Or the one that nominated a POTUS candidate who denounced them so the KKK endorsed the Republican (Coolidge), or the one that nominated a Catholic (Smith) so the KKK ran a national smear campaign against him? Or perhaps the one whose Governor (Arnall) and POTUS (FDR) drove them out of existence in 1944?

The Democrat Party that created the KKK to terrorize, and keep the freed black slaves subjugated.

That Democrat Party, that you so blindly defend.

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…”
Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

That was over 100 years ago. The modern day KKK is a strong supporter of Trump and Republicans.
There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Odd that you could correct the acronym yet bailed on the proper name. Which "democratic party" would that be?

The one that saw the Klan run Republicans (note the capitali letter ,who knew) against it in Ohio and Indiana and Maine and California and Oregon and Washington and Kansas and New Jersey and Michigan? Or the one that nominated a POTUS candidate who denounced them so the KKK endorsed the Republican (Coolidge), or the one that nominated a Catholic (Smith) so the KKK ran a national smear campaign against him? Or perhaps the one whose Governor (Arnall) and POTUS (FDR) drove them out of existence in 1944?

The Democrat Party that created the KKK to terrorize, and keep the freed black slaves subjugated.

That Democrat Party, that you so blindly defend.

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…”
Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

That was over 100 years ago. The modern day KKK is a strong supporter of Trump and Republicans.

No, that is untrue. Even the View made note of the fact that white supremacists don't like Trump.
There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Odd that you could correct the acronym yet bailed on the proper name. Which "democratic party" would that be?

The one that saw the Klan run Republicans (note the capitali letter ,who knew) against it in Ohio and Indiana and Maine and California and Oregon and Washington and Kansas and New Jersey and Michigan? Or the one that nominated a POTUS candidate who denounced them so the KKK endorsed the Republican (Coolidge), or the one that nominated a Catholic (Smith) so the KKK ran a national smear campaign against him? Or perhaps the one whose Governor (Arnall) and POTUS (FDR) drove them out of existence in 1944?

The Democrat Party that created the KKK to terrorize, and keep the freed black slaves subjugated.

That Democrat Party, that you so blindly defend.

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…”
Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

That was over 100 years ago. The modern day KKK is a strong supporter of Trump and Republicans.

1 The KKK supported Hillary Clinton
Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

He says he's retracting his endorsement of Donald Trump.

By Rachel Dicker, Associate Editor, Social Media March 14, 2016, at 5:27 p.m.


Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President


HILLARY CLINTON CAN ADD a new name to her list of endorsements – a prominent Ku Klux Klan member who says he likes her because of her "hidden agenda."
Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan's California chapter, told the Telegraph Monday that he would be switching his support from Donald Trump to Clinton.

2. The KKK is still the military arm of the Democrat is now called ANTIFA

The two iterations of the military wing of the Democrat Party:

“In addition to the more than 40 identified Klan groups, the ADL tracked Klan activity to 11 other states during that same time, including some states perceived to be more liberal, like California. The ADL tracked the movement from January 2016 to June 2017.

Nationwide, there are still an estimated 3,000 Klan members and unaffiliated people who "identify with Klan ideology," according to the ADL. Membership, though, remains spread across dozens of groups. The largest Klans reportedly don't have more than 50 to 100 active members, and most have fewer than 25.”

“However, social media does give some indication of how many people are involved in the Antifa movement, but those numbers don't indicate a massive following. The New York City Antifa Twitter account has a little under 18,000 followers, and the account for Philadelphia only has about 6,000. The group's previously low profile has quickly dissolved — search interest in Antifa has exploded in the last 72 hours, according to Google Trends.” After Charlottesville, Interest In The Antifa Movement Is Spiking

Remember the last time you were right about anything?

Me neither.
The white wearing democrat women were honoring suffrage. It's just a bit silly.

It doesn't seem to occur to the OP that these are all women, who are allowed to wear whatever colors they want in this culture, as opposed to men.

The Dodge Ball player of this, duck, dodge, duck, dodge......all to protect the most vile political party in American history....a party that started a Civil war to keep blacks as slaves, then, after the Republicans freed the slaves, used their white sheeted kkk to torture, intimidate and murder Blacks and their Republican allies....

Keep dodging little pogo....

It was the Republican Party who started the civil war. The Trump Republican Party is the most vile in the history of this country. White supremacists, neo-nazis and far right wing groups call the Republican Party home now. The Republican Party as currently constituted needs to be destroyed.
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

You actually want us to believe anybody dressed in white is KKK?

Sooooooo............ the bride at every altar --- Klan? The home team at every baseball game --- Klan? Jesus Christ --- Klan?

when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Bullshit! I'm from the south were the KKK was and maybe still is active and I know for a fact, from first hand knowledge that they were all dixiecrats, ie a brach of the democratic party. They are also the party of slavery and Jim Crow as well. Even the founder of the democratic party, Andrew Jackson was the biggest racist to ever sit in the oval office.
Let's just own up to facts and history, Democrats have always been and always will be the party of racial division in this nation. They're still constantly playing the race card today to further amplify and prove the point. You can try but you can't deny or forever ignore the facts. And quit trying to get everyone else to pay for your guilty conscious, your sins and your stupidity.

Republicans are the party of racial division. They are the party of white supremacists and neo-nazis. Your stupidity is on full display.

Let's check:

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

13. It's the party of felons over law-abiding actual citizens
The white wearing democrat women were honoring suffrage. It's just a bit silly.

It doesn't seem to occur to the OP that these are all women, who are allowed to wear whatever colors they want in this culture, as opposed to men.

The Dodge Ball player of this, duck, dodge, duck, dodge......all to protect the most vile political party in American history....a party that started a Civil war to keep blacks as slaves, then, after the Republicans freed the slaves, used their white sheeted kkk to torture, intimidate and murder Blacks and their Republican allies....

Keep dodging little pogo....

It was the Republican Party who started the civil war. The Trump Republican Party is the most vile in the history of this country. White supremacists, neo-nazis and far right wing groups call the Republican Party home now. The Republican Party as currently constituted needs to be destroyed.

Gads, you're an imbecile.

It was the Democrat President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, that began the Civil War.

1. Major Robert Anderson and 85 men were stranded in Fort Sumter.

2. Surrounding him were hundreds of militiamen and coastal guns.

3. Lincoln refused to give the fort up, but the fort was running out of food: if he sent a supply convoy into Charleston Bay, he would be blamed for starting the war.....but how could he give in, and give up the fort?

4. William Seward tried to undermine Lincoln....telling Lincoln to give up the fort for 'goodwill.'

5. On April 5, Lincoln dispatched a fleet of supply ships with the proviso that was relayed to Jefferson Davis: the vessels would be unarmed, with the only cargo "food for hungry men."

6. Firing on the defenseless ships would have been an act of war by the Confederacy.

7. On Tuesday, April 9, Davis held a cabinet meeting, deciding on war. Three days later, and hours before the ships would arrive....the Southern forces attacked the fort.

Gavin Mortimer

"Double Death: The True Story of Pryce Lewis, the Civil War's Most Daring Spy,"byGavin Mortimer, p.70-71
The First Battle of Fort Sumter opened on April 12, 1861, when Confederate artillery fired on the Union garrison
That is not photo from Wisconsin. That photo was taken during 1924 Democratic Convention, where Klan marched in New Jersey to celebrate defeat of DNC platform plank designed to condemn the KKK for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Weather you like it or not, the KKK is part of Democrat's history.

THIS photo is (probably) not from Wisconsin. Actually we don't know where or when it's from since you gave us no link. But that photo was not taken at the Democratic national convention, which that year was at Madison Square Garden in New York city. That is definitely not Madison Square Garden or New York city.

And no, the Klan DID NOT march in New Jersey to celebrate the defeat of the anti-klan plank, nor as far as I know did it march to celebrate its defeat of the same plank in the Republican convention of the same year in Cleveland (called by one wag the Klonvokation in Kleveland). What the Klan did do was have a picnic in Long Branch New Jersey, a good ways down the coast from New York, which ran its course and konkluded while the Democratic convention was still going on.

AT that convention, which was the longest-running one in history because of all its failed votes for a nomination (over a hundred), they finally settled on a dark horse candidate, that being Ambassador John W. Davis of West Virginia --- who promptly gave his acceptance speech and denounced the Klan anyway. When the candidates Davis and Coolidge had been established the Klan gave its endorsement to Koolidge, who was the only candidate left who would not denounce them.

Any questions?

No? Any links to where that pic derives from?

Read my words. If you want to argue, than argue what I posted, and not what I didn't posted.

I did not say that photo was taken "at the Democratic National convention". I said the photo "was taken during 1924 Democratic Convention".

Klan did march from New York to New Jersey, where they had, as you said "picnic". Nobody goes to picnic in KKK robes, burning crosses and attacks effigies of Smith. It was a rally, called Klanbake as celebration of defeating the anti-klan plank.

Link to EITHER of those claims? Your choice.

Find books/journals:

Sociological forum: Power Devaluation, the Ku Klux Klan, and the Democratic National Convention of 1924, by Rory McVeigh
The Journal of Southern History: William Gibbs McAdoo and the Democratic National Convention of 1924, by James C. Prude
Democratic Convention of 1924 and Some Reminiscences of a Participant; Comments on DeTrobriand and Officer Inebriates, by Burton K. Wheeler, M. F. Keller, Barry C. Johnson and John R. Sibbald

I didn't say "quotre random book titles with '1924' in them". I said link me to your specious claim that the Klan "marched from New York to Long Branch" --- with or without your previous now-abandoned reasoning that they did so in celebration of a plank --- OR to your other claim that the photo "was taken during the convention" regardless where it was. How come you can't demonstrate where OR when it comes from? Hm?

For that matter you can also link me to where they called it a "Klanbake".

You know what a "link" is, right?

Are you saying that things that are in books are not true unless they're linked on internet?

You see, good things about books is they can't be just retyped, or erased to preference of some internet shills, or pushed to 20th page on internet search algorithm. So, go to library, find the titles i provided and enlighten yourself.

You know what "book" is, right?
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

So what? The republicans did away with any notion of civility years ago. In fact, they pretty much invented the lack of civility on Capitol Hill. One of the idiots on USMB even thinks that everyone owes the orange whore, who respects no one, cheers and standing ovations.

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