Democrats do worse than "you lie," of Joe Wilson...actually protest in middle of speech....

Look! I found a whole Klavern!


Where's they hoods?

These are medical professionals of some sort or another. They look like a Proctology Group as it seems as if they have good depth perception.

The difference is that they aren't making a political point.

And they are not acting as members of the democrat party, the party that used the color white to intimidate and terrorize Blacks .........

No such thing took place. But we're still waiting for an explanation of how these white-wearers are "kkk"


OMG! Moooooooooooslims! Ruuuuuuun!
You had me until you showed Flo! She has been on to long. When it comes to inner cities and/or poverty programs, it is time to try something different or use the money being spent in a better way. This has been going on for to long and there is an element of failure to degree.
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

Donald Trump turned this into a re-election rally rather than a SOTU. The Democrats reacted to a partisan speech. Trump supporters are the ones who have ties to the KKK.

Are you really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post? Try reading the posts before yours to understand that the kkk was created and used by the democrat party and it's vile constituents....

Nope, it was not. I know you like to believe mythology because it's easier than exercising your mind to learn something, much like learning to use the shift key, but it's bullshit and will continue to be called out as such as long as you insist on trying to revise history.
when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Odd that you could correct the acronym yet bailed on the proper name. Which "democratic party" would that be?

The one that saw the Klan run Republicans (note the capitali letter ,who knew) against it in Ohio and Indiana and Maine and California and Oregon and Washington and Kansas and New Jersey and Michigan? Or the one that nominated a POTUS candidate who denounced them so the KKK endorsed the Republican (Coolidge), or the one that nominated a Catholic (Smith) so the KKK ran a national smear campaign against him? Or perhaps the one whose Governor (Arnall) and POTUS (FDR) drove them out of existence in 1944?

No....the original kkk, the kkk created by members of the democrat party, used by the democrat party to torture and kill freed Blacks......

Spin away little pogo.....

View attachment 304800

I'm afraid there is no "original kkk" (or even "original KKK" for those of us who can figure out where the shift key is) that was created by members of the "democratic" (or even Democratic) party. No such thing ever existed.

You see son, the original KKK was formed by, in alpha order, Major James R. Crowe, Calvin Jones, Captain John Booker Kennedy, Captain John Lester, Major Frank O. McCord and Richard R. Reed, and there is no evidence whatsoever that any of them had a political party affiliation. Nor would that be likely since at the time and place they did that, political parties didn't exist. We do know however that they were musicians. Wanna see their picture?


Now don't get me wrong, no one knows who that flute player is so it's not impossible he could be a Democrat. Or even a democrat. The other six are the names I posted. That's Kennedy with the violin second from right on the bottom row. He came up with the silly K-alliterations of "Ku Klux" derived from the name of a popular college fraternity called Kuklos Adelphon, and added "Klan" with another K, then came the klaverns, kleagles, etc. They were "organized" as a silly social club doing street theater. Local vigilante groups later took on the name and the mystery garb.

Not the burning crosses though. The 1915 movie made that up.

Yes...the same old who fought for the Confederacy against the United States.....the entire leadership of the Confederacy were democrats........and yet, only you can't tell that their political leanings if not party membership would be the democrat party...

Spin away little pogo, you have a long and bloody history to distort to protect your democrats......and if Americans ever come to realize the connection of the democrat party to slavery, jim crow, lynching....? What happens to statues will be tame in comparison as to what happens to the democrat party....
when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Odd that you could correct the acronym yet bailed on the proper name. Which "democratic party" would that be?

The one that saw the Klan run Republicans (note the capitali letter ,who knew) against it in Ohio and Indiana and Maine and California and Oregon and Washington and Kansas and New Jersey and Michigan? Or the one that nominated a POTUS candidate who denounced them so the KKK endorsed the Republican (Coolidge), or the one that nominated a Catholic (Smith) so the KKK ran a national smear campaign against him? Or perhaps the one whose Governor (Arnall) and POTUS (FDR) drove them out of existence in 1944?

No....the original kkk, the kkk created by members of the democrat party, used by the democrat party to torture and kill freed Blacks......

Spin away little pogo.....

View attachment 304800

I'm afraid there is no "original kkk" (or even "original KKK" for those of us who can figure out where the shift key is) that was created by members of the "democratic" (or even Democratic) party. No such thing ever existed.

You see son, the original KKK was formed by, in alpha order, Major James R. Crowe, Calvin Jones, Captain John Booker Kennedy, Captain John Lester, Major Frank O. McCord and Richard R. Reed, and there is no evidence whatsoever that any of them had a political party affiliation. Nor would that be likely since at the time and place they did that, political parties didn't exist. We do know however that they were musicians. Wanna see their picture?


Now don't get me wrong, no one knows who that flute player is so it's not impossible he could be a Democrat. Or even a democrat. The other six are the names I posted. That's Kennedy with the violin second from right on the bottom row. He came up with the silly K-alliterations of "Ku Klux" derived from the name of a popular college fraternity called Kuklos Adelphon, and added "Klan" with another K, then came the klaverns, kleagles, etc. They were "organized" as a silly social club doing street theater. Local vigilante groups later took on the name and the mystery garb.

Not the burning crosses though. The 1915 movie made that up.

Local vigilante groups later took on the name and the mystery garb.

Yes....members of the democrat need to spin faster......that vile history won't hide itself...
You actually want us to believe anybody dressed in white is KKK?

Sooooooo............ the bride at every altar --- Klan? The home team at every baseball game --- Klan? Jesus Christ --- Klan?

when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Odd that you could correct the acronym yet bailed on the proper name. Which "democratic party" would that be?

The one that saw the Klan run Republicans (note the capitali letter ,who knew) against it in Ohio and Indiana and Maine and California and Oregon and Washington and Kansas and New Jersey and Michigan? Or the one that nominated a POTUS candidate who denounced them so the KKK endorsed the Republican (Coolidge), or the one that nominated a Catholic (Smith) so the KKK ran a national smear campaign against him? Or perhaps the one whose Governor (Arnall) and POTUS (FDR) drove them out of existence in 1944?

The Triple K's Grand Dragon, Will Quigg, endorsed HIllary Clinton in 2016

I'm afraid the KKK doesn't have a "Grand Dragon". As a single organization it doesn't even EXIST. Hasn't existed since 1944, April 23rd to be exact. That's when it went belly-up. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and the Governor of Georgia rescinded its charter. Everybody claiming to be "Klan" since then is playing dress-up and declaring themselves Grand WIzards or Dragons or Jerkoffs or whatever. That's how David Dooky did it.

Some of them do still publish a newsletter though. Here's what it said about that.


Any questions?
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

You actually want us to believe anybody dressed in white is KKK?

Sooooooo............ the bride at every altar --- Klan? The home team at every baseball game --- Klan? Jesus Christ --- Klan?

when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Pogo desperately wants to hide the fact that White Clothes and democrat party terrorists go hand in hand.......

When the democrats label just about any act, any item, racist....and then they show up, as members of the democrat party, in white, just like the democrat party kkk of the past....and they think they should get a pass? Screw them....

I don't see any hoods on these women.

Did you fuck up?
You actually want us to believe anybody dressed in white is KKK?

Sooooooo............ the bride at every altar --- Klan? The home team at every baseball game --- Klan? Jesus Christ --- Klan?

when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Pogo desperately wants to hide the fact that White Clothes and democrat party terrorists go hand in hand.......

When the democrats label just about any act, any item, racist....and then they show up, as members of the democrat party, in white, just like the democrat party kkk of the past....and they think they should get a pass? Screw them....

I don't see any hoods on these women.

Did you fuck up?

Moron...hats and hoods aren't allowed on the floor....they left their hoods in the cloak doofus....
You actually want us to believe anybody dressed in white is KKK?

Sooooooo............ the bride at every altar --- Klan? The home team at every baseball game --- Klan? Jesus Christ --- Klan?

when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Pogo desperately wants to hide the fact that White Clothes and democrat party terrorists go hand in hand.......

When the democrats label just about any act, any item, racist....and then they show up, as members of the democrat party, in white, just like the democrat party kkk of the past....and they think they should get a pass? Screw them....

Pogo is a mindless drone. I think he is truly distressed that it is his Party that is the evil one. He is in denial.

I happen to know history, which I'm sure causes much dismay to the Cult of Ignorance and its penchant for making shit up. Tough titty.

I don't have a "Party" anyway. Don't need one. All I need is this mountain of history books. Go ahead and try to prove any of it wrong. Aaaaaaaaaand GO.
when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Pogo desperately wants to hide the fact that White Clothes and democrat party terrorists go hand in hand.......

When the democrats label just about any act, any item, racist....and then they show up, as members of the democrat party, in white, just like the democrat party kkk of the past....and they think they should get a pass? Screw them....

I don't see any hoods on these women.

Did you fuck up?

Moron...hats and hoods aren't allowed on the floor....they left their hoods in the cloak doofus....

Okay, link?


Were you there?

We sit, and we wait.
Not all Triple K groups wear white sheets, the Midget Klan wears Black sheets.

But white is still the groups traditional color.
when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Odd that you could correct the acronym yet bailed on the proper name. Which "democratic party" would that be?

The one that saw the Klan run Republicans (note the capitali letter ,who knew) against it in Ohio and Indiana and Maine and California and Oregon and Washington and Kansas and New Jersey and Michigan? Or the one that nominated a POTUS candidate who denounced them so the KKK endorsed the Republican (Coolidge), or the one that nominated a Catholic (Smith) so the KKK ran a national smear campaign against him? Or perhaps the one whose Governor (Arnall) and POTUS (FDR) drove them out of existence in 1944?

The Triple K's Grand Dragon, Will Quigg, endorsed HIllary Clinton in 2016

I'm afraid the KKK doesn't have a "Grand Dragon". As a single organization it doesn't even EXIST. Hasn't existed since 1944, April 23rd to be exact. That's when it went belly-up. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and the Governor of Georgia rescinded its charter. Everybody claiming to be "Klan" since then is playing dress-up and declaring themselves Grand WIzards or Dragons or Jerkoffs or whatever. That's how David Dooky did it.

Some of them do still publish a newsletter though. Here's what it said about that.


Any questions?

Dave Duke is an employee of CNN, appearing all the time on the network. That makes him a lib in my book
There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Pogo desperately wants to hide the fact that White Clothes and democrat party terrorists go hand in hand.......

When the democrats label just about any act, any item, racist....and then they show up, as members of the democrat party, in white, just like the democrat party kkk of the past....and they think they should get a pass? Screw them....

I don't see any hoods on these women.

Did you fuck up?

Moron...hats and hoods aren't allowed on the floor....they left their hoods in the cloak doofus....

Okay, link?


Were you there?

We sit, and we wait.

Still spinning to protect the party of racism and hate....what human being defends a racist, hate filled democrat party? You should get help.....
You actually want us to believe anybody dressed in white is KKK?

Sooooooo............ the bride at every altar --- Klan? The home team at every baseball game --- Klan? Jesus Christ --- Klan?

when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




More women of the democrat party....

View attachment 304799

uh HUH.

------------- and your link would be............? Is that coming today or.....?

I do happen to know that's from 1956, thanks to Googly Image search. That's about the time the KKK (note the capital letters for the acronym) was burning a cross on LBJ's lawn.

Did Johnson invite them to have a rally on his lawn?

LBJ was a dyed in the wool racist.

Johnson "invited" them to leave the Klan or be prosecuted actually. He was the first POTUS since Grant to prosecute the Klan, even though by then (1965) they no longer officially existed, so he was prosecuting the dress-up klowns.

What he's referring to with his father is from his childhood when his father Sam denounced the KKK in the Texas state house, to which the Klan responded with threats against the family. LBJ and the other children waited in the basement while his father and uncles stayed watch with shotguns. The Klan never showed up.

In the 1950s incident they burned a cross on his lawn for his pro-Israel leanings. You'll recall that the KKK was anti-black, anti-Jew, anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant and anti-labor, all of which were and are Democratic Party constituents. That's why they ran a smear campaign decades before against Al Smith -- he was a Catholic.

You don't know a god damn thing about this country, do you. Why don't you just go back where you came from if you're not going to be bothered. We're full up on the Ignoramus supply.
You actually want us to believe anybody dressed in white is KKK?

Sooooooo............ the bride at every altar --- Klan? The home team at every baseball game --- Klan? Jesus Christ --- Klan?

when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




Sure there is. The KKK was the brown shirts of the democratic party

Odd that you could correct the acronym yet bailed on the proper name. Which "democratic party" would that be?

The one that saw the Klan run Republicans (note the capitali letter ,who knew) against it in Ohio and Indiana and Maine and California and Oregon and Washington and Kansas and New Jersey and Michigan? Or the one that nominated a POTUS candidate who denounced them so the KKK endorsed the Republican (Coolidge), or the one that nominated a Catholic (Smith) so the KKK ran a national smear campaign against him? Or perhaps the one whose Governor (Arnall) and POTUS (FDR) drove them out of existence in 1944?

The Democrat Party that created the KKK to terrorize, and keep the freed black slaves subjugated.

That Democrat Party, that you so blindly defend.

Again -- there's no such thing and there still wouldn't be even if you learned how to spell it.
Again -- I already disproved all that mythological shit and invited you or anybody else to prove it wrong. No one can.

You lose.

Oh and if I did have a party how fucking stupid would I have to be to believe that that party of 160 years ago is the same party now?
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The white wearing democrat women were honoring suffrage. It's just a bit silly.

It doesn't seem to occur to the OP that these are all women, who are allowed to wear whatever colors they want in this culture, as opposed to men.


Bluddy 'ell! It's Her Royal Klannness!
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You actually want us to believe anybody dressed in white is KKK?

Sooooooo............ the bride at every altar --- Klan? The home team at every baseball game --- Klan? Jesus Christ --- Klan?

when the democrat party dresses in kkk white....since they are the party of the kkk...yes.

There is no "party of the kkk [sic]". But there are lots of figures wearing white.




More women of the democrat party....

View attachment 304799

uh HUH.

------------- and your link would be............? Is that coming today or.....?

I do happen to know that's from 1956, thanks to Googly Image search. That's about the time the KKK (note the capital letters for the acronym) was burning a cross on LBJ's lawn.

Spin little have to hide the vile history of the democrat party...


I just GAVE YOU the history, knuckledragger. And there's nothing you can do about it. When going out to find photoshops and user-generated Googly images is all you can come up with, you confirm that.

You lose.
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

Donald Trump turned this into a re-election rally rather than a SOTU. The Democrats reacted to a partisan speech. Trump supporters are the ones who have ties to the KKK.

Are you really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post? Try reading the posts before yours to understand that the kkk was created and used by the democrat party and it's vile constituents....

AGAIN, Dippy, with the Klan persecuting not just blacks but Jews, Catholics, labor uniions and immigrants, THOSE ARE the Democratic Party's own constituents. Go ahead and essplain to the class why a political party would be using a mysterious organization to persecute its own constituents, not to mention running Republican candidates against its own.

What the fuck is wrong with you that you think you can sell this shit KNOWING it can be just blown out like a candle? Are you some kind of masochist?
The white wearing democrat women were honoring suffrage. It's just a bit silly.

It doesn't seem to occur to the OP that these are all women, who are allowed to wear whatever colors they want in this culture, as opposed to men.

The Dodge Ball player of this, duck, dodge, duck, dodge......all to protect the most vile political party in American history....a party that started a Civil war to keep blacks as slaves, then, after the Republicans freed the slaves, used their white sheeted kkk to torture, intimidate and murder Blacks and their Republican allies....

Keep dodging little pogo....
The democrat party members who pretend to be journalists went nuts when Joe Wilson shouted..."You lie," during the obama speech.....the democrat party women dressed in kkk white were much worse.....they stood up in their kkk white clothing and shouted during the speech...

Donald Trump turned this into a re-election rally rather than a SOTU. The Democrats reacted to a partisan speech. Trump supporters are the ones who have ties to the KKK.

Are you really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post? Try reading the posts before yours to understand that the kkk was created and used by the democrat party and it's vile constituents....

AGAIN, Dippy, with the Klan persecuting not just blacks but Jews, Catholics, labor uniions and immigrants, THOSE ARE the Democratic Party's own constituents. Go ahead and essplain to the class why a political party would be using a mysterious organization to persecute its own constituents, not to mention running Republican candidates against its own.

Keep dodging......ducking....lying....... the democrat party wants power....and will do anything to keep that power...which is why LBJ....the racist and the man who voted against every Civil Rights act when it counted......including anti-lynching laws.....finally decided to pretend to like Black people....cause no matter how many Blacks the democrats murdered...they were still going to be able to vote.....and if LBJ didn't get the party on board the Civil Rights movement at the very end...he knew they would never win elections again...

Which is why you are dodging, spinning and hiding the truth about the democrats....if they lose even a tiny number of Black votes today....they are finished....

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