Democrats do worse than "you lie," of Joe Wilson...actually protest in middle of speech....

Is this your first lie of the day, Stinky???

How many do you need?

View attachment 305010
Jefferson Finis Davis was an American politician who served as the president of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865. As a member of the Democratic Party, he represented Mississippi in the United States Senate and the House of Representatives before the American Civil War. Wikipedia

The Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

Once AGAIN ---- the Confederacy had no political parties. Presumably had it survived they would have developed as alternate visions for its future emerged, but --- it did not. Nor did the United States in its own first decade. And there's jackwagon you can do about that with your pathetic stabs at revisionist history.

Slavery, specifically referring to African TransAtlantic slavery, was going on in this land for exaclty 250 years before the Declaration of Independence, let alone any political parties. NOR did any slave owner/slave trader ANYWHERE ever require a political party to engage in it, and the overwhelming majority of them had no such party at all. But as far as those who did, Whigs had slaves (including Presidents Harrison, Tyler, Taylor and 1860 candidate John Bell), Federalists had slaves, Democratic-Republicans had slaves, and the last POTUS to be a slaveowner was ........ Ulysses Grant.

Moron....the entire leadership of the Confederacy were members of the democrat [sic] party.

Prove me wrong.

And Slavery? The democrat [sic] party is the party that wanted to restart the slave trade with Africa,

allow slavery in new states,

Actually the Democratic stance was "popular sovereignty" meaning new states would decide for themselves. In other words, turning a blind eye and hoping the whole thing would go away, as the country had done collectively up to that point. That stance earned the 1860 Democratic POTUS candidate the position of dead last in a field of four, winning a total of one state (Missouri) and a split vote from New Jersey, amassing a total of zero electoral votes from what would become the Confederacy, the same total Lincoln racked up there, and Lincoln's name wasn't even on the ballots.

So don't sit here and try to rewrite history books, K? It's too late for that -- they've already been published and read.

and started a War

Again ---- Linkie?

to keep slaves, then, when the Republicans beat them in the Civil War

The Civil War was not fought between political parties. What did I just tell you about rewriting history books?
This may come as a shock to your lying ass but Democrats existed, and continued to exist, in the Union (go to your socialist libarary and look up "War Democrats"). Lincoln's own running mate was a Democrat in 1864.

and forced them to free their slaves...democrats [sic] started the KKk [sic]


Maj.James R. Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt John Lester, Capt John Booker Kennedy, Maj Frank O; McCord and Richard R. Reed started the KKK, at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, Christmas 1865, and NONE of them had any known political affiliation, nor did anyone else in a time and place where political parties did not exist, and there's nothing you and your lying revisionist ass can do about that.

"Once AGAIN --- the Confederacy HAD NO POLITICAL PARTIES. ZERO."

Prove me wrong.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezey......

Jefferson Davis
Former President of the Confederate States
View attachment 305296
Jefferson Finis Davis was an American politician who served as the president of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865. As a member of the Democratic Party, he represented Mississippi in the United States Senate and the House of Representatives before the American Civil War. Wikipedia
Reagan was a Democrat until 1962 when he switched to the Republican Party. In 1964, Reagan's speech, " A Time for Choosing ", supported Barry Goldwater 's foundering presidential campaign and earned him national attention as a new conservative spokesman. Building a network of supporters, Reagan was elected governor of California in 1966.

"Reagan was a Democrat until 1962 when he switched to the Republican Party."

It's 2020.....when are you gonna wise up????
Ame®icano fyi

Yo Pogo

Here's 'a' pic of your kkk (intentional 'misspelling') marching in 1924

A general view of hooded Klansmen parading through the streets of... News Photo - Getty Images

Here ... more for you to plow through.

Ku Klux Klan Photos Pictures and Photos - Getty Images

and about that Klanbake

Digital History

Now, I'm putting you on ignore.

I don't know when you turned into such an insufferable ahole as you've shown in this thread but I have no tolerance or patience for such BAD behavior.

Alternatively, you have no reason to be such a jerk.
Odd that you could correct the acronym yet bailed on the proper name. Which "democratic party" would that be?

The one that saw the Klan run Republicans

(note the capitali letter ,who knew)

against it in Ohio and Indiana and Maine and California and Oregon and Washington and Kansas and New Jersey and Michigan?


Shoot, I almost forgot this!

When YOU lecture someone about spelling or grammar, please check yourself FIRST!
Ame®icano fyi

Yo Pogo

Here's 'a' pic of your kkk (intentional 'misspelling') marching in 1924

A general view of hooded Klansmen parading through the streets of... News Photo - Getty Images

Here ... more for you to plow through.

Ku Klux Klan Photos Pictures and Photos - Getty Images

and about that Klanbake

Digital History

Now, I'm putting you on ignore.

I don't know when you turned into such an insufferable ahole as you've shown in this thread but I have no tolerance or patience for such BAD behavior.

Alternatively, you have no reason to be such a jerk.

Best I can muster for this post, at the risk of looking like Jitler, is ------------- "huh"?

I could have linked you to all of that and spelled it out a lot more. I've done so many a time in my years here.

Hey, when I see bullshit that I know is bullshit, I'm going to call it out for what it is. If that's "bad behaviour" you'll just have to get used to it, won't you.

That is indeed Long Branch New Jersey, which is a considerable distance from New York City (I know the place), although not nearly as far as Madison Wisconsin, where not one but two other revisionists tried to tell this board the Democratic convention was going on ---- in December, a month after the election was over.

In the actual convention (in the SUMMER) which went on longer than any convention in history, the party finally settled on the dark horse candidate John W. Davis --- who promptly denounced the Klan anyway and continued to in the campaign. That led to the KKK endorsing Coolidge, who was the only kandidate left who would not denounce them.

But I already covered this. Many a time.

No idea what your point here was going to be. :dunno: Did you land in the wrong thread?
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