Democrats, Do You Love Inflation and High Gas Prices?

Umm although my anger and frustration in my post wasn't directed at you, did you miss the part where I said I still had the mind of an older child? Math was never my specialty either.
I've had enough conversations with you to know you are smarter than you give yourself credit for wifey. I'm also happy to talk through any areas of confusion if you are confused by my explanations or analogies... Thats if you are really interested in understanding what I'm saying. If you're just wanting to vent about Biden then thats fine too, but if you really want to understand the other perspective I'm very happy to explain it to you.
I think you ask way too many dumb questions. Ever think about that?

If it's so dumb then it should be easy enough to understand.

I've had enough conversations with you to know you are smarter than you give yourself credit for wifey. I'm also happy to talk through any areas of confusion if you are confused by my explanations or analogies... Thats if you are really interested in understanding what I'm saying. If you're just wanting to vent about Biden then thats fine too, but if you really want to understand the other perspective I'm very happy to explain it to you.

Thanks and I would really like to understand you but I only know basic elementary school math.
If you really think that Biden got into office and global inflation exploded overnight because of him, then you are ignorant.

This had been building for years, including Trump's years.
Let's keep spending trillions we don't have to keep the inflation going?
The spending is coming in 2023.
I don't think questions are dumb... Answers can be very dumb. Its easy to answer questions... Question is, how are you going to answer them?
So my answer should be YES? Now that's dumb. Nobody, at least those with a brain, want to pay high prices. Geez.
Thanks and I would really like to understand you but I only know basic elementary school math.
Thats no problem... You don't really need to understand math to understand this situation. Did you follow my supply chain example I posted earlier? About manufacturing being shut down world wide and how that lead to a shortage of goods that were in high demand... and how that is the primary factor that inflated pricing? Do you see how the effects of that can last months and years?
If it's so dumb then it should be easy enough to understand.

Thanks and I would really like to understand you but I only know basic elementary school math.
Obviously not for you.
I think y’all have been making these accusations for years and under Trump and Barr. They tried like hell to get dirt on Biden so he wouldn’t run for prez and then to use it as an October surprise but it flopped. It was political hot air. If it was anything of substance then Barr could have acted on it. He didn’t
Hot air? Seriously? I don't think I've ever seen a more blatant example of influence peddling as the Biden family gave us, Slade and that was made perfectly clear by Hunter's lap top. Biden has been for sale since his MBNA days!
So my answer should be YES? Now that's dumb. Nobody, at least those with a brain, want to pay high prices. Geez.

You don't even have an answer,... as usual.

Thats no problem... You don't really need to understand math to understand this situation. Did you follow my supply chain example I posted earlier? About manufacturing being shut down world wide and how that lead to a shortage of goods that were in high demand... and how that is the primary factor that inflated pricing? Do you see how the effects of that can last months and years?

Yeah, I somewhat follow you but not to an exact science kind of level.
Thanks and I would really like to understand you but I only know basic elementary school math.
A non math way of explaining the need to compare the USA economy with other countries economies would be this...

If you want to isolate the impact of political leadership you need to understand all factors that effect the economy. That way you can evaluate which factors are effecting things. This is why you look at what's happening in other areas of the world. There is a common issue that the entire world is experience due to COVID. Those factors are there for everybody so you can't point the finger of blame at one party in the USA.

What you can do is see how we have responded to it and how we have performed in comparison to the rest of the world.

Are we under, average, or over performing the rest of the world... Thats how you judge the impact of how we are handling the situation on a policy level.
So my answer should be YES? Now that's dumb. Nobody, at least those with a brain, want to pay high prices. Geez.
True it was a loaded question but in your answer you can say, yes I'm sick of high prices but I don't hold Biden accountable for XYZ reasons.
Hot air? Seriously? I don't think I've ever seen a more blatant example of influence peddling as the Biden family gave us, Slade and that was made perfectly clear by Hunter's lap top. Biden has been for sale since his MBNA days!
Ok, then explain why there was no legal action under Trump?
A non math way of explaining the need to compare the USA economy with other countries economies would be this...

If you want to isolate the impact political leadership you need to understand all factors that effect the economy. That way you can evaluate which factors are effecting things. This is why you look at what's happening in other areas of the world. There is a common issue that the entire world is experience due to COVID. Those factors are there for everybody so you can't point the finger of blame at one party in the USA.

What you can do is see how we have responded to it and how we have performed in comparison to the rest of the world.

Are we under, average, or over performing the rest of the world... Thats how you judge the impact of how we are handling the situation on a policy level.

Yes, but except in countries like China COVID isn't our biggest problem anymore.
Chinas economy is being decimated right now. What factors are you worried about with China?

Honestly the biggest thing I'm worried about with the Chinese government is that they're in collaboration with the Biden Harris Administration.
Honestly the biggest thing I'm worried about with the Chinese government is that they're in collaboration with the Biden Harris Administration.
In collaboration to do what? To keep gas prices high and cause domestic inflation?
In collaboration to do what? To keep gas prices high and cause domestic inflation?

No, worse. In collaboration to take over the US and to make it a communist country. China, Russia, North Korea, what do all of those countries have in common?
Ok, then explain why there was no legal action under Trump?
Damn good question, Slade! Let's get the people who were in charge at the FBI put under oath and have them explain why there WASN'T legal action started against Joe, Hunter and Jim Biden for blatant influence peddling! I'd like to know.
No, worse. In collaboration to take over the US and to make it a communist country. China, Russia, North Korea, what do all of those countries have in common?
China, Russia and North Korea have communism in common. Im not seeing what this has to do with the USA economy and Biden though
Damn good question, Slade! Let's get the people who were in charge at the FBI put under oath and have them explain why there WASN'T legal action started against Joe, Hunter and Jim Biden for blatant influence peddling! I'd like to know.
You can go right ahead. It's pretty obvious to me that they didn't have legal standing to press charges or else they would have. They were chomping at the bit to get anything they could use against Biden. Trumps first impeachment was all about him abusing his power to get just that. If you think they then got evidence of criminal activity and then sat on it.... Well thats a pretty nutty conclusion to jump to.

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