Democrats, Do You Love Inflation and High Gas Prices?

Well following 9/11 we engaged in a war with Iraq that was started by a Republican administration. Here is some more info about it if you're interested...

Actually you are somewhat correct it was started by the George W. Bush Administration, but according to what I've been hearing he was a RINO. (Republican In Name Only) I was only in elementary school then so I don't remember much about it, but LA RAM FAN said something about him that I never knew and I totally forgot what it was. :confused-84:
I was on Facebook in 2015 and dozens of Liberals stopped 20+ year friendships with anyone voting for Trump.

See what I mean? That's just stupid. In my book anyways. I don't think politics should be THAT important.
Do you love Liz Cheney?
Yes; that question is relevant.
Love? no, I don't know her. I respect the stand she took against Trump and her party. She seemed to follow truth and virtue over political expediency. She was a topped ranked Republican who could have played the game and kept ascending in the ranks. She gave all that up to stand for what she thought was right. Gotta respect that.
Ok, well by this statement it is obvious that Putin is responsible for the war. Not Biden. I don't care if he threatened it beforehand.

It sounds to me like you're making that point that Ukraine had no right to want or even mention NATO and the US had no right to be Ukraines ally because Putin had made a threat that he wouldn't stand for it.... So then Putins action because Bidens responsibility... if you are really saying that then that is just absurd.
Why is it absurd to know that a self-obsessed sexual pervert (Z) would purposely start a war in order to pilfer more money?
Z doesn’t care about anybody but Z.

Dick Cheney did the same with Iraq.
And Liz Cheney, every progressive’s heroine, is as much of a scumbag as her father.
That’s why I’m not calling him an idiot.
He’s just a bit naive.
You've called me an idiot many times... thats actually complimentary compared to some of the other stuff you've called me. But no sweat... I don't take it personally. We all need to express ourselves in whatever way we need. I get it.
Why is it absurd to know that a self-obsessed sexual pervert (Z) would purposely start a war in order to pilfer more money?
I never said that was absurd. Nor did I acknowledge that narrative as truth. The entire world saw Putin start that war, not Z. So I don't know what crap you are trying to pull here.
You've called me an idiot many times... thats actually complimentary compared to some of the other stuff you've called me. But no sweat... I don't take it personally. We all need to express ourselves in whatever way we need. I get it.

I know you don't take it personally, but I just don't think that we need to resort to name-calling to make points. I know that we're going a bit off subject here, but that's why I started this thread in the first place. I like learning new things too and I was curious to see a Democrat's perspective in what they currently think of our government.
I never said that was absurd. Nor did I acknowledge that narrative as truth. The entire world saw Putin start that war, not Z. So I don't know what crap you are trying to pull here.
Putin said he would start a war and Z didn’t care.
Actually you are somewhat correct it was started by the George W. Bush Administration, but according to what I've been hearing he was a RINO. (Republican In Name Only) I was only in elementary school then so I don't remember much about it, but LA RAM FAN said something about him that I never knew and I totally forgot what it was. :confused-84:
I wouldn't place much weight on things LARAMFAN says, I've heard a lot of over emotional fake news come from him that he can't back up when pressed. RINO is a cop out term used to not engage or own up to anything negative that a republican might do. One can apply it to anybody... For example, Trump is a RINO if you look at his spending as president. Republicans are supposed to stand for fiscal responsibility and conservatism and Trumps record on government spending is the complete opposite of that. RINO. See how that works?
Putin said he would start a war and Z didn’t care.
No shit... Putin said he would start a war... and he started one. He is responsible. You don't get to blame the people for Putins actions because they stood up for their country and didn't tuck tail and bow to Putin.
No shit... Putin said he would start a war... and he started one. He is responsible. You don't get to blame the people for Putins actions because they stood up for their country and didn't tuck tail and bow to Putin.
When a co-worker tells me not to drive thru Roosevelt or Hempstead, NY at 11:00PM and I do because I want to sue the police, it’s my problem.
Liberals are mentally weak and can never admit when they are wrong.
Many Neo-cons suffer the same condition due to greed and avarice.
Thats another absurd statement. Liberals are constantly in flux. Their views changing and evolving. Just look a the issue of gay marriage since it is more recent. How many Liberals/Democrats were opposed to it a few decades ago? How many admitted to being wrong and now support it? How many times have you seen Conservatives do this?? Conservatives by nature don't want to change and evolve, they want to fight to preserve and keep things as they were.
Thats another absurd statement. Liberals are constantly in flux. Their views changing and evolving. Just look a the issue of gay marriage since it is more recent. How many Liberals/Democrats were opposed to it a few decades ago? How many admitted to being wrong and now support it? How many times have you seen Conservatives do this??
I know lots of Liberals and they have always wanted what they want now…
If it feels good, do it.
In fact, for well over a decade the psychiatric diagnoses for every sexual perversity have been evaluated as life style choice, not illnesses to be cured.
Beastiality is next.
Thats another absurd statement. Liberals are constantly in flux. Their views changing and evolving. Just look a the issue of gay marriage since it is more recent. How many Liberals/Democrats were opposed to it a few decades ago? How many admitted to being wrong and now support it? How many times have you seen Conservatives do this?? Conservatives by nature don't want to change and evolve, they want to fight to preserve and keep things as they were.

When it comes to gay marriages, you do you,.. but please for the love of children everywhere keep it out of the public school curriculum and out of kid's books, movies, and TV shows.
When it comes to gay marriages, you do you,.. but please for the love of children everywhere keep it out of the public school curriculum and out of kid's books, movies, and TV shows.
They can’t; Libs want everything to be considered normal just like murder is an everyday event in the slums.

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