Democrats, Do You Love Inflation and High Gas Prices?

China, Russia and North Korea have communism in common. Im not seeing what this has to do with the USA economy and Biden though

That's because it doesn't. You asked me what I was most worried about with China and I gave you my answer. Of course that doesn't mean that I don't feel sympathy for the people who live under the government and economy there, however,.. my own country is my top priority and I am very afraid of another war beginning with the current administration that we have.
That's because it doesn't. You asked me what I was most worried about with China and I gave you my answer. Of course that doesn't mean that I don't feel sympathy for the people who live under the government and economy there, however,.. my own country is my top priority and I am very afraid of another war beginning with the current administration that we have.
Ok, thats a lot of topics to cover... But its your thread. If you have any more questions about your OP and why dems would still support dems given the state of our economy I'm happy to dive back into that.

If you want to carry on with this line, id ask what you've seen as far as China US collaboration that is transforming our country into communist?
You can go right ahead. It's pretty obvious to me that they didn't have legal standing to press charges or else they would have. They were chomping at the bit to get anything they could use against Biden. Trumps first impeachment was all about him abusing his power to get just that. If you think they then got evidence of criminal activity and then sat on it.... Well thats a pretty nutty conclusion to jump to.
I'm pretty sure that the Trump campaign was DELIGHTED that Joe Biden was going to be the Democratic nominee, Slade. Joe Biden had run for President repeatedly since the 70's and he'd always been laughed out of every race because of his gaffes.

I think they waited until Biden was the nominee and then pushed the evidence they had of Biden's influence peddling. What they didn't anticipate was the Main Stream Media protection of Biden's "basement campaign" or the FBI covering up Hunter's lap top with the help of various social media platforms! It's two YEARS later and only now are supposed "journalists" at those main stream media companies admitting that Hunter's lap top was genuine!
Ok, thats a lot of topics to cover... But its your thread. If you have any more questions about your OP and why dems would still support dems given the state of our economy I'm happy to dive back into that.

If you want to carry on with this line, id ask what you've seen as far as China US collaboration that is transforming our country into communist?

Nah we better just get back to the topic at hand as I confess that it's purely a conspiracy theory/fear/anxiety of mine because I don't trust our government or our current administration. I don't have any actual proof for it though and yes unlike most libtards on here (not you obviously) I can admit that I don't know something without ignoring the question altogether or changing the subject. (That annoys the hell out of me.)
I'm pretty sure that the Trump campaign was DELIGHTED that Joe Biden was going to be the Democratic nominee, Slade. Joe Biden had run for President repeatedly since the 70's and he'd always been laughed out of every race because of his gaffes.

I think they waited until Biden was the nominee and then pushed the evidence they had of Biden's influence peddling. What they didn't anticipate was the Main Stream Media protection of Biden's "basement campaign" or the FBI covering up Hunter's lap top with the help of various social media platforms! It's two YEARS later and only now are supposed "journalists" at those main stream media companies admitting that Hunter's lap top was genuine!
History doesn't back your theory. Trump was trying to disqualify Biden before the primary season. Full focus on getting dirt on Biden from Ukraine. Rudy and Barr got involved with Ukraine, Trump made his famous phone call that he was impeached over. This was all before the primaries to try and throw cold water on the Bidens run. It was obvious that Biden was the best bet to beat Trump. Former VP known to the world and representing an administration that left with our economy in an incredibly strong position without all the havoc and drama that Trump brought. Biden was Trumps biggest threat and the results of the election show the reality of that.

Hunter Bidens laptop was a failed October surprise. You can keep trying to revive it but again, if laws were broken then Trump and Barr could have acted, they didn't. Law enforcement has the actual evidence. You have whats been presented to you by the media. Don't be dupe.
Wow, there’s a random little rant… feel better? Want to get back to the subject now and address my actual post?
I did directly address your post; that’s the difference between a Liberal and someone who observes cause and effect.
Or are you just ignoring them completely and pretending like they don't exist? I'm just trying to see if I can even begin to understand why a lot of you on here continue to vote Democrat. Especially with Christmas and Christmas dinner and get togethers (meaning traveling) right around the corner.
They just hate America and Americans. Anything to help bring her down is what they strive for . Democrats are the biggest threat to America and Americans. They are never complacent, they will never stop until their goal is complete. America will never survive these people , exactly what democrats want. Why ? Tell me !
They just hate America and Americans. Anything to help bring her down is what they strive for . Democrats are the biggest threat to America and Americans. They are never complacent, they will never stop until their goal is complete. America will never survive these people , exactly what democrats want. Why ? Tell me !

Not to mention the fact that I don't believe anything bad in history like wars and slave ownership (and obviously continued) were started by Republicans. I can't remember as much as I used to back when I was learning history and social studies in school and I confess that I should have been paying more attention, but I would wager a lot on that statement.
I did directly address your post; that’s the difference between a Liberal and someone who observes cause and effect.
I’ll just repost what I wrote and then your random response and we can let that speak for itself.

Putin gave “advance warning” so he’s not responsible for the war and Biden’s responsible because he’s a demented pussy?! Haha, will you listen to yourself and how retarded your points are becoming?

Biden is raking it in right now and we are paying more for everything.
Biden worshippers don’t care as long as they can cross dress.

Your post as nothing to do with the cause of the war which was the topic we were discussing
Not to mention the fact that I don't believe anything bad in history like wars and slave ownership (and obviously continued) were started by Republicans
Are you aware of the WMD claims and war with Iraq following 9/11?
With the Democrats in charge you can bet that bread will be too expensive for any working man to afford.

Of course those dipshits that got rich from selling influence to the Chinese like the Biden family will be living high on the hog.
It’s already nearly $5.00 a loaf. It’s already too expensive.
I’ll just repost what I wrote and then your random response and we can let that speak for itself.

Your post as nothing to do with the cause of the war which was the topic we were discussing
I know you are a Liberal and I also know you want to believe Biden is a hero and Zelensky is a hero.
Biden has always been aware, as have everyone else in politics and Zelensky, that Putin will crush Ukraine and murder their citizens when NATO is mentioned by Z.
If you cannot connect the dots, that is not my problem.
I do not required a PhD to know cause and effect.
Zelensky must go on trial for every Ukrainian killed by Russian artillery.
I know you are a Liberal and I also know you want to believe Biden is a hero and Zelensky is a hero.

Actually I think he's somewhere in the middle and I don't know about Zelensky but I don't think he likes Biden, he just doesn't think he's the cause for all of this inflation and high gas prices bullshit. He's a nice guy though and he can actually debate without resorting to insults if you do the same for him so that's why I like him.
Actually I think he's somewhere in the middle and I don't know about Zelensky but I don't think he likes Biden, he just doesn't think he's the cause for all of this inflation and high gas prices bullshit. He's a nice guy though and he can actually debate without resorting to insults if you do the same for him so that's why I like him.
That’s why I’m not calling him an idiot.
He’s just a bit naive.
No, I'm aware of 9/11, but I don't know what you're talking about.
Well following 9/11 we engaged in a war with Iraq that was started by a Republican administration. Here is some more info about it if you're interested...

That’s why I’m not calling him an idiot.
He’s just a bit naive.

Possibly at times I'll give you that, but he makes really good points sometimes and makes me feel a bit naïve then, and he values friendship and family more than politics which is another win for me. It's true that politics is important, but throwing away friendships and disowning family members over it is where I draw the line as we usually just don't discuss them then. Or if we do, we agree to disagree. I must admit though you surprised me. I thought you were the kind where every liberal is an idiot on here.
I know you are a Liberal and I also know you want to believe Biden is a hero and Zelensky is a hero.
Biden has always been aware, as have everyone else in politics and Zelensky, that Putin will crush Ukraine and murder their citizens when NATO is mentioned by Z.
If you cannot connect the dots, that is not my problem.
I do not required a PhD to know cause and effect.
Zelensky must go on trial for every Ukrainian killed by Russian artillery.
Ok, well by this statement it is obvious that Putin is responsible for the war. Not Biden. I don't care if he threatened it beforehand.

It sounds to me like you're making that point that Ukraine had no right to want or even mention NATO and the US had no right to be Ukraines ally because Putin had made a threat that he wouldn't stand for it.... So then Putins action becomes Bidens responsibility... am I understanding you correctly?
Possibly at times I'll give you that, but he makes really good points sometimes and makes me feel a bit naïve then, and he values friendship and family more than politics which is another win for me. It's true that politics is important, but throwing away friendships and disowning family members over it is where I draw the line as we usually just don't discuss them then. Or if we do, we agree to disagree. I must admit though you surprised me. I thought you were the kind where every liberal is an idiot on here.
I was on Facebook in 2015 and dozens of Liberals stopped 20+ year friendships with anyone voting for Trump.
Of course most of these Liberals made more money during Trump’s 1st 3 years than they ever made but were too faggy to admit it.

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