Democrats Dont You Dare...

I'm fine with Trump undoing Obabble's egregious executive order with ones that undo them...but I hope he will abide by The Constitution to further his program and policies goals.
So, did you support Obama when he was violating the Constitution, specifically the Separation of Powers, when Barry was doing it? I am not saying YOU, but I have seen many people on this board who avidly defended Barry doing it suddenly saying Trump had /better not do it'. To THOSE people, I say 'STFU - what's good for the goose is Good for the gander'. (NOTE: That is what I SAY to those hypocritical truth I think anyone who did what Barry did should have been Impeached - if Trump does he needs to be.)
I'm fine with Trump undoing Obabble's egregious executive order with ones that undo them...but I hope he will abide by The Constitution to further his program and policies goals.
So, did you support Obama when he was violating the Constitution, specifically the Separation of Powers, when Barry was doing it? I am not saying YOU, but I have seen many people on this board who avidly defended Barry doing it suddenly saying Trump had /better not do it'. To THOSE people, I say 'STFU - what's good for the goose is Good for the gander'. (NOTE: That is what I SAY to those hypocritical truth I think anyone who did what Barry did should have been Impeached - if Trump does he needs to be.)

I do not appreciate the accusatory language. If you think I supported Obabble, then you have no clue who I am.
I'm fine with Trump undoing Obabble's egregious executive order with ones that undo them...but I hope he will abide by The Constitution to further his program and policies goals.
So, did you support Obama when he was violating the Constitution, specifically the Separation of Powers, when Barry was doing it? I am not saying YOU, but I have seen many people on this board who avidly defended Barry doing it suddenly saying Trump had /better not do it'. To THOSE people, I say 'STFU - what's good for the goose is Good for the gander'. (NOTE: That is what I SAY to those hypocritical truth I think anyone who did what Barry did should have been Impeached - if Trump does he needs to be.)

I do not appreciate the accusatory language. If you think I supported Obabble, then you have no clue who I am.
I apologize, as 'accusatory language' was not my intent.

What I meant to ask wass what were your feelings while Obama was violating the Constitution over and over through these Executive Orders and actions that by-passed Congress.

Personally, again, I want to tell anyone who supported / defended Obama doing it they have nothing to complain about if Trump does it...while believing at the same time 2 wrongs don't make a right. Just because Obama got away with it - which he shouldn't have - doesn't / shouldn't mean Trump should.

Again - my apologies - no insult / accusatory language meant.
I'm fine with Trump undoing Obabble's egregious executive order with ones that undo them...but I hope he will abide by The Constitution to further his program and policies goals.
So, did you support Obama when he was violating the Constitution, specifically the Separation of Powers, when Barry was doing it? I am not saying YOU, but I have seen many people on this board who avidly defended Barry doing it suddenly saying Trump had /better not do it'. To THOSE people, I say 'STFU - what's good for the goose is Good for the gander'. (NOTE: That is what I SAY to those hypocritical truth I think anyone who did what Barry did should have been Impeached - if Trump does he needs to be.)

I do not appreciate the accusatory language. If you think I supported Obabble, then you have no clue who I am.
I apologize, as 'accusatory language' was not my intent.

What I meant to ask wass what were your feelings while Obama was violating the Constitution over and over through these Executive Orders and actions that by-passed Congress.

Personally, again, I want to tell anyone who supported / defended Obama doing it they have nothing to complain about if Trump does it...while believing at the same time 2 wrongs don't make a right. Just because Obama got away with it - which he shouldn't have - doesn't / shouldn't mean Trump should.

Again - my apologies - no insult / accusatory language meant.

Thank you and apology accepted. I found your post to be out of character with your usual mode.

I was, and still am, appalled by how Obama used Executive Orders to thwart the Rule of Law, in addition to his blatant non-enforcement of The Law. It is totally appropriate, imho, that Trump undo Obama's EOs via EO. One ominibus one undoing the long list works for me. And then, Trump should enforce the laws passed by Congress, and work with them to support his agenda.
Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.
most egregious usurpation of power by Obama using EO's? are you including the myriad of fake EO's in this astonishingly excellent hyperbole? you know, the ones tards read about on their facebook feeds and ran here to prove how gullible they are?
Thank you and apology accepted. I found your post to be out of character with your usual mode.
I claim 'temporary literary 'malfarction' due to a lack of sustenance' resulting in the poorly / incorrectly chosen verbiage. :p
But I am sure that President Trump is too humble and meek to every abuse these things.
He ran in part on ending all this type of corruption and crap....

I'm hopeful a majority of congress both Dem and Rep will welcome the chance to truly serve the American people free from the establishments choke hold on power. Free to tell the corrupt party leadership to go fuck themselves. President Trump will lead and set an example to follow that its NOT okay to be a lying corrupt politician who sells out America for personal gain. The establishment isn't going to just roll over and take it, the fight to root out decades of corruption has only just begun and president Trump may have to rely on the expanded executive powers Obama has gifted him.

Doubt that. Other then not being Hillary, he is nothing more then a new politician who made a bunch of promises .

So sit on the fence bitch and moan while we clean up the mess.
Let's assume that another Justice (I pick Ginsburg) leaves the bench very soon. That gives the clown 2 appointments.
Trump has been the only candidate to have never won an election or even have run one ever before in his life, walk into the PResidential election stone cold and win it against all the expert opinions, all the polls and all the odds. That is like some amateur walking into a professional chess tournament and winning first prize in his first ever tournament.

And yet you still call Trump a "clown"?

Dude, you are not making Trump look like the clown here.

He has stunned the world, and deserves credit for that, but you can't look at all the things he said along the campaign trail and believe he didn't act like a clown.....mocking people with disabilities, talking about how ugly women are....seriously? He was in tune with the mood of the electorate, and had the good fortune of running against the worst canidate in history, but had he been able to hold his tongue just a bit, the race would have been over in August. You deserve great acknowledgement for your bold and steadfast insistence that he would win.
What Trump did ties in with a word of Mouth advertising campaign; keep the message simple, keep it inflamatory and dramatic and make it something that rings a bell and causes it to go "social epidemic".

He did that and made more media time than all his opponents. That was SMART, not clownish.

You want your wonk word salads and that day is now over because all those salads are made of is spin bullshit and lies anyway.
most egregious usurpation of power by Obama using EO's? are you including the myriad of fake EO's in this astonishingly excellent hyperbole? you know, the ones tards read about on their facebook feeds and ran here to prove how gullible they are?

Do you know what a "Straw Man argument" is?

You just did it.
Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.

Listen, after Bush's Executive Orders (that you said nothing about) we knew you really didn't care about concentrated executive power.

After Bush and the GOP House/Senate raised the debt ceiling 3 times, we knew you really didn't care about deficits and debt.

Remember: the Democrats like government. Yours is the party that preaches against concentrated executive power. Don't play your hand so early and reveal that deep down you don't mind concentrated power as long as you're wielding it.

EO's are like crimes. Murder is far more serious than a parking ticket.
Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.
I get it. Only Republicans get to complain about executive orders. You;ve been crying & whioning for 8 freakin years. So really.

You're free to complain,and we're free to laugh in your face and tell you to fuck off.
I think Trump will rely heavily on executive orders

Not only because of Democratic opposition but his lack of Republican support in Congress

Like Obama. Trump is free to press the envelope as far as he can get away with. The courts will decide if he is within his authority
Why would Trump need to rely upon executive orders? He has a Repug majority in both senate and house. He should be able to get his agenda passed easily enough, whatever that may be.
Let's assume that another Justice (I pick Ginsburg) leaves the bench very soon. That gives the clown 2 appointments.
Trump has been the only candidate to have never won an election or even have run one ever before in his life, walk into the PResidential election stone cold and win it against all the expert opinions, all the polls and all the odds. That is like some amateur walking into a professional chess tournament and winning first prize in his first ever tournament.

And yet you still call Trump a "clown"?

Dude, you are not making Trump look like the clown here.

He has stunned the world, and deserves credit for that, but you can't look at all the things he said along the campaign trail and believe he didn't act like a clown.....mocking people with disabilities, talking about how ugly women are....seriously? He was in tune with the mood of the electorate, and had the good fortune of running against the worst canidate in history, but had he been able to hold his tongue just a bit, the race would have been over in August. You deserve great acknowledgement for your bold and steadfast insistence that he would win.

He didnt mock people with disabilities.
100% 'proof' Donald Trump did NOT mock a reporter with a disability
Just another of the media lies.
Let's assume that another Justice (I pick Ginsburg) leaves the bench very soon. That gives the clown 2 appointments.
Trump has been the only candidate to have never won an election or even have run one ever before in his life, walk into the PResidential election stone cold and win it against all the expert opinions, all the polls and all the odds. That is like some amateur walking into a professional chess tournament and winning first prize in his first ever tournament.

And yet you still call Trump a "clown"?

Dude, you are not making Trump look like the clown here.

He has stunned the world, and deserves credit for that, but you can't look at all the things he said along the campaign trail and believe he didn't act like a clown.....mocking people with disabilities, talking about how ugly women are....seriously? He was in tune with the mood of the electorate, and had the good fortune of running against the worst canidate in history, but had he been able to hold his tongue just a bit, the race would have been over in August. You deserve great acknowledgement for your bold and steadfast insistence that he would win.

He didnt mock people with disabilities.
100% 'proof' Donald Trump did NOT mock a reporter with a disability
Let's assume that another Justice (I pick Ginsburg) leaves the bench very soon. That gives the clown 2 appointments.
Trump has been the only candidate to have never won an election or even have run one ever before in his life, walk into the PResidential election stone cold and win it against all the expert opinions, all the polls and all the odds. That is like some amateur walking into a professional chess tournament and winning first prize in his first ever tournament.

And yet you still call Trump a "clown"?

Dude, you are not making Trump look like the clown here.

He has stunned the world, and deserves credit for that, but you can't look at all the things he said along the campaign trail and believe he didn't act like a clown.....mocking people with disabilities, talking about how ugly women are....seriously? He was in tune with the mood of the electorate, and had the good fortune of running against the worst canidate in history, but had he been able to hold his tongue just a bit, the race would have been over in August. You deserve great acknowledgement for your bold and steadfast insistence that he would win.

He didnt mock people with disabilities.
100% 'proof' Donald Trump did NOT mock a reporter with a disability
well doesn't the reporter first have to have a disability to mock his disability? I've stated that since the first time this came out as well as the asshat that has it as his signature. that is a mock of someone with disability.
Let's assume that another Justice (I pick Ginsburg) leaves the bench very soon. That gives the clown 2 appointments.
Trump has been the only candidate to have never won an election or even have run one ever before in his life, walk into the PResidential election stone cold and win it against all the expert opinions, all the polls and all the odds. That is like some amateur walking into a professional chess tournament and winning first prize in his first ever tournament.

And yet you still call Trump a "clown"?

Dude, you are not making Trump look like the clown here.

He has stunned the world, and deserves credit for that, but you can't look at all the things he said along the campaign trail and believe he didn't act like a clown.....mocking people with disabilities, talking about how ugly women are....seriously? He was in tune with the mood of the electorate, and had the good fortune of running against the worst canidate in history, but had he been able to hold his tongue just a bit, the race would have been over in August. You deserve great acknowledgement for your bold and steadfast insistence that he would win.

He didnt mock people with disabilities.
100% 'proof' Donald Trump did NOT mock a reporter with a disability
The only proof you provided was what a poor excuse for a human being you are. What, Trump was not mocking a handicapped person because he got the hand motions wrong?
Let's assume that another Justice (I pick Ginsburg) leaves the bench very soon. That gives the clown 2 appointments.
Trump has been the only candidate to have never won an election or even have run one ever before in his life, walk into the PResidential election stone cold and win it against all the expert opinions, all the polls and all the odds. That is like some amateur walking into a professional chess tournament and winning first prize in his first ever tournament.

And yet you still call Trump a "clown"?

Dude, you are not making Trump look like the clown here.

He has stunned the world, and deserves credit for that, but you can't look at all the things he said along the campaign trail and believe he didn't act like a clown.....mocking people with disabilities, talking about how ugly women are....seriously? He was in tune with the mood of the electorate, and had the good fortune of running against the worst canidate in history, but had he been able to hold his tongue just a bit, the race would have been over in August. You deserve great acknowledgement for your bold and steadfast insistence that he would win.

He didnt mock people with disabilities.
100% 'proof' Donald Trump did NOT mock a reporter with a disability
The only proof you provided was what a poor excuse for a human being you are. What, Trump was not mocking a handicapped person because he got the hand motions wrong?
Trump was simply lampoooning a goofy awkward journalist and not a specific journalist with a handicap, retardo.
And the federal government has NO business trying to mandate health care. That is totally out of their jurisdiction! This is what is so upsetting to people, democrats! LISTEN.
but it's ok for the states to make it mandatory, like Romneycare was mandatory in Mass?
You get punished for not having kids. What's the difference.

Allowing some other guy to keep more of his money while you get to also keep more of yours, but less than the first guy, is not to punish anyone.

one wins MORE

one gets to keep more of their own money

one pays less for our gvt, one pays more for our gvt even if both have the same earnings

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