Democrats Dont You Dare...

Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.
Barak Obama has set numerous precedences for Trump to follow, if he so chooses:

1. Authority to refuse to enforce existing law

2. Authority to By-Pass Congress to make Law

3. Authority to appoint Czars who have the ability to create / enforce law

4. Authority to take millions of tax dollars on his own and give it to the UN to support any UN program

5. Authority to by-pass Congress to make treaties, taking them straight to the UN for ratification when he's done

6. Authority to negotiate with terrorists / foreign nations and pay them ransoms for American hostages

7. Authority to protect entities who break US Federal Law (Mexican Drug cartels, Human Traffickers, Sanctuary cities, International Arms Dealers, Congressmen and Cabinet Members who commit perjury / violate the Hatch Act, etc...)

8. Authority to ignore Federal Court Orders

9. Authority to ignore FOIA requests

10. Authority to lie to the American people in order to push some minority-supported, agenda-driven legislation

11. Authority to drag the United States into Wars, especially to hsoelp terrorists, without Congressional approval to do so

12. Authority to spy on Americans, reporters, and even Congress

13. Authority to use the IRS to target Americans he considers his 'political enemies' to help him with his re-election

14. Authority to finance, supply, arm, train, defend, and protect terrorists and their ability to fund their terrorist operations.

15. The Authority to run his own personal drone assassination program through which he can kill anyone he wants whenever he wants

16. Authority to protect anyone in his administration from indictment/prosecution - a complete absence of personal accountability

17. The Authority to blame everyone else for his errors / failures

...and so much more.

Yup, Barry has completely expanded the powers and authorities of the office of the President.
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that was a joke, son. Comon, you won, you're allowed to have a sense of humor now.

I have Aspergers Syndrome and I dont pick up on sarcasm very well at all.

Thank you for ridiculing me for my handicap.

lol, just kidding, I dont give a fuck.


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The federal government gives you massive tax breaks just for having kids. Is that out of its jurisdiction?

No it is 1) the penalties that they will give you via the IRS if you dont get insurance, and 2) the unConstitutional increase in taxes via a bill that started in the SENATE instead of the House which all revenue bills are supposed to do.

Maybe the GOP House can find a real leader with some balls in the next session.

Who then? I mean you are right about having
Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.

Interesting. The RWnuts are now suddenly FOR executive orders. Magically they're not considered unconstitutional anymore?

lol, so it begins...

Yep - we're going to see even more lying and hypocrisy from the likes of the OP.

I would love to be a fly on the wall in the meeting Bammer and trump have. I bet Bamber offers to throw hillary under the bus if Trump promises not to sit all over his legacy.

The President should open the meeting by quietly taking Trump aside and saying,

you know, I'm not stepping down...
Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.
Barak Obama has set numerous precedences for Trump to follow, if he so chooses:

1. Authority to refuse to enforce existing law

2. Authority to By-Pass Congress to make Law

3. Authority to appoint Czars who have the ability to create / enforce law

4. Authority to take millions of tax dollars on his own and give it to the UN to support any UN program

5. Authority to by-pass Congress to make treaties, taking them straight to the UN for ratification when he's done

6. Authority to negotiate with terrorists / foreign nations and pay them ransoms for American hostages

7. Authority to protect entities who break US Federal Law (Mexican Drug cartels, Human Traffickers, Sanctuary cities, International Arms Dealers, Congressmen and Cabinet Members who commit perjury / violate the Hatch Act, etc...)

8. Authority to ignore Federal Court Orders

9. Authority to ignore FOIA requests

10. Authority to lie to the American people in order to push some minority-supported, agenda-driven legislation

11. Authority to drag the United States into Wars, especially to hsoelp terrorists, without Congressional approval to do so

...and so much more.

Yup, Barry has completely expanded the powers and authorities of the office of the President.
But I am sure that President Trump is too humble and meek to every abuse these things.
Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.

Listen, after Bush's Executive Orders (that you said nothing about) we knew you really didn't care about concentrated executive power.

After Bush and the GOP House/Senate raised the debt ceiling 3 times, we knew you really didn't care about deficits and debt.

Remember: the Democrats like government. Yours is the party that preaches against concentrated executive power. Don't play your hand so early and reveal that deep down you don't mind concentrated power as long as you're wielding it.
In fact, with the exception of immigration, my RIGHTS (specifically the 2nd amendment - that is the one under attack currently), and taxes, I would consider myself more leaning to the left. I would say that I am probably more a classical liberal in that sense though. It just so happens that the three issues I agree more with the right than the left on, are the more important issues to me.

I am also very interested to see what Donald does about government waste and the filthy out of control spending that goes on. He is probably very knowledgeable when it comes to getting rid of wasteful spending.

Every time one of the RWNJs says they're rights are under attack, I ask them to name them. They never can. I've also seen them say they have lost rights while Obama was prez but they can't name them.

Total disconnect between reality and hate. See 67 and 71 above for more.

In point of fact, Trump has said he would takes rights away fro Americans. More of the disconnect is that you RWNJs believe only the rights of liberals, Dems, progressive will lost rights if this monstrous choice gets his way..
Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.

This is the weird, short-sighted nature of politics, and it includes Congressional voting rules as well.

A lot of stuff is going to be crammed through now, and the Dems asked for it.
All Trump needs is an ink eraser to erase all of dunderheads executive orders.
Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.

Payback is a bitch, we endured 8 years of Obama circumventing our elected representatives in congress while Dem's in congress cheered his actions so Dem's you can say jack shit about what's coming your way.
In fact, with the exception of immigration, my RIGHTS (specifically the 2nd amendment - that is the one under attack currently), and taxes, I would consider myself more leaning to the left. I would say that I am probably more a classical liberal in that sense though. It just so happens that the three issues I agree more with the right than the left on, are the more important issues to me.

I am also very interested to see what Donald does about government waste and the filthy out of control spending that goes on. He is probably very knowledgeable when it comes to getting rid of wasteful spending.

Every time one of the RWNJs says they're rights are under attack, I ask them to name them. They never can. I've also seen them say they have lost rights while Obama was prez but they can't name them.

Total disconnect between reality and hate. See 67 and 71 above for more.

In point of fact, Trump has said he would takes rights away fro Americans. More of the disconnect is that you RWNJs believe only the rights of liberals, Dems, progressive will lost rights if this monstrous choice gets his way..
Just to name one, he destroyed towns that are 100% dependent on coal...
With majorities in the Senate and the House, let's get moving on Trump's First 100 days plan. It is a fantastic plan and will lay the groundwork for positive change.

Slash and burn is not a "plan". Indeed, he has no plan for anything except sucking up to Pooting.

The RWNJ traitors are thrilled.
Patriots, not so much.
You're missing the point, this was a election and a Repudiation of the establishment.
To the tea party or whatever you want to call it had a huge part in gaining the presidency, the house and the senate - along with State houses and governorships. Gains in every possible way because the anti-establishment movement in this country. We still have a unpayable debt but it seems someone actually cares about that now

That remains to be seen. the real test will be if Americans who voted against Hillary hold him accountable and keep him accountable. he made allot of promises and he will be judged on how he keeps them. He is way to friendly with McConnell and Bhoner for my liking. That aside he needs to have these done or started,

1. Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.
2. Rip up the Iran deal.
3. Rip up and replace Bamber care.
4. Rip up and repair NAFTA.
5. push for term limes in congress.

Those 5 stick in my head. He also has to show us he can bring companies back from over seas. Trump has to do all that with a hostile congress, and despite all the orgazams of the rabid Drumphfs and one guy on Fox news, he is pthe most unpopular president elect in history. he has his work cut out for him. maybe more so then the beast would have had she won .
Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.
Barak Obama has set numerous precedences for Trump to follow, if he so chooses:

1. Authority to refuse to enforce existing law

2. Authority to By-Pass Congress to make Law

3. Authority to appoint Czars who have the ability to create / enforce law

4. Authority to take millions of tax dollars on his own and give it to the UN to support any UN program

5. Authority to by-pass Congress to make treaties, taking them straight to the UN for ratification when he's done

6. Authority to negotiate with terrorists / foreign nations and pay them ransoms for American hostages

7. Authority to protect entities who break US Federal Law (Mexican Drug cartels, Human Traffickers, Sanctuary cities, International Arms Dealers, Congressmen and Cabinet Members who commit perjury / violate the Hatch Act, etc...)

8. Authority to ignore Federal Court Orders

9. Authority to ignore FOIA requests

10. Authority to lie to the American people in order to push some minority-supported, agenda-driven legislation

11. Authority to drag the United States into Wars, especially to hsoelp terrorists, without Congressional approval to do so

...and so much more.

Yup, Barry has completely expanded the powers and authorities of the office of the President.

What a total pile of dog doo. Seriously, that's just a stupid list of lies. I realize you want those things to be true but they simply are not. :bsflag:
Secondly, the real test is this.

You have the Presidency, House and Senate. You have the Supreme Court. You have more power to change things than any president since FDR.

Trump Promised:
  • Destroy ISIS very Quickly.
  • Build wall, make Mexico pay.
  • Bring Manufacturing jobs home
  • Get higher wages for struggling Americans
  • Replace ObamaCare with something affordable for all the hard-working, low-income families in the rust belt who voted for him.
Rather than creating enemies lists and hunting the now powerless Democratic opposition, you have to be accountable to your promises. You have to lead and save this country. This can't be merely a grievance movement that allows White Supremacists to rise, and people like Jim Bowie to spit on Liberals. At some point, this has to be a movement that improves the economic conditions of average Americans.

For instance, I would love ObamaCare to be replaced by something more affordable with lower premiums.

Trump promised it. Said it would be easy.

Now do it.

You have control of every branch of Government.

Stop gloating and spewing hate and just fucking deliver on your economic and foreign policy promises.
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Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.

Payback is a bitch, we endured 8 years of Obama circumventing our elected representatives in congress while Dem's in congress cheered his actions so Dem's you can say jack shit about what's coming your way.

Yup. Say jack shit about a whole lot of nothing. No revenge, no payback those demo will go on about their business.
In fact, with the exception of immigration, my RIGHTS (specifically the 2nd amendment - that is the one under attack currently), and taxes, I would consider myself more leaning to the left. I would say that I am probably more a classical liberal in that sense though. It just so happens that the three issues I agree more with the right than the left on, are the more important issues to me.

I am also very interested to see what Donald does about government waste and the filthy out of control spending that goes on. He is probably very knowledgeable when it comes to getting rid of wasteful spending.

Every time one of the RWNJs says they're rights are under attack, I ask them to name them. They never can. I've also seen them say they have lost rights while Obama was prez but they can't name them.

Total disconnect between reality and hate. See 67 and 71 above for more.

In point of fact, Trump has said he would takes rights away fro Americans. More of the disconnect is that you RWNJs believe only the rights of liberals, Dems, progressive will lost rights if this monstrous choice gets his way..

Hillary point blank stated she would appoint SCOTUS judges who were for gun control, AKA who want to reinterpret the original meaning of the constitution to blatantly violate it and our rights.
With majorities in the Senate and the House, let's get moving on Trump's First 100 days plan. It is a fantastic plan and will lay the groundwork for positive change.

Slash and burn is not a "plan". Indeed, he has no plan for anything except sucking up to Pooting.

The RWNJ traitors are thrilled.
Patriots, not so much.
You're missing the point, this was a election and a Repudiation of the establishment.
To the tea party or whatever you want to call it had a huge part in gaining the presidency, the house and the senate - along with State houses and governorships. Gains in every possible way because the anti-establishment movement in this country. We still have a unpayable debt but it seems someone actually cares about that now

That remains to be seen. the real test will be if Americans who voted against Hillary hold him accountable and keep him accountable. he made allot of promises and he will be judged on how he keeps them. He is way to friendly with McConnell and Bhoner for my liking. That aside he needs to have these done or started,

1. Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.
2. Rip up the Iran deal.
3. Rip up and replace Bamber care.
4. Rip up and repair NAFTA.
5. push for term limes in congress.

Those 5 stick in my head. He also has to show us he can bring companies back from over seas. Trump has to do all that with a hostile congress, and despite all the orgazams of the rabid Drumphfs and one guy on Fox news, he is pthe most unpopular president elect in history. he has his work cut out for him. maybe more so then the beast would have had she won .
Like I said I've never been a trump fan so to speak, but I think it took someone like him to do what needed to be done to the GOP establishment.
Like he said his feet will be held to the fire otherwise he will just fail...
Dont you dare give Trump any crap about whatever Executive orders he may issue.

You have been defending the most egregious usurpation of power in American history in peace time.

You have not one leg to stand on in criticizing any EOs that Trump puts out and he is going to bring a hailstorm of changes to EOs and the executive branch.

Now it is time for you to understand WHY allowing the President so much power is a very foolish thing to do even if you think he is your President.
I get it. Only Republicans get to complain about executive orders. You;ve been crying & whioning for 8 freakin years. So really.

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