Democrats, Explain Why You Want A Communist Country

Why do Republicans want a racist country?

We don't. We want a free and safe country.

Define Communism.

My own definition or the official one?
The official definition.
You will find that cries of Communism are nonsense.
Cries of Socialism may be more valid.
The big problem with this irrational fear of socialism or communism by those on the right, is the D Party is not pushing any socialist or communist policies. They are a neocon party just like the R Party
WRONG. They are pushing medicare for all and free college education. They are gonna pay off student loans. They will raise taxes bigtime. They don't give a shit about the economy. They want the rich to pay for everything they want and they don't care if businesses go under. They don't care about inflation. This minimum wage crap will kill jobs and small business and they push it anyway. Big corporations can afford to pay more taxes for freebies but small business cannot.

Several Dumbocrats have already suggested nationalizing big business.
There is that irrational fear. It’s base on nothing but propaganda.

Biden’s a neocon who has stated he will veto Medicaid for all. He campaigned on $15MW, but now in office has dropped it. Nationalize big business LMFAO.
Not like I'm going to get very many answers here either, but since the subject was already brought up in my Joe Biden question thread I was just curious.

If they're Democrats, they're not Communists. If they were Communists, they'd be Communists.
Why do Republicans want a racist country?

We don't. We want a free and safe country.

Define Communism.

My own definition or the official one?
The official definition.
You will find that cries of Communism are nonsense.
Cries of Socialism may be more valid.
Socialist propaganda is very appealing. It promises all sorts of freebies for everyone-free education, guarranteed income, free medical care, guarranteed jobs. The problem is socialism does not work or last in the real world. The Russians gave it up after 70 years and all of eastern europe gave it up after that.All of asia gave it up including china. It leads to poverty and dictatorship. Venezuela and Cuba and N Korea are a shambles. People only find out the hard way that it is bad.,
If only we had a communist movement in this country. It might help to limit the crazy imperialist corporatist neocon/neolib BS we all suffer under.
Not like I'm going to get very many answers here either, but since the subject was already brought up in my Joe Biden question thread I was just curious.
Which talk radio show or Trumpsters website told you that Dems want communism?

Oh yeah, all of them.

You are being duped. I wonder if you even know what communism actually is.
My college professors confirmed it back in the mid-1990s when they gave me really good grades for writing like Mao.

Talk radio told me NOTHING. I learned first hand.
Why do Republicans want a racist country?

We don't. We want a free and safe country.

Define Communism.

My own definition or the official one?
The official definition.
You will find that cries of Communism are nonsense.
Cries of Socialism may be more valid.
The big problem with this irrational fear of socialism or communism by those on the right, is the D Party is not pushing any socialist or communist policies. They are a neocon party just like the R Party
WRONG. They are pushing medicare for all and free college education. They are gonna pay off student loans. They will raise taxes bigtime. They don't give a shit about the economy. They want the rich to pay for everything they want and they don't care if businesses go under. They don't care about inflation. This minimum wage crap will kill jobs and small business and they push it anyway. Big corporations can afford to pay more taxes for freebies but small business cannot.

Several Dumbocrats have already suggested nationalizing big business.
There is that irrational fear. It’s base on nothing but propaganda.

Biden’s a neocon who has stated he will veto Medicaid for all. He campaigned on $15MW, but now in office has dropped it. Nationalize big business LMFAO.
Joe Biden is a chronic liar. Neocon???? He said he's gonna raise taxes alot. He wants to confiscate our guns and he admitted that. You are lucky the Democrats don't have control of the Senate.
Why do Republicans want a racist country?

We don't. We want a free and safe country.

Define Communism.

My own definition or the official one?
The official definition.
You will find that cries of Communism are nonsense.
Cries of Socialism may be more valid.
The big problem with this irrational fear of socialism or communism by those on the right, is the D Party is not pushing any socialist or communist policies. They are a neocon party just like the R Party
WRONG. They are pushing medicare for all and free college education. They are gonna pay off student loans. They will raise taxes bigtime. They don't give a shit about the economy. They want the rich to pay for everything they want and they don't care if businesses go under. They don't care about inflation. This minimum wage crap will kill jobs and small business and they push it anyway. Big corporations can afford to pay more taxes for freebies but small business cannot.

Several Dumbocrats have already suggested nationalizing big business.
There is that irrational fear. It’s base on nothing but propaganda.

Biden’s a neocon who has stated he will veto Medicaid for all. He campaigned on $15MW, but now in office has dropped it. Nationalize big business LMFAO.
Joe Biden is a chronic liar. Neocon???? He said he's gonna raise taxes alot. He wants to confiscate our guns and he admitted that. You are lucky the Democrats don't have control of the Senate.
You need to calm down and take a step back.

Biden is a neocon. You know how I know this? HIS 50 YEAR TRACK RECORD IN DC. LOOK IT UP! This isn’t hard.
Bernie and AOC won’t even push for universal HC. How are they going to implement Marxism
The simple answer is they are not. Not anytime soon. That doesn’t mean they don’t want to implement that change.

If the people in this nation are ever stupid or brainwashed enough to vote in Marxist socialism they will get just what they deserve.
Why do Republicans want a racist country?

We don't. We want a free and safe country.

Define Communism.

My own definition or the official one?
The official definition.
You will find that cries of Communism are nonsense.
Cries of Socialism may be more valid.
The big problem with this irrational fear of socialism or communism by those on the right, is the D Party is not pushing any socialist or communist policies. They are a neocon party just like the R Party
WRONG. They are pushing medicare for all and free college education. They are gonna pay off student loans. They will raise taxes bigtime. They don't give a shit about the economy. They want the rich to pay for everything they want and they don't care if businesses go under. They don't care about inflation. This minimum wage crap will kill jobs and small business and they push it anyway. Big corporations can afford to pay more taxes for freebies but small business cannot.

Several Dumbocrats have already suggested nationalizing big business.
There is that irrational fear. It’s base on nothing but propaganda.

Biden’s a neocon who has stated he will veto Medicaid for all. He campaigned on $15MW, but now in office has dropped it. Nationalize big business LMFAO.
Joe Biden is a chronic liar. Neocon???? He said he's gonna raise taxes alot. He wants to confiscate our guns and he admitted that. You are lucky the Democrats don't have control of the Senate.
You need to calm down and take a step back.

Biden is a neocon. You know how I know this? HIS 50 YEAR TRACK RECORD IN DC. LOOK IT UP! This isn’t hard.
Take a whiff of this
The root of Socialism is simple greed. The stupid mindset that you are somehow entitled to have somebody else pay your bills because you are alive.
The ironic thing about this "the commies are gonna get us" circus is that the constant use of the term turns it into a joke.

When undecided people see clowns screaming the term like Archie Bunker, they are more likely to become curious about it.

Just like these same people have done with "socialism". Now, the word scares no one, and it's gaining in popularity.

The few actual communists in this country should be sending people Thank You cards for their ignorance and paranoia.

Why do Republicans want a racist country?

We don't. We want a free and safe country.

Define Communism.

My own definition or the official one?
The official definition.
You will find that cries of Communism are nonsense.
Cries of Socialism may be more valid.
The big problem with this irrational fear of socialism or communism by those on the right, is the D Party is not pushing any socialist or communist policies. They are a neocon party just like the R Party
WRONG. They are pushing medicare for all and free college education. They are gonna pay off student loans. They will raise taxes bigtime. They don't give a shit about the economy. They want the rich to pay for everything they want and they don't care if businesses go under. They don't care about inflation. This minimum wage crap will kill jobs and small business and they push it anyway. Big corporations can afford to pay more taxes for freebies but small business cannot.

Several Dumbocrats have already suggested nationalizing big business.
There is that irrational fear. It’s base on nothing but propaganda.

Biden’s a neocon who has stated he will veto Medicaid for all. He campaigned on $15MW, but now in office has dropped it. Nationalize big business LMFAO.
Joe Biden is a chronic liar. Neocon???? He said he's gonna raise taxes alot. He wants to confiscate our guns and he admitted that. You are lucky the Democrats don't have control of the Senate.
You need to calm down and take a step back.

Biden is a neocon. You know how I know this? HIS 50 YEAR TRACK RECORD IN DC. LOOK IT UP! This isn’t hard.

The left wants marxism, specifically the transfer of wealth from those with means to those with needs.

So in other words they want to go ahead and steal from those who've earned it because they're too freaking lazy to get a job and would rather depend on the government taking care of them? Yeah, sounds about right actually. I guess I sort of answered my own question lol

You can stop this nonsense and file it with your other "Big Lies". It's already been reported that the majority of the people on some form of welfare are both employed and white. Plus, those same people are having trouble feeding their families, depend on all sorts of help just to make it from day to day. And then their heads get closer and closer to going under every day.

Joe McCarthy begat the John Birch Society which begat the Party of the Rumpers. Like the ones before, keep lying about it. But remember this, America is getting closer and closer to feeding our children.

The best way for anybody not to be poor is to not help to elect Left Wingers that screw up the economy with terrible Left Wing economic polices that create poverty.

The tremendous bloated cost of government in the US is a terrible burden on the economy and everybody pays for it directly and indirectly.

When Left Wing shitheads are elected things always get worse. For instance, when the Worthless Negro was elected by stupid Moon Bats poverty increase, family income decreased, debt soared with nothing to show for it and we had dismal economic growth. Joe Dufus is starting out with the same shit but with inflation thrown in.
Mad_Jack_Flint all the most wealthy are democrats bezos gates buffet oprah beyonce lebron kerry cuban i could go on forever


Democrats still have those like Cortez and Sanders who belongs to the DSA ( Democrat Socialists of America ) which is another name for Communists and they believe the State knows better for you, and their followers are growing.

Also the GOP has it millionaire to support it political cause, so let not pretend the left is the only one with it rich society…

In the end the stupid will get it form of communism it want and it will fail again like it has before because of:



Mad_Jack_Flint all the most wealthy are democrats bezos gates buffet oprah beyonce lebron kerry cuban i could go on forever


Democrats still have those like Cortez and Sanders who belongs to the DSA ( Democrat Socialists of America ) which is another name for Communists and they believe the State knows better to you, and their followers are growing.

Also the GOP has it millionaire to support it political cause, so let not pretend the left is the only one with it rich society…

In the end the stupid will get it form of communism it want and it will fail again like it has before because of:




LOLOL. Democratic Socialists aren't Communists. You should work on your vocabulary. Ignorance and hysteria aren't helpful to the country.
Not like I'm going to get very many answers here either, but since the subject was already brought up in my Joe Biden question thread I was just curious.
So why bother asking???
He is insecure in his political beliefs and wants to demean others so his ego is boosted.
she is a real female not a female democrat that believes shes a man .. so the correct term is she you gender confused idiot .

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