Democrats, Explain Why You Want A Communist Country

So why bother asking???

Doesn't matter now, I got my answer anyways.
have you noticed that the leftist havent refuted or criticized communism ....yes indeed you got their answer !good job !:cool:

They love it until they have it!

Funny how so many have forgotten the utter failure of the Soviet Union and how Greed, Sloth and Envy has destroyed every communist nation ever attempted.

Even China is not true communist nor is their beloved North Korea and the former Soviet Union still had it one percent class but it was the Government Officials and not the private citizen, so all that changes is the Government become wealthy while the private citizen suffers.

I challenge the DSA supporting crowd to show me on Communist nation where it people does not suffer from abuse from it government?
Mad_Jack_Flint all the most wealthy are democrats bezos gates buffet oprah beyonce lebron kerry cuban i could go on forever


Democrats still have those like Cortez and Sanders who belongs to the DSA ( Democrat Socialists of America ) which is another name for Communists and they believe the State knows better to you, and their followers are growing.

Also the GOP has it millionaire to support it political cause, so let not pretend the left is the only one with it rich society…

In the end the stupid will get it form of communism it want and it will fail again like it has before because of:




LOLOL. Democratic Socialists aren't Communists. You should work on your vocabulary. Ignorance and hysteria aren't helpful to the country.

Why must you lie?

Those like Sanders and Cortez support Communistic ideals and yet you deny this and why?

Maybe you should learn about the DSA and know that your beloved Cortez is a proud member and believe in Communism!
have you noticed that the leftist havent refuted or criticized communism ....yes indeed you got their answer !good job !:cool:
Here's an easy question for you:

What is your definition of a communist country?

Get as specific as you'd like. Thanks in advance.

And when anyone answers you will claim it is not or was not a communist country, so why answer?

The former Soviet Union was a communist country but to you that is heaven and what you want Mac…

Sanders praised the former Soviet Union and Cortez want to make the United States of America into it, and you would gladly join them!
No, that's my conclusion from what I see from the leftwingers on here.
And your conclusion being that if you’re not a flag waving hard right conservative republican, the only other thing you can be is a communist?
No you don’t need to be hard right conservative. At the same time, when you entertain redistribution of wealth, advocate government intervention and regulation to address income inequality, one is leaning communist.
have you noticed that the leftist havent refuted or criticized communism ....yes indeed you got their answer !good job !:cool:
Here's an easy question for you:

What is your definition of a communist country?

Get as specific as you'd like. Thanks in advance.

And when anyone answers you will claim it is not or was not a communist country, so why answer?

The former Soviet Union was a communist country but to you that is heaven and what you want Mac…

Sanders praised the former Soviet Union and Cortez want to make the United States of America into it, and you would gladly join them!
I don't see a definition there.

The definition is, in fact, pretty specific and clear.
have you noticed that the leftist havent refuted or criticized communism ....yes indeed you got their answer !good job !:cool:
Here's an easy question for you:

What is your definition of a communist country?

Get as specific as you'd like. Thanks in advance.

And when anyone answers you will claim it is not or was not a communist country, so why answer?

The former Soviet Union was a communist country but to you that is heaven and what you want Mac…

Sanders praised the former Soviet Union and Cortez want to make the United States of America into it, and you would gladly join them!
I don't see a definition there.

The definition is, in fact, pretty specific and clear.

Awww, Mac now is claiming the Soviet Union was not ran by the Communist Party and want history rewritten so he can now claim there was never any communist country ever!

I gave you a specific former country that was ran by the Communist Party, so why dodge little one?
have you noticed that the leftist havent refuted or criticized communism ....yes indeed you got their answer !good job !:cool:
Here's an easy question for you:

What is your definition of a communist country?

Get as specific as you'd like. Thanks in advance.

And when anyone answers you will claim it is not or was not a communist country, so why answer?

The former Soviet Union was a communist country but to you that is heaven and what you want Mac…

Sanders praised the former Soviet Union and Cortez want to make the United States of America into it, and you would gladly join them!
I don't see a definition there.

The definition is, in fact, pretty specific and clear.

Awww, Mac now is claiming the Soviet Union was not ran by the Communist Party and want history rewritten so he can now claim there was never any communist country ever!

I have you a specific former country that was ran by the Communist Party, so why dodge little one?
Still no definition. I wonder why.

You are dismissed.

Anyone else?
have you noticed that the leftist havent refuted or criticized communism ....yes indeed you got their answer !good job !:cool:
Here's an easy question for you:

What is your definition of a communist country?

Get as specific as you'd like. Thanks in advance.

And when anyone answers you will claim it is not or was not a communist country, so why answer?

The former Soviet Union was a communist country but to you that is heaven and what you want Mac…

Sanders praised the former Soviet Union and Cortez want to make the United States of America into it, and you would gladly join them!
I don't see a definition there.

The definition is, in fact, pretty specific and clear.

Awww, Mac now is claiming the Soviet Union was not ran by the Communist Party and want history rewritten so he can now claim there was never any communist country ever!

I have you a specific former country that was ran by the Communist Party, so why dodge little one?
Still no definition. I wonder why.

You are dismissed.

Anyone else?
Am I dismissed as well.. is it Recess Teacher?
have you noticed that the leftist havent refuted or criticized communism ....yes indeed you got their answer !good job !:cool:
Here's an easy question for you:

What is your definition of a communist country?

Get as specific as you'd like. Thanks in advance.

And when anyone answers you will claim it is not or was not a communist country, so why answer?

The former Soviet Union was a communist country but to you that is heaven and what you want Mac…

Sanders praised the former Soviet Union and Cortez want to make the United States of America into it, and you would gladly join them!
I don't see a definition there.

The definition is, in fact, pretty specific and clear.

Awww, Mac now is claiming the Soviet Union was not ran by the Communist Party and want history rewritten so he can now claim there was never any communist country ever!

I have you a specific former country that was ran by the Communist Party, so why dodge little one?
Still no definition. I wonder why.

You are dismissed.

Anyone else?

Dismissed because I pointed out the former Soviet Union was ran by the Communist Party?

Poor Mac getting his ass handed to him again when he asked a stupid question and knows he is just trolling and using word games so he can dodge the real question and that is why do you want the USA to become like the former Soviet Union?
No, that's my conclusion from what I see from the leftwingers on here.
And your conclusion being that if you’re not a flag waving hard right conservative republican, the only other thing you can be is a communist?
No you don’t need to be hard right conservative. At the same time, when you entertain redistribution of wealth, advocate government intervention and regulation to address income inequality, one is leaning communist.
"leaning communist" means virtually nothing.

It's right wing hyperbole
have you noticed that the leftist havent refuted or criticized communism ....yes indeed you got their answer !good job !:cool:
Here's an easy question for you:

What is your definition of a communist country?

Get as specific as you'd like. Thanks in advance.

And when anyone answers you will claim it is not or was not a communist country, so why answer?

The former Soviet Union was a communist country but to you that is heaven and what you want Mac…

Sanders praised the former Soviet Union and Cortez want to make the United States of America into it, and you would gladly join them!
I don't see a definition there.

The definition is, in fact, pretty specific and clear.

Awww, Mac now is claiming the Soviet Union was not ran by the Communist Party and want history rewritten so he can now claim there was never any communist country ever!

I have you a specific former country that was ran by the Communist Party, so why dodge little one?
Still no definition. I wonder why.

You are dismissed.

Anyone else?
Am I dismissed as well.. is it Recess Teacher?
You're certainly free to provide your definition of "communist country" if you'd like.

I have a very difficult time trying to get Trumpsters to do this.

Thanks in advance.
No, that's my conclusion from what I see from the leftwingers on here.
And your conclusion being that if you’re not a flag waving hard right conservative republican, the only other thing you can be is a communist?
No you don’t need to be hard right conservative. At the same time, when you entertain redistribution of wealth, advocate government intervention and regulation to address income inequality, one is leaning communist.

In a robust economy wealth is "redistributed" constantly... and its natural.. Some win, some lose ..
have you noticed that the leftist havent refuted or criticized communism ....yes indeed you got their answer !good job !:cool:
Here's an easy question for you:

What is your definition of a communist country?

Get as specific as you'd like. Thanks in advance.

And when anyone answers you will claim it is not or was not a communist country, so why answer?

The former Soviet Union was a communist country but to you that is heaven and what you want Mac…

Sanders praised the former Soviet Union and Cortez want to make the United States of America into it, and you would gladly join them!
I don't see a definition there.

The definition is, in fact, pretty specific and clear.

Awww, Mac now is claiming the Soviet Union was not ran by the Communist Party and want history rewritten so he can now claim there was never any communist country ever!

I have you a specific former country that was ran by the Communist Party, so why dodge little one?
Still no definition. I wonder why.

You are dismissed.

Anyone else?
Am I dismissed as well.. is it Recess Teacher?
You're certainly free to provide your definition of "communist country" if you'd like.

I have a very difficult time trying to get Trumpsters to do this.

Thanks in advance.

Now I am a Trumpster again according to you…

Again, the Former Soviet Union was ran by the Communist Party, which made it a communist nation, so there you have it Mac but you will deny this because it does not fit your definition of what true communism is to you…

Also Mac North Korea, Cuba and China are ran by Communist regimes, so will you deny this?

Different types of communism Mac but you knew this just like there are people that never voted for Trump but still find you to be a boring ass troll!
Why do Republicans want a racist country?

We don't. We want a free and safe country.

Define Communism.

My own definition or the official one?
The official definition.
You will find that cries of Communism are nonsense.
Cries of Socialism may be more valid.
The big problem with this irrational fear of socialism or communism by those on the right, is the D Party is not pushing any socialist or communist policies. They are a neocon party just like the R Party
WRONG. They are pushing medicare for all and free college education. They are gonna pay off student loans. They will raise taxes bigtime. They don't give a shit about the economy. They want the rich to pay for everything they want and they don't care if businesses go under. They don't care about inflation. This minimum wage crap will kill jobs and small business and they push it anyway. Big corporations can afford to pay more taxes for freebies but small business cannot.

Several Dumbocrats have already suggested nationalizing big business.
There is that irrational fear. It’s base on nothing but propaganda.

Biden’s a neocon who has stated he will veto Medicaid for all. He campaigned on $15MW, but now in office has dropped it. Nationalize big business LMFAO.
Joe Biden is a chronic liar. Neocon???? He said he's gonna raise taxes alot. He wants to confiscate our guns and he admitted that. You are lucky the Democrats don't have control of the Senate.
You need to calm down and take a step back.

Biden is a neocon. You know how I know this? HIS 50 YEAR TRACK RECORD IN DC. LOOK IT UP! This isn’t hard.


Did you know Biden and Bernie have been in DC forever. Please tell ONE progressive bill they’ve championed and gotten enacted? JUST ONE!

The reality is there hasn’t been ANY progressive legislation passed since the 1960s, but this somehow doesn’t occur to many cons. They allow their media to dupe them over and over again.

You probably think O The Neocon is a commie Marxist.
They don’t. You’ve misunderstood them. What makes you think they do?
They Don't? Are you really that blind? They worship che Guevara. They praised Cuban form of government in a so called documentary.

Go ahead explain it gipper.
Lol. Get gripe man. The Ds are no different from the Rs. Where have you been these past 50 years?

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