Democrats, Explain Why You Want A Communist Country

No, that's my conclusion from what I see from the leftwingers on here.
And your conclusion being that if you’re not a flag waving hard right conservative republican, the only other thing you can be is a communist?
No you don’t need to be hard right conservative. At the same time, when you entertain redistribution of wealth, advocate government intervention and regulation to address income inequality, one is leaning communist.
"leaning communist" means virtually nothing.

It's right wing hyperbole
bwaaahaaaahaaahaaa! thats the lefts new talking point as people call out their communist agenda ! lol ! communism means nothing ...while they push their marxist agenda ! lol ! is that what your dear leaders instructing you to say comrade ! McCarthy was right !
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Potterhead2021, I'm having a heck of a time getting people to provide a specific definition of "communist country".

Personally, I can define it in one medium-length sentence.

Since you started the thread with that term, perhaps you could provide a definition of the term for us, so that we're all on the same page.

Thanks in advance!
China ...ran by the CCP . any more questions idiot .... now i know you are going to say that China has rich billionaires that practice capitalism but said billionaires are powerful oligarchs with immense political power and deep ties to the gov !
Evidently you don't understand the difference between "definition" and "example".

Perhaps you should look up the definition of "definition".

Now, try again. What is your definition of the term "communist country"?
pal stop with your stupid bullshit ! bwaaaahaaaaahaaaahaaaa! so tell us what is your definition of a communist country if a communist country isnt the definition of a communist country ! bwaaaahaaaahaaaaaa ! do you know why im laughing at your stupid ass again ? i'm laughing because you actualy believe your arguement is clever ! bwaahaaaahaaaaaa .. so i'll go ahead and end this stupidity ...bwaaaaahaaaahaaaaaa ! Communist state - Wikipedia
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Potterhead2021, I'm having a heck of a time getting people to provide a specific definition of "communist country".

Personally, I can define it in one medium-length sentence.

Since you started the thread with that term, perhaps you could provide a definition of the term for us, so that we're all on the same page.

Thanks in advance!
China ...ran by the CCP . any more questions idiot .... now i know you are going to say that China has rich billionaires that practice capitalism but said billionaires are powerful oligarchs with immense political power and deep ties to the gov !
Evidently you don't understand the difference between "definition" and "example".

Perhaps you should look up the definition of "definition".

Now, try again. What is your definition of the term "communist country"?
pal stop with you stupid bullshit ! bwaaaahaaaaahaaaahaaaa! so tell us what is your definition of communist country if a communist country isnt the definition of a communist country ! bwaaaahaaaahaaaaaa ! do you know why im laughing at your stupid ass again ? i'm laughing because you actualy believe your arguement is clever ! bwaahaaaahaaaaaa .. so i'll go ahead and end this stupidity ...bwaaaaahaaaahaaaaaa ! Communist state - Wikipedia
Yikes. It was a simple question. Drama queening not required.

If you don't know, you don't know. I'm not surprised.
Potterhead2021, I'm having a heck of a time getting people to provide a specific definition of "communist country".

Personally, I can define it in one medium-length sentence.

Since you started the thread with that term, perhaps you could provide a definition of the term for us, so that we're all on the same page.

Thanks in advance!
China ...ran by the CCP . any more questions idiot .... now i know you are going to say that China has rich billionaires that practice capitalism but said billionaires are powerful oligarchs with immense political power and deep ties to the gov !
Evidently you don't understand the difference between "definition" and "example".

Perhaps you should look up the definition of "definition".

Now, try again. What is your definition of the term "communist country"?
pal stop with you stupid bullshit ! bwaaaahaaaaahaaaahaaaa! so tell us what is your definition of communist country if a communist country isnt the definition of a communist country ! bwaaaahaaaahaaaaaa ! do you know why im laughing at your stupid ass again ? i'm laughing because you actualy believe your arguement is clever ! bwaahaaaahaaaaaa .. so i'll go ahead and end this stupidity ...bwaaaaahaaaahaaaaaa ! Communist state - Wikipedia
and ...bwaaaahaaaaahaaaaahaaaaa! and here is an example of a communist countries ....
Potterhead2021, I'm having a heck of a time getting people to provide a specific definition of "communist country".

Personally, I can define it in one medium-length sentence.

Since you started the thread with that term, perhaps you could provide a definition of the term for us, so that we're all on the same page.

Thanks in advance!
China ...ran by the CCP . any more questions idiot .... now i know you are going to say that China has rich billionaires that practice capitalism but said billionaires are powerful oligarchs with immense political power and deep ties to the gov !
Evidently you don't understand the difference between "definition" and "example".

Perhaps you should look up the definition of "definition".

Now, try again. What is your definition of the term "communist country"?
pal stop with you stupid bullshit ! bwaaaahaaaaahaaaahaaaa! so tell us what is your definition of communist country if a communist country isnt the definition of a communist country ! bwaaaahaaaahaaaaaa ! do you know why im laughing at your stupid ass again ? i'm laughing because you actualy believe your arguement is clever ! bwaahaaaahaaaaaa .. so i'll go ahead and end this stupidity ...bwaaaaahaaaahaaaaaa ! Communist state - Wikipedia
Yikes. It was a simple question. Drama queening not required.

If you don't know, you don't know. I'm not surprised.
look everybody ! its still trying to be clever !:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Why do Republicans want a racist country?

We don't. We want a free and safe country.

Define Communism.

My own definition or the official one?
The official definition.
You will find that cries of Communism are nonsense.
Cries of Socialism may be more valid.
The big problem with this irrational fear of socialism or communism by those on the right, is the D Party is not pushing any socialist or communist policies. They are a neocon party just like the R Party
WRONG. They are pushing medicare for all and free college education. They are gonna pay off student loans. They will raise taxes bigtime. They don't give a shit about the economy. They want the rich to pay for everything they want and they don't care if businesses go under. They don't care about inflation. This minimum wage crap will kill jobs and small business and they push it anyway. Big corporations can afford to pay more taxes for freebies but small business cannot.

Several Dumbocrats have already suggested nationalizing big business.
There is that irrational fear. It’s base on nothing but propaganda.

Biden’s a neocon who has stated he will veto Medicaid for all. He campaigned on $15MW, but now in office has dropped it. Nationalize big business LMFAO.
Joe Biden is a chronic liar. Neocon???? He said he's gonna raise taxes alot. He wants to confiscate our guns and he admitted that. You are lucky the Democrats don't have control of the Senate.
You need to calm down and take a step back.

Biden is a neocon. You know how I know this? HIS 50 YEAR TRACK RECORD IN DC. LOOK IT UP! This isn’t hard.


Did you know Biden and Bernie have been in DC forever. Please tell ONE progressive bill they’ve championed and gotten enacted? JUST ONE!

The reality is there hasn’t been ANY progressive legislation passed since the 1960s, but this somehow doesn’t occur to many cons. They allow their media to dupe them over and over again.

You probably think O The Neocon is a commie Marxist.

Obama was is a Liberal that had a progressive agenda but was not communist at all!

Cortez is Communist and Sanders did praise the Soviet Union…
What major legislation did Ears get passed that was progressive? Name it.

Name one bill Cortez or Bernie got passed that is considered communist? Just one!
well those terrible so called republican racist in congress have been an obstacle [the only obstacle] to passing her and others like her marxist agenda .
Potterhead2021, I'm having a heck of a time getting people to provide a specific definition of "communist country".

Personally, I can define it in one medium-length sentence.

Since you started the thread with that term, perhaps you could provide a definition of the term for us, so that we're all on the same page.

Thanks in advance!
China ...ran by the CCP . any more questions idiot .... now i know you are going to say that China has rich billionaires that practice capitalism but said billionaires are powerful oligarchs with immense political power and deep ties to the gov !
Evidently you don't understand the difference between "definition" and "example".

Perhaps you should look up the definition of "definition".

Now, try again. What is your definition of the term "communist country"?
pal stop with you stupid bullshit ! bwaaaahaaaaahaaaahaaaa! so tell us what is your definition of communist country if a communist country isnt the definition of a communist country ! bwaaaahaaaahaaaaaa ! do you know why im laughing at your stupid ass again ? i'm laughing because you actualy believe your arguement is clever ! bwaahaaaahaaaaaa .. so i'll go ahead and end this stupidity ...bwaaaaahaaaahaaaaaa ! Communist state - Wikipedia
Yikes. It was a simple question. Drama queening not required.

If you don't know, you don't know. I'm not surprised.
look everybody ! its still trying to be clever !:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Okay, I tried!
Communism happens when enough lower and working class feel they’re being screw by the bourgeois.
And we are well down that road but many Americans can’t see it, though it’s transparently evident.
Potterhead2021, I'm having a heck of a time getting people to provide a specific definition of "communist country".

Personally, I can define it in one medium-length sentence.

Since you started the thread with that term, perhaps you could provide a definition of the term for us, so that we're all on the same page.

Thanks in advance!
China ...ran by the CCP . any more questions idiot .... now i know you are going to say that China has rich billionaires that practice capitalism but said billionaires are powerful oligarchs with immense political power and deep ties to the gov !
Evidently you don't understand the difference between "definition" and "example".

Perhaps you should look up the definition of "definition".

Now, try again. What is your definition of the term "communist country"?
pal stop with you stupid bullshit ! bwaaaahaaaaahaaaahaaaa! so tell us what is your definition of communist country if a communist country isnt the definition of a communist country ! bwaaaahaaaahaaaaaa ! do you know why im laughing at your stupid ass again ? i'm laughing because you actualy believe your arguement is clever ! bwaahaaaahaaaaaa .. so i'll go ahead and end this stupidity ...bwaaaaahaaaahaaaaaa ! Communist state - Wikipedia
Yikes. It was a simple question. Drama queening not required.

If you don't know, you don't know. I'm not surprised.
look everybody ! its still trying to be clever !:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Okay, I tried!
bwaaaaahaaaaahaaaaaaa ! did yall hear what it said !!! it tried ! bwaaaahaaaaahaaaa ! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Potterhead2021, I'm having a heck of a time getting people to provide a specific definition of "communist country".

Personally, I can define it in one medium-length sentence.

Since you started the thread with that term, perhaps you could provide a definition of the term for us, so that we're all on the same page.

Thanks in advance!
China ...ran by the CCP . any more questions idiot .... now i know you are going to say that China has rich billionaires that practice capitalism but said billionaires are powerful oligarchs with immense political power and deep ties to the gov !
Lol. Exactly like the US, but you’re blind to it.
Not like I'm going to get very many answers here either, but since the subject was already brought up in my Joe Biden question thread I was just curious.
Your answer is…..We don’t.

Now you can end your thread
If by “socialism” you mean supporting things like:

a strong safety-net
protections for our most vulnerable: disabled, mentally ill, children, elderly
healthcare for all as a right
laws that protect consumers from fraudulent or deceptive practices
family friendly policies such as maternity/paternity leave, childcare support for workers
Investment in public spaces, especially green spaces
a belief that along with rights come responsibilities

Then yup, I am a socialist...a Democratic Socialist (but not a Democrat). None of this is communism. I don’t know anyone who wants communism.
I am sure those are probably the things the people of Venezuela wanted, but when dealing power-hungry narcissists (all of them are) you end up giving them totalitarian power and walk away holding a bag of shit.
Not like I'm going to get very many answers here either, but since the subject was already brought up in my Joe Biden question thread I was just curious.
Your answer is…..We don’t.

Now you can end your thread
I can't get them to define "communist country" for me.

You keep saying this after I have done it no less than 20 times. I do it every FUCKING TIME you ask for it. I point out the differences and demonstrate how they are ultimately the same bag of dog doo.

Do you want me to do it AGAIN??????????????????
Not like I'm going to get very many answers here either, but since the subject was already brought up in my Joe Biden question thread I was just curious.
Your answer is…..We don’t.

Now you can end your thread
I can't get them to define "communist country" for me.

You keep saying this after I have done it no less than 20 times. I do it every FUCKING TIME you ask for it. I point out the differences and demonstrate how they are ultimately the same bag of dog doo.

Do you want me to do it AGAIN??????????????????
Yes, please. An actual definition of the term.

My definition is one medium-length sentence.
Communism happens when enough lower and working class feel they’re being screw by the bourgeois.

The "bourgeoisie" is just the foreign language term for "Middle Class" you know.

Sleepy Joe would refer to them as "Deplorables"
Not like I'm going to get very many answers here either, but since the subject was already brought up in my Joe Biden question thread I was just curious.
Your answer is…..We don’t.

Now you can end your thread
I can't get them to define "communist country" for me.

What democrats want is a monthly stipend for everyone who unwilling to work for whatever reason they choose

Then they want subsidized housing, medicaid for all, and any other free stuff not listed here

They are loathe to call it communism

But by moving to a one-party system, by any name you choose it wont be pretty
Not like I'm going to get very many answers here either, but since the subject was already brought up in my Joe Biden question thread I was just curious.
Your answer is…..We don’t.

Now you can end your thread
I can't get them to define "communist country" for me.

What democrats want is a monthly stipend for everyone who unwilling to work for whatever reason they choose

Then they want subsidized housing, medicaid for all, and any other free stuff not listed here

They are loathe to call it communism

But by moving to a one-party system, by any name you choose it wont be pretty
Still waiting.

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