Democrats’ extremism, incivility, gaslighting precludes civil response

The FBI and AntiFa on a false flag mission...

Tell me who was charged with insurrection? Anyone? No.

Trump wasn't a dictator at all, that is just extremist rhetoric.

Ever hear of CHOP/CHAZ? Now that WAS an insurrection.

Nope, you just don't like the truth.

You have yet to state one truth.
IOW, it’s not our fault we’re crazy from the internet, it’s because Democrats treat us like we’re crazy when we say they all need to die!!!!

And then you proceeded to spout all of your usual, lies, and talking points about what Democrats want and who they believe and who they follow.

When you continue with crazy talk like your second paragraph we’re going to continue to treat you is crazy and in need of treatment.
If I cared what you think, then you might have a point, but I don’t….
If I cared what you think, then you might have a point, but I don’t….

You don't care about ANYTHING that shows how fully invested you are in Trump's lies and hatred. That is EXACTLY what makes you a member of a cult. Everyone else is out to get you.
I've seen this kind of cult like programming before. It's common in multi-level marketing schemes, and other con games.
Republicans are authoritarians and they are laying out their authoritarian plans.
How? By limiting the size and scope of government? By ensuring greater freedom and INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY than any far Left loon like you can ever achieve? Please. You people are such evil, degenerate slugs it not funny anymore.
Democrats, and especially liberal progressives in here don't want a civility...They dream, as leading figures like Hillary call for interment camps for those that oppose their sick, warped ideology, this is nothing new....

From George Bernard Shaw in the 20s, to Alinsky, and Ayres in the 70s, to now the likes of party leaders like Clinton today, they are sociopaths that would go as far as to murder those who refuse to bend the knee to their ideological vision, and pledge allegiance....They are worse than the Nazi's of the 30s, they are the destroyers of freedom...
Get out of your Right Wing Media bubble...

Let's be clear... The rest of the world sees this and while general news in US is over commercialised (i.e. if it bleeds it leads), the news channels like CNN & MSNBC is considered to be far more accurate than the Right Wing like Fox News. These are in countries that still have high-end investigative reporting (BBC Panorama, 60 Minutes(Australia), Channel 4 News (UK), Prime Time Investigates (Ireland))... We know how actual journalism works, they have evidence.
In fairness Vice News, PBS Frontline, Washington Post, Last Week Tonight... do incredible investigative journalism but they struggle to hit the audiences the others do in there home countries. And even when they do they are drowned out as bias by the large commercial outputs who are geared to tell the audience what they want to hear...
Get out of your Right Wing Media bubble...

Let's be clear... The rest of the world sees this and while general news in US is over commercialised (i.e. if it bleeds it leads), the news channels like CNN & MSNBC is considered to be far more accurate than the Right Wing like Fox News. These are in countries that still have high-end investigative reporting (BBC Panorama, 60 Minutes(Australia), Channel 4 News (UK), Prime Time Investigates (Ireland))... We know how actual journalism works, they have evidence.
In fairness Vice News, PBS Frontline, Washington Post, Last Week Tonight... do incredible investigative journalism but they struggle to hit the audiences the others do in there home countries. And even when they do they are drowned out as bias by the large commercial outputs who are geared to tell the audience what they want to hear...
Oh please….All of these outlets you named, and left many more out, have, and display a left bias. You complain about Fox, yet when you look at the facts, FNC routinely tries to give liberals a voice on their channels…I don’t think you can say the same for toxic outlets like MSNBC for example…

While, I would agree that commercialized media has fanned the flames of divisions in this country, to come in here and point the finger of blame for this at only your ideological opposition, is crazy, and rather childish.

If I need to get out of my media bubble, then surely you do too. The difference is that your bubble is bigger.

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