Democrats face these major headwinds in 2022 elections

Midterms are a year and a half away. The most important factor in those elections has yet to occur. We have a rather short memory.

Slow Joe's dementia will guarantee a shellacking
Maybe. But we are looking at having 5-6% GDP growth and very good wage growth as well.

Anything could happen between now and November 2022.

It's not about the economy, if so Trump would have won in a landslide

The dem's downfall will be the "woke" shit.

Trust me.... people are tired of it, I hear it constantly...

A worthless sec defense.

Awww, little white privilege problem for you?
Aside from the historical trend of the opposition party gaining seats in midterm elections, the author discusses issues such as an uptick in violent crime, the border crisis, rising inflation, and critical race theory combined with their already slim majority, as issues that may work against Democrats keeping a majority in Congress after next year's elections.

Okay, but i agree with the other poster who said we have short memories. But i do wonder why the author didnt also mention the GOP campaign to pass laws that suppress the vote. Seems to me thats a pretty big factor regardles sof anything else that happens.

Except that is not true. It is a Dim talking point that no one believes. Requiring an I.d. to vote is not voter suppression. The vast majority of Americans black and white support voter I.d. 46 out of 47 European countries require photo I.d. to vote.

Chain of custody for voting is not voter suppression. It prevents cheating. Making ballot harvesting illegal is not voter suppression, it prevents cheating.
Aside from the historical trend of the opposition party gaining seats in midterm elections, the author discusses issues such as an uptick in violent crime, the border crisis, rising inflation, and critical race theory combined with their already slim majority, as issues that may work against Democrats keeping a majority in Congress after next year's elections.

I would add the protracted school closings have ticked off a LOT of moderate and even blue state moms. I know a lot personally and online who are Democrats who have said they will never vote blue again.

Do not mess with mothers' kids.
Cool story.
Aside from the historical trend of the opposition party gaining seats in midterm elections, the author discusses issues such as an uptick in violent crime, the border crisis, rising inflation, and critical race theory combined with their already slim majority, as issues that may work against Democrats keeping a majority in Congress after next year's elections.

Okay, but i agree with the other poster who said we have short memories. But i do wonder why the author didnt also mention the GOP campaign to pass laws that suppress the vote. Seems to me thats a pretty big factor regardles sof anything else that happens.

Except that is not true. It is a Dim talking point that no one believes. Requiring an I.d. to vote is not voter suppression. The vast majority of Americans black and white support voter I.d. 46 out of 47 European countries require photo I.d. to vote.

Chain of custody for voting is not voter suppression. It prevents cheating. Making ballot harvesting illegal is not voter suppression, it prevents cheating.
Wrong the false chain of custody argument is to put a barriers to vote.
Midterms are a year and a half away. The most important factor in those elections has yet to occur. We have a rather short memory.

Slow Joe's dementia will guarantee a shellacking
Maybe. But we are looking at having 5-6% GDP growth and very good wage growth as well.

Anything could happen between now and November 2022.

It's not about the economy, if so Trump would have won in a landslide

The dem's downfall will be the "woke" shit.

Trust me.... people are tired of it, I hear it constantly...

A worthless sec defense.

Awww, little white privilege problem for you?

Not at all. He's a woke sec def loyal to biden who swims with the herd and has no spine to look at real problems, espouses faux white supremacy outrage. IOW, worthless. Has nothing to do with privilege.
Midterms are a year and a half away. The most important factor in those elections has yet to occur. We have a rather short memory.

Slow Joe's dementia will guarantee a shellacking
Maybe. But we are looking at having 5-6% GDP growth and very good wage growth as well.

Anything could happen between now and November 2022.

It's not about the economy, if so Trump would have won in a landslide

The dem's downfall will be the "woke" shit.

Trust me.... people are tired of it, I hear it constantly...

A worthless sec defense.

Awww, little white privilege problem for you?

Not at all. He's a woke sec def loyal to biden who swims with the herd and has no spine to look at real problems, espouses faux white supremacy outrage. IOW, worthless. Has nothing to do with privilege.

The general spoke truth to power and you got butthurt over it.
Chain of custody for voting is not voter suppression. It prevents cheating. Making ballot harvesting illegal is not voter suppression, it prevents cheating.
We already have chain of custody for voting.

You mean like those unmonitored vote drop boxes next to porta potties and bird feeders than any one can tamper with. Yeah....chain of custody. :lol:

Dims really are idiots.
Aside from the historical trend of the opposition party gaining seats in midterm elections, the author discusses issues such as an uptick in violent crime, the border crisis, rising inflation, and critical race theory combined with their already slim majority, as issues that may work against Democrats keeping a majority in Congress after next year's elections.

Okay, but i agree with the other poster who said we have short memories.
It's predicated on the idea these issues will still be present during the election. If they are resolved by then, you are correct, they will not largely be on the public's mind.
What's more is non-white people have never felt so close to equality, yet painfully aware that they are still not being treated equally.
Non-white people voted for Trump in larger numbers than Romney, McCain, and Bush (with the exception of Hispanics who almost half went for Bush in 2004). Whether or not the Republican Party is smart enough to capitalize on that, again, remains to be seen.
You'd better think back to the 1930s...a terrible economy, yet FDR was repeatedly reelected. Perhaps it's true that 'man cannot live by bread alone'!
Surely, you aren't comparing Biden to FDR.
The Republicans face an even more difficult headwind. Trying to get elected while screaming the 2020 election was stolen without a shred of proof.

Seriously, even for voters that may not like certain policies it's a choice between semi-respectable governing and bat-shit crazy Qanon quacks.
Midterms are a year and a half away. The most important factor in those elections has yet to occur. We have a rather short memory.
Under normal circumstances you would be correct.

Nearly 2 years of rioting is not normal.
A massive constant spike in crime is not normal.
Basic necessities being over priced or unavailable is not normal.
Parents FLOODING school board meetings is not normal.
Censoring speech is not normal.
The disaster at the border is not normal.
Rolling power blackouts is not normal.
Cities losing population because of democrat policies is not normal.
Not charging rioters with crimes is not normal.
Holding protestors from the right indefinitely without charges is not normal.

None of this shit the left has brought upon us is normal.
Straight republican ticket for me in the midterms

This demoquack shit is past old

Straight ticket voting is how you end up with Marjorie Taylor-Greene and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I always vote for the candidate. Never a party
Aside from the historical trend of the opposition party gaining seats in midterm elections, the author discusses issues such as an uptick in violent crime, the border crisis, rising inflation, and critical race theory combined with their already slim majority, as issues that may work against Democrats keeping a majority in Congress after next year's elections.

Okay, but i agree with the other poster who said we have short memories.
It's predicated on the idea these issues will still be present during the election. If they are resolved by then, you are correct, they will not largely be on the public's mind.
Totally fair.
The Republicans face an even more difficult headwind. Trying to get elected while screaming the 2020 election was stolen without a shred of proof.

Seriously, even for voters that may not like certain policies it's a choice between semi-respectable governing and bat-shit crazy Qanon quacks.

I would hardly put the likes of Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Maxine Waters, and AOC in the category of semi respectable governing.
Midterms are a year and a half away. The most important factor in those elections has yet to occur. We have a rather short memory.
Under normal circumstances you would be correct.

Nearly 2 years of rioting is not normal.
A massive constant spike in crime is not normal.
Basic necessities being over priced or unavailable is not normal.
Parents FLOODING school board meetings is not normal.
Censoring speech is not normal.
The disaster at the border is not normal.
Rolling power blackouts is not normal.
Cities losing population because of democrat policies is not normal.
Not charging rioters with crimes is not normal.
Holding protestors from the right indefinitely without charges is not normal.

None of this shit the left has brought upon us is normal.
As goofy as that attempt by you is, we still saw what was even less normal voted out just 8 months ago.
Under normal circumstances you would be correct.

Nearly 2 years of rioting is not normal.
A massive constant spike in crime is not normal.
Basic necessities being over priced or unavailable is not normal.
Parents FLOODING school board meetings is not normal.
Censoring speech is not normal.
The disaster at the border is not normal.
Rolling power blackouts is not normal.
Cities losing population because of democrat policies is not normal.
Not charging rioters with crimes is not normal.
Holding protestors from the right indefinitely without charges is not normal.

None of this shit the left has brought upon us is normal.
Many of these were occurring last year and it didn't help Trump get a second term.
You mean like those unmonitored vote drop boxes next to porta potties and bird feeders than any one can tamper with. Yeah....chain of custody
What’s the difference between a vote drop box and a mailbox?'re kidding... right? :lol: Many voting drop boxes were not secure (I.e. made of cardboard, unlocked, unmonitored). Very easily tampered with.

Ever tried to lift a postal service mailbox? There is a 500 lbs block of concrete in the base. It is also a major felony to mess with a postal mailbox. A voting drop box........

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