Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

most of the people who run your party

LOL, so you disagree with Republicans on every issue, but you are one. Or were. I disagree with Republicans on most issues say I'm not one, but it turns out I am one as well.

So since you think Republicans disagree with the Republican party, would Democrats be the ones who agree with them? How does that work exactly?
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Well, yeah... that's the horseshit they (and apparently, you) are selling. But no, it's got nothing to do with it. The Hobby Lobby case is about how much power the government has to dictate our economic decisions. In this case, an employers decision as to how to compensate their employees. It's unfortunate that it's only addressing the isolated case of religious objections, and even more unfortunate that they chose to resolve it by extending special privileges, rather than protecting universal rights.

The real problem here is the expansive interpretation of the commerce clause. We really blew it there. General freedom can't exist without economic freedom.

Whenever I hear one of you wingnuts talk about "Freedom", it's usually the ability of wealthy to mess with the rest of us with impunity.

I've had about as much "Freedom" as I can stand, thank you.

If Employers don't want to play by the rules and provide decent insurance, there's a simple solution.

It's the one every other industrialized democracy has come up with- Single Payer, everyone is covered.
most of the people who run your party

LOL, so you disagree with Republicans on every issue, but you are one. Or were. I disagree with Republicans on most issues say I'm not one, but it turns out I am one as well.

So since you think Republicans disagree with the Republican party, would Democrats be the ones who agree with them? How does that work exactly?

I wouldn't know. I think the Republican Party used to be sane until they decided to start pandering to you extremists who have nowhere else to go, anyway.
It's over, give it up. You lost in the SCOTUS, you lost in the Senate that YOU control. Game. Set. Match.

Guy, you are missing the point.

What the GOP is saying - again - is that religious crazies should be able to tell women what to do with their own lady parts.

The Democrats need to keep talking about this, because it's only a matter of time before we get one of you guys making a statement like "Legitimate Rape" or "Gift from God" rape. G]

No the GOP is not. Your ignorant argument has been soundly defeated. All it says is that people cannot be forced to provide abortion for free. It does NOTHING to prevent women who want it from getting it.

It's over, your lies have been debunked and you lost. Give it up.

First of all, no one is making anyone pay for abortion. They should. It should be a requirement.

Second, your side is crapping your pants at the though that Democrats WILL make this an issue this year and more importantly in 2016.
most of the people who run your party

LOL, so you disagree with Republicans on every issue, but you are one. Or were. I disagree with Republicans on most issues say I'm not one, but it turns out I am one as well.

So since you think Republicans disagree with the Republican party, would Democrats be the ones who agree with them? How does that work exactly?

I wouldn't know. I think the Republican Party used to be sane until they decided to start pandering to you extremists who have nowhere else to go, anyway.

So you're a Republican because you're fucking nuts? I can't disagree with that. Why am I one then?
It found a corporate documents has more rights than a citizen.

That's truly bizarre.

It did not.

Even if it did, I can site well over 100 years of legal decisions that say corporations have rights, and those rights sometimes negatively impact individuals how enter into contracts with corporations. The empoyees of Hobby Lobby entered into a contract, and the government does not have unilateral power to rewrite contracts.

Actually, the government rewrites contracts all the time. Do you know what I'm doing this week? I'm asking 200 of my vendors to confirm that they are not using metals purchased from the Congo because of a part of the Dodd-Frank act that says we can't buy metals from places where there are wars going on.

I guess maybe we should tell them that our Great God Ugga-Booga demands we buy gold from the Congo, and therefore we should be able to ignore this law.

Honestly, because that's about as moral and logical as letting Hobby Lobby tell a lady what she can stick in her hoo-ha.

I am sure you thought you had a point, but unless your contract with your vendors included a clause that said the metals were coming from the Congo you really don't.
It's over, give it up. You lost in the SCOTUS, you lost in the Senate that YOU control. Game. Set. Match.

Guy, you are missing the point.

What the GOP is saying - again - is that religious crazies should be able to tell women what to do with their own lady parts.

The Democrats need to keep talking about this, because it's only a matter of time before we get one of you guys making a statement like "Legitimate Rape" or "Gift from God" rape.

You would have a point, except that the only people saying that are Democrats.
It's over, give it up. You lost in the SCOTUS, you lost in the Senate that YOU control. Game. Set. Match.

Guy, you are missing the point.

What the GOP is saying - again - is that religious crazies should be able to tell women what to do with their own lady parts.

Fine. That's your point. And I'll grant you that, for some of them anyway, that's true. But that's not what the Hobby Lobby case is about.

And that's why....
The Democrats need to keep talking about this, because it's only a matter of time before we get one of you guys making a statement like "Legitimate Rape" or "Gift from God" rape.
Exactly. It's politically important that the Democrats steer people from thinking about the actual ideological issues at the heart of this case.

Take not here, dblack actually disagrees with the Hobby Lobby decision, but he still has the intellectual honesty to point out the absurdity of the arguments made by [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION].
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I've had a complete change of heart on this issue.

I now believe the government should force all businesses regardless of size to provide coverage that provides birth control for some women.
Furthermore, I think the government should provide free birth control for some women that are not employed.

There would be just one requirement. All women seeking this coverage must prove they are genuine liberals.

As I've always said, the best thing about liberals is they have few children. I would like to make sure that that pattern continues.

I guess it's a good thing then that a good portion of cons are genetic mutants unable to reproduce.

Ha ha loser. You lost and you've resorted to childishness. It's always these cases where the lib lies get defeated that brings out a libs ignorant behavior.

Congratulations idiot.

a snide, contextually meaningless, poorly executed, crude attempt at anti-lib humor.
I responded in kind. I can't imagine how anybody could find a winner or loser in this farce except perhaps a rabid intellectually challenged ideologue like yourself.
Funny, I had a contract with my employer. It's the one where they said that I work for them, they pay for my medical care.
Bitch impotently about it some more. That's SURE to get you your job back!

You had your chance to get your day in court.

It was too haaaaaaard. :(

Sissy bedwetter.

No, it just wasn't worth the trouble. Keep in mind, that company lost 70% of it's employees after the crash, (A sizeable portion of their business was tied to the housing market, which took a dump).

Also, putting my name to a lawsuit is not the way to keep advancing in my career field. The last thing you want in my specialty is a reputation for suing people.

You see, you are mistaking how I handled a problem with what I think policy should be. I handle whatever problems I run into. But I also think policies need to change.

Employer provided health care doesn't work.
So, you refused to do anything about it.

Then shut the fuck up. We're not obligated to solve your problems for you because you refuse to.

Incidentally, I don't have a problem with pensions. I have a problem with someone who gets a pension whines about how government spends too much... on the other guy.
No, you stupid lazy Commie douchebag, you're NOT entitled to my pension.

I'm not asking for your pension for myself guy. But if you are going to insist that the government spends too much money and we are going broke and some rich person might be deprived of a Dressage Horsie if he has to pay his fair share, you need to put your money where your mouth is, give up your pension and get a real job where you are producing something.

At least before you ask some poor family to give up their food stamps.
"Tax the rich!!" The mating call of the far-left moonbat.

The problem is, taxing the rich doesn't work. It's not enough money to fund your precious Nanny Government very long.

People far smarter than you have done the math. You can confiscate every single penny the rich have...and it'll fund your government from January to August...then you're back to square one.

How 'bout you do something? Nothing's keeping you from voluntarily sending extra money to the Treasury.

Pony up, Skippy. Put your money where your fat, greedy mouth is.
Guy, you are missing the point.

What the GOP is saying - again - is that religious crazies should be able to tell women what to do with their own lady parts.

Fine. That's your point. And I'll grant you that, for some of them anyway, that's true. But that's not what the Hobby Lobby case is about.

And that's why....
The Democrats need to keep talking about this, because it's only a matter of time before we get one of you guys making a statement like "Legitimate Rape" or "Gift from God" rape.

Exactly. It's politically important that the Democrats steer people from thinking about the actual ideological issues at the heart of this case.

the ideological issue on this case is clear.

Using religion to rationalize misogyny.

You have to engage in some hefty mental gymnastics to find anti- contraception or anti-abortion verses in the bible.

So are we going to have a rule now that you don't have to follow laws you don't like if you can prove they "offend" your religion?
There is no misogyny in this case.

Why do progressives have to lie all the time?
So, you refused to do anything about it.

Then shut the fuck up. We're not obligated to solve your problems for you because you refuse to.

No, guy, I expect nothing from you other than being a selfish, mean-spirited, racist, misogynistic and homophobic asshole.

so there's no chance of you ever evolving into a decent human being, we are just going to regulate your lot to political irrelevency. Because inevitably, the liberal argument ALWAYS wins in the end.

"Tax the rich!!" The mating call of the far-left moonbat.

The problem is, taxing the rich doesn't work. It's not enough money to fund your precious Nanny Government very long.

People far smarter than you have done the math. You can confiscate every single penny the rich have...and it'll fund your government from January to August...then you're back to square one.

How 'bout you do something? Nothing's keeping you from voluntarily sending extra money to the Treasury.

Pony up, Skippy. Put your money where your fat, greedy mouth is.

When you give up sucking on the government teet, I'll send more.

Point is, taxing the rich worked just fine. Under that Commie bastard Eisenhower, we taxed the rich at 93%, and guess what, we paid for the best schools and the best infrastructure we ever had, the middle class lived nicely, and even the rich didn't have it too bad.

Taxing the rich works just fine. Worked fine when we did it in this country, works fine when the Europeans and Japanese do it.
There is no misogyny in this case.

Why do progressives have to lie all the time?

YOu want to tell women what they can do with their bodies because you don't like the fact they are choosing when to be mothers, and trying to claim you're not misogynistic.

LOL, so you disagree with Republicans on every issue, but you are one. Or were. I disagree with Republicans on most issues say I'm not one, but it turns out I am one as well.

So since you think Republicans disagree with the Republican party, would Democrats be the ones who agree with them? How does that work exactly?

I wouldn't know. I think the Republican Party used to be sane until they decided to start pandering to you extremists who have nowhere else to go, anyway.

So you're a Republican because you're fucking nuts? I can't disagree with that. Why am I one then?

Uh, gee, I don't know, maybe that 'Let them die" mentality you LiberTARDians have.

Why am I even talking to a Libertarian Retard, anyway?

So, you refused to do anything about it.

Then shut the fuck up. We're not obligated to solve your problems for you because you refuse to.

No, guy, I expect nothing from you other than being a selfish, mean-spirited, racist, misogynistic and homophobic asshole.
And yet, oddly, you have never been able to prove any of those things. NOTE: The voices in your head are not reliable witnesses.
so there's no chance of you ever evolving into a decent human being...
Decent human beings don't demand what they haven't earned.
...we are just going to regulate your lot to political irrelevency. Because inevitably, the liberal argument ALWAYS wins in the end. the point of a government gun, regardless of what they people want.
"Tax the rich!!" The mating call of the far-left moonbat.

The problem is, taxing the rich doesn't work. It's not enough money to fund your precious Nanny Government very long.

People far smarter than you have done the math. You can confiscate every single penny the rich have...and it'll fund your government from January to August...then you're back to square one.

How 'bout you do something? Nothing's keeping you from voluntarily sending extra money to the Treasury.

Pony up, Skippy. Put your money where your fat, greedy mouth is.

When you give up sucking on the government teet, I'll send more.
Again...I earn what I get. You changing the definitions of words may make you feel better about your greed, but it doesn't alter reality one whit.

And you're not kidding anyone. You'll never send a dime to the government that you don't have to. You're pissed that you have to pay taxes at all. You think you're entitled to what other people have earned. THEY should be paying YOU.

Point is, taxing the rich worked just fine. Under that Commie bastard Eisenhower, we taxed the rich at 93%, and guess what, we paid for the best schools and the best infrastructure we ever had, the middle class lived nicely, and even the rich didn't have it too bad.

Taxing the rich works just fine. Worked fine when we did it in this country, works fine when the Europeans and Japanese do it.

Once again, for the progressivism-impaired:

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really. - Forbes
Progressives say, if you’re so worried about the deficit, raise taxes! There are lots of rich people around, squandering money. On my show, David Callahan of the group Demos put it this way: “Wealthy Americans who have done so well in the past decade should help get us out.”

But it’s a fantasy to imagine that raising taxes on the rich will solve our deficit problem. If the IRS grabbed 100 percent of income over $1 million, the take would be just $616 billion. That’s only a third of this year’s deficit. Our national debt would continue to explode.

It’s the spending, stupid.


Progressives claim an increase in tax rates won’t stop producers from producing. But they presumably understand that people don’t work for free. When the top marginal rate was 90 percent, actor Ronald Reagan worked just half the year. As soon as he made enough money such that every additional dollar was taxed at 90 percent, he stopped working and went off to ride horses. Reagan later said that woke him up to the damage that high taxes impose.

Maryland created a special “tax on the rich” that legislators said would bring in $106 million. Instead, the state lost $257 million. Some of Maryland’s rich just left the state. When New York state hiked its income tax on millionaires, billionaire Tom Golisano moved to Florida, which has no personal income tax. “[M]y personal income tax last year would’ve been $13,800 a day,” he told us. “Would you like to write a check for $13,800 a day to a state government, as opposed to moving to another state?”

Even Donald Trump, who gets so much wrong, gets this one right. He says of rich people, “They’re international people. Whether they live here or live in a place like Switzerland doesn’t really matter to them.”

We see the folly of trying to raise revenue with high taxes by looking at tax receipts over time. Before 1963, when Reagan rode his horse, every single dollar after $400,000 (in today’s dollars) was taxed at more than 90 percent. And government revenues equaled about 18 percent of gross domestic product. Then the top rate was lowered to 70 percent, then to 50 percent, and then to as low as 30 percent, before it was raised back to 40 percent in the 1990s. Despite those sharp changes, the chart below shows that tax revenue seldom exceeded 20 percent or fell below 17 percent of GDP.​

We could get by on Eisenhower's tax rates because government wasn't nearly as big as it is today.

Now it's too big. Stealing money from the rich won't solve anything. As Stossel said, it’s the spending, stupid.
You guys are still upset that you can't force people to pay for the abortion pills of people who probably dont even want them.
There is no misogyny in this case.

Why do progressives have to lie all the time?

YOu want to tell women what they can do with their bodies because you don't like the fact they are choosing when to be mothers, and trying to claim you're not misogynistic.

So, you choose to refute the claim that progressive lie all the lying.

You simply can't help it, can you?

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