Democrats Folding????

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all." -Frédéric Bastiat

But, but, show me where the Republicans have offered anything in its place? :eusa_whistle:

But, but, show me where it is the responsibility of the federal government to control healthcare costs [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION]? :eusa_whistle:

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all." -Frédéric Bastiat

The Republican healthcare plan.


The Democrats healthcare plan:

Too bad the FACTS expose your discredited Heritage Foundation as nothing but deliberate distortion and outright misinformation, [MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION].

Is The Heritage Foundation Credible? | Accuracy.Org

Oh sweetie - really? An article from March 17, 1999 by a radical left-wing organization? :lmao:

Now how about you tell us again how the Constitution contains a "welfare clause" which says "the welfare of the people"?!? :lmao:


Who is the "General Welfare" for ?

The United States, stupid... (now go ahead - make that ultra ignorant response that I'm dying for you to make and which I know you're dumb enough to actually make :lol:)
Oh sweetie - really? An article from March 17, 1999 by a radical left-wing organization? :lmao:

Now how about you tell us again how the Constitution contains a "welfare clause" which says "the welfare of the people"?!? :lmao:


Who is the "General Welfare" for ?

The United States, stupid... (now go ahead - make that ultra ignorant response that I'm dying for you to make and which I know you're dumb enough to actually make :lol:)

What's the statement you are looking for?
"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all." -Frédéric Bastiat

But, but, show me where the Republicans have offered anything in its place? :eusa_whistle:

But, but, show me where it is the responsibility of the federal government to control healthcare costs [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION]? :eusa_whistle:

The fact that insurance companies were taking us to the cleaners and also the fact that we were having to pay for those who chose to just use the ER and leave us hanging to pay for it, that's what created the need for the federal government to control healthcare costs.

Who is the "General Welfare" for ?

The United States, stupid... (now go ahead - make that ultra ignorant response that I'm dying for you to make and which I know you're dumb enough to actually make :lol:)

What's the statement you are looking for?

Oh I'm going to wait for you to make it (which some liberal inevitably will) so you will have to own it. After all, I don't want to be accused of "baiting", "trolling", or "putting it in your head" now, do I?
The United States, stupid... (now go ahead - make that ultra ignorant response that I'm dying for you to make and which I know you're dumb enough to actually make :lol:)

What's the statement you are looking for?

Oh I'm going to wait for you to make it (which some liberal inevitably will) so you will have to own it. After all, I don't want to be accused of "baiting", "trolling", or "putting it in your head" now, do I?

Post #12 & #16

Which one is the statement you are looking for from me?
But, but, show me where the Republicans have offered anything in its place? :eusa_whistle:

But, but, show me where it is the responsibility of the federal government to control healthcare costs [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION]? :eusa_whistle:

The fact that insurance companies were taking us to the cleaners and also the fact that we were having to pay for those who chose to just use the ER and leave us hanging to pay for it, that's what created the need for the federal government to control healthcare costs.


Nobody is "taking you to the cleaners". If you don't like what a hospital charges [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION], you have the choice not to employ their services.

By the way - your cartoon proves how ignorant Dumbocrats are. Dumocrats pushed Social Securty through in 1931 - Republicans vehemently opposed it. Today it is bankrupt and insolvent.

Dumocrats pushed Medicare & Medicaid through in 1967 - Republicans vehemently opposed it. Today it is bankrupt and insolvent.

Only a Dumbocrat would make the pitch that government cannot afford their small piece of the healthcare pie (Medicare & Medicaid) so they must increase their size of the pie... This is the idiot equivalent of someone not being able to afford a Lamborghini so they petition a bank for credit to own a fleet of Lamborghini's :bang3:

We're $17 trillion in debt because Dumbocrats can't stop trying to purchase votes... so tell us again how raising the price of healthcare and health insurance while asking the government to cover the bill will solve the problem? :lmao:
But, but, show me where the Republicans have offered anything in its place? :eusa_whistle:

But, but, show me where it is the responsibility of the federal government to control healthcare costs [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION]? :eusa_whistle:

The fact that insurance companies were taking us to the cleaners and also the fact that we were having to pay for those who chose to just use the ER and leave us hanging to pay for it, that's what created the need for the federal government to control healthcare costs.

So it's your position then [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION] that if I feel Ferrari is taking me to the cleaners for the cost of a Testarossa, the U.S. government has the right to take them over and give me the Testarossa for less? :cuckoo:

Well aren't we just the little Adolf Hitler Nazi. Don't like the price of something? Just have the federal government take it over by force! :eusa_doh:
But, but, show me where the Republicans have offered anything in its place? :eusa_whistle:

But, but, show me where it is the responsibility of the federal government to control healthcare costs [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION]? :eusa_whistle:

The fact that insurance companies were taking us to the cleaners and also the fact that we were having to pay for those who chose to just use the ER and leave us hanging to pay for it, that's what created the need for the federal government to control healthcare costs.

Heritage Foundation! Bwahahaha:lol::lol::lol::lol: Even worse than Faux News.

Doesn't seem like there was any reason for you to learn to read, does it.
Is that your excuse? Why you just watch Faux News? :lol::lol:

Folks of your political persuasion regularly require that information be spoon-fed to I'll entertain your limitations.

Of course your post is a fabrication, as at no time did I state or imply that Fox is my only source of information.

In fact, you said that because I embarrassed you by pointing out that your post suggested that you eschew all opposing sources.

I read books on both sides of the divide, watch the talking heads on all channels, and actually consider all information.
That is why you will find that I can back up everything I post.

You, on the other hand....a 'reliable Democrat voter.'

I hope you realize that that is not a compliment.
But, but, show me where it is the responsibility of the federal government to control healthcare costs [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION]? :eusa_whistle:

The fact that insurance companies were taking us to the cleaners and also the fact that we were having to pay for those who chose to just use the ER and leave us hanging to pay for it, that's what created the need for the federal government to control healthcare costs.


Nobody is "taking you to the cleaners". If you don't like what a hospital charges [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION], you have the choice not to employ their services.
What's the alternative - die? Oh yeah, I forgot another of the Republican's health care plan. "Don't get sick, and if you do, hurry up and die"!

[ame=]Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' - YouTube[/ame]

By the way - your cartoon proves how ignorant Dumbocrats are. Dumocrats pushed Social Securty through in 1931 - Republicans vehemently opposed it. Today it is bankrupt and insolvent.
Today, many Republicans are on Social Security, and if it wasn't for that program being there, they would be on Welfare. Oh yeah, and they would still be voting againg SS and Welfare! :lol::lol:

Dumocrats pushed Medicare & Medicaid through in 1967 - Republicans vehemently opposed it. Today it is bankrupt and insolvent.
Yeah, so much so that many Republicans have voiced their concern over the government messing with it. And the Tea Party don't want you messing with it either, so you're all alone buddy.


The tea party is apparently not on the Medicare-Medicaid-cutting bandwagon, so reports The Atlantic Wire.

In a recent McClatchy-Marist poll, 70 percent of ‘tea party supporters’ strongly opposed cutting the healthcare plan for the elderly and indigent, compared to about 80 percent of registered voters.

Poll: Tea Party Not on Board Medicare/Medicaid Cuts

Only a Dumbocrat would make the pitch that government cannot afford their small piece of the healthcare pie (Medicare & Medicaid) so they must increase their size of the pie... This is the idiot equivalent of someone not being able to afford a Lamborghini so they petition a bank for credit to own a fleet of Lamborghini's :bang3:

If we have enough government to give the wealthy more tax cuts, and big corporations subsidies and tax cuts, we certainly can afford to provide "Affordable Healthcare" - which by the way "affordable" means people have to pay for it - it's not free, like the tax cuts and subsidies you willingly give the 1% and corporations. So, stop with the whining.

We're $17 trillion in debt because Dumbocrats can't stop trying to purchase votes... so tell us again how raising the price of healthcare and health insurance while asking the government to cover the bill will solve the problem?
No, we're $17 trillion in debt because Republican president Bush went after the wrong country when we were attacked on 9/11 and pushed for two worthless wars. Also, his tax cuts for the rich, which were supposed to bring jobs, left us poor and with no jobs.

Get your facts straight.
Doesn't seem like there was any reason for you to learn to read, does it.
Is that your excuse? Why you just watch Faux News? :lol::lol:

Folks of your political persuasion regularly require that information be spoon-fed to I'll entertain your limitations.
Another mythical opinion pushed by Faux News and accepted as truth by the follow-the-jumping-ball sheeple.

Of course your post is a fabrication, as at no time did I state or imply that Fox is my only source of information.
It don't matter - the faux news is repeated and regurgitated by Heritage Foundation, Rush Limbaugh and other Republican/conservatives, but it's all the same bullshit.

In fact, you said that because I embarrassed you by pointing out that your post suggested that you eschew all opposing sources.
I'm not embarrassed by the erroneous assertions made by the extreme rw sheeple, most of it is so ridiculous, I'm surprised that they even believe it themselves.

I read books on both sides of the divide, watch the talking heads on all channels, and actually consider all information.
That is why you will find that I can back up everything I post.
Sure you do, but it's all backed up by Heritage Foundation, Briebart, Faux News and Washington Times, which all repeat the same garbage.

You, on the other hand....a 'reliable Democrat voter.'
You got that right, better than a conservative sheeple.

I hope you realize that that is not a compliment.
I don't expect your submerged mind to think of it as a compliment, but maybe when you grow up, you'll look back and realize, OMG, I paid her a compliment.
Is that your excuse? Why you just watch Faux News? :lol::lol:

Folks of your political persuasion regularly require that information be spoon-fed to I'll entertain your limitations.
Another mythical opinion pushed by Faux News and accepted as truth by the follow-the-jumping-ball sheeple.

It don't matter - the faux news is repeated and regurgitated by Heritage Foundation, Rush Limbaugh and other Republican/conservatives, but it's all the same bullshit.

I'm not embarrassed by the erroneous assertions made by the extreme rw sheeple, most of it is so ridiculous, I'm surprised that they even believe it themselves.

Sure you do, but it's all backed up by Heritage Foundation, Briebart, Faux News and Washington Times, which all repeat the same garbage.

You, on the other hand....a 'reliable Democrat voter.'
You got that right, better than a conservative sheeple.

I hope you realize that that is not a compliment.
I don't expect your submerged mind to think of it as a compliment, but maybe when you grow up, you'll look back and realize, OMG, I paid her a compliment.

Let me guess: government school grad?

A Democrat Senator opposing "the One"???

1. "Jeanne Shaheen Calls For Obamacare Enrollment Deadline Extension

2. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) called on the White House Tuesday to extend the open enrollment deadline for Obamacare because of the government's glitchy website rollout.

3. In a letter to the White House ...Shaheen said her constituents have faced "incredibly frustrating and disappointing" issues with,....

4. ... people that have tried, and failed, to enroll online may become frustrated and not return to the website to try again ...

5. Shaheen is the first Democrat to support an extension of the enrollment deadline.

6. Republican Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said he would introduce a bill with a similar premise -- calling for a delay to the penalty that uninsured Americans will face if they do not sign up for insurance before the March deadline.

7. "It's not fair to punish people..."
Jeanne Shaheen Calls For Obamacare Enrollment Deadline Extension

The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceeding fine.
this isnt folding. Folding would be her coming out saying Obamacare is a failure, lets scrap it.

Folks of your political persuasion regularly require that information be spoon-fed to I'll entertain your limitations.
Another mythical opinion pushed by Faux News and accepted as truth by the follow-the-jumping-ball sheeple.

It don't matter - the faux news is repeated and regurgitated by Heritage Foundation, Rush Limbaugh and other Republican/conservatives, but it's all the same bullshit.

I'm not embarrassed by the erroneous assertions made by the extreme rw sheeple, most of it is so ridiculous, I'm surprised that they even believe it themselves.

Sure you do, but it's all backed up by Heritage Foundation, Briebart, Faux News and Washington Times, which all repeat the same garbage.

You got that right, better than a conservative sheeple.

I hope you realize that that is not a compliment.
I don't expect your submerged mind to think of it as a compliment, but maybe when you grow up, you'll look back and realize, OMG, I paid her a compliment.

Let me guess: government school grad?

Let me guess: Kindergarten flunkie?
Today, many Republicans are on Social Security, and if it wasn't for that program being there, they would be on Welfare. Oh yeah, and they would still be voting againg SS and Welfare!

Republicans are "on" Social Security because the government stole 60% of what they earned over their life time to pay for Social Security. How dumb are you [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION]? :lmao:

Why do you think Dumbocrats have to make their policies mandatory? Because conservatives would opt out and live a comfortable life - while your Dumbocrat masters need helpless moron's like you to be government dependent.

This little visual aid here explains just how stupid you really are (have someone explain this to you):

If we have enough government to give the wealthy more tax cuts, and big corporations subsidies and tax cuts, we certainly can afford to provide "Affordable Healthcare" - which by the way "affordable" means people have to pay for it - it's not free, like the tax cuts and subsidies you willingly give the 1% and corporations. So, stop with the whining.

What the hell? That's not even a coherent sentence. "If we enough government to give the wealthy more tax cuts". That is the equivalent of saying "if my rabbits toe nails are long enough, my snow will fall"... :lmao:

The entire premise of your absurd and very sad position is that what other people have actually belongs to you. A tax break doesn't "give" the wealthy anything. The money was already theirs to begin with you fuck'n moron. All you're doing is stealing a little less.

Since you're not terribly bright, please allow me to simplify this for you:

The fact that insurance companies were taking us to the cleaners and also the fact that we were having to pay for those who chose to just use the ER and leave us hanging to pay for it, that's what created the need for the federal government to control healthcare costs.

Nobody is "taking you to the cleaners". If you don't like what a hospital charges [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION], you have the choice not to employ their services.

What's the alternative - die? Oh yeah, I forgot another of the Republican's health care plan. "Don't get sick, and if you do, hurry up and die"!

The alternative is you provide "affordable healthcare" since you're the one who pretends to "care" so much. Become a doctor [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION] and offer your services for free to those who don't have any money and at a reduced rate to those who have little money.

See how simple that is? And - gasp! - unlike the Dumbocrat "plan" (and I use that term loosely), it's also Constitutional!

The fact that you won't do this though is evidence that you're a greedy, selfish asshole who doesn't give a damn about those in need out there. This is all about you fleecing your fellow citizens further for free shit.

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